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Vampires Like It Hot

Page 3

by Lynsay Sands

  “What immortal would be stupid enough to live here in this hellish heat?” Santo asked.

  “Apparently, one who knows you can feed indiscriminately and not be taken to task for it,” Raffaele said, and when Santo raised his eyebrows, he explained, “Zani called Lucian first thing this morning about it. He said he’d contact the local Enforcers and have them contact us, but we haven’t heard anything yet. It’s looking like they can’t be bothered about it.”

  “Maybe I should call Lucian again,” Zanipolo suggested. “See what news he has.”

  “That or we could just leave it up to the locals to deal with,” Raffaele said, nodding slightly toward Santo. They were supposed to be ensuring their cousin relaxed, after all, not getting him involved in another hunt.

  “It could be Dressler,” Santo said suddenly, his face tight. “He likes warm-weather places.”

  “There were too many people bitten for it to be one man,” Raffaele said, his voice soothing.

  “Yeah,” Zanipolo agreed. “We saw dozens of mortals with bite marks out there on the beach today.”

  Santo’s eyebrows rose. “And none of them are wondering about it? About where they’re all getting the bite marks?”

  “They all have it in their heads that it’s a couple of insect bites close together,” Raffaele said in a dry voice. He’d started reading the minds of the passing sunbathers with bites to find out why they weren’t all freaking out. “But it is definitely more than one immortal feeding on the guests.”

  “Dressler could have turned minions,” Santo argued at once. “He’s had a year to do it. In that time, he could have turned dozens of them, and I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to create his own army.”

  Raffaele frowned. That was a possibility he hadn’t considered. Good Lord, Dressler creating an army of immortals. It was a scary thought, and one he suspected the man would enjoy. Dressler was just the sort of megalomaniac who would love to have an army of flunkies at his beck and call.

  “I’ll call Lucian and see what he’s heard,” Zanipolo decided, and headed for the bedroom, pulling his phone out of the beach bag he’d dragged down to the shore with them.

  Raffaele watched him go and then glanced worriedly toward Santo. They were supposed to see that he relaxed this trip. Finding themselves in the midst of a nest of rogue immortals was not relaxing.

  “He must be here at the resort,” Santo said suddenly. “He’s living here and turned the staff.”

  Raffaele raised his eyebrows with surprise. “The resort staff?”

  Santo nodded and pointed out, “They’d have access to the rooms. They could creep in while the guests were sleeping, or hell, while they were awake, and simply take control of them.”

  Raffaele shook his head at once. “I haven’t encountered any immortals on staff.”

  “We only got here at 5 a.m.,” Santo pointed out. “Other than the man who checked us in, there was no one around, and then you two headed straight down to the beach for a swim. The only staff you’ve encountered are day workers. The immortals wouldn’t work the day shift. They’d work nights.”

  Unfortunately, Raffaele couldn’t argue with that logic.

  “Lucian isn’t picking up. I got his voice mail,” Zanipolo announced, returning from the bedroom. “I left a message.”

  Raffaele nodded and then caught Santo’s arm as he headed for the door. “Where are you going?”

  “To see if there are immortals on staff,” Santo said grimly, trying to tug his arm free, but Raffaele held fast.

  “Just wait a damned minute for us to get changed and we’ll go with you,” he said, his voice short. “We can have a quick look around and then hit one of the restaurants so Zani can have dinner, and we’ll check out the staff there too. But a look is all we’re doing,” he added firmly. “We’re on vacation, remember? You’re supposed to be relaxing. So, we’ll see if we spot any immortals on staff and pass that info on to the immortal Enforcers when they show up, but that’s all. Got it?”

  When Santo scowled at him without responding, Raffaele added, “I really don’t want you to have to go through a 3-on-1, cugino, and you know Julius and Lucian will insist on one if we don’t help you get past what happened to you on the island. We need to concentrate on that, not on yet more rogues.”

  Santo closed his eyes, his body slumping slightly as he nodded in acquiescence.

  Relieved, Raffaele released his arm and patted his shoulder as he moved past him. “We’ll be quick about changing.”


  Jess slid out of the tiny ship’s bathroom, and then hesitated in the narrow hall, not eager to return above deck. Apparently “feed the sharks” was Punta Cana–speak for party. At least, that was the only thing she could think. They’d been sailing for a good hour now without stopping, and the sun had set. It didn’t seem likely to her that they’d “feed the sharks” in the dark. After all, why bother if they couldn’t see them eating?

  Aside from that, the moment the sun had disappeared there had been a distinct change in the crew. Music had been turned on, and was now pounding from speakers all over the ship. Then clothes had started to disappear. Every single male crewmember had stripped off their shirts, vests, and jackets and were now running around in just their pantaloons. The female members of the crew weren’t even wearing that. They’d stripped down to bikinis that were sexy enough to heat up the ship without the glare of the sun to aid it.

  Vasco was the only one who hadn’t stripped. He still wore the same outfit he had when Allison had dragged her to him, but his personality had definitely changed, although she couldn’t exactly pinpoint how. He hadn’t seemed tense before, so it wasn’t exactly that he seemed more relaxed. And the man was still charming, but there was an added something to his attitude. Perhaps a touch of anticipation, combined with a sly smile that she’d caught at times, as if he was secretly amused at something he knew and they didn’t.

  Jess found it a bit disconcerting, and was reluctant to return to the helm. Especially since Vasco planned to show them the captain’s cabin when she did. At least, that was what he’d said as she’d slipped away to find the bathroom he’d given her directions to. “I’ll have my first mate, Cristoval, take over the wheel when you return and will show you and your cousin my cabin.”

  There hadn’t been anything suggestive in his words or tone, but the hungry way he’d looked her over as he’d said it had made her leery.

  A startled half cry that was quickly cut off caught her ear and Jess peered along the hall in the direction it had come from. It had sounded like a cry of pain, and it had come from the back of the ship. The opposite direction to the one she needed to take to return to the deck. That in itself was reason enough for Jess to decide she should check it out and make sure everything was okay. After all, someone might have had an accident and need help. Right?

  Jess moved along the hall, looking through the doors she passed. Every single one was open. Through each one she saw a small bed built into the wall and other furnishings. Every room she passed was presently unoccupied. The hall ended at a doorway without a door. It opened into a large room that appeared to run from one side of the ship to the other. It was also a good fifteen or twenty feet deep.

  Pausing in the entry, Jess peered curiously around, noting the cupboards and the two long wooden tables, each with benches on either side. It was obviously where the crew ate, she thought, and believing it to be empty, started to turn to leave, but stopped when she spotted a couple several feet away along the wall. One of the men from the wedding party and one of the female crew stood about ten feet away from her. Well, he was actually sagging against the wall, held up by the woman kneeling before him. She was pressing him against the wall with a hand at his stomach. Her other hand was wrapped around the base of his penis before it disappeared into her mouth.

  Jess wasn’t a Peeping Tom. Normally, she would have averted her eyes and retreated quickly to give them their privacy . . . if that was what you could ca
ll going down on someone in a public room. However, this time Jess didn’t retreat. She was held transfixed, her attention caught by the sight of the bright red blood dripping from the woman’s chin and splashing onto the wooden floor.

  Horror rising within her, Jess lifted her gaze to the man’s face. She didn’t know him. He was a guest of the groom’s, but she’d been introduced to everyone and thought his name was Tyler. He’d seemed a nice enough guy, friendly and cheerful, but right now he was staring down at the woman with his mouth open on a silent scream of horror and pain.

  “Mmm, good.”

  Jess jerked her gaze down to the woman at that, and found she’d released Tyler’s poor abused and bleeding member and was peering at her with a wide smile on her bloody face . . . a smile that revealed two long and pointy, bloodstained fangs.

  “I bet you’re tasty too,” the woman added, smacking her lips obscenely. “Too bad you’re Vasco’s dinner tonight. Maybe another time, hmm?”


  Jess turned her head sharply at that call, and peered up the hall to where Allison now stood scowling at her from the bottom of the steps leading up to the main deck.

  “Come on,” her cousin said with irritation. “Vasco won’t show me his cabin without you. He sent me to fetch you while he waits for his first mate, Cristo.”

  “Run along, little one,” the creature with Tyler said with amusement. “You shouldn’t keep Vasco waiting. He has a temper. Besides, he’s not like me. He’ll make sure you enjoy it. I promise.”

  When Jess turned to peer at the woman, the crewmember’s gaze became concentrated and she added, “Now go to Vasco and give him a big kiss. Tell him it’s from Ildaria.”

  Jess found herself turning and leaving the room, her only thought that she should go to Vasco.

  “What were you doing?” Allison asked with annoyance as Jess approached. “I thought you had to go to the bathroom? It’s up here, not back there.”

  “I have to go to Vasco,” Jess said, continuing past her.

  “No shit, I just said that,” Allison snapped with irritation, hustling to keep up with her. “Hang on. Wait for me. I found him. He’s mine. Remember that and clear out the first chance you get or I’ll make your life miserable.”

  Jess didn’t respond; she was already mounting the steps to the main deck. She was vaguely aware that Allison was nattering at her the whole way across the ship to the steps to the upper deck where the helm was, but nothing her cousin was saying was piercing the bubble Jess was now in. All she was really aware of was that she had to go to Vasco, kiss him, and tell him it was from Ildaria.

  “Ah! There you are. I was beginning to worry.” Vasco grinned at them as they stepped onto the quarterdeck. Gesturing for the tall, bare-chested pirate next to him to take the wheel, the captain stepped away from it and watched them approach. His eyebrows rose as he took in Jess’s expression, though, and he murmured, “What do we have here? Have you been exploring where you shouldn’t have?”

  Jess didn’t respond. She didn’t stop either until she was directly in front of him, and then she reached up on tiptoe, slid her hand around his neck, and tugged, whispering, “From Ildaria.”

  Amusement curved Vasco’s lips, but he lowered his head willingly for Jess to press her mouth to his. She had only intended to give him a quick peck, but the moment their lips touched, a strange, almost electric charge went through Jess and she gasped in surprise. She was vaguely aware of Allison’s outraged howl, and the startled sound Vasco made, but then his mouth pressed more firmly on hers and his tongue thrust between her lips to fill her, and she was lost to a sudden and violent passion that swept through her like a tidal wave.

  It was like nothing Jess had ever experienced. She was no innocent, but this was the first time she’d lost herself so completely in a simple kiss that she forgot where she was and just who she was kissing.

  “What the hell! Jesus, Jess! I just told you he was mine! Get off of him! Get off! Get off! Get off!”

  Those orders rang out in concert with the blows Allison was showering on Jessica’s back and shoulders. Gasping in startled pain at a well-placed blow to her kidney, Jess tore her mouth from Vasco’s and blinked with confusion as she realized that she was presently clinging to the pirate captain like a koala up a tree. His hat was gone, dislodged by her fingers, which were presently buried in his hair, still tugging in demand, and her legs were wrapped around his hips so tightly that their groins were pressed firmly together.

  Shocked, Jess was about to scramble down off the man when Allison grabbed her arm and yanked hard, cussing her out the entire time for her betrayal. Jess would have fallen backward and probably would have landed headfirst if Vasco hadn’t tightened his arms and saved her. Turning away from the still-shrieking Allison, he set her down gently, and then swung back to give her cousin a narrow-eyed glare. That was all. He just glared at her in a concentrated way and she settled down at once.

  Apparently satisfied by her submissive behavior, he turned back to Jess and his expression changed at once. A smile eased onto his face, and he ran one finger lightly down her cheek, murmuring, “Ildaria obviously knows what I like. You are a delicious little bundle. You’ve actually managed to reawaken my passions. I think I might even fuck you while I feed.”

  Jess barely heard the words; she was too distracted by the feel of his fingers caressing her cheek and the way her body shivered in response. But when his hand fell away, she glanced nervously toward Allison to see how she was reacting to the captain’s attention to her. Jess expected her cousin to be glaring daggers at her at the very least, but Allison was still and blank-faced.

  “Really?” the first mate, Cristoval, said, drawing her attention back to the two men. “You haven’t done that in centuries, Vasco.”

  “No, I haven’t,” Vasco agreed thoughtfully, a frown tugging at his lips as he peered at Jess.

  “Have you tried to read her?” Cristoval asked.

  Jess blinked in confusion at the question, but Vasco apparently understood. Straightening, he nodded slowly. “I cannot read her, but am a little fired up just now and still controlling her cousin. I will try again once I get her to my cabin. My passions should have cooled a bit by then.”

  Jess frowned. Her passion was cooling quickly now that she was no longer touching the man and his words were finally making their way through the clearing mist. It was raising questions in her. What did he mean he was still controlling her cousin? And had he really said he planned to fuck her while he fed? Was that why he wanted to “show them his cabin”? He planned to feed on her there? Feed like the woman Ildaria was doing to Tyler? To her mind, that made the cabin the very last place Jess wanted to go. She glanced to Allison, hoping to signal her that the cabin was a no-go and enlist her aid in avoiding it, but her cousin was still standing silent and blank-faced.


  Jess glanced around with alarm when he took her arm and started to lead her away from the helm, saying, “You’ve got the wheel, Cristo. Let me know when we reach international waters.”

  “Aye-aye, Capitan,” the first mate responded, but then asked, “Have you any orders regarding Ildaria?”

  Vasco stopped abruptly, his hold bringing Jess to a halt as well. She tried to tug her arm free then, but his fingers were like a vise around her upper arm. Not painfully tight, just firm.

  “Ildaria?” Vasco asked now, not even seeming to notice that she was trying to get free of his hold.

  Cristo nodded. “I can read the señorita, and she caught Ildaria with one of the guests . . . starting the festivities early again.”

  As Vasco frowned and glanced around at the night surrounding them, Cristo said, “The wind is good now that we’re around the point, but there was little when we first set out. We can’t be more than six or seven miles out yet,” he finished meaningfully.

  It was a meaning that completely escaped Jess. She had no idea what the distance they’d traveled had to do with anything. The w
oman, Ildaria, had been chewing on Tyler’s penis like it was a pickle. And she’d had fangs! That memory had her peering anxiously toward Allison again, but while her cousin had followed them when they’d started to leave, and stopped when they’d stopped, she was now simply standing there, still looking blank-faced. She wasn’t going to be any help at all in getting out of this situation.

  A violent curse drew Jess’s wary gaze to Vasco, and she watched nervously as he ran his free hand agitatedly through his hair. Letting his hand drop, he shook his head. “I will put the women in my cabin and then deal with Ildaria. Just let me know when we are in international waters.”

  Jess almost sighed her relief at the words. If Vasco left them alone in his cabin it would give her a chance to try to bring Allison around. It would also give her a bit of time to think of a way out of this mess, she thought, and then noted the concentrated way Cristo was peering at her. Afraid he was reading her thoughts, she shut them down at once.

  The moment she did, a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and then he glanced back to Vasco and offered, “I could get Gascon to take the helm, and deal with Ildaria for you myself. That way you need not leave the women alone.”

  Jess started to tense up with alarm, but Vasco shook his head and said, “I am the captain. It is my responsibility. You warned Ildaria the first time. I will warn her this last time. I want to be sure she understands the consequences if she disobeys orders again.”

  “Sí, Capitan,” Cristo said solemnly, and then asked, “Did you want to leave the troublesome one with me?”

  Much to her relief, Vasco again shook his head. “If—” he began, and then paused, his mouth hanging open briefly as he stared down at Jess.

  “Jessica,” Cristo said gently. “Her name is Jessica.”

  “Jessica,” Vasco said the name softly, and smiled at her.

  “Her full name is Jessica Anne Stewart,” Cristo added, apparently plucking the information out of thin air. Unless Allison had told him her name at some point, Jess thought with a frown as Cristo added, “And I am quite sure she is your mate, Vasco. I am hearing your thoughts.”


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