Save Me

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Save Me Page 11

by Alexander, AJ

  Now that I understand how much I love Isabel, it’s becoming increasingly hard not to show my affections every day. I have to stop my self from kissing her every day when I come home or leave for work. There are times when she initiates kisses, but those are few and far between.

  There are even days where we are taking more steps backwards than forwards, but I meant what I said. I’ll wait ‘til the end of time for Isabel to be ready to be with me. Just having her and Sophie in my home and there for me to wake up to every morning is enough to make me the happiest man on earth.

  The only problem I can foresee at this point is Sophie’s desperate need for a baby brother. I can’t say the idea of Isabel’s belly swollen with my child hasn’t kept me awake at night since Sophie planted the idea in my head, but that isn’t something we can rush into. I’m sure Sophie understands, but I don’t think the added pressure is helping Isabel and I get closer either.

  This morning I left for work with a brand new stack of “family pictures” for my office. It seems that Sophie has also become obsessed with drawing pictures of her, Isabel, and I as a family doing all the things she has never been able to do. I have pictures of us going to the zoo together, of me pushing her on the swings, oh all of us going to see Santa Claus, pretty much anything you can think of that a family would do together, Sophie has drawn a picture of it.

  I walk into my office, with Reese on my heels. “What do you have for me today?”

  “Nothing too crazy, Sir. You’re booked up with patients all morning, but you have a pretty loose afternoon. Should be out of her by 1600 no problem. Here’s a message for you from a Kate Samuels with Social Services.”

  The mention of Social Services causes my stomach to drop, “Thank you Reese. Let me know when my first patient arrives.” With a nod of his head, Reese exits my office, leaving the door slightly open.

  I place the message on the desk next to my briefcase, a million thoughts begin running through my head. Each potential out come of that phone call is worse than the one before, “Nothing like the present.” I say to my empty office, or so I thought.

  “You thought you would get away with stealing my property.” A menacing voice responds to my statement. I spin around in my seat, noticing Jason Alexander lurking in the doorway.

  “What can I do for you today, Captain?” I ask, sliding the phone off the receiver and pressing zero for the front desk. Jason looks even worse than he did the last time I saw him, uniform disheveled with the buttons misaligned and wrinkled. He clearly needs a shave and a hair cut. To a common outsider he seems distraught over his missing wife and daughter, but I know better. He’s missing his slaves.

  “You can send my property back or I can come and take them the choice is yours,” he growls stepping closer to me.

  “You must have me mistaken for someone else. I know who you really are Captain, and I will do no such thing. Sophie and Isabel are not property, they are human beings.”

  “I. WILL. END. YOU!” he growls into my face, the stench of his alcohol soaked breath causing me to turn my face to the side. “You would risk your life, your career for a piece of ass and her little mouse. I figured with being a doctor and all, you’d be a lot smart than that.”

  “I figured with you being a Captain and all, you’d be more of a man than that.” I didn’t even have time to process what happened before Jason smashed his knuckles into jaw, I stumbled into my desk. Before he was able to get another punch in the MA’s arrived.

  “I will have your career for this Patterson. I hope that pussy is worth it. I will own you!” Jason shouts as the MA’s drag him down the hall and out of my office.

  Reese comes over to me and checks my jaw, “Is everything alright, Sir?”

  “Yes, nothing to worry about. A luck shot is all. Can you see about shifting my appointments for the day or rescheduling them? I want to return the call to Social Services and get my jaw checked out. I have a feeling Captain Alexander’s visit has something to do with that message.”

  “Of course, Sir. Consider it handled.” Reese heads out of my office, but returns shortly after with a bag of ice. I thank him for the ice and sit down to return my call to Social Services.

  It seems that it’s time for our happy bubble to burst, but the assumption was correct. The call was to inform me they were opening a formal investigation of abuse for Sophie. I even received a formal request for Isabel’s medical records as well, she will have no choice but to move forward with pressing charges. Captain Alexander has been served with notice of the allegation and the notice of the investigation. It’s time to make sure he isn’t able to hurt Sophie or Isabel ever again.

  After making sure all of my appointments have been rescheduled or moved to another doctor, I head home. There is no telling how Isabel is going to react to the news that a formal investigation has been initiated, but she needs to know I’ll be here for her every step of the way.

  I walk into the house, and I’m greeted by an empty kitchen, as usual, but I have to find Isabel. I take a deep breath and begin the trek to her room. Gathering up all my courage, I gently knock on the door.

  “Isabel, may I come in?”

  “Hey! We didn’t expect you home for hours. Are you hungry? I can go make you something for lunch,” she responds.

  It takes everything in my power not to run into her room and grab something, and pack both of them up and run. These two are my world! Taking another calming breath, I crack the door to peek my head in. She’s sitting on the bed and looks to be reading a book to Sophie.

  “Love, can we speak in the kitchen? It will only take five minutes.”

  I walk over to the bed and give Sophie a big hug and kiss, before looking her in the eyes and asking, “Is that alright with you, munchkin?”

  “Of course! You would never hurt me or Mommy. I trust you,” she responds with a beaming smile.

  I love that she has put all her faith in me. I hope that I’ll continue to deserve it. Placing her back down on the bed, I look up at Isabel for confirmation that she is willing to come along. She also hugs Sophie before following me out of the door and down the stairs to the kitchen.

  Her entire body is shaking as she heads toward the kitchen. I’m sure she knows what I’m about to say before I open my mouth. As we step into the kitchen, I wrap her in my arms.

  “Social Services called me and asked for a copy of your medical records today. Due to Sophie’s report of abuse at the hospital, they’ve opened an investigation against your husband. They wish to see you both this evening.” I try to speak as calmly as possible, but I know the thought of seeing her husband again is frightening her.

  “I don’t want to see him again,” she whispers.

  “I know, love. I know. But they need your statement to go ahead with formal charges against him. He won’t be there, and the police will be there to protect you both. I won’t let him hurt either of you anymore.”

  I watch her curl back into herself, losing the strong and self-assured woman she’s become in the short amount of time we’ve spent together. I want nothing more than to protect her from the demon she must face, but I know better than anyone that she needs to find the strength to do this on her own. So, I wait for her to come to her own decision.

  She steps out of my embrace, looks me right in the eye and says, “Let’s get Sophie ready. It’s time to go.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Standing in front of the house Sophie and I lived in just a few short weeks ago, I feel like a stranger. My emotions are raw after reporting Jason to the police. Then to get here and find out Jason has barricaded himself inside, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

  At the station, I was offered an armed escort in order to get a few things from the house. They’re here to arrest Jason and he must know it. He’s yelling but I can’t understand what he’s saying, though I could probably take a guess and get pretty close. He’s really spiraled out of control since Sophie and I left.
br />   Feeling a comforting squeeze on my hand, I look up to see Adam standing next to me, Sophie on his hip with her face in his neck. I hate that she’s here, that she may remember this for the rest of her life, but I couldn’t come here alone. I need Adam’s calm strength.

  A loud yell from the house makes me jump, turning into Adam as I start to tremble. He wraps his arm over my shoulder and around my back, holding me up while the panic and fear course through me.

  Being here, hearing Jason yelling, I’m right back where I was; a pitiful excuse for a woman, scared of her own shadow.

  Adam kisses my hair when I curl into myself as far as I can. I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to see Jason. I don’t want to go into that house and see what he’s done, be bombarded by memories.

  “You can do this, Isabel. I’m right here.” The conviction in Adam’s voice gives me some confidence. Looking up, our eyes lock. I can see the swell of pride as he looks at me, proud of me for coming forward, for taking the first step and getting away from my tormentor. With a weak smile, I nod.

  “Can you please take Sophie back to the truck? She doesn’t need to see any of this.”

  Adam kisses my forehead. “Of course, anything you need.”

  As I stand up and turn toward the house, an officer walks toward me.

  “Are you Mrs. Alexander?” he asks.

  “Yes, Sir,” I whisper.

  “And who are you, Sir?” he asks pointing to Adam.

  “I’m Lieutenant Adam Patterson. I’m a friend of Mrs. Alexander. This is Sophie Alexander.”

  He reaches out to shake both of our hands before introducing himself.

  “I’m Sheriff Brantley, and I’ve been temporarily assigned to this case. Mrs. Alexander, it seems your husband was served with the formal charges of child abuse due to your allegations. He has barricaded himself into your home, is it possible for me to ask you a few questions?” With terror trying to make me run, I nod my head and follow him.

  “It’ll be okay Isabel, just answer his questions honestly,” Adam tells me.

  “Lieutenant, can you stay here, please?” the officer asks.

  “Sure.” Adams move Sophie to his chest and she wraps her arms and legs tightly around him. I can see her little body trembling. I can’t imagine what this is like for her, being this young and having to deal with all this.

  “Please don’t make me stay here,” Sophie whimpers.

  “Never, Sweet Pea, you will always be welcome at my house,” Adam reassures her, rubbing his hand on her back.

  Hearing Adam and Sophie has tears in my eyes again, I’m so tired of crying. I’ve cried so much lately.

  “Mrs. Alexander, does your husband have a history with drug or alcohol abuse? Has he ever done something like before?” the officer points over his shoulder.

  “Umm... well…”

  “Anything you can tell us about his mental health will help us, we need to know how to proceed if there’s a chance he’s in an altered state of mind, we need to know that.”

  “He’s abused sleeping pills for years, he does get drunk sometimes, but I don’t know about anything else.” My voice is soft, barely a whisper. Why does it feel like I’m betraying him?

  “Thank you, I know that was hard to tell me. Do you have somewhere safe that you and your daughter can stay? Friends or family?”

  “Yes, we have been there for a few weeks.”

  “That’s great. I’m done with my questions, do you have any for me?”

  I shake my head, even if I had any questions, I would be scared to ask them.

  “You can head back to your daughter, thank you.”

  Sheriff Brantley walks away with a sigh and a shake of his head.

  Walking back to Adam and Sophie, I watch the officers as they come up with a plan and someone goes to the door. I can’t hear what’s being said but it looks like he’s talking to Jason through the door. It seems to take forever for them to get the door open.

  Yelling and crashing starts immediately, and I once again turn into Adam, hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

  “It’s almost over. The crashing has stopped,” I tell her.

  My tears are soaking into his shirt, my body shaking as sobs take over.

  Making me cry harder.

  “You’re okay, you did the right thing,” he says over and over again.

  “No one can tell me what I’m allowed to do in my own home with my own wife,” Jason yells, I turn to see him being walked out the house in handcuffs. “This isn’t over. They’re mine! Don’t you forget it.” He is staring directly at us as he’s put into the police car.

  Adam and I stare right back at him. Sheriff Brantley walks toward us hands me his business card.

  “We’ll be in touch. Feel free to go inside and get anything you need,” he says and walks back to the car.

  Once Jason is gone and the street quiets down once again, I make my way to the porch. Stopping when I see the destruction inside. I worked so hard to get and keep this house perfect. Pictures of Sophie smiling and her art work, Jason’s work accomplishments, everything has been ripped down and thrown. Much like a toddler having a temper tantrum, Jason has ruined everything he could.

  “Isabel, I can go and get what you need. Or we can deal with this another time,” Adam says with his hand on my shoulder.

  I shake shakes my head, and slowly enter the house, turning toward the living room. I stop again at the coat closet and look into the kitchen. Every dish has been shattered. Cups, baking dishes, serving platters, everything. Forcing myself to keep moving, I head down the hallway to the bedrooms.

  “Would you take Sophie back to the truck? I’ll only be a minute,” I ask Adam over my shoulder.

  “Sure, whatever you need.”

  Finding a bag on the floor, I enter Sophie’s room. It takes every ounce of self control I have not to break down and cry. Everything in here is destroyed too. Toys have been broken, blankets ripped, stuffed animals torn apart. With the bag in my hand, I dig through her dresser and closet to salvage what I can. Some of the stuffed animals aren’t too bad so I can fix them, and the smaller plastic toys are still okay.

  I head to the bedroom I shared with Jason. Hopefully some of my clothes are still in decent shape. Entering the room, I don’t bother looking through any of it. My stuff is all over the floor, torn and some looks burnt. Going to the closet, I find the lock box and key and pull it down. Inside are important documents like Sophie’s birth certificate, social security number, and shot records. Her lock of hair from her first haircut and baby book, pictures of my pregnancy and her newborn pictures, all safely tucked away in this box. Grabbing the things I want to keep, I add them to the bag and head back out to the truck. Closing the door on this chapter of my life.

  Seeing the destruction to the house solidifies the decisions I’ve made today. I can’t come back to this house and I can’t bring Sophie back to this. As I approach the truck one of the officers that arrested Jason comes toward me.

  “Ma’am, while your husband is in our custody now, we can’t guarantee he’ll stay there. Did you file a restraining order against Mr. Alexander when you were at the station earlier?”

  I gasp in surprise. “Do you honestly believe that’s necessary?” The thought of Jason being released after everything he had done to me is appalling.

  “Unfortunately, yes I do. There are many reasons why an attacker will be released, but it’s always better to be safe.”

  I take a moment to collect my thoughts before responding, “If you believe it is for the best, I’ll let Adam know what you suggested and we will head to the station. Thank you again for everything you have done for my daughter and I today.”

  “There is nothing to thank me for ma’am, just doing my job.” The officer tips his hat, and then turns to head back to his patrol car.

  I head toward the truck, where Adam and Sophie are waiting. I open the door to climb inside, and Adam immediately knows there is something wrong.
  “What did he say to you?”

  “We need to head to the station. There’s no guarantee that Jason will be kept in jail, they suggest we get a temporary restraining order to ensure he stays away from Sophie and I.” Adam grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white as he starts the truck and puts it in drive.

  I don’t speak as we drive, just stare out of the window. My thoughts immediately go to my parents. I wonder if they would even care about what happened to Sophie and me. If Jason called, my mother or father would probably bail him out and tell him exactly where I was.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Adam reaches out with his right hand and gently caresses my fingers with his.

  “I’m just thinking about how helpful my parents would be to Jason if he wanted to find me. They would probably even bail him out of jail.”

  “You really think they would go that far?”

  I’ve told him about my family but how do you really explain it? Him and I are connected in a way that no one else will understand. I take a deep breath and check on Sophie, she is fast asleep in the back. Knowing she won’t hear how terrible her grandparents are, sets my mind at ease. “To my parents, I’m worthless. Nothing more than a reward to Jason for hard work and perseverance. I tried to tell my parents about the abuse when it first started, but they sent me back to him and told me to be a better wife.” The tears I’ve been fighting begin to fall. “I don’t think they ever told me they loved me or even showed me any affection. I was taught how to cook, clean, and serve my brothers. Just like a proper wife would do for her husband. Everything else, well, that was for my brothers.”

  I drop my head into my hands and let the tears fall. I cry for the love I never received from my parents, I cry for Jason and the pain he must have gone through that caused him to be so angry, and I cry for me because I so desperately want to find a light at the end of these dark days ahead. Suddenly, I feel the car come to a stop and Adam’s strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest.


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