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The Wolf & The Pretender

Page 12

by Serena Simspson

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kayden took Keva in a deep kiss that stopped all rational thought. Her breath was caught in her throat fighting to be free even as she surrendered to his mastery over her. When the kiss finally broke, it was Kayden’s breath filling her lungs keeping her rapidly beating heart functioning. The breath fighting to be free finally won working its way through her body feeding her greedy cells with oxygen.

  She gestured for him to lie on his stomach. When he was prone, she sat on him allowing her fingers to play over his back. Her lips started at the base of his neck and licked every patch of skin exploring the pattern, it all went together. It reminded her of a jigsaw puzzle or an intricate tattoo that needed to be studied for its secrets to be revealed.

  She licked and traced them, treating the pattern like energy she created to protect and defend herself. She worshipped his back ignoring the tug at the base of her skull that told her she was missing something. She memorized the pattern wanting to be able to trace it in the middle of the night without opening her eyes.

  His breath hitched making her renew her efforts.

  “Do you like it when I touch you?” She loved touching him, her song sang new melodies she didn’t know existed when she placed her hands on him.

  “Never stop touching me.” A shudder went through him. Her cheek was placed to his back nuzzling him. His warmth traveled through her warming her up. Her tongue licked down to his ass then back to his neck while her fingers played over him tracing senseless patterns from his back down to his thighs.

  “Mine,” she growled as the patterns she used for protection were traced over him as if his skin could absorb her energy and push it from him in times of need.

  “Yours,” he agreed, pressing himself into her touch.

  When it felt like one of them would go up in smoke, he flipped over pulling her down onto his chest.

  “Mine,” he growled in her ear licking the shell before he bit the lobe. “From this day forward every inch of your beautiful body belongs to me. I will love you, cherish you, worship the very ground you walk on. Not because you are a god, because you are mine.”

  She blinked fast trying to keep the tears at bay. There was a time that doubts about who she was were her best friend. Now she knew that she was a gifted woman able to use energy in her life the way a doctor used a scalpel. The fact that she was Kayden’s mate was just another layer of her complexity.

  Those thoughts disappeared as he took one of her nipples in his mouth like they were low hanging fruit. Which she guessed they were. The pleasure started as a low hum going through her body coming from her lips in a sigh. The harder he sucked the more she tensed with the sensations going through her. Her nipples hardened sending signals to her body that they were on fire. Her arm shook even as her hands were planted on his chest.

  The butterflies in her stomach did a choreographed dance of pleasure. They tipped off her pussy to what was going on. Her whole body seized as drops of fire ran through her blood. Kayden flipped her over his hands massaging her breast as he continued to eat her alive with his mouth.

  “You don’t know what you do to me. My body syncs to yours like you’re the sun I orbit around. The sound of your breathing and your heartbeat are what I listen to, to confirm my existence, they are as necessary to me as air.” She threw her head back as it thrashed back and forth. What would she do without him?

  “You almost left me,” he told her as he kissed down her ribs to her stomach. “The color left the sky my life was a black void without you. The heartbeat you loved slowed until it only beat a song of pain and misery. Touching you is as necessary as breathing. I can’t walk away I don’t want to. Tomorrow and the day after, all I will want is you. I’ll want you like this wild and abandoned with your hips doing the dance of desperation as you try to rub against my thigh. I’ll want you in the tub laughing at something I said. Then I’ll want you in bed with you spooned up against me. When we are out in public, I’ll hold my head up high so everyone will know that you chose to love me.”

  She would give him her heart, but he already had it. Her hands went to his hair as he kissed around her belly button his tongue dipping in and out causing her to laugh at his tricks and moan at the way he loved her.

  “I want to be in,” he said against her skin making her moan in anticipation.

  His fingers pulled at the hair curled over her pussy. A hiss left her as pleasure speared deep inside of her. Her clit throbbed, screaming a silent greeting to fingers that weren’t paying attention to it. Deep inside of her was an itch, a need she never noticed before. She needed his long thick dick to scratch it.

  The thought of his cum deep inside her did something to her. Sex was always sex until Kayden. He took it one step further it was making love to the next level. Connect with me, she cried out silently. I need more than just the physical touch of your body I need to be one with you.

  When she was younger, there was talk of people who had been together so long that they knew what the other was thinking. They could finish the other’s sentences. That made no sense to her, humans couldn’t do that. Now she understood, it was something that went beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary.

  She was passed the need for ordinary. A silent scream left her lips when he took her clit in his mouth. It wasn’t one she could hear with her ears, but her soul heard it. From the way he redoubled his efforts, his soul heard it too. She shook as her hands clenched his hair, the only stable surface in her universe.

  “Please, please,” she begged not sure what she was asking for. When the heel of his hand pushed on her pussy, she came with a flood. Her silent scream was now loud enough to shake the rafters on the roof.

  He stroked her clit licking up the cream that rolled out of her. She flopped against the bed useless to do anything except enjoy the mini shocks going through her.

  “That was…”

  “The beginning, we have a whole lifetime of pleasure before us.” He crawled up her body laying half sprawled on her.

  “You’re still hard.” His erection was lying against her thigh making her want him even more.

  “I’ll live.”

  “I won’t. I want you in me, deep and hard, I want your teeth in me sometime tonight.”

  He shivered at the picture of possessing her with his dick and his teeth.

  “You’ll be my mate.”

  “I’m already your mate, the teeth are just a formality, like a marriage license.”

  The kisses were soft like the maddening intensity had given away to a beauty they wanted to appreciate. His hands ran over her body waking it once again like it was a flower gone dormant in the winter. Now it was raising its fragile petals to the sun. He kissed down her arms and buried his nose there to take in her scent. His head nuzzled at her neck scratching it with his teeth that were longer than normal.

  Would she ever see him change? Then she caught a glimpse of his werewolf. How she didn’t know. Maybe she had seen him in the woods. He was tall and broad his feet were wide paws capable of keeping him upright. He was taller as a werewolf and hairy. She looked closer, that wasn’t hair. The skin on his back engulfed his whole body.

  That same itch was back. There was no time to think about it, his hands were once again trailing down her body leaving little lakes of fire in their wake.

  “Mine,” she needed to feel him deep inside of her making them one.

  He hovered over her watching her eyes. “Keva?” She pulled him into a kiss. She was sure, and she wasn’t giving him up.

  He spread her legs wide his dick jumped as he rubbed it against her. Her eyes closed as enticing sounds left her lips. Little pleas for him to put her out her misery mixed with the sounds she was making. Her pulsed hammered hard in her throat while her heart missed a beat. Pert nipples sat up begging for more.

  He lodged the head of his cock in her pussy fire speeding up his spine. Not able to deny himself any longer he pushed in. The candles in the room flickered throwing Shadows ac
ross the walls. Keva’s eyes slid shut as a shudder along with a moan left her.

  Pleasure swamped her but it was so much more. It was like being taken from this world and shown paradise. A place where every time something felt good it got better. This place wasn’t the absence of pain it was the personification of happiness. Pain happened in the past you remembered it, but it was nothing compared to the living joy that surrounded you, overwhelming you.

  Her body became something new. She gave in to it, embraced it, calling it her new reality. Her legs wrapped around him while her toes curled with more pleasure than she could handle. Still, she clung to him as her pussy clenched around him doing a song and dance of its own. Her spine became fluid as she moved underneath him. She moaned but to her ears, they sounded like words to a secret language.

  His thrusts came harder and faster as sweat slicked them.

  “I’m so close.” She was going to lose it the waterfall was waiting for it. The river reminded her of the one behind the house. He leaned over her neck licking it. As the first ball of lava rolled up her spine he bit into her neck.

  The high keening sound that came from her was too high for human ears to hear. A ball of lightning this time rocked her body as her sounds became frantic to meet the desperation in each of her thrust. She was swirling around in space. Time had no meaning, there was nothing to catch her if she fell, and she was falling. A free fall from an airplane which was exhilarating until she realized her parachute wouldn’t open.

  There was no surviving this ride. She held on for all she was worth enjoying every second she was given to be with the male she loved. Some risks were worth it. Her heart synced with his, her breathing matching his was a wonder she never knew existed. The ground was coming too close to fast. When she hit, there would be nothing left.

  He caught her around her waist. “Not without me darling.” His parachute opened flinging them back up for another round of ecstasy before they gently landed.

  “You caught me.”

  “Always darling, always.”

  She had learned to ask for what she wanted. There was no way in her life she could have ever known she wanted Kayden. She gave silent thanks to whoever it was that looked over her when she couldn’t look over herself. Her eyes closed in sleep with the last thought that now she was Kayden’s mate and a Kur’ik.

  Chapter Twenty

  Keva was synced to Kayden. Her heartbeat echoed his almost. His sang faster with more beats, yet they were still synchronized in a beautiful dance. She felt like a kid on Christmas morning who received a treasure she never asked for and couldn’t imagine.

  Placing her head over his heart her eyes closed taking her to a dream world that was nothing but fantasy.

  “Ava you realize I love you like a friend and a sister, but seriously I don’t expect to find you in my dreams.”

  “Keva what are you doing here?”

  “Forget that where’s Kayden? I was planning on getting him in this position that I’ll never be able to do in reality.”

  “Eww Keva TMI. Wait what position, maybe I can try it with Locke.”

  “We’ll trade notes later. Where are we? I don’t think either of us can invade the other's dreams.”

  “The last time I was here it wasn’t a dream. This is where I saw the dead bodies that now call themselves detective Smith and Jones.”

  “Ava, I don’t believe in coincidences of this nature. They have to be involved with the Shadows one way or the other.”

  “I’m in full agreement. Why are we here now?”

  “Let’s explore.” This was not a Lewis and Clark expedition they could die not meet friendly Native American’s.

  “No one noticed me the last time I went into the house. Let’s try that.”

  Keva nodded moving towards the house. It looked like an old shack on the outside. There were a couple of steps, a porch, then a door that had seen better days. The inside wasn’t much better with an old couch and two other pieces of furniture. Was there even a bathroom in this place? A shiver walked down her spine when she thought of having to use an outhouse. Heck, she hated porta-potties.

  Ava moved across the room pushing the only picture on the wall aside. The wall slid back to reveal an elevator.

  “I’m impressed. I would have never guessed that was there.”

  “Me neither, the first time I was here the men who came in with the dead body showed this to me. Not that they knew I was here. Do you want to go down?”

  “Only on Kayden, but I guess we don’t really have a choice.”

  “Keva at times I don’t know if I’m appalled or I just want to curl up in your brain so I can be the first to hear what you’re thinking.”

  “Girl go with appalled; it gives you plausible deniability.”

  “That is why I love you.” They stepped into the elevator hoping that whatever dream-like fugue they were in would hold till they woke up.

  “The last time I was here there was a man sitting at the desk.” They both eyed the woman who ignored them like they weren’t there.

  “Shift change,” Keva ventured following Ava down the corridor. They came into a lab.

  “This is where they brought the two dead men. They laid them on the table, I woke up before I saw what happened to them. Wait, I saw a needle being stuck into their temporal lobe, then I woke up.”

  “Did they seem like zombies?”

  “No, if I hadn’t known they were formally dead, I would have never suspected.”

  “That’s good. The thought of zombies walking around scares me more than the Shadows.” They searched the lab looking for something that would tell them why they were there. When they came up empty-handed, they decided to search the whole facility.

  They walked down the corridor until they came across rooms that resembled jail cells. There was a body in each cell it was hard to tell if they were dead or alive.

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  Keva and Ava jumped turning around to find themselves facing another woman.

  “We didn’t mean to trespass—”

  The woman cut her off as they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. She took their hands and dragged them into a closet at the end of the hall. All three leaned out to look.

  “General, this next batch will wake up soon. I think we have conquered the issues we had with the previous batches. These will do as you say.”

  “I knew I placed my trust in you for a reason Dr. Harding. Don’t fail me, you won’t like what happens.” He looked at the bodies in the cells, then back at Dr. Harding. The doctor turned gray.

  When the corridor was clear again, they walked out to take another look in the cells.

  “What is happening here?” The woman opened her mouth to answer but Keva was no longer there.

  “No, no, no.” Her head rolled back and forth as she mumbled in her sleep.

  “Keva wake up what’s wrong?” Kayden shook her careful not to hurt her.

  “All I needed was two more minutes to find out what was going on. Maybe Ava heard her.”


  “Remember how Ava said she saw dead people? Somehow, I ended up in the same place she was in. She was there with me. We explored the place and found these cells with bodies in them. There was this other woman, she was about to explain what was happening then I woke up. Do I sound crazy?”

  “I come from a different planet and was made from free-floating enzymes, I’m open to anything. What it doesn’t sound like is your mental gift. Why you and Ava? More importantly what is happening.”

  “All good questions. I might not even be concerned but that general is evil. I got the feeling he’s the kind of guy who waits to kick you when you’re down.”

  “Does that mean we have two targets to strategize against?”

  “Maybe, until they make a move, our hands are tied. Right now, we take out the target that’s making plans to destroy humanity.” She stood up naked as the day she was born. “I never had se
x in the shower or on the side of the tub. The bathroom floor might be a great place for a blow job.” Kayden followed her like she was the pied piper.

  Breakfast was a silent affair. Keva decided she didn’t like it. When she was alone, she expected silence when she was with her new family, she expected smiles and lots of noise.

  “Ava, did you tell everybody?” She and Kayden had gotten to breakfast late. Shower sex was slippery but fun.

  “No, I got here about two minutes before you did.” They smirked at each other.

  “Tell us what,” Mira asked.

  “I had the same dream that Ava had, except Ava was in this dream with me.”

  “We explored the laboratory I saw the first time. We did find notes but none of it made sense to us. It was even written in shorthand or was a formula, either way, we couldn’t read it.”

  “That left us with leaving or searching the whole place. Since I never left a dream before we decided to search.” Keva took Kayden’s hand thinking about what they had seen. There were cells lined down one corridor, inside were bodies. They looked dead but there was no way to verify that. A woman came up behind us. She was the first person that could see us. When we heard footsteps, she took us to a closet to hide. There was a general who and a Dr. Harding. The doctor assured him this batch,” she frowned not liking to talk about people in that manner. “They would do whatever the general asked.”

  “Keva did you hear the answer to the question you asked?”

  “No, I woke up. I was hoping you heard it.”

  Ava shook her head, “I woke up too.”

  “All we know is that there is another woman out there that can dream walk. She might have the answers we don’t. Right now, the dead who aren’t zombies might not be a threat. It’s all speculation, but the Shadows are a threat.” Keva went over what they learned.

  “The Shadows are a threat and that’s what we need to focus on,” Cade started clearing the table.


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