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Page 18

by Sara Fields

  It was time.

  I handed the goblet back to Neegan. He took it without even glancing in my direction.

  I stepped backwards and placed the pitcher back on a small table. My heart was pounding in my chest. I’d found the Acolyte.

  And now he was going to die.

  I watched almost in morbid fascination as Magnar continued his toast, but I was no longer listening. They both lifted their glasses, clinking them together so that several drops of wine splashed down onto the floor. Then they each took a big gulp.

  They drained their glasses and slammed them back down onto the table with a resounding bang.

  Those watching screamed with their excitement. Magnar sat down and Neegan followed suit and I almost stopped breathing. I didn’t take my eyes off of the hand of the king.

  At first, he appeared as if everything was perfectly normal. He surveyed the servants bringing in the first platters of food. I only watched him.

  I wanted to go to him. I wanted to lean down and whisper in his ear that it was me.

  He coughed and at once, all of the color drained from his face. His fingers clutched at the table as if he could find purchase along the smooth wooden surface, but he found none. Abruptly, his breathing quickened, and he started to cower forward. He panted so hard that I questioned if he even was drawing any air into his lungs at all.

  He started coughing harder and that’s when I saw that he was choking on his own bile. His spit frothed around his lips as his entire body shook, convulsing in one hard seizure after the next. His spittle ran down his chin, tinged red with blood as it dripped down onto the table beneath him.

  After several more moments of prolonged agony, Neegan finally slumped forward and slammed his forehead into the table. The sound of flesh slapping against wood echoed with a sickening reverberation throughout the room. For a long moment, no one said anything at all.

  Then the entire room erupted into chaos. Magnar roared so loudly that everyone cowered beside him. The concerned audience quieted in a flash. Magnar raised his left arm and pointed to Neegan’s still form.

  “I have something to tell you, my loyal people. I want you to know what happens to those that betray me,” he said darkly, and my eyes slid from him to Neegan and then to King Erik who was grinning with fairly obvious amusement.


  “You see, I want you all to remember what happens to traitors. When I sense that those closest to me are working against me, I take matters into my own hands,” he continued.

  No one said a word. It was as if they were waiting for his permission to simply breathe.

  “Neegan is dead because he conspired against me. You see, he planned to poison your king and take the crown for himself. I dealt with him first,” he declared angrily.

  This was a show of his strength. Everyone would think that he’d been the one to kill Neegan and it would quiet anyone who thought he’d been weakened by taking me as his mate.

  Only he and I would know that the two of us were stronger together.

  The crowd roared with approval, safely reined in by the power of their warrior king.

  “I am your king,” he roared, and the rest of the room went wild. He turned and caught Erik’s gaze. Magnar and Erik both raised their glasses in accordance with each other and then took a long sip. With one last cheer, they slammed their mugs down onto the table.

  Magnar’s gaze slid to mine and I hazarded the tiniest smile in his direction. His eyes crinkled just a little with our victory.

  He was proud of me. I could feel it pulsing through the bond.

  He didn’t even have to say it.

  Everyone would assume that he was the one that killed Neegan.

  But my alpha knew it was me.

  Chapter 15


  The castle processed Neegan’s death as if it was simply a normal occurrence in their day to day lives. They hadn’t even blinked when their dinner had been served with the gruesome remains of him still on display at the king’s table and they hadn’t given him a second glance when the drinks kept pouring and the sound of music went on long into the night.

  It sent a message to everyone, including the Cult.

  Magnar was a force to be reckoned with and even with me at his side, he was stronger than ever. It would be enough so that they wouldn’t question him again.

  Over the next several days, Magnar worked to ensure that the alliance with King Erik was still sound and by the time the visiting king finally left to begin the journey back to Daneridge, he’d cemented it in writing. Magnar had awoken with the rising of the sun to wish Erik a safe journey back. I hadn’t stirred until long after he left, finding that a small breakfast had been waiting for me. There was a note on his pillow too.

  “You’re all mine this afternoon, sigma. I’m looking forward to reminding you of that.”

  My finger clutched at the piece of paper, those few words meaning so much. Patiently, I stayed in our chambers and waited for him to return, knowing that he’d come back soon, and we’d finally have the day to ourselves without the Cult or anyone else to disturb us. My body warmed with anticipation at the thought.

  I was relaxing with a book when Magnar finally entered my room. His eyes sparkled, but there was also a rather dark mystery within them. I shivered a bit anxiously at the sight.

  “Ariana,” he purred gently.

  “Magnar,” I replied, and his gaze flickered with amusement at the coyness in my reply. I smirked back at him, cocking my head and doing nothing to hide my feistiness.

  “It has been some time since I’ve gotten to enjoy your company, my sweet sigma, hasn’t it?” he asked and there was a decidedly dangerous edge to his tone.

  “Yes, Alpha,” I answered carefully, reining myself in just a little.

  “I never got the chance to take you to my favorite meadow, did I?”

  “No, you didn’t, Alpha.” I chewed the inside of my cheek anxiously at the same time my clit throbbed with excitement.

  “Do you remember what I told you was going to happen there?” he asked. Those deep green eyes caught mine, holding me captive with just a look. I found it hard to draw in air.

  I blanched, feeling a blush creep over my cheeks at his indecent insinuation.

  “I… I don’t remember,” I whispered. That was only half true, to be honest. I really just wanted to know what was in store for me today.

  “Some time ago, you took your own pleasure without my permission, little sigma, even when I reminded you that you would be punished for it,” he started.

  “Yes, Alpha. I do remember,” I blushed. I swallowed heavily with anxiety, suddenly feeling butterflies dance around inside my core. My eyes flicked to his hands. His fingers flexed and the skin across my bottom buzzed with warmth as if his palm had already begun to punish me.

  I watched him reach into his pocket. He pulled out a bulbous shiny metal object. One end was tapered to a point and the other had a stem with a glittering blue jewel attached.

  “I have a gift for you,” he purred.

  I shrank back in my chair. I could guess exactly what that would be used for, but I didn’t want to say it. I couldn’t.

  “Let me tell you what’s going to happen today, my naughty little sigma. We’re going to go out to the meadow this afternoon. There, I will strip you and take you over my knee for a hard spanking and an even firmer switching after that. Then I’m going to punish your shy little bottom hole with my gift before I force you to take my knot in your pretty little cunt with your bottom still entirely full,” he snarled.

  I cried out nervously even as I felt the first few drops of slick gather in between my thighs. I didn’t want to admit it, but even the threat of his thorough punishment aroused me in a way that I wasn’t prepared for.

  “But I…” I began and he growled, the sound low and fierce. My body cramped with visceral intensity, and even more wetness dripped down my bare thighs.

  “Your punishment is going to hurt, li
ttle sigma, but after it’s over, you’re going to come hard for me. I want the whole city to hear your screams as your alpha reminds you of your place,” he warned, and I shuddered with arousal.

  “Yes, Alpha,” I purred in return.

  “Get dressed, but don’t get used to it. You’re not going to be wearing it for long,” he warned, and my breath caught in my throat.

  I was only dressed in a long sleeping gown and as I pushed myself out of my chair, I was exceedingly aware of the intensity of his gaze. He didn’t look away as I undressed and picked out a soft blue dress. My fingers felt clumsy as I buttoned it closed and my legs felt like jelly as I stepped into a pair of leather sandals. When I was finished, I turned back, and he held out his hand expectantly. I took a hesitant step toward him, but when his fingers curled around mine, everything felt right in the world.

  I took a deep calming breath as he led me out of the room. We walked through the castle together hand in hand and out into the courtyard where there was a horse already ready and waiting for us. Without any effort at all, he tossed me up onto the back of the horse. He climbed up after me and when the warmth of his chest pressed against my back, I couldn’t help but curl back against him. I could get used to this.

  I was nervous, but at the same time I was looking forward to spending time with him. It had been so long since we’d been able to enjoy each other’s touch that knowing he’d set the afternoon aside for just the two of us felt special to me.

  When we were both settled on top of the horse, he clicked his tongue and the stallion cantered down the street. The journey out of the city was relaxing in and of itself and I allowed myself to enjoy every moment of his body against mine.

  When we breached the city gates, he clicked his tongue again and the horse took off even faster than before. We traveled down a lesser used dirt path for a little while before he turned off and ventured through some high grasses until we crested a small hill. Down below was a small lake and a soft grassy plain. Trees and a number of uniquely colored wildflowers surrounded the small oasis. It really was beautiful.

  I pressed back against him, smiling as the bond pulsed between us. I could feel his happiness and I was sure he could sense mine.

  The horse descended the hill. Magnar hopped down and lifted me off the horse, not even giving me a chance to climb off myself. He tied the horse’s reins to a nearby tree and took my hand, leading me closer to a small grove of young trees.

  He tested a few branches with his fingers as I fidgeted a bit nervously beside him.

  “Magnar,” I began anxiously. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his hands, watching as he found a branch that he liked enough to cut it free with a small knife he had on his belt. He swished it through the air and the sound made my heart drop straight to my toes. With a heavy swallow, I hummed fearfully, and the side of his mouth raised with amusement.

  “Yes, omega?” he answered.

  “You don’t have to switch me,” I said fretfully.

  “Do you get to decide that?” he replied. His tone left no room for negotiation and my fear amplified at least tenfold.

  “No, Alpha,” I whispered.

  Without another word, he took my hand and led me back to the shore of the lake. He stopped beside a large flat boulder before he turned me around and began to unbutton my dress. I couldn’t think of anything to say as he flew through the buttons with a sureness that I didn’t think I could even be capable of at this point. I opened my mouth, hoping that the words would come but nothing ever did.

  I pressed my lips back together.

  “You’re nervous, little sigma. I can feel it,” he murmured, and a soft cry escaped me.

  He kissed my cheek and I shivered intensely.

  “You should be, my sweet mate,” he added, and my heart pounded in my chest. He pushed the fabric of my dress open, revealing my breasts achingly slowly. My nipples pebbled firmly in the open air as he slid his fingers along my shoulders. My clothing fell to the ground beneath me.

  He left me standing there as he returned to the horse and unbuckled one of the saddlebags. He pulled out a soft blanket and swung it over the boulder before he took a seat on it. I wrung my hands together in front of me, not really knowing what to do with them until he reached for me and drew me closer to him.

  “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you like this again for some time, my love,” he said gently and at once, my nerves flew away.

  “I’ve missed you, Alpha,” I whispered.

  “I know you have, sweet girl, and today I’m going to show you how much I missed you too. After your spanking is over, you’re going to come hard for me. Over and over until I fill you with my knot and my seed,” he explained softly.

  My pussy clenched down in excitement.

  “Now come. Lie over my knee. Your alpha wants to turn your beautiful bottom bright red,” he purred, and my core tightened with need. He lifted his hand and held it out for me. Immediately, I took it and he pulled me forward closer to him.

  Fully bare, I lay over his knee and lifted my bottom for him. I was rewarded with the soft touch of his fingers against my naked flesh and I whimpered softly with arousal. I wanted him.


  His cock was already hard against my hip. He wanted me too.

  And even though I was about to get my backside spanked hard, that made me feel powerful. It made me feel wanted, but even more than that, special. Cared for.

  I liked that.

  I angled my hips up, enjoying the feeling of his rough battle-hardened fingers against my skin.


  “Yes, my sweet sigma?” he replied, his words full of appreciation as he touched me.

  “I want it to hurt,” I whimpered, both nervous and afraid to ask for something like that.

  “I know you do, my love. I know what you need,” he answered with a certain confidence. I shuddered hard, full of desire, anxiety, and overwhelming love.

  His fingers squeezed my naked flesh one last time and that was my final warning before my spanking began.

  His palm was harsh from the start. I could usually keep quiet, but not this time. He wanted to remind me that he was my alpha and he did exactly that. He spanked all over my backside, ensuring to punish every last inch, from the upper curves of my cheeks to the entirety of my thighs. I cried out and that only seemed to make his hand hurt even more.

  Every time I went over his knee there was a certain part of me that was surprised by how much it hurt. It was almost silly, but the feeling of his hand always caught me off guard. Sometimes it could be gentle and other times like now were so much harder and that much more painful. This time, his hand meant to punish me, and it most certainly did.

  In a flurry, he peppered my bare flesh with his palm. It felt like iron as he branded my flesh with the mark of his hand. Even though it hurt, I found myself lifting my bottom for him as if I was presenting myself for punishment. My thighs drifted apart and soon the scent of my slick surrounded us.

  My inner omega was reveling in this punishment. I could feel the need to submit to my alpha burning through me so hot it felt almost rabid. My cries spoke of the pain the spanking caused at first, but then they started to change. Soon, my sounds were more of an aroused moan and after a particular hard volley of swats punished the backs of my legs, he paused and slipped his fingers in between them.

  “Naughty sigma, you’re soaking wet for me,” he whispered.

  He found my clit and circled it with the pad of his finger. I gasped as he gradually increased the pressure, stoking my arousal even more firmly with his touch. I sighed with pleasure, feeling the burn of his palm still spreading across my backside.

  “Yes, Alpha,” I purred, not wanting his touch to end. Timidly, I pressed against his fingers, simply wanting him to know that I was more than willing to come for him if only he would allow it. I didn’t do it in a way to challenge his alpha, just to let him know that I wanted more.

  He increased the pressure betwee
n my thighs. I cried out with fervent arousal.

  Need buzzed just beneath my skin like a current of electricity. The more he touched me, the more I felt like I was closing in on an explosive orgasm that would make me shake and quiver with my bottom bright red as I lay over his knee.

  He didn’t stop as I approached the edge.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please let me come for you, Alpha.”

  I tried to delay my release as long as I could.

  “Did you ask permission to come for me last time, sigma?” he asked, and his finger didn’t slow down for even a moment.

  “No, Alpha,” I breathed, trying to do everything to quell the orgasm that threatened to crash over me at any second. At once, he pulled his fingers away and I gasped in surprise. Knowing that my pleasure was his to give and to take made my arousal ebb and burn with even more scalding intensity, which only made the denial even more painful.

  “Then as punishment, little sigma, you will be denied orgasm until I’m ready to allow it,” he said firmly, and I cried out at the painful edge of his chastisement. My inner walls fluttered expectantly and when his touch didn’t return, my core twisted hard.

  Instead, my spanking began again, and it was that much more painful. Now I was even more sensitive, and each spank hurt more so than before. My cries turned more desperate and I started to struggle over his thigh. I twisted and turned my hips, trying to avoid each strike but he pinned me down against his thigh with a single hand around my waist.

  The message was clear.

  I wasn’t going anywhere until he was through with me.

  The realization made my body burn even hotter. I wanted more. Needed more.

  His palm cracked hard against the tops of my thighs and I whimpered, squeezing my eyes closed as the terrible sting raced across my skin and settled deep into my core.

  Even though it was just his hand, it felt just as ruthless as his belt or even my own hairbrush. It made me cry out as much as anything else and as he punished my thighs, I knew that I was quickly approaching the point where he might make me cry.


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