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Page 39

by Nicky Charles

  “Reno… ” Brandi called out his name, worry thick in her voice.

  Reno gritted his teeth and dug his free hand into the soil while feeling for another foothold. There! Something solid was under his foot.

  “Okay, I’m braced on something.” He took a deep breath and began to try to claw his way back up. Slowly, inch by inch he moved upward. Damien was able to move his grip from wrist, to forearm, to elbow and then, finally, Reno found himself lying face up on solid ground.

  For a moment he just lay there, the rain beating down on him washing away the dirt from his face. He never realized how much he disliked being dirty and a small bubble of laughter at the idea escaped him.

  There was a snorting sound beside him and he opened his eyes. It was Brandi. The clothes she wore were soaking wet and filthy. Her face was pale and streaked with mud, little corkscrew curls clung to her forehead.

  He eased himself up and gave her a crooked smile. “Hey.”

  In response she smacked his shoulder. “Don’t ‘hey’ me! What the hell were you thinking of taking off after Victor like that?”

  Reno blinked in surprise. So much for tea and sympathy after his ordeal. “Well, someone had to.”

  “Yeah, well it shouldn’t have been you. The other ACS officers could have done it.” Brandi sniffed and looked away, her arms crossed and her chin jutted out. She seemed to be blinking a lot and Reno wondered if she was crying or the rain was getting in her eyes. He was going to ask but something she said drew his attention.

  ACS! That had Reno looking around. A group was just appearing a few yards away and Damien was standing near where the conveyor had been just moments ago. It appeared as if a good thirty or forty feet of it had collapsed.

  “Any sign of Victor?” He called out the question.

  Damien shook his head and walked over to where Reno was. “Nope. No sign of movement down there. Good riddance.”

  “We’ll have to send a team down to check.” Reno began ticking off all the jobs that would need doing.

  “Uh… ” Damien poked him with his foot and gestured towards the ACS officers that had now gathered around. Almost a dozen grim faces looked down on him.

  Hell. Reno had forgotten he was under suspicion of conspiring with the Purists.

  Chapter 32

  They were back at the site of Victor’s bunker, Damien having helped Reno hobble down the mountain under the watchful eye of the ACS. Brandi had walked slightly behind them, still peeved at Reno for the foolish risk he’d taken. He’d been in no condition to go traipsing over the mountains trying to play hero. A Purist could have ambushed him or one of the ACS might have found him and carried out the ‘lethal force’ Damien had said was a possibility. And then of course Victor had nearly done him in by bringing the conveyor crashing down. If she and Damien hadn’t been there to pull Reno to safety, he’d likely be dead right now, crushed under the weight of metal and stone. The mental image of his broken body made her throat tighten and her eyes prickle.

  Brandi pushed her still wet curls back from her face and tried to keep her anger well stoked. If it died down, she’d probably start crying and she didn’t want to do that in front of these people. She scanned the area from her seat on an exceptionally uncomfortable stone. The Purists who still remained didn’t deserve the satisfaction of seeing her in tears and she wouldn’t show weakness in front of the ACS, especially not when they were accusing her of breaking her oath of loyalty to Lycan Link.

  She glanced over to where Reno sat on the tailgate of a nearby pickup truck. Aran was checking his leg; the human had been a doctor before joining the pack and still served its members by helping out with small injuries. Did Reno’s injury fall into the ‘small’ category? From the way he’d been walking, she suspected not. And whatever was wrong with him obviously hadn’t been helped by him shifting forms. Idiot. He’d be lucky if he wasn’t permanently disabled.

  Tears threatened once again, but she forced them back and compressed her lips tightly. A part of her hated seeing Reno hurt and wanted to rush over there to offer whatever comfort she could. However, he’d barely looked her way in the past hour and when he had done so, none of the warmth and caring of earlier in the day was present. Somehow she got the impression that he wouldn’t welcome her attention.

  Did he believe she was guilty? Was he angry that the accusations against her had somehow rubbed off on him? It could be that he was just upset because she hadn’t cooed all over him after they’d saved him. Probably she should have done that, but she’d been so scared that the first words out of her mouth had been an accusation. Initially, he’d seemed happy to see her; surely her minor tongue-lashing hadn’t killed his feelings. Or maybe he hadn’t cared that she was there. Perhaps the smile on his lips had just been a sign that he was grateful to still be alive?

  Lost in introspection, she was surprised to suddenly look up and realize Reno was staring at her. She gave a tentative smile and lifted her hand but Aran must have said something that drew his attention away for he turned his head. At least that’s what she tried to tell herself; it wasn’t that he was ignoring her… was it? The look on his face had been… blank. There was no real expression at all. No warmth. No dislike either. Just… indifference.

  It’s not true, her wolf whispered. He cares. Just look into his mind.

  She was tempted, so tempted. A quick peek inside his head and she’d know. But could she bear the truth? Wasn’t it better to hold onto the vague hope that he still cared rather than having all her hopes and dreams totally crushed? She’d been through so much lately she didn’t know if she could withstand anything more.

  Up on the mountain, just before the conveyor collapsed, she’d had glimpses of his thoughts. She’d been too terrified to maintain the wall between them, yet at the same time too caught up in what was happening before her to actually focus on his thinking. Reno had been fighting a mental battle, she knew that. His sense of duty had been warring with… What? Self-preservation? For a moment she’d been sure he’d been thinking of her; had in fact known he was recalling the intimate moments they’d shared. But the connection had fizzled out and he’d turned towards Victor, seeming to have chosen to go after the Purist.

  He’d chosen duty over life. Had he also been rejecting her? Given his behaviour since then it seemed likely. Her throat tightened at the very thought. If Reno really had turned his back on her, how would she survive the next few weeks of interrogations, of having every aspect of her life looked at under a bright light? Someone was sure to find out about the partial blood bond and then the gossip would begin. And once Reno found out, what would he do? Or would he even care?

  Brandi rubbed her chest, feeling a physical pain at the thought that Reno would have no response to her whatsoever. She sniffed and looked around wishing she had a tissue and then shrugged and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. What was a bit of snot given the filthy state she was in? Her clothes were ripped and mud-stained, fit only for the garbage and she’d give almost anything for a bath.

  A weak ray of sunshine managed to break through the clouds and the warm beam fell across her outstretched legs. Well, at least that was one positive thing; the rain had finally let off. The area around her, however, still looked decidedly waterlogged. Large puddles covered the ground, and mud spattered as yet another van loaded with captured Purists drove past. Brandi wondered when she’d be loaded up. Her hands weren’t bound this time but she didn’t have the energy, or will, to try and escape. What would be the point? It would just make her look guiltier and besides, she had no doubt the ACS would track her down.


  She turned to see Peter standing beside her. “Hi.”

  He eased himself down onto the rock. “You okay?”

  “No. Not really. But thanks for asking.” She tried to force her lips into a smile but it seemed too much effort. Instead she stared down at her hands, idly wondering when she’d broken her nails and why she’d ever cared what they looked like

  “I think I know how you feel. It must be like when Victor locked me up just because I wasn’t a Lycan. Being accused when you’ve done nothing wrong sucks.”

  “Yeah. It sucks.” She paused and scuffed the ground with her shoe. “Thanks for helping to distract the captain so I could get away.”

  “No problem. We know you aren’t guilty. It has to be a set up. Any idiot can see that.” He spoke the words heartily as if trying to boost her spirits. “Klaus told your captain as much.”

  Brandi actually chuckled at that, turning her head to look towards where the captain was talking to some of the other Enforcers. “No one’s ever called Captain Fielding an idiot before.”

  “First time for everything.” Peter smiled. “And maybe he isn’t a complete idiot. Maybe he’s just worried enough about the fate of the halves that he’s willing to take extreme measures to protect them.”

  The fate of the halves. That had her thinking. She’d been so wrapped up in her own drama that she’d almost forgotten how this had all started. “How is everyone? Have you had any news of Alice and the girls?”

  “They’re fine. Some ACS officers sent back news a while ago. The families are meeting at my house and the ACS has agreed to post guards.” He rubbed his neck and shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s necessary or not, but some of Victor’s followers are pretty hot-headed and we’re not sure what they might do in retaliation. Klaus and Captain Fielding are going over the pack membership right now to see if everyone is accounted for and to decide on how to deal with each individual.”

  Brandi nodded. “I’ve seen cases where the Purists that escape have tried to seek revenge, either on any remaining halves or on the ACS officers involved. From experience I know most victims aren’t willing to live with the possible threat and choose to leave.”

  “The sense of trust that’s essential to holding a pack together is gone. I’m heading back to town in a few minutes with the others. We need to decide what we’re going to do; stay here and help Klaus rebuild the pack or move somewhere else.”

  She reached out and squeezed his hand. “No one will blame any of you if you leave. Packs need to be able to depend on each other and after what happened… Well, whatever you decide, I wish you the best.”

  “Thanks. What about you? Once your name has been cleared, will you stay with Lycan Link or have the accusations against you shattered your trust?”

  “Once it’s cleared? Don’t you mean if it’s cleared?” Brandi gave a cynical laugh. “If the charges against me are dropped, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’d already planned on moving to a different unit for… personal reasons and I’m not sure if those reasons still exist. As for trusting Lycan Link… ” She shrugged. “No organization is perfect. They have to oversee a lot of Lycans and I suppose sometimes the individuals just become names on a page.”

  “But your captain is like your Alpha. He knows you and he should have trusted you.”

  Brandi thought so too but didn’t answer. It still stung that people she thought were her friends had been so quick to turn on her.

  “Maybe he’s looking for a scapegoat?” Damien appeared beside her, once again making no sound as he approached. Brandi wondered how he managed to do that and planned to ask him some day, when being up on charges wasn’t foremost in her mind. “He’s probably under pressure from Lycan Link to fix the leak as fast as possible before the general were community learns of it.”

  Brandi snorted. “Too bad. That doesn’t give him the right to accuse innocent people.” She’d always respected the captain but now… Sighing, she changed the topic. “How’s Reno? Is his leg going to be okay?”

  Peter murmured softly that he’d check with Aran and left.

  Damien fidgeted and shoved his hands in his back pockets. Faint lines of worry marred his brow but his words were confident. “Reno will be fine. He’s a tough old man.”

  “He’s not old.” Brandi protested before she could stop herself.

  “Nah, but he always says he is. Force of habit. He’s the old man and I’m the kid.”

  Brandi smiled thinking the two were a great team. It would be a shame if these stupid charges broke them up. “What’s going to happen to him once we’re back at Lycan Link?”

  “He’ll be put in a special holding cell—you too for that matter—since it wouldn’t be safe to be in with the other detainees. Too many of them have a grudge against Enforcers. And some might not like DCs very much either. Then they’ll go over the evidence and decide how to proceed from there.”

  The thought of being held in detention sent waves of fear and shame through her, and she clenched her hands tightly together to keep them from shaking. It was something she would never have believed could happen to her. “The evidence against me is that solid? I mean, there’s no chance of a last minute reprieve?”

  “Never say never. I’ve put in a call to some of my buddies. They’re following up on a couple of ideas I had. With any luck, I might have some news within the hour.”

  “Well, that’s good.” Brandi sat up straighter and pasted a smile on her face, even though she was sure it looked rather sickly. Damien was trying to help her. At least there was some hope. She hung onto that idea like a lifeline.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on what they find and how clever the person was that framed you. It might be that they’ll only find more evidence against you.”

  “Gee, thanks for cheering me up, Masterson.” She let her shoulders slump downwards again. “How does Beth stand you?”

  “Beth’s special.” Damien’s whole face brightened at the mention of his mate. “She can find good in anyone… Even me.”

  Brandi eyed the man beside her, noting how calm and happy he seemed even just thinking about Beth. Until now there’d always been an underlying edge about Damien, a restlessness or faintly cynical discontent. Finding his other half certainly seemed to suit him. Now if only… Her gaze drifted over towards where Aran and Peter were conferring while Reno watched with an especially disgruntled look about him. Would he be happy and feel complete if… when… he found out she was his mate?

  “Time to load up this last batch!” Captain Fielding’s voice blared across the open space.

  Her stomach clenched as Brandi realized this was it. Her last few minutes of freedom. She got to her feet, pride not allowing her to cower from the fate awaiting her. A strange buzzing filled her ears and she gave her head a shake. Fainting was not an option.

  Klaus appeared. “Don’t worry. We’ll sort this mess out. I know you wouldn’t conspire with those bastards.”

  “Thanks Klaus.” Her voice came out shakier than she would’ve liked and she tried to pin a brave smile on her face. “I know it will be okay.”

  The Alpha gave her a quick hug and then stepped back.

  An Enforcer had appeared to escort her to the van. It was Brent Nichols; he’d asked her out once and looked embarrassed at his assigned task. “Um… it’s time to go now, Brandi. Er… Sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Brent.” Inside she was screaming that no, it wasn’t okay. This was so wrong. She didn’t belong in detention. She hadn’t done anything. She was innocent.

  Her wolf sensed what was going on and struggled to be free, the idea of being confined causing it to panic. Brandi whispered soothing words to the frightened beast as she walked the distance to the van. She felt as if everyone was staring at her and wanted to hide her face in shame but forced her chin up and shoulders back.

  The mud made squishing sounds under her feet, and she concentrated on that rather than the murmuring of those around her. Just ignore them, she told herself. Concentrate on something else.

  She tried to focus on the sights and scents of nature that surrounded her. The air had the fresh clean scent that always came after a rain. The clouds were definitely thinning and a bit of bright sunshine was illuminating the mountains showing them off in all their splendour. Shades of green and purple and grey contrasted nicely with the sky. Yellow wild fl
owers dotted the landscape here and there; could she smell them?

  A quick inhale… damn. Reno’s scent drifted by on a light breeze. He was just feet away and against her will her eyes shifted towards him.

  An Enforcer stood at his side and was urging him towards the same van she heading to. Apparently fate had a sense of humour and they were being taken away to detention together. In other circumstances it might have seemed romantic but now—when she was so unsure of how he felt—it was more like torture.

  He was looking directly at her, a muscle working in his jaw, the expression in his eyes inscrutable. She searched the blue-grey orbs trying to find some hint as to how he felt. Was there despair? Hatred? Love? There was no real way of knowing. Reno had perfected the poker face. His mouth was firm, his lips were straight. There was no hint of what he was thinking or feeling. No lines of tension or laughter marked his face. If it wasn’t for the faint flexing of a muscle in his jaw he might have been a stone carving.

  Brandi took in each of his features; he wasn’t classically handsome, but to her he was still perfection. His nose was strong, his eyes thickly lashed. Kissable lips. Thick hair that was finally getting some length to it. She recalled how it felt to run her fingers through it, to trace the breadth of his shoulders and feel the power beneath his warm skin.

  Curling her fingers inward she tried to ignore the growing warmth inside her. Other memories were coming to the fore. Memories of being in bed with him, of feeling his weight pinning her down, his body moving inside hers…

  Their eyes locked. She inhaled deeply, his scent enshrouding her and bringing all her senses to life. Everything in the background fell away until there was only the two of them; their synchronized breathing, the thudding of their hearts…

  She opened her mouth to say something, though exactly what she wasn’t sure. Surprisingly, he seemed about to speak to her too. Her heart began to race. The current of attraction between them was almost palpable. Maybe he was going to…


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