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Happily Ever After: A Contemporary Romance Boxed Set

Page 82

by Piper Rayne

  Tears well in my eyes, but they’ll never fall in public, not even in front of my sister.

  “Thank you,” I say, voice shaking with emotion.

  “Of course.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, standing straight and regaining my composure. “You should be with Dima.”

  “They’re still—” she stops. We both know they’re still on the ice celebrating because we can still hear the roar of the crowd.

  “Dima is the first Russian to win a Stanley Cup. The Dining Room will be hopping tonight.” I smile.

  “Are you staying or is the team flying out tonight?” she asks, ignoring my question.

  I lean against the wall. “Some of the guys are leaving, but most are staying. A lot of them have family here who don’t have flights out until tomorrow.”

  “What are you doing?” She reaches out to fix the collar of my suit coat. That simple act sends a flood of emotion through me, and I swallow hard. Knowing someone loves me and cares about me is what I needed.

  “Can I stay at your apartment?”

  Above the store my sister owns, there’s a beautiful apartment she fixed up to be used by visitors. As far as I know, my grandmother and I are the only people who have ever stayed there.

  “Of course,” she assures me, rubbing my back. “Is Katya in town?”

  I look up to the ceiling. “We broke up.”

  “I’m sorry, Vanya. I didn’t know.”

  She tries to grab my hand, but I wave her away. “It’s no problem, seriously.”

  “Do you want company?”

  What in the world is she talking about? Her fiancé just won the Stanley Cup. That comes before wallowing with me—the brother who left her stranded in the USSR while he defected to a better life.

  “You think Dima will let you hang out with me tonight?”

  “What is this ‘let me?’ Like I’m some kind of kept woman.” She scowls. Any other day, I’d laugh, but I can’t find it in my heart right now.

  “It’s a big night for him, Stasya.”

  “And it’s a difficult night for you. He’ll be celebrating all night. He won’t even know I’m not there. Who needs me more?

  “He will be your husband soon.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I don’t think he will.”

  I raise one eyebrow, hoping she continues. Does she know Kirya is alive?

  “We can talk at the apartment.”

  Before I met Katya, every time I was in New York, I stayed at my sister’s apartment above her store. That’s where we head tonight. When we get there, Stasya goes right to the kitchen and makes us both a cup of tea. I shrug off my coat and kick off my shoes before collapsing on the couch.

  She hands me a mug and sits next to me, curling one leg under her.

  “How long have you known, Vanya?” she asks quietly, not meeting my eyes.

  Her question takes me off guard. I thought she’d ask about Katya or want to console me over the loss. “Known what?”

  “How long have you known that Kirya was alive?” She’s biting her bottom lip when she looks up at me, as if she’s holding back.

  “Awhile,” I say.

  “Just tell me the truth, Vanya!” When she raises her voice, her entire body shakes and tea spills onto her lap. Tears seep out of the corners of her eyes. “I can’t take any more secrets and lies.”

  My stomach drops. How many times can I break my sister’s heart? I reach out, take the cup, and place it on the coffee table. “I’ve always known.”

  She doesn’t look surprised as she wipes at the tears. “It’s what I get for getting involved with the mafia, right?”

  “You can’t help who you fall in love with.”

  She laughs, but there’s no humor. “I found out the night Dima proposed to me.”

  My eyes widen. “I was there that night. You, you said yes to Dima.”

  “It was after,” she whispers. “When I went to the bathroom.”

  I don’t know what to say. With as vigilant as Kirya has been about not wanting Stasya to know about him for three years, it doesn’t make sense that he’d slip up.

  “How?” I shake my head. “Did he come to you?”

  “No. He was walking in just as I was coming back up the stairs. It rattled him.” She wipes her nose. “But not as rattled as I was. I’ve been seeing him ever since, Vanya. I can’t help myself. I can’t stop. Kirya is my past, my present, and my future. He’s my soul. I can’t live without my soul.” It’s as if she’s confessing sins to me.

  “I’m not here to judge you, Stasya. But if Kirya is your future, you need to tell Dima.”

  She nods, swallowing hard and rubbing her eyes.

  * * *

  After two hours of talking, I’m exhausted. I finally convince her to go celebrate with Dmitri, even if it’s only for a little while.

  “Stasya, I am fine,” I say. “I don’t know what you two are going through right now, but you’re not a mean person. You should be there to celebrate with him.”

  She nods and gets up quickly.

  I grab her hands. “I’m not kicking you out of your own apartment.”

  “I know, Vanya. You’re right. I should be there with him.” She reaches out and touches my cheek. “Thank you.”

  Without another word, she grabs her purse and leaves.

  I lock the door behind her, then shuffle to the bedroom, wondering why love has to be so complicated.



  My heart breaks for Vanya. He’s had the best year of his life. I’ve seen how focused he’s been on his game and his team. He put blood, sweat, and tears into being a leader and helping take his team to the series hockey players dream their entire lives about—the Stanley Cup Finals.

  And they lost.

  I’ve been at every game, traveling from New York to Detroit as if I were a player on either team. As soon as the buzzer sounded to end the game, I ran to the visitor’s locker room to wait for him. I may be the last person he wants to see right now when he’s already at his lowest, but I need him to see me. I need him to know I’ll be with him through the good and the bad. I need him know how I feel.

  Then I saw his sister, pacing the hallway outside the locker room, chewing her nails, and I realize how selfish it is to show up like this. It’s not my place to be here, to try to console him when we haven’t spoken in over a month. Before anyone sees me, I spin around and rush toward the exit to hail a cab back to my hotel.

  When I set my key on the dresser, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, all dressed up as if I’m going to a party. And all I feel is shame. When I got ready for the night, I was prepared to meet with Vanya during a celebration. Prepared to pop into his life at his happiest moment, where he’d be so excited to see me, we wouldn’t need to have any discussion about getting back together.

  Angerly, I tug the silver hoop earrings out and kick off my Louboutin heels, removing the rest of my clothes as I head to the bathroom. If I do this, I’m going to do it right.

  * * *

  The cab drops me off in front of Prekrasny, the clothing store Vanya’s sister owns on W. 57th Street. It’s been closed for hours, which is fine, because it’s not the store I’m here for. It’s the person in the apartment above it.

  I race up the stairs, taking two at a time, which is easy in my tennis shoes. Before I knock, I take a deep breath and reach up to tighten my ponytail. I rap on the door while letting out the breath.

  After a few seconds, I check my watch, then look behind me. The stairwell only goes to this door, so I’m not sure what I’m looking for. I knock again, harder this time.

  Behind the door, I hear shuffling, then the sound of the lock.

  “Katya?” Vanya asks, disoriented as he blinks. “What are you doing here?”

  His sleepy eyes widen, and he runs his hand through his hair, looking behind me as if I’ve brought others. There’s a towel wrapped around his waist, but his hair isn’t wet.

; “I—” I pause, gathering strength to look him in the eye. “I had to see you. Especially after—” I cover my face with one hand, losing my nerve now that I’m in front of him. “I’ll always be here for you, Vanya. Through good and bad.” I turn around and move toward the steps.

  “Katya! Wait!”

  I spin toward him, but can’t meet his eyes.

  “Come in.” He moves aside, giving me space to enter. I nod and slide past him, my elbow grazing his bare torso. A shiver courses through me.

  As the door closes, I feel a tug at my hair. When I spin around Vanya has a small smile on his lips.

  “It’s straight,” he says, absently. I tilt my head, but before I can ask, he continues. “It’s usually got some waves and tangles when it’s up like that.” He wiggles his fingers as he speaks. “You wear it straight when you go out.”

  Tears prick at my eyes. “I was at the game. I’ve been at every game of this series.”

  He looks toward the kitchen and chuckles. “It’s two a.m. Did you join the Russians celebrating at the Dining Room?”

  “No, I went to my hotel afterwards.” I clasp my hands together and twist my fingers. “I came here to tell you that I’m sorry.”

  “There’s always next year, right?” he says, lowering his head.

  “No, not the game.” I close my eyes and shake my head. “Well, yes, I’m sorry about the game—the series, but I mean I’m sorry about the video and the photos and—” The words come out quickly, saying them all in almost one breath.

  “Katya, don’t,” he says. “I’m the one who owes you an apology. I let the stress get to me. It made me insecure and jealous and I said things I regret.”

  I grab his hands and plead, “Let’s not do this, Vanya. If we rehash everything it won’t make any difference. It won’t solve anything.”

  He nods. “I know.”

  “I love you.” I bring his hands to my lips and kiss his fingers as I lift my gaze to his. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  He holds my gaze. “I love you, too. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything when you told me you loved me. I froze, froze like the coward that I am.”

  “You’re not a coward,” I whisper. “I never thought that.”

  “You mean everything to me, Katya. You are the sunshine that brightens my day and the darkness that lets me rest. Your strength enhances my own. My heart is completely open to you. I love you, Katya,” he says.

  If he keeps talking, I’ll start crying, and all I want is to have his arms around me.

  “Forget this talk. I need you.” I grab his face and pull it to mine, kissing him with a vibrant passion. He presses back, his tongue finding its way inside my mouth, massaging mine until we’re clashing. As we kiss, his deft fingers unzip my warm up jacket and shove it off my shoulders with urgency. The towel at his waist drops onto my shoes. His erection on display.

  He pulls away, grabbing the hem of my tank top, dragging it up my body and over my head. I’m breathless when he tugs my hand and leads me to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing in our wake.

  I need him like a fish needs water—to live. We kiss like tomorrow will never come, hands in each other’s hair, going at it with unparalleled intensity, the manifestation of our pent-up desires. By the time he backs me onto the bed, we’re both naked, and I’m pulsing with need.

  I fall onto my back, Vanya climbs over me, leans down, and presses his lips on mine. I reach up and grab his waist, pulling his pelvis toward me. When his cock hits my entrance, I inhale deeply, and when he thrusts into me, I cry out.

  “Oh Vanya, oh!” I moan into this mouth, letting my eyelids flutter shut.

  “Don’t close your eyes,” he orders, thrusting into me with every command. “Look at me. Feel me.”

  I do as I’m told, opening my eyes and using all of my senses to experience him. I grab onto him, digging my nails into his back and biting his shoulder, letting my tongue taste the salt on his skin. He rolls his pelvis into me, creating delicious friction on my clit as he fills me completely.

  He looks into my eyes, a mix of softness and desire. “I love you, Katya.”

  “I love you,” I say as I hit my peak.



  I can’t remember falling asleep, but when I wake up, Katya is in my arms, sleeping peacefully with her head on my chest. I run my hand over her back gently, thinking about how amazing it feels to have her here.

  Somehow, the worst day of my career turned into the best day of my personal life.

  The yin and yang of life.

  I kiss her forehead and wiggle out of bed slowly, so I don’t wake her. After using the bathroom and taking a quick shower, I shuffle to the kitchen to make coffee.

  After a double-take, I realize Katya is sitting on the couch, completely naked with her legs spread.

  I rub the back of my neck. “What? How? I thought you were still in bed.”

  “I was hungry,” she says, watching me as she slides a hand across her stomach and down to her pussy. “Aren’t you hungry, Vanya?”

  That’s all the invitation I need.

  I rush to the couch, and kneel before her, grabbing her hips and replacing her hand with my mouth. When I plunge my tongue inside her, she bucks off the couch, but I don’t let up. Instead, hook one arm around her thigh and place a hand on her stomach, licking and lapping. She cries out, grabs my hair, and circles her hips. I lift my eyes to watch her as I make her squirm and moan.

  “Vanya!” She screams out, then her voice is soft. “Oh, oh, oh.”

  Her pleasure has me harder than a steel rod. I remove my mouth, slap her outer thigh, and stand up. “Turn around and get on your knees.”

  Without another word, she flips over, gets on her knees, and clutches the back of the couch, while I guide my cock to her pussy, sliding into her slowly.

  “Yes, Katya! Oh my god!” I squeeze her hips, excited by the sight of her tight, toned ass as I slide in and out of her. I trail my hand down her back, then lean over, reaching around to rub her clit. My pace gets faster and harder when I feel my balls tighten. I’m going to come at any moment and I want her to come with me.

  Suddenly, the door opens, and my sister walks in with a bag in her hands.

  I pull out of Katya quickly and look around for something to cover us, but there’s nothing. “What the hell are you doing?” I yell.

  Staysa drops the bag and covers her eyes. “Oh my god, Vanya!”

  Katya scrambles to cover herself. “I thought Stasya lived somewhere else!” she hisses.

  “She does. She—”

  My sister doesn’t say another word, she just opens the door and exits.

  Katya and I meet each other’s gaze—and burst out laughing. She sits back on the couch and covers her face with her hands. I lean into her, kissing her neck as we laugh.

  “Well, that’s one way to ruin the mood,” she says, leaning into the cushions.

  “Ruin the mood?” I stand and look down at my still fully-erect penis. “My mood is not ruined.”

  “You’re so bad,” she teases, reaching up to take my cock in her hands.

  My stomach tightens in anticipation as I wait for her to take me into her mouth. “In the best way, yes?”

  “You must promise me that it will always be like this.”

  I glance at her. “Well, it needs about ten minutes between, but—”

  “Us, Vanya.” She cuts me off and looks into my eyes. “Promise me we’ll always forgive and have fun and laugh and make love.”

  I drop to my knees and wrap my arms around her. “That I can promise, my love.”

  If I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s that nothing worth having comes easy. Among the good, there will always be pain and tough times woven through. But when it’s worth it, you adapt, forgive, and fight, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing to keep us together.

  * * *


  Thank you for reading Keep It Together.

bsp; If you’re intrigued by the mystery surrounding Stasya and Kirya, start reading their epic love story in SAINTS!

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  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling Author Sophia Henry is a proud Detroit native who fell in love with reading, writing, and hockey all before she became a teenager. She did not, however, fall in love with snow. So after graduating with a Creative Writing degree from Central Michigan University, she moved to warm and sunny North Carolina to live out the remainder of her winters.

  She spends her days writing steamy, heartfelt contemporary romance and tweeting personal stories which she hopes resonate with and encourage others. When she’s not writing, she’s chasing her two high-energy sons and an equally high-energy Plott Hound, watching her beloved Detroit Red Wings, or rocking out at as many concerts as she can possibly attend.

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  Shatter Me

  By Mallory Fox

  Mallory Fox

  Shatter Me

  A Broken Romance Book One

  * * *


  * * *

  I knew who he was the moment I saw him. I’d heard the stories and the legend. I knew the risk. He’s strong. Dangerous too. Carved from perfection. The scars make him all the more beautiful to me.

  It won’t be long before the brothers destroy him and take out my entire family. He’s hell bent on getting himself killed just to protect me. I came here to save my own. I didn’t expect to be drawn to him. To have to make a choice.


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