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The Amazon's Pledge- Ultimate Edition

Page 28

by Sarah Hawke

  A warning bell rang in the back of my mind. “You’re blackmailing them.”

  Her green eyes sparkled. “I’ve simply made it clear that the Archmage and the Headmistress of the Highwind Academy have higher priorities than tracking down one rogue sorcerer and his accomplices—especially since the three of you had nothing to do with stealing the crystals.”

  I grunted softly and shared a meaningful glance with Valuri. “Well, I suppose we should be thankful. I didn’t realize you would go to such lengths to protect us. It’s not like we’ve done anything for you yet.”

  “Like I told you before, I have no doubt that we will accomplish many great things together,” Silhouette said. “But for that to happen, I needed to ensure that you were safe first. I am a firm believer in protecting my investments.”

  Her words were smooth and her smile was soft, but I could sense an unmistakable aura of quiet menace behind them both. Just because she wore the face of a young, bright-eyed woman didn’t mean that was who I was dealing with. She knew exactly what she was doing, and every time we spoke it became more and more obvious just how calculating she really was.

  I should be terrified of this woman. So why is my cock getting hard again?

  “I’m, uh, I’m glad to hear it,” I said, clearing my throat. Maybe she had placed another charm spell on me and I didn’t even know it…

  “One way or another we’re going to need each other before this is over,” Silhouette said. “I’m happy to let you stay here as long as you like, but the three of you don’t strike me as the type to just wait around while their enemies gather at their doorstep.”

  “Here it comes…” Valuri muttered, crossing her arms.

  Silhouette arched one of her silver eyebrows. “I beg your pardon?”

  “This is the part where you finally ask us to do something. I’ve been waiting for the other boot to drop from the moment you led us down here.”

  “You misunderstand—I am no one’s taskmistress. As I said before, Darkwind is a sanctuary for the exiled and the oppressed. I don’t give these people a list of chores to earn their keep. Everyone helps out willingly, and our growing community is stronger for it.”

  “Uh huh.”

  I was tempted to elbow Val in the gut. “You’ll have to forgive her,” I said. “She’s always grumpy after a nap.”

  Silhouette smiled and laughed. “I don’t blame you in the least for being suspicious. All I meant was that the moment I hear anything about Ayrael, I will be sure to let you know.” Her eyes shifted over towards Kaseya. “I suspect you have a score to settle with your sister.”

  “Yes, I do,” the amazon confirmed. “But she is powerful.”

  “When the time comes to face her, you will not have to do so alone,” Silhouette promised. “I have my people searching for her right now. I have been attempting to retrace her steps over the past several months, and the trail has led to some…unexpected places.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck suddenly tingled. “Such as?”

  “She’s been almost everywhere in the region, but especially the north,” Silhouette said. “That was where I first became aware of an amazon working with the Inquisitrix, actually. One of my people spotted her near the Frozen Tear a few months ago. He had no idea who or what Ayrael was at first, but the elite squad of Vorsalosian scouts following her around was suspicious. She and her minions were searching the mountains for something.”

  Both Kaseya and Valuri shot me a meaningful glance, and the tingle in my neck became a full-blown shudder. “Do you know what?” I asked.

  Silhouette’s eyes glimmered in recognition of my strange reaction, but she didn’t press me on it. “Not specifically. At first I assumed she was scouring the mountains for new vatari deposits, but my top lieutenant in Icewatch believes Ayrael was actually looking for someone rather than something. There are a few small fishing villages nestled in the valleys up there. He is investigating as we speak.”

  I nodded slowly, debating whether or not I should tell her about my vision. I decided there probably wasn’t much harm in it, at least not at the moment.

  “There’s an old man who lives up there,” I said. “Gray beard, surprisingly muscular figure for his age. His hair is too light to be a Roskarim.”

  One of Silhouette’s silver eyebrows twitched. “You know of this?”

  “Not exactly,” I said, swallowing and bracing myself against the wall. “I had a vision not long ago—an Aetheric dreamscape where I saw Ayrael fighting with an old man in the mountains. He seemed to want me to find him.”

  “You are a seer?” she asked, taking a step closer. “I had no idea.”

  “I’m definitely not a seer—this vision was a lot more detailed than anything I’m used to.” I pursed my lips. “I don’t claim to understand everything I saw, but this can’t be a coincidence.”

  “I should think not.” Silhouette reached out and touched my cheek for a moment. I could feel her clawing through the Aether for answers. “I will send a message to my ally in Icewatch. Perhaps he can solve this mystery for us.”

  “I hope so,” I whispered. I had a feeling things weren’t going to be that easy, but perhaps that was just my innate pessimism talking. I wasn’t accustomed to having allies with actual resources who could do things on my behalf…

  “From the first moment I spotted you in the Rose , I knew you would be an interesting man, Jorem Farr,” Silhouette said, cupping her hand around my chin.

  I could feel Valuri’s eyes roll even though I wasn’t looking at her. “He’s not that interesting, believe me.”

  “For now, there’s nothing left for us to do but wait,” Silhouette said, ignoring the comment. “I didn’t actually come up here for business. I was hoping we could all get better acquainted.”

  “Really,” I said, my hands instinctively falling to her slender waist. “And here I was hoping for the exact same thing.”

  I heard the smack of Val’s hand striking her forehead but did my best to ignore it.

  Silhouette smiled at me for another moment, her eyes practically begging me to kiss her, before she unexpectedly pivoted away and touched Kaseya’s arm. “I was especially hoping to spend some more time with your amazon companion. You enjoyed our time together in the Rose , didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Kaseya confirmed. “You are quite skilled.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” The half-elf’s eyes glimmered again. “There’s something else I would like to show you—a technique I’m convinced you’ll appreciate.”

  Kaseya turned towards me as if she were asking for permission. “We have time,” I said, waving my hand. “Enjoy yourself.”

  “Your friends are welcome to watch, of course,” Silhouette said. “I’ve no doubt they’ll enjoy the show.”

  She stretched up on her tiptoes and brought her lips to the amazon’s. I couldn’t explain why, exactly, but the sight of two women kissing had always made me stiffen faster than just about anything else. By the time Silhouette’s fingers began fiddling with the straps of Kaseya’s breastplate, my cock was almost ready to burst.

  “I need to sit down,” I breathed, backpedaling and sinking down in one of the room’s plushy chairs. Valuri rolled her eyes, but she followed and sat down in my lap regardless. A few seconds later she began grinding her calves over the lump in my trousers.

  While Kaseya gently ran her hands through Silhouette’s silver hair, she opened her eyes just enough to wink at me. She could feel my arousal, and she knew how much I loved watching her and Val go at it. Now she was going to give her Maskari a show.

  The women stripped each other piece by piece. Just like when we had first met her back at the Silken Rose , I couldn’t help but notice how Silhouette’s body combined the sleek, slender frame of an elf with the plump, perky breasts of a human. I desperately wanted to lie her down, straddle her stomach, and fuck her tits until I left a hot, steaming load all over her pretty elven face.

  Val’s grinding grew more int
ense with every article of clothing Silhouette removed. Once the other women were both naked, she replaced her calves with her hand.

  “Fuck,” she whispered. “You better still have something left to give me…”

  “Have I ever let you down?” I asked.

  “There’s always a first time.”

  Silhouette finally pulled away and smiled, then gently led Kaseya to the thick carpet and floor cushions decorating the other side of the room. “I can’t wait to taste you again,” she cooed, leaning down just enough to lash her tongue across the amazon’s nipples. “But while I was in the Underworld, I learned the importance of playing with your food.”

  She opened her right hand and reached out to the Aether. A clump of white, faintly glowing webbing appeared in her palm, and I suddenly remembered how she had pinned me against the wall back in the Silken Rose . The dark elves were obsessed with spiders and their webs—I should have made the connection earlier.

  Before Kaseya fully realized what was happening, Silhouette took her strong arms and pinned them tightly behind her back, then fastened them together with the magical webbing. The pose forced Kaseya to thrust out her already ample breasts—it looked just uncomfortable enough to be incredibly hot.

  “It’s a start,” Silhouette said, a truly devilish smile on her lips. “Now get on your knees.”

  Kaseya blinked. “What?”

  “Get on your knees,” the half-elf repeated. Her voice echoed across the room, and I could feel the power of the Aether behind her words. “Now.”

  The amazon obeyed as if she were in a trance. The moment she touched the ground, a soft moan escaped Valuri’s lips. Her fingers quickly and desperately wormed their way into my trousers to free my cock.

  “Good girl,” Silhouette said, tracing her finger along the edge of Kaseya’s jaw. “Now show me what you learned on that island of yours.”

  The half-elf shuffled forward until her quim was less than an inch from the amazon’s face. Kaseya eagerly stretched out her tongue and began lashing the bald slit up and down. Grinning in approval, Silhouette lifted her slender leg and slung it over the other woman’s shoulder, then grabbed a handful of red hair and closed her eyes.

  “Fuck…” Valuri breathed, grabbing her belt. “Get this shit off of me.”

  She didn’t need to tell me twice. I helped her tear off her boots and trousers in record time, and I traced my fingers up her smooth, pale legs all the way to her smoldering cunt. She was already soaked, which didn’t surprise me in the least. We might have had very different personalities, but she was the only woman I’d ever met whose quim could slicken even faster than my cock could harden.

  As I plunged a finger into her, the nails on her left hand clawed into my shoulder. Her right returned to my cock, and she was slowly and tortuously stroking me as only she could. I knew from experience that we could both keep this up for a long time if we wanted to. And we usually did.

  “Mmm…” Silhouette moaned, snapping my attention back to the show. “Not bad. Not bad at all…”

  She continued holding Kaseya against her for another minute before she lifted her leg and pulled away. The amazon’s face was glistening with her juices.

  “I want to taste you, but there’s something else I wanted to show you first,” Silhouette said. “I know another spell I guarantee you never saw on Nol Krovos.”

  Her devilish grin returned as she lowered her right hand in front of her quim and reached out to the Aether. The air around her wet slit began to shimmer, and I watched in disbelief as a hard, thick cock inexplicably sprouted from inside her.

  “By the gods,” Valuri whispered. “It’s…it’s actually real.”

  I swallowed and forcibly dragged my eyes away. “What?”

  “I can see through illusions, Jorem. That cock is real .”

  I turned back and stared. I had automatically assumed that the master illusionist had just crafted an illusory phallus…but apparently Silhouette knew some actual transmutation magic, too.

  Kaseya looked even more bewildered than we did. The swollen head dangled a breath away from her lips, and her mouth kept opening and closing like she couldn’t decide what to do with it.

  “I had a feeling you’d like it,” Silhouette snickered. “Now open wide.”

  Once more Kaseya obeyed without question, and the half-elf slowly fed her magical cock through the amazon’s lips and deep into her throat. Having watched her gorge herself on my own member countless times, I probably shouldn’t have found the sight of Silhouette face-fucking her so arousing. But I did.

  “Take it, Red,” Valuri said. “Take it all…”

  I don’t think I had ever properly appreciated how deep Kaseya could swallow a cock until this moment. Once Silhouette had pushed her member all the way in, she grabbed the amazon’s red ponytail and began thrusting in earnest. Kaseya’s loud gurgles and muffled moans filled the room and inexorably pushed me towards a climax.

  “Shit,” I gasped. “It’s coming.”

  “Not yet,” Valuri growled. “Get inside me!”

  She pivoted around in my lap and swung her leg all the way over until she was straddling me. Her quim was so wet my cock slipped inside her without the slightest bit of resistance.

  “You better not finish before I do,” she warned, grabbing the back of my head and pulling my face into her tits. She wasn’t even looking at me; her green eyes remained completely fixated on the show even while she fucked me with her hips.

  I had just about reached my limit when Silhouette withdrew her now glistening member. “Perfect,” she said, brushing Kaseya’s chin again. “Now I’m going to fuck that sweet little cunt of yours.”

  The amazon froze and balked away. “You cannot.”

  Everyone in the room seemed to pause at once. Unsurprisingly, Silhouette was the first to find her voice.


  “My body is for Jorem’s stem alone,” Kaseya said. “I cannot and will not sheathe another.”

  “It’s okay,” I croaked. “Seriously.”

  Kaseya shook her head. “It is a clear violation of the Maskari-Shan pact.”

  “Oh, for the love of…” Val smacked her forehead. “Red, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I cannot break my vow.”

  Silhouette touched her face again. “I am familiar with your culture’s pledge. It promises that you will not sheathe any male stem other than your Maskari .” She grinned. “But as you know, I am not a man and this is not a male stem.”

  Kaseya stared blankly ahead, and I legitimately had no idea what she was going to say. Did amazons care about technicalities? Were they as fond of fudging the rules as the rest of us?

  I got my answer a second later when she suddenly flopped forward on the carpet and thrust her ass straight up into the air. Silhouette darted behind her without the slightest pause, and she roughly slammed her cock into the amazon a split second later.

  “Now fuck her,” Valuri groaned. “Fuck her until she begs for more!”

  Silhouette clearly had plenty of experience taking other women. She thrust with the raw intensity of an orc barbarian twice her size. While her right hand repeatedly slapped Kaseya’s ass, her left grabbed the amazon’s red ponytail and yanked it back as hard as she could.

  This is exactly what Kaseya looked like when I fucked her from behind the first time. So powerless. So helpless. So breathtakingly beautiful. The way she yelped in delight, the way her eyes rolled back into her head, the way her tits slapped against the floor…

  “Oh, gods,” I breathed. “Here it comes!”

  “Not yet!” Valuri said, clutching my throat so hard I couldn’t breathe. “Not…yet…ooh!”

  She climaxed so hard I felt the seizure shudder through her body like an earthquake. Her red hot quim clamped around me even tighter, begging me to spill. But I knew how much she would want me to splatter her stomach and tits…

  “Inside,” she said, biting my earlobe while she choked me even har
der. “Cum inside me, Jorem. Now!”

  I was already firing before she finished the sentence. I painted the walls of her quim with at least half a dozen volleys, amazed that she actually wanted it inside her. I relished the rare opportunity, clutching her tightly against me so I could feel the remaining tremors of her climax. Once I finally came down, I roughly kissed her lips and grabbed a thatch of her black hair.

  Silhouette’s cry of exultation finally snapped us both out of our trance. We separated and glanced back just in time to watch her pull out and drench Kaseya’s back with blast after blast of seed. I didn’t understand how it was even possible for a transmuted cock to spill like that, but in the heat of the moment I didn’t really care. It was so unbelievably hot to see the amazon crouched forward, arms pinned, her back and hair soaked in someone else’s cum.

  “I knew you’d enjoy it,” Silhouette said, her eyes sparkling. “They always do…”

  Kaseya looked broken and exhausted, but also completely content. Valuri actually chuckled softly as she gathered up some of the seed seeping out of her and placed it on her tongue. “Red’s not the only one…”

  I smiled as her eyes and tattoos began to glow. Having allies really was a rare and wonderful thing after all.


  Bring the sister to me, or die with the rest of our people.

  Despite how drained I was when I passed out—despite the fact I slept so soundly than an earthquake probably wouldn’t have dragged me back into the waking world—the strange sorcerer’s ominous words continued looping through my mind all night. I saw the snow covered peak and the tiny fishing village from a great distance, but no matter how hard I tried I could never get any closer. I swore I could actually feel someone reaching out to me, but every minute that ticked by they grew farther and farther away…

  I was finally yanked back into the waking world by the now familiar sound of soft moans and smacking lips, and I wasn’t surprised in the least to find both Kaseya and Valuri crouched over my waist and taking turns nibbling at my swollen cock. It was still a bit sensitive from last night, and I was almost tempted to ask them to stop and give me a day to recover.


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