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Descent into Darkness (Crystal Sphere Book 1)

Page 27

by Ingrid Fry

  Drom nodded. ‘It’s gone dormant. It’ll reactivate in contact with another crystal. If it doesn’t come in contact with another crystal, it will eventually reactivate on its own. You can help it along by washing it in salt water and leaving it in a sunny spot, or by burying it in the ground, or by leaving it in a body of water. Those things can help.’

  ‘What now?’ Jason asked. ‘How can we combat this Dark Force?’

  ‘You wait.’

  ‘For what?’ Ashley said.

  ‘For whatever comes.’

  ‘Why are psychics so bloody vague?’ Ashley said.

  I glared at him. ‘Don’t be rude. We do our best, and may I remind you, you’re not always the cutting edge of clarity.’

  ‘Point taken.’

  Jason sighed and looked at me. ‘It’s the go with the flow plan.’

  I nodded in my best sage like manner. ‘What I don’t get is if the crystals destroy the Dark Force, why are its minions so keen on getting their hands on them, Drom? Can they destroy the crystals?’

  ‘They can’t destroy them. Their purpose is to avoid having the optimum number of crystals together in one place, as that’s what will generate enough energy to destroy the Dark Force. The crystals are scattered throughout our multiverses and they keep the balance between so called positive and negative energy, the yin and yang. The crystals only come together when the dark energy starts to dominate in a particular area.’

  ‘So, the crystals are using me because the darkness is reaching critical mass on our planet, and I’m an instrument to facilitate the destruction of the Dark Force?’

  ‘Yes, the crystals use their keepers to restore balance. You are a primary keeper. Jason and Ashley are Crystal Keepers too, as am I. When brutality and madness dominate anywhere, you know the dark energy is at work.’

  Jason sat back in his chair. ‘You’re kidding me? Ashley and I are Crystal Keepers too?’

  ‘Yep. At least that’s how your energy signatures read to me.’

  Jason looked glum. ‘Oh great, so it would behoove the Dark Force to get rid of us?’


  ‘I’m confused,’ Ashley said. ‘Where does the dark energy come from?’

  ‘In this case, it’s the accumulated negative emotional energy of human beings. We’ve created it. With global populations exploding, humans are generating more and more destructive energy. Look at what’s happening around you. Watch the news. It’s the Dark Force daily update. The energy has become so strong and dense, it’ll soon manifest in physical form. It’s nearly there now.’

  Ashley’s hand automatically felt behind his back to check for his gun. ‘Bloody hell.’

  ‘I don’t want to be an instrument,’ I said, gloomily. Jason took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

  ‘Yeah, it’s a curse and a blessing,’ Drom replied. ‘Oh, before I forget, I’ve brought you these as a gift.’ He tipped the contents of the other bag onto the floor. A pile of assorted, sparkly resin balls and pyramids rolled across the floorboards. Ashley held one to the light.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘I make them. They’re a mixture of metal shavings, crystals and copper wire, set in resin. Simply put, they transform dead orgone energy, which makes us sick, into good energy. They’re useful at repelling anything that generates bad energy. If you put them around your room or house, they help to keep you healthy, protect you from bad entities. They also help neutralise the dead energy created by microwave radiation from mobile phones and cell towers. The one you’re holding is called a Holy Hand Grenade.’

  Ashley tossed it up and down in his hand. ‘I like the sound of that.’

  Ashley seemed taken aback when Drom said, ‘I know you’re thinking it’s a lot of new-age hooey. However, it won’t do any harm to put a few around the place. Totally up to you.’

  ‘Another bloody mind reader,’ Ashley grumbled.

  ‘Thank you, we appreciate it,’ I said.

  ‘You’re going to need all the help you can get,’ Drom said.

  ‘Great,’ Jason said.

  ‘What’s the optimum number of crystals we need?’ Ashley asked. ‘And what do we do with them, if and when we get them?

  ‘I’m not sure, but I know you’ll find out.’

  ‘And what about the roaches?’ Jason asked.


  I was surprised. ‘You don’t know about the cockroaches?’

  Drom was puzzled. ‘No. I have no idea what you’re talking about. In relation to the dark energy?’

  ‘Yes,’ Jason said.

  ‘Give me a sec.’ Drom sat quietly, closed his eyes and concentrated. His eyes moved rapidly beneath his eyelids. Finally, he spoke. ‘The Dark Force takes over and uses other entities for its own purpose. I’m sensing the Dark Force has linked to a particular creature. Yes … I see it … a cockroach, but it’s not actually a roach; it’s a new life form.

  Drom rubbed his temples and continued. ‘This insect is unique. It has its own peculiar type of rage and supernatural powers. I sense the Dark Force is feeding off its energy. Shit, I’ve never come across anything like it before. It’s a new and totally separate entity.’

  Drom was like a coiled watch spring. He stretched his neck to the side as though trying to get rid of a crick. ‘I’m sorry to say this, guys, but we are facing two threats, not just the Dark Force. The two entities have a symbiotic relationship. Each is using and influencing the other for its own purpose.’

  I felt myself slip into Drom’s mind. I didn’t mean to, it just happened. I continued, ‘They are linked by pure rage, but their purposes are different. The roach wants to rid the planet of the human scourge.’ A chill ran along my spine. ‘It hates us. I can feel it. The Dark Force wants to create more mayhem, it needs human negative energy—that’s how it survives.’

  ‘I don’t get it,’ Jason said. ‘Which entity is after the crystals?’

  Drom gave me a look. ‘Looks like they both are.’

  ‘Sorry, Drom, I didn’t mean to get in your head. I wasn’t trying to snoop.’

  ‘I know, don’t worry, you’re welcome anytime. We glean more info by combining minds.’

  ‘But why do they both want the crystals?’ Ashley said, sounding frustrated.

  ‘The dark energy needs to stop the Crystal Keepers getting the crystals together in one place. That’s its primary objective. The easiest way to achieve its goal is by gaining control of, or destroying the Crystal Keepers,’ I said.

  Drom flopped his lanky body on the couch. ‘I’m sensing the roach entity wants the crystals so it can control the Dark Force. The crystal power would give the roach entity the upper hand. If the roach has control of the crystals, it would stop the Dark Force taking over the roach and using the roach for its own ends. Having the crystals would give the roach supreme power over the dark energy, and probably everything else. We’re caught between two powerful entities.’

  ‘So, it’s the roach that’s chasing us, more than the Dark Force?’ Jason asked.

  ‘I reckon so. The Dark Force manifests as the shadow which has the ability to deconstruct matter. It eats the negative energy we generate and us as well, if it’s so inclined. Getting rid of us prevents the crystals coming together. The roach entity on the other hand, wants the crystals and needs to use us to find them.’

  Ashley rolled his eyes. ‘Jesus Christ. We’re on Candid Camera, right? Dead set. This is a joke.’

  Drom and I spoke simultaneously. ‘Sorry Ashley, it ain’t no joke.’

  Drom’s phone buzzed and he jumped. ‘Excuse me, I’ve got to take this.’ He relocated into the kitchen, returning ten seconds later. ‘Something’s come up and I need to go. Sorry about lunch. Maybe another time?’

  ‘Sure, no worries,’ Jason said.

  ‘I’ll see you out.’ I walked him to the door. ‘Take care of yourself and thanks again, for everything.’ I gave him a big hug.

  ‘Look after yourself, Maggie. You have your guardians in there and I’m
around if you need me. Destiny is at work and it will unfold your path for you. Try not to stress and think about things too much. Good luck!’

  That’s easy for you to say, I thought, closing the door.[33]

  Chapter 34: Riot

  ‘They are like wild waves of the sea, churning up the foam of their shameful deeds. They are like wandering stars, doomed forever to blackest darkness.’ — Jude 1:13

  When I returned to the lounge, the guys were quiet. Their brooding expressions and crossed arms told me something was up.

  ‘What?’ I asked.

  ‘Can we trust this dude?’ Ashley asked.

  ‘He saved my life and gave me the crystal back. That’s a pretty good start, don’t you think?’

  ‘Even so ... I don’t know, there’s something not quite right about him.’

  Jason smiled. ‘That’s because he’s got a man bag, isn’t it, Ash?’

  ‘Oh, for God’s sake, it’s a satchel!’ I said. ‘And what, you’re worried he might be gay?’

  ‘No, jeez, I don’t care about that; some of my best friends are gay,’ Ashley said. ‘Look at Jason!’

  Jason threw a cushion at him.

  ‘See! That’s what gay guys do, throw cushions!’ Ashley said, baiting Jason.

  He took the bait.

  ‘I’ll do more than throw cushions,’ Jason said. He laughed, leapt up and grabbed Ashley by the wrists and forced his arms back. He put a knee across the top of his legs, pinning him to the couch. Ashley pushed against Jason and the battle of the biceps was on.

  The guys had switched into alpha mode and were battling it out like two bisons for bicep supremacy. This could only end one way and that was badly. Their adrenaline was pumping and I sensed hidden tensions coming to the fore.

  Jason’s strength was amazing. He could never have tackled Ashley as hard before, and Ashley didn’t like it one bit. They were both so stubborn someone would have to snap a bone before anyone relinquished.

  ‘Enough, guys. Stop it, before someone gets hurt.’

  Their muscles and bodies quivered with exertion and they ignored me. Okie dokie. The only way to stop them was for me to leave, then they’d have no one to witness their stupid alpha contest.

  ‘I’m going out for some fresh air.’

  I hightailed it to the lift. The doors opened as I arrived, so I hopped in and pressed for the ground floor. My plan was to go do some window- shopping. Hopefully, my departure would have brought my “guardians” to their senses and they’d come after me.

  I stepped outside and found myself in the middle of two converging crowds. A tornado of hundreds of shouting, screaming youths descended upon one another. A chair flew through the air. I ducked. Its metal leg scratched my arm on the way past. Panic ran through my veins. Don’t tell me this was part of the thirty-five thousand? Could it be? Thirty-five thousand roach controlled psychos? I was so dead.

  Jason ran out through the hotel door and fixed on me as he pushed forward against the tidal wave of humans. He lunged to grab my hand. The river of thugs pushed us apart. It was at least twenty men across, and they swept me from his reach.

  Voices shouted in unison, chanting something I couldn’t understand. The noise was deafening. Frightening. They took coffee cups, glasses, plates, ashtrays, anything they could get their hands on from the outdoor cafes. The air was filled with the sound of smashing glass and crockery as they hurled them at opposing gangs. A glass shattered at my feet and a shard nicked my ankle. Knives and machetes glinted in the light, clutched in strong hands. Surely, I was in another world? Melbourne, Australia? It couldn’t be.

  The dark atom quivered inside me as more people flooded from side streets to join the throng. This was the Dark Force in action, not the roach entity. I sensed the dark atom salivating with the explosion of negative emotional energy surrounding me. Hemmed in tight amongst the chaos and madness, swept along in a flood of testosterone-fueled hate, I had no choice but to run. Run with them, trying not to fall, an outsider, a diminutive girl dwarfed by walls of tall, lithe men. In their frenzied state, I don’t think they even registered I was there.

  Buffeted back and forth by the stampede, my nostrils filled with the stink of sweat and aftershave. I focused on my feet and the rhythm of the pack. One misstep and I’d be crushed, ground into the concrete by hundreds of Adidas and Nike clad feet. The dark energy loved a mob mentality. I could sense it drawing on their fury and violence, whipping these young men into frenzied states of emotional insanity.

  The Dark Force was using Melbourne street gangs for food. A mixture of races, the mob wanted blood and I was trapped in their midst. Step by step I tried to inch across the crowd, work my way to the edge of the pack. The pack was of one mind and my head filled with images of their mindless destruction and rage.

  We’d moved three city blocks before I finally worked my way to the edge and made a break for freedom. I fell against a nearby tree and gasped for breath. My body was shaking from head to foot with fear and adrenaline. I’d had a lucky escape. They were a crazed mob bent on creating violence and carnage, but they weren’t specifically after me, which made a nice change. Really nice. These days, I was grateful for small mercies.

  How to get back to the hotel? I needed to avoid the mob area as everything was in chaos and police were blocking off streets. Plus, I had no phone or money.

  I’d double back using a side street a couple of blocks away, and return to the hotel via the rear entrance. That seemed to make the most sense, all things considered. I had to hurry; I was worried about Jason, and they’d be worried about me.

  My knees had a life of their own—shaking uncontrollably— and my legs refused to work. Come on, pull yourself together! I needed to be strong, rough and tough. I had to be. My sister was, and I wished she were here.[34]

  Chapter 35: The Cathedral

  ‘For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.’ — Corinthians 11:13-15

  ‘Are you all right?’ a small soft voice right next to me asked.

  I jumped, but relaxed realising the speaker was a child. I wasn’t much chop at judging kid’s ages, but this one had to be about eight. He had straight black hair, and his mother had a lot to answer for, as it was chopped into the worst bowl cut I’d ever seen. Parted in the middle his thick hair finished under his ears and curled around his cheeks like a helmet. He reminded me of the cartoon character Prince Planet.

  His eyes were wide set; he’d have to open binoculars to maximum width, that was for sure. Narrow shoulders slouched inwards to an alarming degree. His spindly arms seemed too long for his body, and he wore leather bands covered in bristly leather spikes on his wrists. High-defined cheekbones sat above a thin wide mouth which curled to his ears—it gave him a strange other worldly appearance. What an odd little chap.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he asked again, reaching out to touch my arm with his spindly fingers. His eyes were large and almost black. He stared into my face searchingly, blinking.

  ‘Ah, yup, I’m fine now. Just got caught in all the drama. Thanks for asking. Where are your parents? Are you with someone?’

  He pointed a finger to the cathedral behind us. ‘My dad’s in the church.’

  ‘I’m Maggie. What’s your name?’


  ‘Tapakah? That’s unusual.’

  ‘It’s Russian. Tapi for short.’

  ‘How about we go find your dad? I don’t think it’s safe for you out here.’ I offered him my hand. He put his thin little hand in mine, and I shivered at its icy cold touch. ‘You’re freezing! We’d better get you inside.’

  He led me up the worn steps of the cathedral. The place seemed deserted. Our footsteps clicked across the ornate marble floors. The scent of incense perme
ated the space. It smelt lovely, like cedar.

  Tapi pointed to the confessional box. ‘My dad’s in there.’

  I wasn’t a Catholic, but I knew what those fancy wardrobe thingies were.

  ‘I guess we’d better wait ‘til he comes out then.’

  ‘I’m going to the toilet.’ Tapi scuttled off along the aisle.

  Gee, this was great. How long did the average confession take? I’d no idea. What if Tapi’s dad had innumerable sins to get off his chest? He could be in there for ages and I needed to get back. The guys would be off their scones with worry.

  I couldn’t hear anything going on in the fancy wardrobe, other than maybe a couple of creaks in the timber. Maybe some whispering. It was probably rude to hang around so I moved away.

  My footsteps sounded thunderous and echoed through the church. I tried to tiptoe. Jeez, you couldn’t sneak up on anyone in here. Maybe I should take my boots off? Oh dear. Just like at the morgue.

  Ticking sounds came from behind me. I stopped, turned around, listened. Nothing. A door creaked somewhere, a police siren. I continued and so did the ticking noise. I stopped and so did the noise.

  The holy mother gazed down at me from a huge golden mural—it wasn’t uplifting. Judging by the expression on her face, she seemed miserable. A noise like thunder shook the walls of the church, and the sound vibrated through my body. ‘Jesus!’ I clutched my chest in fright.

  It was the church organ blasting deep ominous tones out through its pipes. I’m sure it rattled the foundations of the church. A massive ceiling light above, swayed slightly on its chains. Crikey. I hoped it was well secured. I stepped to one side.

  That’s when I felt a touch on my shoulder. I whirled around, fists clenched. It was a priest. ‘Christ! You scared me. Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, taking the lord’s name in vain an’ all. Sorry.’

  He laughed. ‘That’s okay, Maggie.’

  The blood froze in my veins.

  ‘H ... how do you know my name?’


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