My Name Is Pink: An Age Gap Dark Romance (Morally Questionable, #0.5)

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My Name Is Pink: An Age Gap Dark Romance (Morally Questionable, #0.5) Page 8

by Veronica Lancet

  "God, B. You feel so good." I rasp against her face, my lips seeking hers. I wait until she's ready and when she gives me a nudge, I start moving again. My arms come around her and I hold her tightly to my chest, driving my cock in and out of her. Her breathing picks up, so I quicken my pace, needing her to come all over my cock.

  "Theo," She cries, her nails scratching my back and wounding tightly around my neck. "Love you."

  "Love you too, sweetheart. So. Damn. Much." I growl in between thrusts. Her mouth is on mine as her walls grip my cock tightly, spasming around me. She lets out a soft moan, and I follow her, spilling myself inside of her. Relishing the feeling of marking her as mine.

  We stay like that for a moment, before I withdraw, running to the bathroom to get a washcloth. When I return, I spot a few droplets of blood smeared on her thighs and on the sheet — the evidence of her innocence. I clean her carefully, and she gives me the most satisfied purr.

  She's mine. She's finally mine.

  And for the first time, we fall asleep together.

  Chapter Ten

  "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN there." I say, in between bites of food. "The wedding was so dreamy. For once Martin spared no expense." I close my eyes, remembering how beautiful everything had been, and how Theo had made me feel like a princess.

  "And now you're a happily married woman." Vlad replies drily.

  "Very much so. You should try it. I'm positively glowing."

  "No thank you," he rolls his eyes at me before adding, "and shouldn't other people be telling you that? You're just praising yourself."

  I shrug. "Your loss. Wedded bliss is amazing. I now get at least four orgasms every day." I add, just to see the disgust appear on Vlad's face.

  "Ew, too many details, B."

  "Not enough details." I reply evilly. "You should see the way he works his cock in and out..."

  "B!" Vlad groans, putting his hands over his ears. You'd think that for all the gore he sees and causes, he'd be more open about human sexuality. Then again, Vlad is a different beast altogether. I wouldn't be surprised if he's never intimately touched a female before, or even a male. Not that I'd even find out if he had, since his private life is entirely too private.

  "Fine, fine. I'll stop talking about my husband's gorgeous ten inch cock." I say with a smirk as Vlad removes a knife from his jacket. "I'm stopping. For real this time." I hold my hands up.

  "Good. We have a kill to take care of." He shakes his head, walking out on me.

  "YOU HAD TO DO IT." I curse under my breath, using the back of my hand to wipe the blood off. Fuck, I'm practically covered in this shit.

  Vlad isn't faring much better. He's sitting on the floor between the two corpses, both of which have been ripped to shreds. Jack the ripper could take some pointers from Vlad. He's thoroughly soaked in blood, his eyes glazed with whatever's come over him, his nostrils flaring at the scent of blood.


  I'm fucking pissed. If there's one thing I hate about this killing business, is getting messy and bloody. That's why I prefer my pistols and killing from a distance. Then I won't have to wash out caked blood.


  I take out a napkin and I wipe some of the mess that's on my face when my phone rings.


  "Hi, sweetheart." My voice immediately changes, and I silently signal to Vlad to shut it—not that he's paying any attention to me.

  "Where are you, babe?" He asks me, and I'm already looking forward to seeing him at home.

  "I'm at work, silly." I half-joke, since this is indeed during my work hours. I just have other people take care of my workload while I do my other work. I frown as I fish a piece of flesh from my hair.

  Fucking hell!

  I take it and throw it at Vlad.

  "Really?" Theo asks, and I immediately assure him.

  "Of course, you know it's work hours."

  "Is that so? I think it slipped my mind." He adds, almost absentmindedly.

  "I'll see you at home. Love you!" I hang up, throwing my phone in my bag.

  "We need to clean this shit up. Now!" I direct Vlad, and he finally snaps out of his reverie.

  Chapter Eleven

  I CHECK OUT THE WINDOW shops, still undecided what I should get. Our wedding anniversary is approaching and even though I have a surprise planned for her, I still want to get her a little something so she knows she's constantly on my mind.

  Knowing how much she enjoys her sweets; I stop by a confectionary shop and I get her a selection of her favorite candy.

  To make the surprise even sweeter, I decide to drop by her work. At the front desk, I spot her secretary, Jessica.

  "I'm here to see Bianca." I say and wait to be buzzed in.

  "She's not in, Mr. Hastings." She gives me an apologetic smile.

  "She's not?" I frown, wondering where she could be.

  Shrugging, I take out my phone to call her. Maybe she's running some errands?

  "Where are you, babe?" I ask as soon as she responds.

  "I'm at work silly." She answers, her voice having the usual sweet quality to it. But this time it grates me.

  I tense, and I try to be as normal as possible in my reply

  "Really?" I drawl, a deep sense of worry mingled with disappointment settling in my stomach.

  "Of course, you know it's work hours." She continues with her lie.

  "Is that so? I think it slipped my mind." I quickly amend.

  "I'll see you at home. Love you!" She blurts before ending the call.

  I'm left staring at her office door, still unsure of what the hell happened. I ask Jessica not to tell Bianca I'd dropped by, insinuating it's a surprise. I walk out into the cool fall weather, my feet carrying me numbly towards my car. I'm not fine. Not even close.

  My sweet, innocent wife just lied to me.

  She effortlessly lied to my face.

  B, what are you hiding?



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  Bianca and Theo's journey continues in Morally Corrupt. What will happen once Theo realizes that their relationship is based on lies? What if Theo isn't as innocent either? The past is catching up with everyone, and the stakes are higher than ever. To find out, click HERE!

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  Morally Questionable Series

  Check out the other books in the series:

  Morally Corrupt (Bianca and Theo)

  Morally Blasphemous (Marcello and Catalina)

  Morally Decadent (Enzo Agosti's book, Coming Soon)

  Untitled #4 (Vlad's book, Coming Soon)




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