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Save Me

Page 14

by Alexander, AJ

  I’m not about to tell my mother I was almost strangled to death, she would be on the first plan out her before I could finish my sentence. My mother is the last thing Isabel needs right now. “I’m sure you know this but things will be tense for a little while between you and Isabel. Did you get a number for a counselor as well?”

  “Mom, I’m a doctor. Isabel and I both promised to make appointments first thing in the morning.”

  She sighs in relief, “Are you going to tell me what really happened?”

  Damn my mother for knowing everything, “I’m not sure, honestly. Physically we are all just banged up but mentally…” I let me sentence trail off, not having a clue what to say.

  “Honey, you can never be too careful in these types of situations. There is no telling what lasting mental damages there will be for Sophie and Isabel. All you can do is be there for them, however they need you to be, when they need you.”

  “I know. One thing is certain, I’ll sleep peacefully at night knowing that my girls no longer have anything to fear.”

  There is a soft knock on my door, Sophie’s little head comes peering in, “What is it Sweet Pea?”

  “I’m scared. Can I sleep in here with you daddy?”

  I hear my mom’s gasp through the phone, but I ignore her, “Sure thing. Make sure you tell Mommy where you are okay?” She nods her head before disappearing down the hallway.

  “Not a word mother,” I can only imagine what notions are going through her head.

  “I’ve got nothing to say, but that little girl must think the sun rises and sets because you say so. Don’t disappoint her.”

  “I don’t ever plan too.” I whisper, just as Isabel and Sophie come into my room. I can’t say I’m surprised, none of us wanted to be away from each other, but we wanted to keep things as normal as possible for Sophie. I give them both a smile before cradling the phone between my shoulder and cheek, climbing into the bed. They both follow, Sophie in the middle, Isabel snuggling in behind her so she is smushed tightly between us.

  “Okay, Mom,” Isabel’s eyes go wide at the mentions of my mom, “we are all tucked in for the night. I’ll call you in the morning to let you know how everyone is feeling.”

  “Put me on speakerphone so I can speak to Isabel and Sophie.” She demands, I can’t see this conversation ending well.

  “Mom it’s been a long day, maybe we can all sit down and talk tomorrow?”

  “Adam Charles Patterson, what did I tell you to do?” I immediately hit the speaker button on the phone, placing in on the bed in front of me. Even from all those miles away, my mother scares me to death. Every child knows that when their mom uses their full name, she means business.

  “Isabel?” Mom ask in a gentle ton.

  Isabel’s eyes widen as she covers her mouth, afraid to speak. I reach over and grab her hand. “She can hear you Mom.”

  “You don’t have to talk to me now dear, but know that if you need someone to talk to that understands what’s going on, I’m only a phone call away.” She pauses for a moment, “Sophie dear?”

  “Yes, Ma’am?” Sophie whispers, peaking over the blankets as if she was caught doing something wrong. Isabel and I attempt to stifle our laughter.

  “You try to be good for your mommy and daddy. When I come to visit, I’ll bring you lots of presents okay?”

  “Okay!” Sophie chirps loudly before covering her mouth to muffle her excitement. I chuckle before releasing Isabel’s hand and picking up the phone.


  “Yes, I am. Goodnight, Son. Keep our girls safe,” Mom says with a sigh. It seems she is just as relieved as I am to know they are safe and sound.

  “Night, Mom. I will, I promise.” I vow before hanging up.

  I snuggle down into the bed and reach for Isabel’s hand, watching as her and Sophie drift off to sleep before my eyes. I can’t help but replay tonight’s events, going through the what-ifs and the what I could have done better. I don’t want to disturb the girls, so I head down to Isabel’s room in hopes that I may get a little sleep once my nerves have settled.

  Around one a.m. Isabel walks right in and wraps her arms around me, pressing her face into my back. I can’t help but lean into her touch.

  “I almost lost you both today,” I whisper, more to myself than to her.

  “I’ve never been so scared, Adam, I didn’t know what to do.”

  I turn swiftly and press my lips to hers, pouring out all the pent-up emotion coursing through me into the kiss.

  “Please don’t ever leave me. I would be lost without you,” I plea against her lips.

  She pulls back just enough so she can look into my eyes.

  “I was lost until you saved me.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  It’s been a few months since Jason died and her mother was arrested, and things are beginning to go back to normal, our new normal. My life used to be dedicated to saving others, to right the wrong I believed I did to my mother by not protecting her from my father. Now, I understand, there was nothing I could do. My mother’s sacrifice was done out of love for me, nothing more. Now my soul purpose in life is to make sure that these two ladies are taken care of in every way possible.

  Sophie is taking everything in her stride, but has been having nightmares about that day. Isabel and I have talked to a child psychologist about getting her into therapy, but I want to have a talk with her and share my story.

  Isabel is also slowly healing in her own way. She is going to occasional meetings for battered woman at the woman’s shelter we both volunteer at now. I’ve watched her blossom into a new woman, but there is still a darkness in her heart.

  My mom has been chomping at the bit to come visit, but Isabel has been putting it off for some reason or another. Today, I’ve decided to surprise Isabel with my mother’s visit, I don’t want to give her time to find an excuse for her not to come. She may not be ready, but it’s time for us to heal together.

  Under the guise of having a pickup game with the guys, I head to Seattle to grab my mom from the airport. I haven’t seen my mother in years, been too busy with work and hiding behind my guilt.

  “Adam!” I turn to see my mother speed walking toward me with a bright smile on her face. I spread my arms as she barrels into my chest, enveloping me into a hug. “I missed you so much, baby.”

  “I missed you too, Mom.” I bury my nose into her blonde hair. Talking to my mother on the phone for the past few years has kept me grounded, but finally being able to wrap my arms around her feels like home — just like I feel when I’m with Isabel and Sophie.

  “Happiness suits you.” My mom pulls back, love shining in her bright green eyes. Standing a few inches shorter than me, she reaches up and gives me a pat on the cheek. “Isabel has given me my son back, now let me help her start her life.”

  With that, my mom grabs my hand and follows the signs for the parking garage. “Time to introduce me to your girls.” Her enthusiasm has me rushing toward the car. I get her luggage situated in the truck, and we head toward home.

  “Now tell me a little about what has been going on?” Mom isn’t one to sit in silence.

  “Isabel’s slowly starting to come out of her shell, but there’s still something holding her back. She knows our story, so I’m hoping when she meets you, she’ll find a kindred spirit. Someone who knows almost exactly what she was going through.”

  “Are you ready to hear everything? You’ve never once asked about the things you can’t remember.” Mom reaches over and grabs my hand.

  “No, but this isn’t about me. I need to help my girls in any way I can. I believe this is the final hurdle Isabel needs to get through to get her life back.” I give my mom’s hand a tight squeeze of reassurance.

  “What about Sophie?”

  “Sophie has been having nightmares. Isabel and I are sure it has to do with the day her father broke in. We were going to wait until she was older, but she’s smart, so I�
�m going to give her the basics of my story, to let her know that I understand better than anyone how she’s feeling in hopes that she’ll feel safe in my house. I want her to be able to come to me whenever she needs something.”

  “You love these girls, don’t you?”

  I turn toward my mother. “With every fiber of my being. These two have saved me in every way possible. Because of them, I was able to conquer my own demons, it’s time for me to help them conquer their own.”

  “When did you become such an amazing man?” I turn to find my mother with unshed tears in her eyes, a bright smile lighting up the car.

  “It’s only because I had you as my mother.”

  * * *

  As we approach the house, I decided to pull over to the side of the road and call Isabel. “What are you doing, Adam?” my mother questions.

  “I didn’t exactly warn Isabel that you were coming, but I’m having second thoughts about just showing up.”

  “Yes, a good idea on both accounts. You didn’t want her to be able to make another excuse, but you don’t want to spring a visitor without some warning.” Mom pats me on the cheek. “Maybe you’ll only have to sleep on the couch for a few days.”

  I sigh before dialing the house number, since Isabel still won’t carry a cell phone. “Hello?”

  “Hello, love. I’m on my way home and have a surprise for you!”

  “You know I don’t like surprises. Save yourself from a few days on the couch by telling me what it is now.”

  “Oh, I like her,” Mom whispers in the background.

  “Or should I say who? It’s your mother isn’t it?” Isabel’s voice instantly changes, gone is the confident woman she was becoming. The broken and battered woman has returned.

  “Yes darling, it’s my mother. She wanted to meet you and Sophie. You two are my world. She also believes that she can help you heal in a way no one else can. Please, will you meet with her?”

  I know that if she says no, Mom will gladly stay at a hotel and not step foot in the house. She has respect for everyone. Though it’ll be sad that two of the most important women in my life still haven’t met each other, it’s Isabel’s choice and I won’t force her into doing anything.

  “Of course I will. We are all family, aren’t we? I just made lunch anyway. Hopefully there’s enough for everyone.”

  I release the breath I was holding. “I love you, Isabel.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Does this mean I don’t have to sleep on the couch?”

  “We shall see, now hurry up and get here. Sophie has been asking for you.” Isabel doesn’t even bother to say goodbye before hanging up the phone.

  “Now that that’s settled, let’s head home.” I put my phone down on the console and put the car in drive. It only takes a few moments before we’re pulling into the driveway. When we arrive, Sophie comes barreling out the front door, obviously excited that I’m home.

  “Daddy!” she squeals. I barely have time to get out of the truck before she’s up and in my arms. I don’t bother with my mom’s bags, since I think this is as good of a time as any to have my talk with Sophie.

  “Hey, Sophie! I have someone I want you to meet,” I say, walking over to the other side of the truck to meet my mom. “This is my mom.”

  Sophie holds out her hand. “Pleased to meet you. Can I call you Nana?”

  My mom lets out a laugh. Sophie is nothing but straight forward. “This little one is going to be a handful. Of course, you can, but only if you let me give you a hug. Nana’s always get hugs when they come to visit.”

  “Oh, I like hugs.” Sophie holds her hands out so that my mom can take her from me and give her a big squeeze. “Nana, you give great hugs!”

  “Why thank you, Ms. Sophie.” Mom smiles at her and kisses her on the cheek before placing her down on the ground. “I’m going to go inside to speak with your mommy, but I think Daddy has something to talk to you about too.”

  I hold my hand out for Sophie. “Come on, princess, let’s go for a little walk.”

  Sophie takes my hand, and we head down a small path near the house. “Daddy is going to tell you a story about when he was a little boy, but you can stop me and ask any question you want, okay?”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  “When I was little like you, my father hurt my mom just like yours did.” Sophie pulls on my hand.

  “Your daddy would hit your mommy too?”

  “He did. He told me that it was Mommy’s job to do whatever he said and if she didn’t, he would hit her. I knew that was wrong, and I wanted to help my mom so badly, but I was little and didn’t know what to do.”

  Sophie throws her little arms around my neck and squeezes. “I always wanted my mommy to run away from him, but she never would. She always tried to protect me from him, but I know what he was doing to her was wrong. I’m so little, but I wanted to help.” She buries her little face into my neck and sobs.

  I wrap her in my arms and pick her up, making my way back toward the house. “I know Sophie. I felt the same way, but we were small. You need to know that what Mommy did was to protect you. She did everything she could to make sure that you were protected until she found a way to get away from him that would keep you safe.”

  I hear some muffled words come from Sophie. “What was that princess?”

  Sophie leans back some and repeats, “She was waiting for you, Daddy. Mommy and I were waiting for you to come save us.”

  I give her little nose a kiss. “I think we all saved each other.”

  Heading up the stairs and into the house, I know what I just told Sophie was true. Isabel, Sophie, and I were destined to find each other. It may have been later than intended, but we were meant to be a family — together.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  If Adam’s mother, Sylvia, hadn’t surprised me with this visit, I never would have taken the steps to meet her. Adam has saved Sophie and I in more ways than one, but me most of all.

  Sitting in the kitchen with Sylvia was one of the most nerve-racking experiences of my life, worse than having my first child, and worse than reporting Jason for his abuse. What this woman thinks of me can determine my happiness, since she means the world to Adam. With one word she can tell him how unworthy I am of him, and send Sophie and I packing.

  “Isabel, stop worrying so much. I don’t bite.” She gives me a bright smile. “I can hear the words turning in that head of yours.”

  “Ms. Patterson…”

  “Sylvia or Mom. I would prefer Mom honestly, that beautiful little girl of yours has decided to call me Nana already.”

  I can’t help but smile, Sophie’s heart is so big. Whenever she meets someone, she decides right away if they are worthy of her love or not. She has wanted Adam to be a part of her family. “Sophie does have a way about her.”

  Sylvia reaches over and grabs my hand. “Why don’t you just listen for a minute.” I nod my head before she continues, “I loved Adam’s father when we were married. He didn’t always beat me. He was a kind man and I would like to think that he loved me at some point in time, but once Adam was born, things were different.”

  Tears begin to fall from her eyes. “He never wanted my beautiful boy, but he was happy with what we had, a boy. Boys could be taught to be men. The beating started the first time Adam was behaving like a girl because he cried for scraping his knee.” I give her hand a squeeze, fighting back tears of my own. “Then once he got started it was for anything he could think of, or just because it was a Monday. It wasn’t predictable. I tried to hide it from Adam, but eventually he discovered what was going on. He blamed himself for what was happening, he still does to this day.”

  “Adam has told me a few things about his past, but not much. I’m so sorry either of you had to deal with any of this.” I reach up with my free hand to wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “Sweet child, you don’t understand what I’m saying. You’ve saved my little boy from the dar
kness. He has been lost to me for all these years because of his guilt for something he had no control over. Because of you and that little girl, he smiles and looks forward to coming home from work every day. I wanted to come here and say thank you.” Sylvia stands and wraps her arms around me.

  My mother has never hugged me, but by being in Sylvia’s arms, I could feel the love of a mother. As she tightens her hold, she murmurs, “You are my daughter, just as he is my son. I will love both of you as my own until my dying day.”

  With that simple phrase, the damn of emotion I’ve been holding in for so long breaks. “Thank you for giving birth to such an amazing man. He has saved my daughter and I in more ways than I can count.”

  “Quiet now child, if he comes in here and notices your tears, I won’t hear the end of it.” Both of us begin to chuckle.

  “What are you two ladies in here giggling about?” Adam comes into the kitchen carrying Sophie. “Is lunch ready to actually eat now? I have a very hungry little Sophie here.”

  “I was just telling Isabel about your predisposition for streaking,” Adam’s cheeks instantly turn pink, “and let me tell you, it didn’t stop when he grew older.”

  “That’s enough of that, Mom!” He sets Sophie down in the chair and begins putting together a plate for her. “Mom, would you mind watching Sophie for a little while after lunch? I want to take Isabel somewhere.”

  “I would love to spend some time with this little one. Would you like that Sophie?” Sophie just gives us a nod, choosing to use her manners and not speak with her mouth full.

  “Adam, you know how much I hate surprises.”

  “This isn’t a surprise. This is me stealing you away for some private time.” Adam gives me a wink before digging into his lunch. I have no idea what Adam wants to talk about, but some alone time with him won’t be too bad.


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