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Spider Web

Page 16

by Danielle James





  The next day was nice, sunny, and warm. As promised, Nick, Jules, Jolice and Michael piled into Victor’s Explorer and headed to DC. They stopped at several shops, allowing the ladies to try on as many outfits as they wished. Nick was impressed with Jules’s ability to control her reactions around humans. She always seemed like a strong woman to him, and on that day, he was sure of it. He couldn’t help but admire her.

  Michael and Nick sat on benches while the girls shopped. They would twirl out of the dressing rooms outfitted in everything from dresses to business suits to a cowgirl outfit. Nick personally preferred the cowgirl outfit. It was a short, pleated skirt, a white tank top, a brown vest, and a Stetson hat. When Jules stepped out of the dressing room, it was all he could do to keep his eyes from popping out of his head. He heard Jolice’s tinkling laughter from behind the curtain. They asked the men regularly for their opinion. Nick mostly smiled and nodded. He figured his role would be simple. He was paying. He explained to everyone that Victor had almost unlimited funds, and he would be offended if they refused to accept the offer of his bank card. He was not always the most affectionate man, but this was one thing he could do for everyone. He was giving them a day out, and they needed it.

  They rounded the corner on their way to the fifties style diner where Jolice had insisted they have lunch when Jules shouted out, “Andrew!” She immediately covered her mouth, knowing what she had done. But it was too late. A man across the street that Nick recognized from the Convention looked in their direction and waved.

  “Oh, crap! What do I do now?” Jules gasped.

  “Well, he’s already seen you, and looks like he recognizes you,” Nick eyed the man walking in their direction, waving his hand in the air. He was with another man, shorter and thinner. “Just try to be normal. If he’s really a friend, he will accept the new you. We’re about to find out.”

  Andrew approached them quickly at first, then slowed immediately when he was close enough to see the difference in his friend. He cautiously extended his hand to Jules. “Hey there, um, how are you?” He asked her, his eyebrows pulled together.

  “Hey, Andrew. I’m great. You remember Nick?” she gestured to Nick, and he shook his hand. “And this is Jolice and Michael. Guys, this is Andrew, a very good friend of mine from back home.”

  They all greeted him in the friendliest way. Maybe a little over zealous, but friendly just the same.

  “And who is this gorgeous man?” she demanded, a smile in her voice, gesturing to the man beside Andrew. At first, Nick’s stomach cringed and his fists balled at his sides, but then he realized she knew something he did not.

  “This is my partner, Jared,” Andrew said and Nick felt the fire in his veins thaw a bit.

  Jules held out her hand to greet Jared, “It is so nice to finally meet you,” she beamed. “I have heard so much about you.” When he looked hesitant to take her hand, Nick noticed Andrew nodded before he finally accepted her greeting. There was something about this man. He was attractive, he guessed, he didn’t see himself as a good judge of those sorts of things, but he had a sort of light surrounding him. There was something he just couldn’t put his finger on. He looked at Michael and noticed he had the same perplexed look in his eyes that Nick was wearing.

  Before he could contemplate this any further, Jolice jumped forward and took Jared’s hand. “My, well, you are something, aren’t you?” she asked with a mischievous look in her eyes. “You simply must join us for lunch!” She shot Nick a glance that said, trust me.

  Of course, Andrew agreed, and the six of them went on to the diner.

  All throughout lunch, Jared said little. Nick watched him curiously, but never got any indication of what was so different about him. He mostly answered direct questions, nodding at all the appropriate times. He seemed very uncomfortable, shifting in his seat often, and seemed to be watching the door, waiting for a good moment to escape. When the conversation turned in a freakishly odd direction, Nick’s attention snapped back.

  “So, how long have you been a vampire?” Jared asked Jules with an accusing expression. Jolice spewed her tea out of her nose and Michael choked on the bite he was chewing. They were all floored! No one had said anything of the like. How did he know? “And since when do angels keep company with vampires?” he said, jabbing his finger in Michael’s direction. Andrew looked shocked, not at what his partner said, but more as if he couldn’t believe his partner had said it in the first place.

  After a long moment of silent shock, Jules spoke up. “I’m not sure what you mean,” she said softly.

  “I can see what you are,” Jared replied with a condescending tone, jabbing his finger at Jules. “I knew from the moment I saw you. Don’t embarrass yourselves by lying to me.”

  “Jared,” Andrew started, “She is my friend, and I love her. I don’t care what she is, or who she is friends with. Just like I don’t care about your issues, I love you, and I expect you to extend the same courtesy.” Even though Andrew’s words were barely audible, he spoke in a tone that was authoritative and stern.

  “Perhaps we should take this conversation to a more private location,” Jolice interjected. She was smiling, and Nick had learned to trust her judgment.

  Andrew and his partner agreed, after some convincing from Jules and Jolice, to meet them at the mansion. Jolice could be very persuasive, though it probably had more to do with Andrew’s long standing friendship with Jules. They parted ways and Nick and Michael loaded down the SUV with the ladies shopping bags.

  In the truck, Nick demanded, “Jolice tell me, just what the hell was that?”

  “Don’t you see? We need him. Jared, I mean. He is exponentially gifted, and I just know he is supposed to help us.”

  “He didn’t seem to care much for us,” he mused. “I think he would have walked on the other side of the street away from us if it had not been for Andrew.”

  “Probably, but Andrew is important too.” She said. “He knows what it is about Jared that makes him special, and he is ok with it and Jules too.”

  “Andrew has always been very accepting of everyone,” Jules replied. “Maybe he feels he owes it to me after he told me his secret, and I refused to love him any less.”

  “What secret?” Nick questioned.

  “Not mine to tell, but I can assure you, it’s not what you think!” Jules snorted.

  Nick let the subject drop for the time being and just concentrated on driving. His hand had been laying on the console between Jules and himself. When he picked it up to move it, he realized Jules was holding his hand. He hadn’t even noticed! Her touch was so light, so natural, it did not even register in his mind. What was this woman doing to him?! It seemed like all of his vampire senses were dulled in her presence, as if he were nothing more than human. He flinched a little at the insight and Jules jerked her hand back in response.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “No,” his chest stung when he realized she thought he was rejecting her, “It’s really ok, just surprised me, is all,” he said, reaching for her hand.

  “It’s just, well, I am so comfortable with you anymore, it just seemed so natural, to touch you,” she told him in a soft voice. Jolice and Michael were studiously ignoring them, staring out the windows, trying to give as much privacy as the confines of the truck would allow. But Nick saw the corners of Jolice’s lips twitching, trying to hide a smile.

  “I understand, believe me, I do.”

  They drove the rest of the way home in silence, watching the sun fade in the west. Nick kept Jules’s hand securely in his own, afraid to let go. He got so little personal attention from her and the smallest touch made his chest want to explode with happiness. By the time they arrived home, it was twilight; not day, but not quite night either. Jolice and Michael grabbed half the packages from the car and headed in the house, leaving Jules and Nick a
lone outside. Jules was piling bags into her hand when Nick reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. There was something he wanted to say, no, had to say to her. He sucked up his courage and opened his mouth to speak.

  “What is it Nick?” She had turned to face him and he was once again caught off guard by her intense beauty. Her eyes were a liquid gold, boring right into his soul. While he was trying to focus and gather the words he needed to say, the sound of another car approaching interrupted the mood. Damn it.

  “Oh, never mind,” he told her, “we have company.”

  They all sat in the living room of Victor’s mansion. Jules and Nick sat on the couch, Jolice and Michael on the love seat, and Victor on one of the Victorian chairs. They made small talk while they waited. Jolice was adamant that everyone be present for her talk. Phoenix had left to pick up Rachel from the airport. They were expected back any minute.

  “So, how long have you guys been partners?” Jules was asking Andrew.

  “Not as long as it seems, only about seven months.” Andrew replied, facing Jared.

  “So, you work for the same law office then?” Nick asked in an attempt to be polite.

  A smug look crossed Andrew’s face and he looked directly at Jules. The two of them seemed to have a very brief, unspoken conversation before Andrew spoke. “You didn’t tell them?”

  “I told them it’s not mine to tell. I figured if you wanted anyone to know, you would tell them yourself.” Jules was wearing that secretive smile again that Nick adored and his heart swelled in his chest. Could he possibly love her any more than he already did?

  “Jared is my partner, but not a work partner. He is my life partner,” Andrew said to everyone in the room.

  And then, it all made sense to Nick. Oh, he’s special all right, Jules had said to him once; the remarks about his gorgeous friend, the big secret, all of it. Relief washed over him. All that worrying about Andrew being too close to her seemed silly now that he realized she really was not his type! What a fool he had been. He had been all twisted up in knots with jealousy that was clearly unnecessary.

  Everyone seemed to nod at once in understanding. The air felt thick with tension.

  “Does that bother any of you?” Jared asked, his eyes narrow and his eyebrows crinkled. It sounded more like an accusation.

  “Doesn’t bother me,” Jules laughed, and reached over to her friend to run her fingers through his short hair. “I’m just glad it’s out, I thought I might explode! Never was any good with secrets.”

  The sound of tires on the pavement ended that conversation, and Victor went outside to greet Rachel. She leapt from the Porsche and into his arms. They were as close as any couple, maybe closer, Nick thought sometimes. Her long red hair hung down her back and Victor caressed it as he held her. Nick wondered how long it would be before they took their noses out of his love life long enough to realize what they truly meant to each other.

  When she finally came inside to greet the rest of the family, she was surprised by the number of guests. Of course, Phoenix told her about Jules, but Andrew and Jared were a surprise to both Phoenix and Rachel. They were introduced, and everyone was just getting settled, when something happened.

  Michael rose from his seat and doubled over, like he was in pain. “OH!” His arms wrapped around his waist as if he were about to explode, and he was trying desperately to hold himself together.

  Before anyone had a chance to respond, the entire house began shaking like an earthquake. A fierce wind blew through the house, throwing papers and ruffling clothes, until it reached Michael. It swirled around him faster and faster until it held him upright. The wind took on a mist-like quality and looked like an indoor tornado, surrounding Michael. The lights of the chandelier overhead flickered, then brightened. The mist tornado glowed brightly also, a blinding bright white light. It swirled around him faster still, lifting him from the floor.

  Then, just as quickly as it started, the lights dimmed, the shaking subsided, and the silent, misty wind dissipated. In its place, was Michael.

  He looked at the shocked and amazed expressions that surrounded him and then at himself. Eight foot wings of silvery white feathers reached out on either side behind him. His face was perfectly smooth. The wings sparkled a little when he moved them gently. His entire body glowed with the same pure, white light, only not blinding. A huge grin spread across his face.

  “I guess we’re all together now,” Jolice stated matter-of-factly.


  It took a moment for everyone to gather their thoughts enough to speak coherently. There were a lot of Ohs, Uhs, and Umms, and what the… The only one who didn’t seem affected by this was Phoenix. He strolled right up to Michael and thrust his hand forward, shaking Michael’s and grabbing hold of his shoulder in a half, manly type embrace.

  “Well it’s about time man!” he laughed.

  “No kiddin! I was beginning to think I would be human forever!” Michael beamed.

  “Yeah, cause that’s such a terrible thing,” Andrew said sarcastically, with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. Jules smiled. How had she not picked up on his preferences before? Now, it seemed completely obvious.

  Victor spoke next, “Jolice, would you please tell us what this is all about now?”

  “Of course, let’s take this outside though, I need to perform a sort of ritual, and I will need fire. And, we all need to really meet each other,” she replied.

  “I don’t know,” Jared mumbled.

  “Oh, get over it Jared!” Jules retorted. “We are all freaks in some form here, and you are no different. I know there is something about you! We’ll show you ours, if you will show us yours,” she played.

  “Really Jared, I believe it’s ok,” Andrew consoled him. Jared mumbled something unintelligible, but followed behind Andrew.

  They all headed out back to the fire pit. “First, let’s meet. I’m Jolice, a witch. Of course I can perform spells and things of that nature, but my real gift is knowledge. I knew we would all have to meet to carry out some very important task. I have not been shown what yet, but I knew Michael would get his wings back the moment we were all together. And so we are.” She eyed Michael pointedly. She nodded to Victor, and he spoke next.

  “I am Victor, a vampire, as I am sure you know. I am approximately four hundred and ninety years old, give or take a few years,” he continued to tell his story, editing the parts that were unimportant for the sake of the new guests. “Which brings us to Rachel, my dear sister in law, and my dearest friend. She is very strong, despite her petite stature, and quite cunning if need be. And this,” he motioned toward me, “is my beautiful son, Nicolas.” Nick simply waved his arm in the air and looked in Jules’s direction.

  “I am Julia, but I prefer to be called Jules. I was human, until I was attacked by a vampire. Nick was able to save me from the attack, but not without changing me first. I was angry, initially,”

  “Ha!” Nick snorted.

  “Ok, maybe angry is too weak a word, furious, at first.”

  ”Yeah, I still got the scars to prove it,” he mumbled. He didn’t miss the snickering from Jolice and his father.

  “Ok, so I attacked him, I am sorry for that, by the way,” she said to him, “but after I saw that this is not the life I had read about in books, I have discovered that I love being a vampire. The things I can do! It seems I am a powerful lie detector, and also seem to get my way a lot. I have found new and wonderful friends here; Jolice is like a sister me, and Victor, a father figure. They are all so much like family. And now, Andrew is here too! I couldn’t dream of a happier life.”

  Nick was overjoyed with her speech. He had not known how she felt about her new life, and he hadn’t asked. He had been waiting for what seemed an eternity for her to say it on her own. Knowing that he was forgiven lifted a huge weight that he hadn’t realized he was still carrying until she lifted it.

  “I am Michael, an angel, as you have seen. I was a guardian, but I me
ssed up, bad. It seems the man upstairs has given me another chance, and I will not screw it up this time.” Michael said with vindication.

  “I am Phoenix. I am the fire bird of myths. I am sorry you missed my birth, but maybe if you stick around, I can show you sometime,” Phoenix said with a wink.

  “That’s quite a show,” Jules mused, more to herself.

  “Let’s show them a little now,” Jolice said to Phoenix, “I need a fire, why don’t you help me?”

  A grin spread across Phoenix’s face and he opened his wings. The shimmer started near his body and worked its way out to the tips of his wings. In an instant, his wings were ablaze with orange flame, his eyes burning bright with excitement. He touched the kindling in the fire pit, and it also set an orange fire.

  “Show off,” Michael muttered.

  Jules had gone to stand beside her friend and put her arms around his shoulders. He was in shock and awe and Jules felt the need to comfort him. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been there for her in the past. “It happened to me too,” she whispered.

  Silent tears were streaming down Andrew’s cheeks. “It’s so, beautiful.”

  “Ok, it’s your turn,” Jolice said to Jared, almost exuberant.

  Andrew nodded, and Jared walked into the center of the loose circle that had formed. He took a deep breath, and looked like he was concentrating very hard. He began unbuttoning his shirt, followed by his jeans. He stood there, naked, in front of everyone for a moment. The edges of his body seemed to shimmer and blur slightly, like the heat on a desert road. The roar of a great predator pierced the silent evening and fur exploded from Jared’s body. In less than half a second, a magnificent white Siberian tiger stood in his place. It was enormous; easily three hundred pounds. His silvery eyes shone brightly against the white fur. The tiger cried out again, sending little electric shock waves down Jules's spine.

  Everyone applauded and Michael and Phoenix whooped and cheered. A proud smile stretched across Andrew’s face. “See why I love him?” he asked Jules.


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