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The Dragon Slayer and The Lady

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by D. R. Rosier

  The Dragon Slayer and the Lady

  An Erotic Fantasy Novella by D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2016. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description

  Author’s Note: This is book two in the Dragon Slayer Novella series, you don’t have to read book one, but some references are made to it, so it contains spoilers that may ruin book one if you decide to go back later. Specifically, how it ends so… fair warning and all that. The title of book one is The Dragon Slayer and The Princess.

  Chapter 1

  Sir Derig Melnott, Earl of blades, and Knight Dragon Slayer, was feeling rather pissed off as he stepped out of his father’s keep and toward the stables. He’d just gotten done listening to his father, and two older brothers, take him to task for failing to seduce and marry Baroness Kristina Tor of Blue Ridge. She was the last female of high standing, and marriageable age, that would have gotten him land of his own, now he’d forever be a landless third son.

  Sure, he could move away, even buy land… but he would never rule it. His father hadn’t always been such an ass, he remembered as a boy he was a good and happy man. Until his mother had died in childbirth, when his younger sister Kari was born. It had been really bad for months, a few servants had fled, and he knew now his father had gone insane at that time. But a few months later he’d come out of it cold, calculating, and ambitious.

  His father was Baron Terrance Melnott of Clearwyn, under Duke Tarrin who ruled the duchy of Delwood. Delwood was to the west of Duchy Erilain, and Clearwyn was on the East border of Delwood.

  The only good news was at least that idiot Lance had gone home and hadn’t been witness to his latest humiliation. Lance had visited the last week with his new bride, the princess Lara of Wendell. That hadn’t been fun. Although that bastard was in another Duchy, Erilain in fact, his barony was on the west border… which made them neighbors of sorts, if fifty miles away made a neighbor.

  Actually Lance wasn’t that bad of a guy, he was just… spoiled. Derig had to fight for everything he had, his title, his reputation… that big oaf hadn’t had to fight for anything. He also knew Lance considered him a coward, the truth was that Derig simply didn’t have fireproof armor. Of course he didn’t rush at dragons like that big idiot did while waving his sword. So that day when he’d snuck off to try and get a clear shot with his crossbow, Lance had assumed he was a coward, or that he had been trying to get him killed.

  Nothing could be further from the truth, the idiot had just killed the dragon before he could get into position and take the shot. He was a successful dragon hunter without magic armor, and still alive, which in Derig’s opinion meant a hell of a lot more.

  Ever since then, he’d been hard pressed not to show his contempt, and pushed the rules of noble civility as far as they could go. Lance wasn’t really a bad guy… they just didn’t get along, at all really.

  As far as the princess, he did regret being an ass, but he’d never really wanted her. He imagined that had showed in his manner, it had been an attempt to claim his own land after all, and all done under his father’s orders. His father… He turned his head and spit on the ground.

  The truth was, baroness Kristina Tor was… insipid. At least the princess had character, even if he hadn’t been all that attracted to her. More than that though, there was a woman he had wanted, but his father would never agree to it, and worse he had completely ignored her when they met, in order to follow his father’s wishes and do his duty. No, she was far from his reach now.

  It’d been six months since that day in the cave when Lance pulled him out of the spell, when he had fled Wendell. The magic that held him and… Well it had been extremely strong. Most didn’t know it, but he had a weak mage level gift, much stronger than a usual knight, it was how his crossbow bolts got through dragon scales. Not enough magic to hold back dragon fire, but more than that twit Lance had.

  As far as what that magic had done to him that day in the cave, it had… he didn’t want to think about it, what it might mean. He turned his mind from it as he came up to the stable, and stopped in his tracks when he heard voices.

  “You were chosen for me Kari, and your father agreed to us going on a ride alone. Surely we needn’t wait,” Brandt added suggestively under his breath.

  Fuck. That was Brandt, another Baron under Duke Tarrin who his father favored for some reason that was beyond his understanding, trying to bed his sister like she was a common scullery maid.

  His sister Kari objected strongly, “I don’t believe that’s what my father had in mind.”

  “Don’t be naïve, of…” Brandt’s weaseling voice cut off as Derig walked into the stable.

  For some reason his very large crossbow was in his hands, instead of over his back.

  “Kari, why don’t you head on inside?” he asked in a low conversational voice.

  Brandt opened his mouth to object, so he raised his crossbow slightly and the man shut up. He had to be careful though, Brandt outranked him by so far it was ridiculous. Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t challenge the sot for trying to despoil his sister in a damned stable. His underage sister at that. Brandt wasn’t even a knight, he was in fair shape, but he was dressed like a courtier and he had a toothpick of a rapier on his side.

  Kari smiled at him gratefully, but also looked worried. If he knew his father… the bastard probably had expected this and didn’t care. Kari meant nothing to their father except as a pawn, she was merely the way to a political alliance. He on the other hand, wasn’t so sanguine about the matter.

  Kari fled the building, and he put his crossbow back over his shoulder and started to saddle a horse. He completely ignored Brandt as he did so.

  Brandt cleared his throat, “What did you wish to speak about?”

  He said in a soft voice, “I wanted to thank you my dear Baron,” with that tinge of sarcasm he knew drove some people crazy. Not too obvious to cause a challenge, but not so subtle that it would be missed.

  Brandt smirked, “Really? Say on.”

  Oh boy, this one was a real idiot.

  He nodded as he mounted the horse, he’d planned to go to the village, he didn’t want to deal with his brothers, or his father anymore today, or possibly tomorrow. Next week for that matter was up for debate. He was a knight, a Dragon Slayer, so he could patrol whenever the need struck, and it had struck today. He wasn’t sure he could guard his tongue if they’d said one more thing earlier.

  “Yes, I wanted to thank you for guarding my sister’s virtue, and making sure she arrived at your wedding bed unspoiled. It gives me… peace of mind.”

  “Peace of mind Sir knight?”

  He beamed at Brandt in utter insincerity, “Yes my lord. You see I hate the sight of blood. As long as you’re around to help me protect my sister, and your future wife, why, I won’t have to blood my sword when I challenged for her honor if anything untoward happened. So again my lord, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Blood does ever so make me… queasy.”

ndt blanched, and somehow he held back a smirk of his own.

  “Good day my lord,” and rode his horse out of the stable, and down the road towards the town.

  He sighed, there wasn’t anything he could do once they were married though. And her time was running out, she was fifteen for just two more seasons and then he wouldn’t be able to watch out for her anymore. Once she reached marriageable age at sixteen… But for now, he could and would protect her…

  Chapter 2

  The local village inn was busy, there seemed to be a lot of traders and he shrugged it off as he took a seat by the bar. Normally he’d be more curious, but today…

  A few of the locals nodded their heads his way, and he acknowledged them. He had to be careful not to be too familiar, his father didn’t like it when he associated with those below his station, and he had spies everywhere in his Barony, and almost as many abroad throughout Aeralon.

  He wasn’t positive since his father didn’t share much with him, but he was pretty sure his father was scheming to get the Duke’s title for Delwood. Duke Tarrin was getting old, and he didn’t have any heirs currently, having lost his family on the road years ago, and never remarrying. It would also explain why he’d offer Kari to that toad Brandt, he’d have one more Baron in his pocket to try and influence things for him.

  A brew was placed in front of him, and since everyone here knew what he drank, he didn’t even have to ask for it.

  The barmaid, Lia, smiled and said, “My lord,” before she returned to her work.

  Lia was a very sexy woman, with long dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a voluptuous body that got her a lot of tips, especially in the outfit she wore, or more specifically, what it didn’t cover. She’d also graced his bed a number of times in the past, and he was considering a repeat performance tonight. She was good company and would take his mind off… things.

  He looked around, the other barmaid tonight was Jetta. Jetta wasn’t voluptuous, she was more athletic but still very attractive. Her body was tight, and more than curvy enough to get his attention. She also had very light blonde hair, and gray eyes that seemed to sparkle. He’d spent more than one night with her as well, and she was a bit wilder in bed and liked it rough, where Lia was more a… sensuous lover.

  He took a long draw from the mug, the brew felt good going down his throat, and he started to relax a little bit. How bad was it when the baron’s son felt more at home in the village than his own home?

  Lia came back and asked, “Hungry my lord?”

  He thought about it, and decided he’d better if he was going to drink more, “Bring me a plate.”

  He drank another long draught of his beer, and put down the empty mug.

  Lia nodded and wordlessly headed into the back, she was back a few moments later with a generous portion of beef drowned in gravy, with some potato wedges and a few vegetables. She also grabbed and refilled his empty mug before moving on to someone else. His eyes tracked her for a moment, watching her heart shaped supple ass move beneath the tight material of her curve hugging dress.

  She elevated the act of walking to a damned art form.

  He ate slowly, and did the same with his second beer, he also looked around casually, but this time not to look at nubile flesh, he was searching for his father’s spies. He found two likely individuals, and suppressed a frown. His father didn’t mind if he went wenching, it was only if he was… social about it that he’d catch shit for it.

  Jetta came up to him with a smile, “Do you need anything else my lord?” she asked with an obvious offer in her eyes.

  He nodded, making a snap decision in Jetta’s favor, “One more beer, the key to one of the rooms upstairs, and your company,” he said rather harshly.

  She dropped her head a little, and lowered her gaze, “Yes my lord.”

  She got his beer, which he drank down rather quickly, and he took the room key from her and headed upstairs. He heard her walking behind him. He knew if he looked behind him, that her head would be down with her eyes on the floor. It… pissed him off.

  He muttered a small spell under his breath, releasing some magic on the stairwell and in the hall as he moved to and entered the room. He closed the door when she passed him, and locked it. He frowned as he felt the footsteps coming up the stairs, one of the spies was following him.

  Jetta asked a little breathlessly, “What do you want my lord.”

  He walked over to the bed, pulled his pants down, and ordered callously, “On your knees wench.”

  He saw her eyes widen slightly, and then she looked down, licked her lips, and dropped to her knees. He wasn’t even a little bit hard yet, but that didn’t last when she hungrily took him into her mouth. He shut his eyes and moaned softly at the pleasure of her hot little mouth, and warm tongue as he quickly grew into the back of her throat and forced her head away from his body with his length.

  He looked down and she was looking up at him, a mischievous smile in her eyes.

  “That’s it, suck it harder,” he said almost cruelly, and her eyes twinkled up at him as she did what she was told.

  A few seconds later he felt the spy’s footsteps moving from the door. He really hated acting like an ass, but sometimes he had too to avoid his father’s wrath, and Lia and Jetta were in on the whole thing. Although sometimes he thought Jetta enjoyed being treated like a tramp a little too much, but he really liked her, and doubted it would turn her on if she thought it was really real.

  But as a game, she kind of got off on it.

  He whispered softly in a much nicer tone of voice, “The asshole is gone Jet.”

  She just made a happy contented noise, that vibrated her throat against the tip of his cock and pulled a groan out of him as his now fully hardened manhood twitched on her talented tongue. She apparently saw that as no reason to change their game, and he smiled down at her and caressed her hair as she started to work his cock hard, with her mouth and hand. Her other hand was busy cupping and rolling his balls gently while she tickled his taint with her fingernails.

  He moaned softly, and couldn’t help but thrust forward into her pretty face. He knew she didn’t mind, in fact she liked it when he fucked her mouth, but sometimes it was good to let her just do all the work. She was extremely talented as she swallowed him past her gag reflex, and continued to swallow and hum, stimulating his sensitive head with the rippling movements of her tight throat.

  He just relaxed, and watched her sweet face, and her tight body as she worked for it. He could see in her eyes she wanted to taste him, wanted his cum in her throat, and when she started to bob up and down hard, and stroke his base hard with her hand, it didn’t take much longer until he gasped and pushed hard into her mouth, his balls boiled and he gave her what she wanted, what she’d earned.

  She made small satisfied noises of pleasure as she sucked him dry, looking up at him with mischievous gray eyes. When she’d extracted it all, she stood and smiled, “Thank you my lord.”

  He shook his head in disbelief but was smiling as he said, “Isn’t that my line Jetta?”

  She grinned, and started to strip as she said boldly, “Don’t worry my lord, I’ll have my satisfaction, and it was my pleasure, always with you,” the last three words were surprisingly soft spoken.

  She looked nervous for a second as if she’d crossed line and whispered, “They are gone right?”

  He nodded, “I’ll know if they come back, that spell lasts for hours. So if I call you a slut you’ll know why.”

  She arched an eyebrow and smiled at him hungrily, “Hours my lord?”

  She was a bit wild, and eager.

  He smiled back, “I’ll do my best, now come kiss me, or you’ll get a spanking.”

  When she just tilted her head thoughtfully, and didn’t move, he gave her a look.

  She grinned impudently and declared, “I’m still deciding my lord. Can we do both?”

  But then she giggled and stepped into him, her tight supple and very flexible body felt wonderful ag
ainst his, and he claimed her mouth with a kiss. She always wore him out, and he was very much looking forward to their night together.

  Chapter 3

  Sir Derig woke the next morning with Jetta plastered along his side, her head resting on his chest. She looked even prettier with her face relaxed, and he brushed her hair to the side. When she woke at his touch she stretched and rubbed her body against his.

  “Good morning my lord,” she said sleepily.

  He watched her as she got up and drew their bath, and when they used it, they even got clean, eventually. He would’ve kept her in the room all day, but she had to get to work and he wasn’t an ass about his title, so he slipped her a gold, for the room and food, her company was freely given. He knew it was too much for that, but he had an arrangement with the girls. They would donate the rest to the local orphanage, and no one would know he did such a thing.

  It stung his pride that he had to hide who he was from his father, which pretty much meant everyone else as well, short Lia and Jetta who kept his secrets. They both knew he could never choose one of them as more than a dalliance, but they cared for him anyway, maybe even loved him. In a way, they were his closest friends.

  What very few people realized, and he knew most commoners wouldn’t understand, was he had even less control over his life than the beggar on the corner. No matter how much or how hard he worked for his knighthood, or how many times he risked his life hunting dragons to protect his people, he would be forever under the thumb of his father.

  He didn’t really feel sorry for himself, he did have more than most after all, but he wasn’t free to act or do as he liked, and it chafed at times. Perhaps he would be free to choose now that no more landholder daughters were available for him to… set upon by his father’s orders. Still, he wasn’t much use to his father without much influence of his own. He had influence with the commoners, but in noble circles he was quite on the bottom.


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