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The Amazon's Pledge- Ultimate Edition

Page 22

by Sarah Hawke

  “That’s more like it,” Valuri said, straddling the amazon and pressing her claws against the other woman’s throat. She held them in place for a long moment before she finally grinned and retracted them back into her gauntlets. “I hope you learned everything you needed.”

  “Not quite yet,” Kaseya said. “There are still a few things I need to know.”

  Without warning, the amazon abruptly shifted her weight and rolled over, expertly reversing Valuri’s pin and ending up on top of her. Valuri yelped in surprise, but before she could fight back Kaseya nestled deeper between the Huntress’s legs, pushed her hands out of the way….

  And kissed her.

  I wasn’t sure how to respond at first. Surprise? Bewilderment? Instantaneous, unapologetic arousal? My cock selected the third option before I could even think about the other two. It swelled so quickly I had to lean up and reshuffle my legs before it became too uncomfortable.

  Kaseya didn’t hold back, and Valuri didn’t resist in the slightest. Within seconds the women were frantically pawing at each other’s bodies like old lovers who hadn’t seen each other in months. I couldn’t believe how forcefully Kaseya stripped off Valuri’s trousers or how quickly she plunged her long fingers into the Senosi’s quim.

  “Don’t mind me,” I murmured. “I’ll just be sitting over here by the fire…”

  I doubted that they even heard me. When their lips parted, Valuri’s ecstatic moans echoed through the still night air, and her head slumped backwards when the amazon slipped a third finger into her. I couldn’t help but wonder how many other times Kaseya had pleasured her fellow Red Sisters like this back on Nol Krovos, just like I couldn’t help but wonder how many times Valuri had been pleasured by her fellow Senosi back in Vorsalos. I suddenly regretted not spending more time learning about scrying magic when I was younger. The sights I could have seen…

  Amidst my reverie, Kaseya leaned down and began to feast upon Valuri’s quim. The amazon’s tongue and fingers were like fire on other woman’s slit, and I wasn’t sure I had ever heard Valuri cry out so loudly even after being fed. A part of me wondered if this was just another maneuver in their ongoing competition—whose training had really been the best, Senosi or amazon? If I knew Valuri at all, she would respond in kind soon enough. This little dance of theirs could go on for hours.

  A true gentleman would have been content to watch and wait for an invitation before he joined them. Thankfully, I had never learned proper manners.

  Grinning, I pulled my throbbing cock from my trousers and scooted forward behind Kaseya. Over the last few weeks I had become quite an expert at pushing aside the straps of her leather skirt, though I was really starting to get annoyed at how often her thong got in the way. It was genuinely tempted to order her to stop wearing the damn thing altogether.

  Once I had pulled it down to her knees, I nudged the tip of my cock against her smoldering quim. She was wet and ready, just like I expected, though I wondered how much of her arousal was merely an echo of mine. Probably not much—when I turned on my ring, I could feel the intensity of her hunger. She genuinely wanted to fuck Valuri. It was a feeling I knew all too well. One moment I would want to strangle her, and in the next…

  Well, in the next I would still want to strangle her, but I would also want my cock buried in her ass while I squeezed.

  I slipped into Kaseya with a relieved groan, and the red-hot walls of her quim opened for their rightful conqueror. I settled into a comfortable rhythm, impressed that she could concentrate on fingering and tonguing Valuri despite euphoric currents shuddering through her. She really did have the discipline of a warrior.

  A few moments later, Valuri moaned from another climax and clutched at the back of Kaseya’s head, pulling the amazon more tightly against her. I caught a quick glimpse Valuri’s face, and she smiled up at me and winked in silent acknowledgement that she was winning her own battle here—she was finally getting the chance to share my toy with me.

  The thought sent a jolt of energy through my member, and I rammed into Kaseya over and over as my own climax approached. Just before I spilled inside her, the amazon spun around and pulled away from me. My cock dangled in mid-air, desperate for attention, but she quickly grabbed it with both hands and pumped it towards Valuri. I exploded mere seconds later, showering the Huntress’s tits and chin with a half dozen thick ropes of seed.

  Valuri descended into a trance as she fed upon my magic. Her eyes began to glow even as they rolled back into her head, and the tattoos on her arm were bright enough to light up the copse even without a campfire.

  “She said she was hungry,” Kaseya said, smiling up at me before she began cleaning off my cock.

  I smiled back and gently ran my fingers through her red hair. “Very considerate of you,” I whispered. “I suppose it’s important that we all learn to share.”


  I awoke to the sound of soft moans and smacking lips, and I was confused when my eyes fluttered open and didn’t see Kaseya’s tongue eagerly massaging my cock. She wasn’t sitting next to me at all, in fact, and I had to muster the energy to turn over before I spotted her lying on top of Valuri. The two women were kissing passionately, and Kaseya had two fingers buried inside the Huntress’s quim.

  “An even better view than a sunrise…” I murmured as I reached down and started slowly stroking myself to life. I was glad to see that the girls were finally getting along. Apparently all they’d needed to do was try and kill each other.

  Valuri’s body eventually seized up, and a frantic, high-pitched moan escaped her lips. It was a delightful sound I’d heard many times over the years, and her toes curled an instant later as a climax shuddered through her.

  “Dammit, Red,” she breathed, clutching at the amazon’s hair. “I really wish I had a cock so I could fuck you right now…”

  Kaseya smiled and gently kissed the other woman on the nose, then promptly crawled over to me and began licking the head of my swollen member. I had no idea if this behavior was going to become a permanent fixture of our mornings from now on or not…but I wouldn’t have been upset if it did.

  I was stiff and throbbing in the back of the amazon’s throat by the time Valuri finally recovered and propped herself up on her elbows. She grinned impishly and scooted forward until she was close enough to smack Kaseya’s upturned ass.

  “This really doesn’t seem fair,” Valuri said. “Amazons need love too, right?”

  She leaned down and began licking Kaseya’s slit from behind. When I closed my eyes and activated my ring, I could feel the echoes of my bliss shuddering through Kaseya and merging with her own. They swirled together in a harmonious symphony, ultimately intensifying both. My seed flooded her mouth just seconds later.

  I had only just come down when Kaseya succumbed as well, and I grinned contently when she closed her eyes and cried out. It was a truly wonderful sight…or was, right up until I saw the faint glow of Valuri’s green tattoos beneath her skin.

  “What?” I murmured, leaning forward.

  Valuri didn’t respond. She was trapped in the ecstasy of her feeding trance. But that didn’t make any sense unless...

  “Val, what’s going on?” I asked. “Val!”

  Her eyes continued fluttering beneath her eyelids for several seconds before they finally refocused. “Holy shit, Red,” she breathed. “Why didn’t you tell me you tasted that good?”

  I leaned forward and grabbed her arm. “Val, how are you feeding?”

  She grinned. “How do you think? This girl has magic in her blood…and elsewhere.”

  “What?” Kaseya gasped, spinning around.

  “You have the gift, Red. You’re a channeler.”

  “That is not possible,” Kaseya insisted. “Amazons cannot be sorcerers.”

  Valuri snorted. “Of course they can. Even orcs can be born with the gift if they’re lucky enough.”

  Kaseya shook her head. “You do not understand. The pact my people made with our gods…only
men can be born with magic in their blood. And only properly-trained amazon warriors can serve them.”

  I bit down on my lip and resisted the urge to swear under my breath. I remembered Ayrael’s ranting screed from the Highwind docks and her boat—she had insisted over and over again that their moshalim sorcerers were liars who had manipulated the amazons into serving them. Even at the time I had known that some of Ayrael’s words were true…but perhaps I had underestimated just how many.

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Red, but you definitely have the gift,” Valuri said, finally sitting up. “Though I’m happy to take another sip if you want to be sure…”

  “It’s not possible,” Kaseya repeated, rolling away and reaching for her equipment. “We have already wasted too much time. We should get moving.”

  She moved away to prepare the horses before we could argue. I watched her for a moment, wishing I could do or say something to help. I still couldn’t quite believe what had just happened, but Valuri’s Senosi powers didn’t lie—Kaseya was a sorceress, whether she wanted to accept it or not.

  I sighed and reached for my trousers. Later, I promised myself, we would sit down and try to work this out. But right now…well, right now she obviously needed time to process all of this.

  And so did I.


  The three of us barely spoke for the first hour of our trip, and before I could break the silence a storm swept in and began battering the road with sheets of rain. Without anywhere obvious to take cover, we pressed on as best we could. The horses were less than thrilled, to put it mildly, and I almost wished we had chosen to travel on foot. But by mid-afternoon we finally reached one of the villages surrounding Lake Dunarthe, and I steered us towards the stable and shelter as quickly as I could.

  Thanks to the nearby road the inn was the largest building in the whole village, though it was still a pale shadow of the smallest, dingiest flophouse in Highwind. Still, the locals were happy to see our coin and even happier to see the two beautiful women on my arm. They gave us the largest room at a reasonable price, and the wenches fetched us fresh food and water at record speed. I tossed them a few extra silvers in the hopes it would buy us some extra privacy.

  “If nothing else, the rain should wash away our tracks,” Valuri said after we’d settled in and started drying out our clothes. “Not that it’s going to matter once we all catch a fever and die.”

  “We’ll be fine,” I assured her, stretching out my trousers in front of the fire. “I’m more worried about the horses. We might want to consider leaving them here. I was planning on avoiding the road the rest of the way, and they aren’t going to be much use if this weather keeps up.”

  “So instead of them slipping and breaking a leg, we’ll get to slip and break a leg. Fantastic.”

  “I’m sure they have a cobbler who will sell you some sensible boots.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Valuri grumbled. She glanced back over her shoulder, assuming Kaseya would join in on the heel bashing, but the amazon had barely spoken a word since we’d arrived. She was sitting naked next to the fire and idly brushing her long red hair.

  “Hey, anyone home?”

  Kaseya turned towards me a moment later as if I called her name across a great distance. “I apologize, Maskari . I was…distracted.”

  I smiled and knelt down next to her. “I’m the one who should be having trouble concentrating,” I said, gently cupping her bare breast.

  “Do you wish me to relieve you?”

  “No, not right now,” I said. “But I think we should talk.”

  Kaseya sighed and glanced back into the flames. “I do not understand what happened. It is not possible for a female to become moshalim .”

  “Red, there are sorceresses all over the Northern Reaches,” Valuri said. “That Silhouette girl, for one.”

  “She is not an amazon.”

  “It doesn’t make any difference.”

  “It makes all the difference.”

  I sighed and slung my arm over her shoulders. “Kaseya, you’re acting like this is a death sentence, but it’s not. It just means we have another thing in common!”

  She closed her eyes and remained silent. I sighed and rubbed at her shoulders.

  “Look, I’m as surprised as you are. Most people born with the gift figured it out the hard way—they have scary visions or hear their friends’ thoughts or set their houses on fire. The fact that nothing has happened to you in twenty some years…” I shrugged. “I don’t know what it means, but it’s not a bad thing.”

  “You do not understand.”

  “I’m the sorcerer—I understand better than anyone.”

  “No,” Kaseya insisted. “You do not understand because this proves my sister right.”

  I grimaced. “Because she said the moshalim were lying to you?”

  “Yes. And if they lied about this…what else could they be lying about?”

  “Anything and everything,” Valuri said. “It’s not fun when you find out you’ve spent your whole life in service of liars and monsters, is it?

  I whipped my head around and glared at her. “You’re not helping.”

  “It’s the truth. The sooner she comes to accept it, the better.”

  “The moshalim are not monsters,” Kaseya said. “They’re just…”

  I squeezed her shoulders again when she trailed off. “Maybe you should come lie down for a bit. I’ll fetch us some more tea and food.”

  “I would prefer to remain by the fire.”

  I sighed and nodded. Personally, I was excited by this revelation—I couldn’t wait to try and discover what if any natural abilities she might have—but I was trying to hide my enthusiasm for her sake. She didn’t need the collar flooding her with my giddiness right now. Back in Vorsalos, I had known a priest who had lost his faith one day, and the result had been…well, tragic didn’t begin to cover it. He had never been the same person afterwards.

  Valuri had gone through a similar transition when she had turned against the Senosi, though her natural cynicism had shielded her from the worst of it. Kaseya wouldn’t be so lucky.

  I stood and gestured for Val to follow me into the adjoining room where the wenches had drawn us some water. She gently shut the door behind us and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “She’ll be fine, Jorem. She’s a tough girl, and this isn’t actually bad news.”

  “I know,” I said. “I’m just a little worried about what might happen if we run into her sister out here.”

  “You weren’t worried already?” Valuri asked. “You did see Ayrael fight before, right?”

  “Yeah, and we won’t stand a chance unless all of us are ready and focused.” I pursed my lips. “I suppose there’s nothing we can do about it anyway, but I’m worried. People do strange things when their whole world starts collapsing around them.”

  “You’re especially cute when you’re all warm and compassionate,” Valuri said with a smirk. “But seriously: she’ll be fine.”

  I smiled back. “You’re just happy you have another place to feed.”

  “Ecstatic is more like it. Everyone loves a little variety now and then.”

  I snorted. “You really are a glutton.”

  “And yet I keep my perfect figure,” she said, bumping her hip against me. “The world isn’t fair.”

  I glanced back into the main room where Kaseya was still sitting. “No,” I murmured. “It most definitely is not.”


  The storm was still raging outside when we fell asleep, though I found the rhythmic patter of the rainfall against the window oddly soothing. The room only had one bed, which meant I was greeted in the morning by a naked Kaseya in my arms and a naked Valuri pressed up against my back. I might have actually enjoyed the sensation more than waking up with my cock in their mouths, as hard as that was to believe.

  Not that I really had to choose. Valuri, eager to feed, stroked me to full length barely a minute after I first stirred, and Kasey
a dutifully took me into her throat once I was ready. Just before I burst, she pulled away and pumped my load all over Valuri’s tits and stomach, and while the Senosi rolled around in gluttonous, post-coital bliss, Kaseya and I cleaned up and organized our equipment.

  The amazon didn’t say a word about sorcery or the moshalim or anything else related to our discovery, and I respected her silence. She seemed completely focused on the task at hand, which was probably for the best. Still, I dreaded our next encounter with her sister. I had no idea how Kaseya would react to another round of Ayrael’s taunts. I wasn’t looking forward to getting chopped in half, either, but for whatever reason the threat of painful death seemed paltry by comparison. Relationships were strange like that.

  The roads and fields were so muddy and slick that we left our horses at the stable and braved the path south on foot. On Kaseya’s suggestion, we hugged the edge of the lake south as long as we could before we eventually veered southeast towards the pass. She called out all the most obvious ambush points as we passed, and I made a mental note of each of them in anticipation of our return trip. I really hoped these Falcon Guard mercenaries were worth the gold Telanya was paying them…

  We camped one last time on the plains before reaching the Highvale Pass early the next morning. That gave us almost half a day before the scheduled rendezvous, which was exactly what I’d hoped for all along. The rocky terrain between the mountains featured a thousand potential ambush points, and I wanted to ensure that the Senosi weren’t already waiting for the caravan. While I stretched out with my magic and searched for any signs of Aetheric echoes, Kaseya swept the area for tracks and Valuri set up traps in a few choice locations. We spent so much of our time traveling and fucking around—often literally—that I had almost forgotten how well our skills complimented each other.


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