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The Blood Covenant

Page 8

by Emily Bex

  She thanked him and rushed inside, taking the elevator up and hurried to her unit. Once inside, she flipped on the lights, locked the door, and sighed with relief. What would have happened had he not been so close by? She shuddered at the thought and brushed it from her head. She dumped the laptop and files down on the table and decided to call him before she started work. Just to let him know she got home safely, or at least, that's what she told herself. She pulled out her phone and hit redial.


  He watched the taxi drive off with his woman, yeah, his woman. He wanted to ride along with her but didn’t want to push the issue with her quite yet. He had fallen already, she had him, and she didn’t even know it. Now, he just had to make her feel the same about him. He took a deep breath to clear his head. Shade, old man, you never saw this coming, she is mortal, and this can only mean trouble. He shook the thought from his head, it no longer mattered what world she came from. She was going to be his.

  He teleported immediately back to the penthouse, arriving long before she arrived at her condo, and stood at the window waiting. He needed to know she was home safe. He watched until he saw the lights come on inside her unit and he saw her scrambling around inside. His heart beat faster at the sight of her, his blood pumping and another part of his anatomy coming alive, once again. Damn this woman was like a match to fire. His phone buzzed. He looked down to identify the caller...that’s my woman! Smiling, he answered. “Tell me you followed my instructions and you are not in trouble again.”

  He made her laugh. "And if I were in trouble again, would you come to my rescue?”

  “I will always come to your rescue. Thank you for letting me know you are safe. It takes a great weight off my mind.”

  “Thank you again. I don't know how you got to me so fast, I'm just happy you did.”

  He responded with a single word. “Kate?”

  “Yes, Shade.”

  “If you need me to escort you anytime, just call me. I want you to be careful. I like being able to watch out for you. And...well, never mind. Buonasera.” Cazzo, she leaves me as tongue-tied as I leave her.

  “Thank you. That’s a most generous offer.”

  They were both reluctant to hang up the phone, to end the call, to break the connection to each other. He loved the sound of her voice, but he had run out of excuses for keeping her on the call any longer.

  There was a hesitation in her voice when she responded. “So...I guess it’s good night then.”

  “Si.” There was silence. Neither of them spoke. Neither of them hung up. He felt inept for the first time in forever with a woman. When had he ever been lost for words with a gorgeous woman? But this was no ordinary woman. She was far more than he could ever dream of. She was his mate. “I miss you already, mi amore.”

  Hanging up, he stared out the window at her and wondered what the future held for both of them. He felt a twinge of guilt. He should leave her alone, walk away. She was mortal and dragging her into his world wouldn’t be easy. He shook his head, knowing it was already too late. He couldn’t walk away from her now.


  She heard him end the call. He missed her? Kate ran his words over and over in her head. Surely, she misunderstood his meaning. She picked up her shoulder bags and dragged everything into the living room, pulling out her laptop and the damned files that got her in so much trouble tonight. She shook her head. Okay Kate, get focused! She tried to clear her head of Mister Tall, Dark and Dangerous and worked on the presentation for the next day.


  Rushing to get ready for work, Kate piled her hair on her head. She had the presentation to do and thought this would give her a more professional look. After last nights’ scare, she forewent her designer shoes for a more practical pair of ballet flats. She gathered all the materials she’d prepared for today and decided it might be safer to drive her car in, even though the streets and subway stations were more crowded during the weekday rush hour. She drove into D.C., parked in an underground garage and walked the two blocks to her job, wondering as she did so how this was any safer than the subway. She grabbed her 'usual' coffee from Starbucks and headed into work, on time, for a change because of the scheduled presentation. The meeting took up the entire morning.

  The presentation went well. She got back to her cubicle, ate a sandwich at her desk, and worked to get caught up. Shannon scooted her chair into Kate’s cubicle, eager to hear the outcome with the new client. “So how did it go?”

  “Oh my God, Shannon, it was horrible.”

  “The client presentation? What happened?”

  “, that went fine. The client was very happy with our proposal. My mind was on something else, entirely. I needed to come back in last night to pick up the client's files, and decided to take the subway. This guy...he was stalking me. Following me! I tried to call you, to just, you know, have someone on the phone in case something happened, but the call went to voicemail. So, I ended up having to call him...Shade. I mean, I couldn't think of anyone else to call. I just wanted him to stay on the phone with me, and he did. He said he was nearby, so he came out and intercepted the guy. I was scared to death. He rode the subway in with me, waited for me to get my files, and then put me in a taxi home.”

  Shannon smiled back at her. “Your knight in shining armor. How gallant! I'm teasing, you were quite lucky, you know. People get mugged around here all the time.”

  “Yes, I know. I drove my car in today. Although, I parked in an underground garage two blocks away, so I'm not sure that’s any better when I leave here late at night. But, it's not like I have a choice. ”

  Shannon sighed, “I’m sorry. Call me next time. I’ll ride in with you. You really should be more careful.”

  Kate finished up her lunch at her desk, and then let Shannon know she needed to get focused and back to work since she was now behind schedule after the all-morning meeting. The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Around 6:30, she decided to call it a day. She was feeling tired and hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, and now she knew she’d have to fight the traffic home. She packed up her briefcase and laptop and headed back to Starbucks. She decided to grab another coffee to take with her on the drive.

  The streets were solid gridlock, so she made a spur of the moment decision as she walked to the coffee shop to sit it out for a while until the traffic cleared. She grabbed her coffee, turned to find a table, and saw him sitting there alone.


  He had waited for her to exit the building, picking up on her thoughts to grab a coffee, so he got there ahead of her, sliding into a vacant seat at a table. He knew the minute she arrived. He picked up her scent of roses and it assaulted his nose in the most erotic way. He’d never been affected by the mortal’s use of perfumes, but her scent could light him up. He gave her a few minutes to get her coffee and when she turned, he glanced up, locked eyes with her and smiled.

  He loved the look on her face. She looked surprised to see him, but happily so. Cazzo! She is like adding gasoline to a fire. He beckoned for her to join him. As she walked toward his table he stood and pulled out a chair for her, so she’d be seated next to him.

  "So, Mr. Medici, do we chalk this up to coincidence that you just happen to be at my Starbucks the day after my near-death experience? Or are you checking on me?”

  He leaned down close to her ear as he pushed in her chair. “Perhaps a little of both, and don’t think I can’t see that glimmer in your eye. You like that I am checking up on you, si?”

  She tucked her head. "I have to admit, after last night, it feels good to have someone checking up on me. I think I got used to being alone, and I've been lucky. But last night made me feel pretty vulnerable. More than I care to admit.”

  Sitting back in his chair, he crossed his arms and looked at her. “Kate, you’ve been very lucky. You need to be more attentive to your surroundings, have your guard up. Anything happens to you, I am not going to like it. So, are we riding the subway back hom
e together?”

  “I, uh, drove my car in today. But you can walk me back to my car.”

  “Oh, you can bank on that, mi amore. You will be escorted safely back to your car because if you think, for one moment, I am letting you stroll alone in the dark to wherever in hell you parked, think again.”

  Leaning in, he tipped up her chin and winked at her. Letting his hand wander into her hair, he gently tugged on the clip holding her crimson locks tight to her head and watched as her hair tumbled to her shoulders, cascading down the side of her face and through his hands. He could get lost in that silk.

  “You should never put your silken locks in such a knot. You are so much more stunning with it cascading around that gorgeous face and pooling around those delicate shoulders.”

  As he slid his hand down her cheek and along her neck, he felt her heart rapidly beating in her veins and his fingers slowly brushed across her collar bone, down her arm and grasped her hand under the table.

  “So, tell me, how was your big day you damn near got abducted for?”

  His attention to her hair and his fingers brushing against her skin left her addled. He was asking her a question, but her mind struggled to concentrate. All she could focus on was his touch and the path of electric sparks that followed his fingers across her skin. She started to stutter as she answered him.

  " went very well...I...think, I think we secured the account." She saw him stifle a laugh as she became more flustered when he laid his hand on her bare thigh.

  “So, no Choo’s today? Big presentation, maybe if you had worn them you would know if you secured that account. Those legs of yours, in a pair of Choo’s, could sell me anything.”

  Her blush deepened as his hand slid along her bare leg, and he made a remark about her flat shoes. The heat from his hand on her skin sent a shiver through her. Her breath quickened as she slid slightly away from him. She felt rattled. "I'm...I thought...I wore flat shoes because I can walk faster..."

  Shade was taken back at her response. Most women would curl closer to him, wanting his attention, this one moved away, but why? Was he moving too fast for her? Removing his hand from her thigh, he sat back in his chair and wrapped his hands around the coffee he could not drink.

  “Well, wearing flat shoes is a smart thing to do, it lets you maneuver faster, run if necessary and does not make you helpless to your enemy. Very wise.”

  Kate relaxed a little. He’d sensed her unease and removed his hand, and she was glad...and sad. What? What is wrong with me? She wanted his touch, but he left her so rattled. She was afraid he’d grow impatient with her and move on. But she was also afraid he’d take what he wanted and move on. Why does this have to be so hard? She struggled to find a common ground for conversation.

  "So, uh, the land you bought. How’s that going?"

  “To be honest with you, I have not started developing it. There is much to be done before I can get started. The vineyards need work and the house, well, it is a house.” He chuckled softly, “I am pressed for time, at the moment, with a project for Alec. That comes first, once I get that underway, the house can be handled. And what plans do you have this week?”

  “I, uh, I actually have some business travel this week. I'll have to fly to New York, meet with a client there.”

  “I see.” He looked down, an expression of concern on his face. “So, you go alone?”

  She could tell he wasn’t pleased with the idea of her traveling alone. “Oh, I’ve traveled all over the States, through Asia, and most of Europe on business. I’m always alone. I'm careful, I think. But you get used to it.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “How long will you be gone?”

  “This is just an overnight trip. I leave on Wednesday, and I'll be home Thursday night. At least I live close to the airport, and it's a very short flight, so no jet lag, right?”

  “Well that is good news, si? I only have to worry about you for one night. You will call me? Let me know you are all right?”

  She smiled at him. “I’d like that. Of course, I’ll call you.” She finished her coffee and looked around at the thinning crowd. “The traffic looks thinned now, would you mind walking me to my car?”

  Standing, he stepped behind her and pulled out her chair, holding out his hand to take hers and lifted her from her seat. He grabbed her bag and laptop. “It would be my pleasure, mi amore. And besides, I won’t sleep unless I know you made it home safe. Come.” He held onto her as they wove their way from the coffeehouse to the street outside, where it was now completely dark.

  She led him the two blocks through the busy D.C. streets, now filled with young people looking for bars and restaurants. He followed her to the dimly lit parking garage with many columns where an attacker could hide from view. She pulled out her keys and used the automatic button to unlock the door, the tell-tale beep-beep and the flashing lights indicated the location of her red Miata.

  He opened the door for her and shook his head. “Automatic? You bought a sports car with automatic transmission?”

  She laughed. “It's not a very practical car. No room for friends, no trunk space, but most of my driving is in the city, and besides, I don't know how to drive a stick shift.” She leaned her back against the car and looked up at him. "Maybe you could teach me sometime?"

  “You should be punished.” He braced his hands on the top of the car and leaned into her, trapping her into the space between his arms. “Who drives a sports car and does not know how to drive a stick-shift. I will think about teaching you, if you make me one promise.” He leaned in closer and snuggled into her hair.

  She closed her eyes and listened to his voice as his lips were close to her ear. She felt her heartbeat quicken. She had to bite her tongue not to say she’d promise him anything he wanted. "And what is that promise?"

  He kissed her softly on the neck, his moan barely audible. “That you go back to taking the subway, this place is far worse and more dangerous. Now,” leaning back, he removed his hands from the car and slid them around her waist, pulling her to him. “Let’s have a proper kiss goodbye and I will see you on your way home, si?”

  “Yes...I’ll take the subway...and the good-bye kiss.”

  “Good girl.” Leaning down, his tongue slid across her lips and he kissed her, gently at first, before adding more pressure, his tongue glided inside her mouth. She relaxed in his arms and they remained locked in the kiss. She offered no resistance. When he broke the kiss, he locked eyes with her and stared for a few seconds before he spoke. “Let’s get you inside the car and keep you warm, si? Now, I want you to go straight home. It’s late.” He helped her inside the car, handing her the briefcase and laptop and shut her door, as she started the engine.

  He’d given her another one of those kisses that left her unable to think. She watched as he stepped back from her car and she pulled out of her parking space and drove away. She drew a deep breath, then sighed, and wondered, for the hundredth time, where this was going, and if she was just setting herself up for another fall.


  Waking from his death slumber, Shade took a shower and decided to look over a few more of the contracts Alec had sent for the California property, but his mind kept wandering. He looked at the clock and knew she was in New York alone. That had him in a ball of nerves to begin with and knowing he couldn’t look out the penthouse window to see her, didn’t help his attitude.

  He lay down on the couch and stared at his cell phone. He should call her. Hell, he should just fucking teleport to New York and find her, but he knew if he did, he wouldn’t be able to keep himself away from her. She’d think he was a stalker, which actually, he was, but for a damn good reason. He struggled with that concept and worried he’d scare her off. He knew calling her was less threatening. She felt more confident on the phone. He had to know she was all right, and she was safe.

  He threw his feet to the floor and sat up. He needed to feed, and badly. He hadn’t fed in a few days, he’d been preocc
upied with her, and he could feel himself becoming weaker. He needed to avoid another visit to the safe house, which meant he’d need to address his hunger soon. He sat down in the window, facing her empty condo and saw the lights come on, obviously on a timer. He stared aimlessly at the lit windows without her walking past them and moaned. Cazzo! She has really gotten to me, who in the hell moans over a female you haven’t even fed from or made love to yet?


  After spending the day with the client, Kate took a cab back to her hotel. Sometimes she had a co-worker with her on these business trips, and they’d plan an evening out, but since she was alone, she decided to go back to the hotel and order room service. She got back in her hotel, shed her work clothes, and put on a loose sweater, leaving bare feet and bare legs. She took out her laptop and curled up on the bed to check email. She missed her condo. No, that's not true, she missed him. She had thought of him a hundred times today. She thought of him on the flight here, in the taxi from LaGuardia into the city, checking into the hotel, all day during the client meeting...but especially now with nothing to distract her.

  This man seemed to live on the edges of her life. She thought he was interested, but he hadn’t actually ever asked her out. But she knew she sent mixed signals too. Then there were Rissa’s warnings, always in the back of her head. She tried to focus on the task at hand, but he pushed all other thoughts from her head. She realized if she was going to get anything done, she needed to just call him, get it over with. She picked up her cell phone and hesitated before hitting dial. Again, she wondered what she was to him, and almost put the phone back down. She could hear Shannon in her head yelling at her to 'just do it,' so she hit dial.

  “Mi amore? Do you need me to rescue you again?”

  Kate laughed. “Rescue me from boredom maybe. Is this a good time? I don't want to intrude.”


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