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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 59

by Laura Acton

  Curious about the outcome, and glad for the prospect to escape the walls of his bedroom for a couple hours, Dan answered, “Sure.”

  The men strolled out of the hospital, Dan, Blaze, and William heading for Operations Command at a slow pace, while Wilson went in the opposite direction to the base store.

  Ops Command Conference Room – 1340 Hours

  Annoyed to be kept waiting again, Sutton having explained General Broderick had urgent business and would join them as soon as possible, Hicks paced the room as his exhausted men lounged in the chairs. They all needed a shower and their bunks after seven days in the field hunting down Dogar’s cell.

  When the door opened, and two Brodericks entered laughing, Hicks’ ire increased, but he came to attention with the rest. Crucial business my ass.

  “As you were, men.” William’s smile faded as he adopted his command mask and strode to his seat. The walk over had been enjoyable as he listened to Daniel and Blaze reminiscing about funny anecdotes from years ago. He learned that not all Danny’s time here had been full of pain, the unit ensured he laughed too. This boded well for the plan which was beginning to form in his mind … one which would bring Daniel back where he belonged.

  Sitting in his chair, Hicks eyed the wuss, wondering why the hell he was allowed in the briefing, but he kept his mouth shut as Sutton spoke to Dan.

  “Glad to see you up and doing better.” Tom smiled, appreciating William prioritized Dan’s doctor appointment over the after-action briefing. His friend was finally behaving in a manner which would go a long way in restoring the father-son relationship William desired.

  “Thank you, sir.” Dan sat beside Blaze, across from Hicks, noting the sergeant’s animosity but chose to ignore him. Once I’m healed and returned to TRF, I won’t have to contend with the likes of Hicks anymore. For now, I’ll enjoy my time with Blaze, Wilson, and Dad, before going home to deal with the mess I created by dating Lexa. The desert is preferable to a beach as Boss suggested for my forced vacation.

  Turning his attention to Hicks, Sutton said, “The floor is yours, sergeant.”

  Hicks launched into his team’s activities over the past week, “We checked the primary location, but there was no sign anyone had been there for years. We moved on to one of the secondary positions.”

  As his sergeant spoke, Gruber’s eyes stayed on the younger Broderick. Hicks left out the fact they came across sixteen sets of sun-bleached human bones, picked clean years ago by carrion. Twelve of the skulls had a single bullet hole through them. Their unit sniper theorized Broderick had been the one to send the bastards to hell given the difficulty of making headshots in the heat of a firefight.

  Pulled from his musings, Gruber turned to the colonel as Hicks instructed him to provide his input. “The third location is where we ran across the bombs.” His gaze shifted back to Dan. “Thank you for your warning. We would all be dead if you didn’t tell us about the cascading detonator rigging. At first glance, they appeared simplistic, but upon closer inspection … well, never seen the like. Took me quite some time to defuse most of them.”

  Gruber exhaled before admitting, “I screwed up on the second to the last one. It activated the remaining ones. I had to run like hell and barely made it out in time. Luckily, all the guys were outside. The place went up like a roman candle … blew sky high. Nothing but rubble left when the dust settled.”

  Blaze patted Blondie’s back. The kid providing the extra details saved six soldiers. His pain in reliving the events was not in vain.

  Hicks resumed his report. “The final location netted the results we wanted. Five targets eliminated, Dogar included. We brought in three alive for interrogation. One of them begged for his life, saying he had intel we would find valuable.”

  Sutton asked, “What info?”

  Gruber grinned as he said, “He can name the bomb maker.”

  Irritated his rookie stole his thunder, Hicks added, “Claims the explosives expert has done work for Tahir and Mousa in the past. But that is all we should disclose here, given the presence of Master Corporal Broderick.”

  Dan cocked an eyebrow. “Why is that?”

  “Doubt you possess the proper security clearance … this is above level two.” Hicks couldn’t keep all the derision out of his tone.

  Leaning back, Dan didn’t correct Hicks’ assumption or advise him his clearance was level five … higher than Hicks’ level undoubtedly since only Guardians merited three and above.

  Sutton redirected the meeting, and the unit supplied all the necessary details before he closed the session.

  As Dan stood, he put out a hand to Hicks. “Thanks for getting justice for Ripsaw, Buzz, and Dutch.”

  With all eyes on him, Hicks shook the offered hand. “Deeds not words.” He turned and left, wiping his palm on his thigh. One handshake will not change my opinion of the wuss. I’ll be glad when he is gone again.

  Gruber came forward and gripped Broderick’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you. And happy we could deliver long overdue payback to the bastards.”

  Dan grinned. “I owe you all a beer.”

  “We’re heading over to the international bar tonight, join us if you want,” Gruber offered.

  “I just might.” Dan shook hands with the rest of the men as they filed out to seek showers and their beds. Once alone with Blaze, Sutton, and his dad, Dan sat and sighed. His walk and the long meeting zapped his energy. “I could use a nap.”

  William stood. “I’ll have Dawson give you a ride back to our quarters. I’ll join you for dinner at about nineteen hundred.”

  Dan nodded and peered at his father. “Sir, a favor please?”

  “What?” William halted as he moved toward the exit.

  “Without giving specifics of their deaths or this mission, may I have permission to tell Wilson his brothers have been avenged?”

  Giving a slight nod, William said, “I trust you to remain legal, but yes, you have my permission.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Dan started to rise, but Blaze’s hand on his shoulder kept him in his chair.

  “Relax here until Dawson brings the jeep around. I’ll come to get you.” Blaze headed out after the general and colonel, knowing Blondie would heed his instruction.

  The word jeep brought to mind Lexa. Dan closed his eyes and wondered what she would be doing at this time of day. Fifteen-thirty here is seven a.m. in Toronto. Sexy Lexie is likely just waking up. Her hair will be all mussed, and she will shuffle down to pour a cup of coffee. Dan sighed for two reasons. One, missing being with Lexa, and two, not being allowed to drink coffee.

  In the silence of the room, Dan’s mind went back to his sexually charged dream this morning, and his body stirred somewhat. Wonder if Lexa dreams about me the way I do about her?

  Toronto – Lexa’s Home – 7:00 a.m.

  Waking gradually, hating to leave the world in which she and Dan could be together, Lexa moaned, “Dannnnnnnn.” Her body pulsed with her climax as Dan’s magic fingers touched her in all the right places.

  Difficult Conversations


  June 10

  Kandahar – General Broderick’s Office – 2030 Hours

  William poured a splash of Bailey’s Irish Cream in his coffee and held the bottle up to Tom as his friend entered his office. “Want some?”

  “No thanks, need to be in ops command tonight.” Tom shut the door and took a seat.

  Sauntering to his chair, William grinned as he sat.

  “You appear happy.” Tom noticed his buddy smiled more in the past two weeks than in the last decade.

  “I am. Things are going swimmingly.” He sipped his spiked coffee as he leaned back. “Daniel is doing an excellent job assisting with mission planning. His whip-smart brain assesses and assembles so many variables swiftly.”

  Tom smiled. “Blaze’s suggestion to keep Dan’s mind occupied while also keeping him physically inactive is a stroke of genius. All the more reason Blaze is right for the position of major
. The men respect him, and he possesses a keen eye for using their talents in the most appropriate ways.”

  “Agree one hundred percent.” William set his alien Dad mug down and shifted forward. “Thanks for stopping in, I wanted to talk to you about something. Didn’t want to discuss it within Daniel’s earshot though.”

  “Okay, shoot.” Tom wondered if he should’ve accepted the offer of alcohol by the gleam in William’s eyes.

  “I believe I found a solution for my son’s problem.”

  “What problem would that be?” Tom’s gut clenched. This can’t be good.

  “The TRF protocol issue. It prevents him from having a relationship with the woman he loves. Broderick men only love once … when we find our soulmate, we are hooked for life. Yvonne is certain Lexa is Daniel’s.”

  Tom interrupted, “Will, you should stay out of your son’s love life.”

  “I can’t … not when I devised the perfect solution. I want to create a position for Daniel. An adjunct to the major’s position. Daniel would continue working with Blaze, the two of them can plan missions together, and he won’t need to be in the field. I understand Daniel’s had his fill of killing, so joining a unit as a sniper is out. In this new role, he wouldn’t fire another shot, he can use his other skills.”

  When Tom opened his mouth, William raised a hand. “Hear me out.”

  Tom pursed his lips and waited.

  “If Daniel is in the military where he belongs, Blaze will be around to support him, and he can also pursue a relationship with Lexa.” His finger waved between himself and Tom. “We can ensure he works out of Ottawa the majority of the year. Traveling to Toronto would be easier for him. And perhaps, Lexa might be able to swing a transfer to the Ottawa TRF. I’m certain Walter would assist with making that happen.

  “It is a win-win solution. Daniel won’t have to put up with Hardy or Pastore. He will be here where no one will treat him with such disrespect. He can make a real difference again, and he gets Lexa too. So, what do you think?”

  Tom took a moment as he mulled over everything William said. He held in a sigh. A leopard truly can’t change his spots. He met his friend’s eager gaze. Tom prided himself on being William’s sounding board for more than thirty years now. Never afraid to tell him the hard truth, he hesitated now because those eyes and the tone with which William relayed his idea. If he spoke honestly, William might turn a deaf ear and rage at him, or he would crush William’s hope of working alongside Daniel.

  For the first time ever, Tom opted for the coward’s way out and left the choice of how he would approach this subject to William. “Do you want me to speak candidly?”

  “Of course. How else would you answer?” William studied Tom, not liking the read he got.

  “Very well. Stay the hell out of your son’s life. Leave the decisions to him. He is an adult and capable of making his own choices. He made it clear he would be returning to TRF despite the issues. He doesn’t need you meddling in his affairs, no matter how well-meaning your intentions are.”

  “But Hardy and Pastore … they’re the reason he was beaten within an inch of his life,” William countered.

  “And why he is alive now. You do recall sharing with me the things Walter told you about Alpha Team, Bram in particular? You have no guarantee another Plouffe won’t come along and make things difficult for Dan here. Hell, you saw with your own eyes the way Hicks treated Dan. Hicks isn’t the only one either. Others are merely more inconspicuous with their hatred.”

  William raked a hand through his hair.

  Waiting, observing, and wondering what went through William’s mind, Tom asserted, “William, you need to trust Daniel.”

  Icy eyes pinned Tom. “I do trust him.”

  “Do you?” Tom poked the bear on purpose to make his point.

  “Yes. Absolutely.”

  “Okay. I believe you. So, now you must demonstrate that to Dan. As hard as it is for you to accept, Dan isn’t you, and never will be. His temperament is more like Yvonne’s, though he can and does project an excellent facsimile of General Badass.” Tom stopped and exhaled as he glanced at the ceiling for a moment to collect his thoughts.

  Returning his gaze to William, who appeared to be listening, Tom said, “You value the new relationship you are building with Dan … the father-son one that only two years ago you believed beyond your reach. I’ve watched the two of you the last weeks here. He wants … no, he needs you to be his dad, not his general.

  “You talk about family tradition … military through and through … no Broderick male ever left while still able-bodied. Let me ask you, what about able-minded? Do you want to destroy what Dan’s building … his new life, the one he desires, the one which fills the holes created by six years of abuse culminating in being the one who fired the shot which killed his brother?

  “Also, consider this. Is he indeed able-bodied? His body is littered with scars. He’s suffered more than any man … any soldier should. Dan clawed his way back with the help of six men, two of which are gone. I put to you this … the .50 caliber round not only obliterated Brody’s heart … it shattered Dan’s. He is not whole even today.

  “But I sincerely believe, if you continue to act like his father, weighing your actions on the scales of love rather than duty, you’ll be able to tip the balance in the direction you want and right many of the injustices your boy endured. If you do, one day in the future, Dan will reach out for you in his time of need. You will be the man he can turn to for comfort in his darkest hour.”

  Witnessing the wheels turning in William’s eyes, Tom added one last thing, “There is no doubt in my mind you love your son … you always have. Now is the time to show him through your deeds and words. You can always present your idea as an option to him, but please, please make sure Dan is aware you will back whatever decision he makes.”

  Tom remained quiet as his best friend processed his counsel.

  After several minutes, William took a long drink of his coffee. He leveled Tom with a steady gaze. “Thanks for your honest opinion. I’ll reflect on all you’ve advised.”

  Rising, needing to go to ops, Tom nodded. “I’ll be around if you need to talk later.”

  VIP Quarters – 2030 Hours

  Although granted permission to speak to Wilson about Dutch and Buzz, Dan had yet to figure out how to broach the subject or find the right time. As he sat on the sofa, snacking on cookies, knowing his father wouldn’t return for at least another two hours, and Blaze was at ops command observing a mission they planned, he decided now might be the best opportunity he would have for the difficult conversation. Dan glanced up as Wilson entered carrying two cups filled with milk.

  “Thought you might like some with your oatmeal cookies.” Wilson set both glasses on the table between them and sat in the chair opposite Danny.

  Dan couldn’t help the grin that came to his face. “Can’t believe Mom sent ten dozen of these via express mail.”

  “I can. She loves you. In fact,” Wilson smiled and checked around him, “want to know a little secret?”


  “Bella can’t bake to save her soul. She tried so hard to make these for you when you first came to us, but every batch she made burned.”

  “Sounds a lot like Becca. My sister is a terrible cook. I about choked on her brownies last summer. I didn’t have the heart to tell her they were drier and grittier than a desert haboob.”

  Wilson chuckled, reached for a cookie, and dipped it in his milk, smiling as he recalled sharing this same treat many afternoons after picking Danny up from high school. Mostly, on days Danny didn’t go over to Charlie’s to study.

  Dunking his cookie, Dan’s brows knitted together. “Wait … if Bella couldn’t bake, where did the cookies come from?”

  Inclining his head to the plate containing the treats Wilson arched a brow. “Where do you think?”

  A lopsided grin formed as another realization came to Dan. “My mom?”


  His head shaking back and forth, Dan chewed his milk-sogged cookie as he sobered. “I caused everyone so much pain. I wish I had distinguished reality from twisted events. I could’ve saved Mom tons of heartache. Things might’ve been different with Dad too. And Plouffe couldn’t have manipulated me like a damn pawn on a chessboard to fell the king.”

  Wilson leaned forward, setting his cup down. He pitched his tone soft, “Danny, Plouffe hurt you most. I’m not aware of everything, but my mind filled in some gaps. There were signs we all missed, like when your dwindling letters stopped altogether, especially after the last few we received didn’t indicate any change in your feelings towards us. Buzz wrote to me, concerned by your constant deployment. Dutch too. I should’ve done more to look into it.”

  “Not your responsibility. I’m a grown man. I lived it, and I didn’t put the pieces together.” Dan drank half his milk before putting it down.

  Wilson blew out a breath. “The should’ves, would’ves, could’ves in life can drive a man insane. I will concede Plouffe was a master puppeteer and as evil and deceptive as they come. I’ll never understand how the Special Forces psychological profile missed his tendencies.”

  “He was not a stupid man … couldn’t have been to pull off everything he did. And it is easy to snow most psychologists. Hell, our anti-interrogation training in SERE taught us how to do it.”

  Nodding, Wilson acknowledged the facts. “True.”

  Dan rested his elbows on his thighs as he struggled to put into words the things he wanted to share. “Buzz and Dutch,” his voice hitched.

  Wilson noted the change in Danny’s demeanor. “Yes.”

  After taking a few breaths attempting to regain control, Dan said, “I can’t tell you everything, but Dad permitted me to tell you the injustice done to them and Ripsaw has been avenged. The bastards who slaughtered them are now in Hell where they belong.”


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