Save Me

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Save Me Page 10

by Alexander, AJ

  A slight blush covers her cheeks, “I like taking care of you,” she whispers, “I love that you appreciate the things I do for you as well.”

  I get up from the table and kneel down in front of her, “I appreciate everything you do for me, even when my stomach gets the better of me and I forget to say thank you.” She finally lifts her chin and smiles at me, “Just you and Sophie being here has brought a joy to my life I never knew was missing, thank you!” I lift her hand placing a gentle kiss upon it, get up, and head back over to my side of the table.

  With a smile on both our faces we dig in and begin to eat again. I know I should tell her about my encounter with Jason today at the office, but I don’t want to ruin her mood or scare her for no reason. Obviously from his visit and the questions he was asking he has no ideas her and Sophie are here. If he comes to my office again or things get out of hand, then I’ll tell her.

  I look up at her again, and smile. Now I just hope this decision doesn’t come back and bite me in the ass later.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Over the next few days the three of us fall into a routine: Breakfast in the kitchen before work and a good night hug for Sophie when I got home, followed by reheating dinner before bed. Isabel and I have some time alone, but nothing spectacular, Isabel is setting the pace. I told her before I will wait for as long as she needs, I’ll settle for what she will give me. Right now, it’s cuddling on the couch and the occasional “sleepover” in my room. Although she tries to make it back to her room before Sophie wakes up, I’m sure Sophie knows what’s going on.

  Sophie has taken right to me. I honestly don’t think I could live another day without her in my life. She’s full of questions and wants to know the why of everything, but I don’t mind. I’ve been watching Isabel’s self-confidence slowly build. She smiles more, which warms my heart, and I’ve even heard her and Sophie laughing at times. I don’t think that she has had anything to laugh or smile about in a long time. What we have here is unique, we have a family, or what soon will be one if I have anything to say about it. I have to remember to take things slowly and at Isabel’s pace.

  I’m lucky enough to make it home in time tonight to eat dinner with my girls and help bath Sophie. Opening the door, I freeze, suddenly overcome by desire from seeing Isabel swinging her hips around the living room while Sophie jumps up and down to some song playing on the radio. Laughing, singing, and swaying to the rhythm of the beat, Isabel spins around, finally catching me staring from inside the doorway. An embarrassed flush creeps over her face along with a small smile. Sophie turns to see me as well and launches herself into my arms, planting a smacking kiss on my cheek.

  “Don’t let me stop you. Can I have this dance?” I bend over, placing Sophie down on her little feet.

  “Of course! Play a new song, Momma!” she shouts.

  Isabel begins another song and the three of us dance around the living room until we can no longer stand up. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun, well, ever!

  We hear a timer go off in the kitchen.

  “Pizza!” Sophie screams as she jumps up and down clapping her hands.

  I can’t help but chuckle. “I guess someone’s hungry. How about we have a picnic right here. Will that be alright with you, Sweet Pea?” I say to Sophie.

  “Can we, Mommy? Can we, Mommy?” she pleads with her mom.

  Oh, I know that look. She has brought out the puppy dog eyes, and no one can resist those eyes. Of course, Isabel gives in and goes into the kitchen to grab some plates. Noticing that I’m still in my uniform. I bend so I’m eye level with Sophie,

  “Sweet Pea, I need to go change out of my uniform. I’ll be right back, and we can have some dinner and then maybe Mommy will let me give you a bath. Sound like a plan?”

  “Sure! Um, Mr. Adam? Can I come with you? I have something to ask you,” she says, looking serious.

  I’m genuinely concerned. Sophie’s usually such a fun loving and easy going little girl, but she looks so serious at the moment.

  “Of course, sweetie, but you have to ask Mommy first, and you have to stay outside my room until I get changed. Deal?”

  “Deal.” Her face immediately lights up with a smile.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I sit patiently waiting for Mr. Adam to change, I’ve been waiting to ask him to be my daddy for a few days. This is a portant question that I need to make sure I get right. He didn’t seem too happy that I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I really want to call him daddy.

  Mr. Adam opens the door, and comes down to my height, “So, what can I do for you little Ms. Sophie?” I giggle and climb into his lap, he falls on the floor.

  I take a deep breath before whispering in his ear, “Mr. Adam, do you love me?”

  “Of course, I love you. Why would you ask that? I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.” He rubs his cheek on my curls, as I snuggle into his chest, smiling. I don’t want to look at him when I ask my question.

  “Good. Then I have an important question to ask. Since you love me, will you be my daddy?”

  He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, I start to push away, “It’s okay Mr. Adam. I shouldn’t be asking silly questions.” I try to get out of his lap, but he pulls me back into his chest squeezing me in a big hug.

  “Sophie, I would love nothing more than to be your daddy. However, you already have a daddy. Although he is not very nice to you and your mommy, he is still your daddy. Now, what I can tell you is that I love you and your mommy very much, and someday soon I would love for you and your mommy to love me too.”

  It sounds like Mr. Adam is crying when he asks, “Do you love me too, Sophie?”

  I push out of his hold, standing up with my hands on my hips, “Of course, I love you, Mr. Adam. You can only ask people to be your daddy if you love them, silly.” Mr. Adam can say some very silly things sometimes. Mr. Adam lets out a really loud laugh before getting on his knees and tickling my belly, making me laugh as well.

  “Okay, Sophie. Let’s make a deal. I love you, and you love me. So, although I’m not really your daddy. I promise to protect you and love you forever and ever. Deal?”

  “Deal! But Mr. Adam… can I call you daddy?” I shout, throwing a fist pump in the air. I don’t understand why I was so nervous, I knew he was going to say yes.

  “Sweet Pea, you can call me whatever you want. Whenever you call, I’ll come running. I’ll always be there for you when you need me, understand?”

  “Yes,” I answer with a smile.

  I can see Daddy is think of something. Grown ups always get this weird look on their face when their thinking, it looks like they are pooping or something.

  “What are you planning, Daddy?” I ask while crossing my arms over my chest.

  “What makes you think I’m planning anything, Ms. Sophie?”

  “Grown ups always look like they are pooping when they’re planning something,” Daddy laughs as he picks me up to head downstairs.

  “As a matter of fact, I am planning something and I need your help. Think of it as our secret mission.”

  “Oh, I am good at keeping secrets. Even Mommy says so,” keeping secrets are my favorite. Just like I’ve been keeping Mommy’s secret about how she says Daddy’s name at night when she’s sleeping.

  “Great, but you need to keep this a secret from Mommy. Do you think you can do that?”

  “Didn’t I tell you I was the best secret keeper?” Man sometimes grown ups never listen.

  “Alright, Sophie, I love your Mommy very much, but I don’t think she believes me when I tell her. I need your help to convince and to help Mommy believe how much I care about her.”

  “If you love Mommy and Mommy loves you, then you will be my Daddy!” I can’t help but squeal in his ear as he begs me to be quiet.

  “Shhh, your Mommy might hear us, then the secret will be ruined. But you know what Sweet Pea, you
’re right. So, do we have a deal?”

  Adam said he would be my daddy! I have always wanted a real Daddy! Now how to find out whether Mommy loves Daddy or not. Adam carries me the rest of the way down the stairs to the kitchen.

  “Where have you two been? The pizza is getting cold,” Mommy scolds gently.

  I giggle as I look at Daddy. “Shhh, it’s a secret.”

  “Yeah, it’s a special secret between Sweet Pea and me.” Daddy winks at me before having a seat on the floor next to Mommy. I giggle again. Mommy looks so confused, and this is going to be so much fun.

  “Okay, if you say so. Now, who’s ready to eat?” Mommy says with a smile.

  “Me!” Mommy’s pizza is my favorite. It’s better than the kind the man brings to the front door, although I have only had that once.

  Mommy gives Daddy and me a plate, and we dig into our dinner. I watch Daddy look at Mommy, and his eyes sparkle like twinkle lights when he looks at her.

  “I wonder if I have a baby brother if his eyes will sparkle like that.”

  Uh oh! I said that out loud!

  Daddy starts to cough really loud, so I put my pizza down and climb into his lap.

  I whisper in his ear, “I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but you think it helped?”

  He looks down at me with the same sparkle in his eye. “I’m sure it did, but Mommy might have questions. Are you ready to answer them?”

  “I sure am. Will you help me?”

  “Of course, Sweet Pea,” he laughs.

  “What are you two whispering about? Sophie, you know what I say about that,” Mommy chides.

  I look over, scared that she is mad, but she is just pretending.

  “I’m sorry! But it is about our secret. It wouldn’t be a secret if we told you!” I tell Mommy with a giggle.

  “Okay, baby. Now, what is this about your little brother’s eyes?” Mommy looks confused.

  I think for a minute before I answer. Daddy said he wanted me to help him let Mommy know how much he loves her, and I need to make sure Mommy knows I want him to be my daddy. Oh, I have an idea.

  “Adam’s eyes sparkle when he looks at us, and I like his eyes very much,” I explain with a smile.

  Mommy looks at Daddy, and her cheeks turn pink before she looks back down at me. I can feel Daddy shaking against my back from laughing.

  “They do, huh? I don’t see anything, but he does have very nice eyes.”

  “Since Adam loves us, I want a baby brother with eyes that sparkle just like his.”

  Daddy and Mommy both start to cough really hard. I look up at Daddy with a big smile on my face. I am sure I did exactly what Daddy wanted, now Mommy will tell him that she loves both of us too. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind a baby brother either.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I’m not explaining the birds and the bees to my four-year-old! I look at Adam in panic, I don’t know what this secret is between the two of them, but he’s going to fix this. Once he catches his breath, he picks Sophie up off his lap so that he can look her in the eye.

  “Sophie, I care deeply for you and your mommy, but that doesn’t mean you get a baby brother,” he informs Sophie.

  He cares deeply about us? How have we not driven him crazy enough for him to kick us out?

  “That’s right Sophie. Babies are a lot of work and take time. So, I’m not saying you’ll never get your wish, but it’ll be a long time before it’s an option. And what if you get a little sister instead?” I add.

  She tilts her head to the side for a moment, before answering.

  “Yes, that’s okay. As long as we can both call Adam ‘Daddy,’” she agrees, with a huge smile plastered across her face.

  I look at Adam in shock, but what I see surprises me. He looks down at Sophie like she’s the most precious thing in the entire world. I always wished Jason would look at her like that, and that he would be the father that Sophie always deserved.

  “Sweet Pea, what Mommy said is right. It takes time and a lot of love to make a baby, but most importantly, it takes a family. Although we all live here in this house together, your mommy and I are just friends, but know that I love you very much.”

  Sophie looks up at him like he just crushed all her dreams. I have to turn away so I don’t cry. This is how Jason should be with her, giving snuggles, love radiating from every pore. Instead, it’s Adam, my doctor who barely knows anything about us.

  “Come on, let’s finish dinner. Mommy makes awesome pizza, doesn’t she? I’ve never had pizza this good, ever, and I’ve even been to Italy,” Adam says changing the subject.

  Sophie’s eyes light up. “You have?” She scurries over to her plate of pizza and begins to rattle off questions to Adam. I turn to see Adam looking at me.

  He really does have a small twinkle in his eye when he looks at me.

  I give him a hesitant smile, and I’m rewarded with one of his blinding smiles and a wink before he turns to answer all of Sophie’s questions. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but what I do know is that Adam is going to be a part of our lives for a long time to come.

  “Mommy, can I go play?” I look over at her plate, which is empty.

  “Yes you may, thank you for eating. Please take your plate to the sink.”

  “Okay,” with her plate in hand, she jumps up from the floor and wanders into the kitchen. We hear the clink of her plate in the sink then she’s running to the living room.

  I pick at the pineapple on the pizza, not sure what to say. Adam clears his throat and I look up at him.

  “What’s your favorite color?” he asks. I can’t hide my surprise, I can’t remember the last time someone asked about what I like.

  “Purple. You?”

  “Green, much like your eyes.” he smiles and winks at me. My cheeks heat, I think he’s flirting with me. “What kinds of music do you like to listen too?”

  “Mostly country. I like love songs.”

  “I can deal with that, I switch between a few different things; country being one of them, along with classic rock.”

  “What do you do in your free time? Read, watch TV, hike, weave baskets?” It feels so good to be relaxed and just talking. Nothing serious, just getting to know you questions. It almost feels like a first date.

  “I don’t have a lot of free time. Before you came a long, I basically lived in the hospital. Shifts are twelve hours so I would either pass out in the on call room or come home and pass out. Then head in early to get any admin stuff done, check on my patients that have been admitted, help out wherever there’s a shortage.”

  “You really are amazing. Giving up your time to help people.”

  “It’s why I became a doctor. I want to help as many people as I can.”

  I smile at him, waiting for his next question.

  “Favorite meal to cook?”

  “Lasagna, I love how messy it is,” I chuckle. “I always end up with marinara and cheese all over the place. It was one of the rare times I had fun cooking with my mother.”

  “You didn’t enjoy your mom’s company?”

  “Lord no. Her and my father weren’t parent’s so much as drill instructors; teaching me how to be a proper wife. I had to learn to clean, cook, and take care of my brothers as well as my father. I had to learn how to anticipate wants and needs so I was always ready for them. I was basically a live in maid.”

  “That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. I definitely didn’t experience that with my mother. Even now, as an adult, I talk to her multiple times a week.”

  I sigh, slightly jealous of his relationship. “That must be nice. I’m glad you have her.”

  “If you don’t want to answer right now, I understand, but I’m very curious how you and Jason decided to get married.”

  A humorless laugh forces it’s way past my lips. “We were married on my eighteenth birthday, after knowing each other for a few months, and right before Jason was shipped ove
rseas. No big wedding of my dreams or even the fancy white dress. We went to the courthouse and my father was there as a witness. I was told to behave myself and mind my husband; I haven’t seen anyone in my family since.”

  Adam’s cheeks puff out and he lets out a big breath. “Jesus. I can’t believe things that happen still happen. I definitely don’t understand how a father can treat his own daughter that way.”

  “I still hear from my mother, once a month or so she’ll call me. She likes to tell me that if I was better a wife, I wouldn’t be beaten and that I need to start training Sophie before it’s too late.”

  Dropping my head, I look at my hands while I pick at my nails. Adam’s hand reaches across our make-shift table and covers mine, giving them a little shake. “It’s not your fault. Your mother is wrong. It’s Jason’s fault, you did nothing to deserve it.”

  A tear runs down my cheek. Adam gets up and comes around to where I’m sitting and pulls me into his chest with his arms around me. “It’s okay, let it out. I’ve got you.”

  Once the wet spot on his shirt is big enough for me to feel against my cheek, I pull back and look up at him. “Why am I always crying on you?”

  He chuckles and his lips lift into a sad smile while he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m just happy you let me be here for you. I know you’re an amazingly strong woman. After everything you’ve gone through, you’re still sweet, sensitive, and your daughter is an amazing person. She’s amazingly well adjusted for living with an abusive father, that says more about you than anything else.”

  Leaning down, his lips brush mine. A soft caress and it’s gone. “I’ll clean up tonight, you go relax.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Ever since our picnic in the living room, my partner in crime has been dropping hints to her mom about my feelings for her. I can’t be sure that it’s working, but she seems to be realizing my feelings for her.


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