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The Amazon's Pledge- Ultimate Edition

Page 51

by Sarah Hawke

  “I’m sure they would,” I said through clenched teeth. They had barely touched me, but I was already having trouble maintaining control. Imagining this little contest of theirs was going to push me over the edge. The sun glinting off their pretty faces, the people below cheering on their efforts, their tongues and lips covered with the fruit of their labor…

  “We also promised that we would share everything,” Kaseya said. “This is the next best thing.”

  Hestiah slipped the swollen head between her lips again, then locked her brown eyes onto mine as her tongue flicked across the tip. She began bobbing her head up and down, taking me deeper and deeper every second until Kaseya finally grabbed the back of her head and forced the issue. I couldn’t believe how hard she pushed, her face lit up in glee at the same time Hestiah’s eyes widened in surprise. A few strokes later I buried all the way in, and I let out a primal grunt as I felt an imminent climax approaching.

  “Give it to her, Jorem,” Kaseya egged me on. “Give her everything you have!”

  All it took was one final glance down at Hestiah’s pretty face, heaving tits, and sparkling eyes before I exploded. I assumed I wouldn’t have much left to spill after filling both girls on the boat yesterday, but as usual I underestimated myself. I pumped five distinct volleys down her throat, and she took them all with remarkable poise and grace. Kaseya climaxed next to her as my pleasure shuddered through her collar.

  Hestiah kept me in her mouth for several seconds after I had spilled, and when she finally leaned back she left her lips open to show me the full extent of my copious offering. Rather than swallow, she turned to Kaseya and gave her friend a long, passionate kiss. They seemed utterly unconcerned about the tiny white trickles escaping their lips.

  “Shit,” I rasped, bracing myself against the balcony again. We had already gathered an audience—about a dozen young amazons and a few unbound moshalim were watching from below. Some of them decided to join the fun; the girls pushed the sorcerers back against the closest wall or door and gorged themselves on cock, often in teams.

  This really was paradise.

  “Who would have thought that mainlanders were so virile?” Hestiah said when she finally broke their kiss.

  Kaseya grinned. “They are full of surprises.”

  Hestiah glanced back at my wilted cock. “What about his stamina?”

  “It’s just as impressive.”

  “Good,” she said, her brown eyes twinkling. “I want to help him fuck you.”

  They started kissing again, but this time I knew it was at least partially for show. Kaseya slowly and sensuously slipped Hestiah out of her dress, and Hestiah promptly returned the favor. The sight of their athletic bodies intertwined was more than enough to stir my manhood back to life, especially when they began suckling on one another’s nipples. Though when Kaseya began slipping her fingers into Hestiah’s quim, I started to wonder if they had forgotten about me altogether…

  “Take her from behind,” Hestiah said between breathless pants. “Take her hard and fast.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I leaned down and grabbed Kaseya by the arm, roughly hoisting her back to her feet and then pushing her hard against the balcony railing. She yelped in delight, then quickly spread her legs and presented herself for me. Our audience down below had grown even larger now, and they had a fantastic view of the Daughter of Destiny’s head and tits hanging over the edge.

  My cock slipped into her smoldering quim with ease, I didn’t hold back—I grabbed her ponytail, smacked her ass, and slammed into her with the fury of a barbarian warlord claiming his plunder. Hestiah slid in behind me, her hands wrapped around my waist and clawing at my chest as she nibbled my ear

  “Fuck her harder, mainlander,” she cooed. “Show us all that she’s yours!”

  The feeling of her plump breasts and smooth stomach on my back almost pushed me over the edge right there. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer despite the fact I had already spilled, and every time Hestiah’s fingernails dug into my chest I drew closer. I would have given just about anything in that moment to fuck her too, but apparently even paradise had its limits.


  “Fuck!” I yelled, slapping Kaseya’s ass again as I buried myself balls deep.

  “Maskari !”

  The word echoed up and down the marketplace, followed swiftly by my cries of pleasure as I erupted for the second time. I pumped her molten cunt full of everything I had left, and I even felt Hestiah shudder in climax behind me when she plunged a finger into herself. This time, the wave of weakness that crashed over me was so intense I probably would have fallen over if Hestiah didn’t hold me up.

  “Rest now,” she breathed into my ear as she helped prop me up against the balcony again. “We aren’t finished yet.”

  She kissed me on the cheek before she slipped back over to Kaseya and knelt behind her. As my seed hemorrhaged from my bond-mate’s quim, Hestiah was there to lap up every drop. It was so unbelievably hot it didn’t even feel real.

  “Where’s that servant girl when you need her?” I whispered. “I could really use a drink.”


  One of these days, I assumed I would grow tired of waking up with my cock in a woman’s mouth. Today was not that day.

  “Ohhh,” I moaned as my eyes fluttered open and my fingers reflexively combed through the hair of the head bouncing up and down on my lap. I assumed it was Kaseya or perhaps even Hestiah, but I realized my mistake before my vision cleared. “I assumed you’d have fed enough for all the amazon girls last night.”

  “I did,” Valuri said, dragging her tongue up the length of my shaft before she abruptly pulled away and curled up next to me on the bed. “I just wanted to wake you up so we could talk about it.”

  I sighed and glanced down at my throbbing stem. “You really are a bitch sometimes.”

  She shrugged. “I’m sure Red will be back to finish you off soon enough. In the meantime, we have a lot to discuss.”

  “Then I’ll leave your mouth free.”

  I rolled on top of her. She was naked, thankfully, so I had no problem wedging myself between her slender legs and pushing the head of my cock against her quim. I gently slipped inside, and she eagerly locked her ankles behind my back when I started fucking her in earnest.

  “You learned something interesting, I take it?” I asked between breathless pants.

  “I just confirmed what we already assumed,” she replied, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around the back of my neck to pull me closer. “There are a lot of sorcerers on this island.”

  “Amazons, you mean?”

  “I licked three different girls, and I had no trouble feeding off of each and every one of them.”

  I snorted softly. “You talked your way beneath three skirts in one night?”

  “It wasn’t difficult. The black hair makes me exotic here. They all wanted a taste.”

  “Uh huh,” I said, pumping harder.

  “I thought about sampling a few young, dashing moshalim , too…I’m sure they would have been more than willing to help in my experiment.”

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Yeah. Jealous?”

  “A little.”

  “Good.” She smiled and kissed me as she dragged her fingernails down my back. “Think of this way: I fucked three women, but I’m still back in here in the morning yearning for your cock. What does that tell you?”

  “That you’re an unrepentant slut?”

  “And you love it, don’t you?”

  I thrust into her hard enough that her eyes rolled back in her head, and a few thrusts later I lost control. I pulled out mid spurt, and despite last night’s festivities I still had enough left to paint her stomach and tits with a fresh, steaming batch of Senosi fuel before I slumped onto the bed and strongly considered falling back asleep.

  “I didn’t bother with those gorgeous men because I knew they couldn’t cook like you do,” Valuri said as she sh
oveled a thick, vicious glob into her mouth. “I will never stop resenting you for it.”

  I smiled and watched her feed for a minute before I belatedly activated my bond-ring and searched for Kaseya. Hopefully I hadn’t made her climax in the middle of an important conversation…


  Sorry, Val was hungry, I said through our link. Is everything all right?

  I have not been able to locate my sister. The fleet must still be too far away.

  “Apparently Kaseya still can’t sense Ayrael,” I said. “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

  “The armada must be waiting for something before they close in,” Valuri reasoned.

  I nodded gravely and glanced out the window. Even mornings were amazing here. Fresh bread and slow-cooking meat smelled a lot better without the distinct undercurrent of sewage, as it turned out.

  You and Val should get cleaned up. The Matriarch will be here soon.

  “Right,” I said aloud. “Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a long day?”

  There were so many bathing pools here on the island that it put Solemi’s underground sauna to shame. And to top it off, most of them were filled with unbelievably attractive eighteen and nineteen year-old girls who had absolutely no shame about showing off their sleek, tanned bodies. If I hadn’t just spilled all over Val, my persistent erection would have been completely out of control.

  Unsurprisingly, though, they seemed every bit as interested in my Senosi counterpart. Without me as a chaperone, Val probably would have spent the whole afternoon “testing” even more girls. Dragging her back to Kaseya and the others was like trying to get a starving hound to ignore a fresh slab of meat.

  We eventually ended up back in the dining hall for breakfast before Hestiah informed us that the Matriarch and the Mosh’Dalar had returned to the city. My stomach immediately clenched into a knot, and through our bond I could sense that Kaseya felt just as anxious but for entirely different reasons. I was worried that the truth would get us beheaded; she was worried that a lie of omission would violate her code of honor.

  Suffice to say, we had slightly different priorities.

  Hestiah and several other amazon warriors escorted us across the market plaza and the artisan’s square to the enormous silver-gold spire at the heart of the city. The local translation was the “Throne of the Gods.” I assumed it couldn’t possibly live up to its name, and I was right. But it came really, really close.

  The entire building could have been poured rather than forged. The walls, the ceiling, even the twin thrones atop the elevated platform—they all looked like liquid gold or silver solidified with Aetheric power. And they might have been exactly that, for all I knew. The latent energy of the Fount was so overwhelming I was having trouble distinguishing one aura from another.

  The sheer number of golden-armored, spear-wielding amazons in the throne room was as intimidating as it was impressive. They were all just as tall, sleek, and deadly-looking as Kaseya, and I risked a quick glance over at Valuri to make sure she wasn’t drooling. Thankfully, she seemed more or less in control of her hunger, at least for the moment.

  I half expected a herald to introduce us, but mercifully the amazons’ taste for pomp and circumstance was limited to the visual rather than the verbal. Two of the guards crossed their spears in front of the twin thrones at the heart of the chamber, signaling for us to stop. Matriarch Lysara sat on the right, her legs casually crossed despite the elaborate armored boots sheathing her calves and thighs. She looked at least ten years younger than Zalheer even though they were ostensibly the same age; living on Nol Krovos was obviously less taxing than wandering the world as an outcast. Her blonde hair had turned silver, but the lines on her face were hard to see until she smiled.

  The man on the left, the Mosh’Dalar, had aged almost as gracefully. He wore a similar open robe as the rest of the moshalim , and his tanned, perfectly sculpted chest made me want to wretch out of envy. Nearly every one of his fingers was adorned with an elaborate ring, though most appeared purely ornamental. The power of his tan’hema was obvious even from here, however; I could sense the Aetheric energy flowing between it and the Matriarch’s golden choker.

  “At last, the Vaer Tal’Shira returns to her rightful place at my side,” Matriarch Lysara said. Her voice was smooth and husky, and her accent was barely noticeable at all. “Welcome home, my child.”

  “Thank you, Your Eminence,” Kaseya replied. “But I lament that I have returned empty-handed. You charged me with capturing the Betrayer, and I have failed. I have dishonored you and all of Nol Krovos.”

  “Yes, you have,” the Mosh’Dalar said in a deep, raspy tone. “You must now redeem yourself by defeating her and the mainlander filth who follow her to our shores.”

  His tone was so sharp I couldn’t help but be taken aback. Judging from the Matriarch’s stern glare, she hadn’t expected his vitriol, either.

  “The Aether has brought her back to us for a reason, as you well know,” Lysara said. “The Betrayer’s defeat is finally at hand, and at long last our chosen daughter will fulfill her destiny.”

  The Mosh’Dalar remained silent. His dark eyes burned into Kaseya as if he were peering into her soul, and when he finally turned them upon me I honestly wondered if I might spontaneously combust.

  “But enough of that,” Lysara said, forcing a smile. “We dishonor ourselves by ignoring our guests. I am Lysara, Matriarch of the Red Sisterhood. This is my Maskari and the leader of the moshalim , Tanathel.”

  “We’re honored to meet both of you,” I said, offering them a half bow. I could already feel the blood rushing into my face; I had always hated dealing with authority figures. I never knew how to stand, what to say, or where to put my bloody hands.

  “And we are honored to finally meet Kaseya’s Maskari . Hestiah told us all about you, Jorem Farr.”

  “Not too much, I hope,” I replied with a dry smirk. When no one smiled back, I raised my hands defensively. “Uh, sorry. Bad joke.”

  If the window had been closer, I would have seriously considered diving through the glass and plummeting to my death just to escape the awkward silence. Instead I just tried not to wilt.

  “It is rare for a Red Sister to bond herself to a mainlander,” Lysara said. “I hope you will respect our traditions.”

  “I’ll do the best I can,” I said, offering her a bow. “Allow me to introduce—”

  “The Fas’Tarah ,” Tanathel interrupted. “The eater of magic.”

  “I normally go by ‘Valuri,’ but I’ve been called worse names,” Val snarked. She wasn’t trembling at all; her arms were folded casually across her chest, and she looked as calm and vaguely disinterested as ever. I would have given just about anything for a fraction of her poise right about now.

  “You are brave to approach our shores given the many crimes of your mistress,” Tanathel said, his dark eyes narrowing dangerously.

  “She is the friend and companion of the Vaer Tal’Shira ,” Hestiah said from behind us. “Surely that is enough to—”

  “You speak out of turn,” Tanathel growled. “We are discussing the Aether, not the art war. The opinions of a female are neither requested nor required.”

  Hestiah lowered her head, chastened, as her own Maskari stepped up behind her and placed his hand upon her collar as if to remind her who was in charge. I could feel Kaseya’s annoyance, and I feared how she would respond. It was already taking all of her willpower to keep from bringing up Zalheer and the Fount…

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, chief, but this female magic-eater has a lot of important information about the people who want to burn down your island,” Valuri said. “You are a warrior culture, right? Don’t you want to know more about your enemies?”

  The Mosh’Dalar turned and glared at her, and he actually started to stand before Lysara placed a soothing hand on his arm. “There is no need for hostility,” she said. “Hestiah is right—any friend of Kaseya’s is a friend to Nol K

  Tanathel swiveled his glare to her, clearly annoyed, but apparently he wasn’t willing to challenge the Matriarch directly. I suddenly wished I knew more about the subtle power dynamics at play here. Their relationship must have been different than the average amazon and moshalim .

  “It is a dark time for Nol Krovos, and recent tensions have made patience a rare virtue,” Lysara said. “But we welcome all allies, both old and new, in our fight against the Betrayer and her minions.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Valuri said, “because you’re not ready to deal with the Senosi, not in the numbers Ayrael will be leading.”

  “The Matriarch offers you a hand of friendship, and you repay her generosity with insults?” Tanathel asked.

  “I’m not trying to insult you—I’m trying to help you,” Valuri insisted. “I doubt you can even comprehend the kind of power you’re dealing with. Red here is a great warrior—her training was even better than mine. But the Senosi aren’t going to fight fair. They feed on Aetheric energy, as I’m sure you know, but they won’t even need to drain your moshalim . This entire island is teeming with magic. They can feed from the bloody air.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, and when they reopened a second later they were blazing like two tiny pinpricks of emerald flame. Every guard in the room clutched her spear more tightly, and I was worried Val’s demonstration would be even more poorly received than during last night’s feast…

  “With this much energy, I could slaughter half your guards before they even knew what was happening,” Valuri said. “Raw skill might win in a fair fight, but not when the odds are this stacked against you.”

  “She speaks the truth,” Kaseya interjected before the Mosh’Dalar could reply. “The Senosi are more dangerous than any enemy we have ever faced, and my sister has learned their techniques. That is why I could not stop her.”

  “An amazon warrior does not make excuses,” Tanathel said.

  “It’s not an excuse—it’s a fact,” Valuri countered. “Nol Krovos is not prepared for this storm.”


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