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The Dark Kingdom Anthology

Page 22

by Krissy V et al.

  “Okay, time to get this party started,” says Trey as he arrives back at the table with a waiter carrying not one but two bottles of champagne. He does mean to party tonight.

  “Yippee!” Jo’s excited voice and grateful expression has my stomach churning with my deep guilt. For someone who lost her entire world, she’s always remained so happy and positive. And here’s me, the stuck-up, ungrateful bitch who works too damn hard to keep my life under control.

  Tonight I need to relax and unwind, enjoy my time with my family.

  “Time to party,” I say, taking the glass that’s offered to me. I wait until the others have their glasses in their hands. “A toast. To family who should spend more time together.”

  A chorus of, “Yes we should,” rings loudly around me. At least we all agree on that.

  “Jo, what’s going on with you? A man in your life?” I ask.

  Her eyes sparkle and she looks at her glass shyly. I have my answer. Jo is a pretty girl; long blonde hair, blue eyes, and extremely petite. She always attracts nice guys, unlike me. I attract every bad boy under the sun, but that’s how I like it.

  “Jo, do tell.” Jake nudges her.

  “Okay, I have met someone, but it’s early days.”

  “That doesn’t give us any information,” I say.

  “There’s not much to tell. We’ve had a few dates, he’s a fire-fighter, and I really like him.”

  “Well, that’s good. You do know he’ll have to pass our test,” Jake pipes up after settling his glass on the table, smirking.

  “Jake, don’t be mean. You’ll only have Jo worrying about what in the devil’s name you’re going to do,” I say with a shake of my head. “Take no notice of him. I’m sure when the time is right and we meet him, we’ll all love him.”

  “I hope so,” she says. “Now, please tell me you haven’t been too busy working to go out on a date yourself?”

  I sigh. “No dates for me. I’m too busy.” Last night comes straight to the front of my mind. Would any of them understand if I told them about it?

  The answer to that is easy. No.

  Conversations flows with ease, as does the alcohol, and as I start to relax, I feel the bitterness that sits deep within leave me. I know it will only be for a short time, but it’s better than nothing.

  My eyes glance to the bar door as an eruption of noise enters. Six well built, handsome, if a little rough around the edges, guys enter, and I have to do a double take.

  Adrenaline courses through me when my eyes meet with the last guy. I’d never forget those eyes; there was something dark about them when I first saw him. After what happened, I don’t think I could ever forget about him. Why the hell is he here?

  From the look that crosses his face, he’s just had the same memory as me and then there is something else that flashes wildly across his expression which has me shivering. A friend nudges him and he quickly turns away from my prying eyes. For the first time in my life, I’m suddenly worried that the one part of my life that I’ve kept to myself will suddenly be exposed.

  “Sophia! Earth to Sophia.” It’s Trey’s voice that cuts the trance I’ve been in since he walked in the door.


  “You were a million miles away,” says Jo with her eyes narrowing and looking in the direction that held my gaze mere moments ago.


  Jake is studying me and I forget he knows me as well as I know him. He wants to know what’s wrong. “Everything is fine,” I say to none of them in particular, hoping that it puts their wandering minds at rest, especially Jake.

  “Well, in that case, more drinks,” Trey shouts a little louder than I’d like as he looks back toward our table.

  I’m not sure more alcohol will be good for me tonight, but I’ll continue drinking and hope that I don’t give myself away to those closest to me.

  Chapter Three

  “What do you mean, you’re not coming with us?” Jo asks, standing by the cab with the door open. Trey is shouting for me to get in from inside.

  “I’m not in the mood to go dancing. You go and have a good night with the boys and I’ll see you on Sunday. I’ll get the next cab and go straight home.”

  She pouts and I can see the disappointment in her eyes. “Sophia, is everything okay? You seem a bit distant.”

  “Jo, everything is good. I’m just conscious that I’m in the office early tomorrow to sort out a few issues, and I know if I continue to party that won’t happen. Now, go on, someone has to keep an eye on those two. Make sure they behave.”

  She narrows her eyes and watches me for a moment. I smile, pretending everything is fine. It’s not, but I can’t let on. I just need to get home, away from here. Home is where I’ll be safe and I can store my secret away once again. “Okay, but you promise I’ll see you on Sunday?”

  “I promise,” I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  She smiles before reluctantly getting into the cab. It’s moments like this, when I see the happiness radiate from her, that I fucking hate myself. I hate the anger that simmers within. I stand on the street, waving as the cab pulls away, leaving me alone. I glance back at the door we all left a few moments ago, watching and waiting to see if that bastard comes outside with his friends, but I breathe a sigh of relief when the door stays closed.

  Looking along the street, I see there’s no sign of another cab. Great. Should I wait, taking the risk that he’ll walk out at any minute? No, I think not. I’m only a ten-minute walk away from my apartment and it’s really not too late to be walking home. I set off, turning left, by-passing the lovely boutique shops that line the street that are all closed. This is a lovely part of the city. It’s somewhere I love spending time just milling around the shops.

  There’s times in my life when I do feel just normal, a normal girl without a care in the world. Or am I classed as a woman at twenty-five?

  I don’t even know anymore.

  You’d think I’d have my life sorted out considering I run a highly successful business.

  How can I be two completely different people? From the outside looking in, it would appear I have this normal life, yet there is a part of me that no-one knows anything about.

  A couple pass me in the street, walking hand-in-hand, both looking so in love with each other and happy. They remind me of my parents, who still look at each other the exact same way. It has me wondering about the direction my life is heading. Will I ever meet that special someone who looks at me like that? Or am I destined for a life of solitude? It’s probably what I deserve.

  I pause for a moment, seeing someone lying in a shop doorway. A man’s eyes stare back at me. Even in the dark night sky I can see they are a mesmerising green. I stare at him for a moment, getting lost in his deep, penetrating gaze before digging into my handbag and opening my purse.

  “Here you go,” I say, handing him a twenty. “Get yourself something hot to eat and drink.”

  He hesitantly takes the note from my hand and I walk away, my thoughts now drifting to how he ended up living on the streets. Does he not have any family that care for him? Would Jo have ended up on the streets if it weren’t for my parents taking her in and raising her as their own?

  All these thoughts I should allow to drift out of my mind once and for all. After all, it’s been ten years since the accident and I shouldn’t allow the feelings of a young, immature fifteen-year-old get in the way of my future. I could be happy if I allowed myself, with Jo as my sister, and she’s not done anything wrong.

  I smile as I near the river because I’m almost home, and at night the view is incredible. Lights in the distance illuminate the dark sky and it looks almost magical. Clouds drift in front of the moon, darkening the night sky further. It’s so peaceful, but I shiver in the cool night air.

  Footsteps nearing me have me turning my head to see who is there.


  What the fuck?

  Fear spreads through my veins fast and my heart races. He�
��s followed me, the man from last night. The look on his face is the same look he had when my security held onto him before the police arrived. My eyes dart from side-to-side. There’s nowhere to go and no one here to help me. I glance down at my shoes and almost laugh nervously as panic hurts my chest when I realise I won’t be able to run far in these heels.

  “You, seem a little lost, Faith. Or should I say Sophia?”

  He knows my name.

  My body betrays me and I’m sure he can see the fear I feel. I will my feet to move but they don’t. I’m frozen to the spot as he takes another few steps closer to me. He’s right before me and I shiver. I wish I had the strength to defend myself against him, to fend him off, but after being alone with him last night, I know I can’t.

  I don’t have the energy to do anything except look at the man before me and wish I hadn’t seen him last night. Because then I wouldn’t be in this position.

  “You see, Sophia, I knew exactly who you were last night. With Rosie being otherwise engaged, I knew you would replace her. I know everything about you; your wealth, your work life, friends and then of course, there’s your family. Especially poor little Jo. She’s such a pretty thing. It’s a shame all that might change.”

  “What the hell do you mean?” I bark as he pushes me back against the wall, his arms caging me in, and now I see him for the monster he is. He’s toying with me, and I’m not sure, but somehow I think he has something to do with Rosie not being there. But how? I keep my eyes on him because I need to see his reactions and expressions.

  “How did you know Rosie wouldn’t be there? What have you done with her? And what about Jo?” Rage surges through me as I contemplate fighting against him. He’s hurt Rosie and this has all been planned. Why?

  “Rosie will be fine, eventually, and as for Jo… well, she lost her family, and now, she might lose you,” he sneers.

  Right here and now, I don’t want to be controlled. I just want to be away from this man who I fear will break me. I’m not here to serve his purpose or satisfy his sick and twisted needs.

  “What is it you want from me? Money?”

  “No, you can keep that. Everyone thinks you’re this little Miss Prim and Proper, but I can see through you. I see you. The real you.”

  “You know nothing about me.” How can he?

  “Oh, but I do. You see, she wasn’t the only person who lost something that night ten years ago. I lost my brother, and now it’s payback. Why should she get to live a normal, happy life? I’ve been keeping tabs on you and Jo. Do you think your two friends will be able to keep her safe?”

  The venom in his voice is a warning that he means what he’s saying.

  I stare at this psycho for a moment and then it dawns on me that his brother was jailed for causing death by dangerous driving under the influence of alcohol. He’s waited ten years for his revenge. That doesn’t make any sort of sense to me.

  My breathing is fast but I need to try and stay calm. I push my hands against his chest. He throws his head back with laughter before settling his gaze on me. His eyes penetrate to the depths of my soul. I shiver. I see it. Everything. His anger and hatred towards me and Jo. It’s almost laughable. He and I are kind of similar; we both have our own issues that involve my dear cousin. Am I a monster like him? I pray to God, or anyone that will listen, that I don’t want to be like him.

  I want to be normal.

  “Oh, please. Jo has not had a normal life and your brother got exactly what he deserved. He killed two innocent people. Now, get out of my way.”

  “You can’t hurt me, little lady.” He laughs in my face, grabbing my arms and pinning them against the wall. “You don’t get to have a safe word with me. Because no matter what you say, I won’t stop taking from you.”

  Tears fill my eyes and the alien emotions that I can’t describe aren’t helping my current situation. I’m not in control and I can’t decide if that’s worse than knowing what he’s planning on doing to me.


  My thoughts turn to what he’s just said about the boys protecting her, and I know they both would do whatever they could because, to them, she’s family.

  If anything happens to her then I’ve failed to keep her safe from harm.

  Taking a deep breath, I know I must fight against him, not just for myself, but for Jo. “Fucking get away from me.” I kick against his legs and wriggle, trying to prise myself out of his hold, but he moves closer to me, ignoring my words as I fight. His body is tight to mine and I feel his erection.

  “I won’t let you do this,” I say through gritted teeth. He’s holding both of my hands in one of his. His free hand slides down my breast before I hear the unbuckle of his belt.

  This isn’t right.

  I’m going to be punished for something I haven’t done and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Hope. I can only hope that it ends quickly. I close my eyes.

  “You, little lady, can’t stop me.”

  “But I fucking can!” a voice bellows from somewhere close by.

  Chapter Four

  The bastard turns his head and I open my tear-filled eyes, looking past him to see another man. And not just any man, but the man I stopped and gave money to who was lying in a shop doorway. He’s come to my aid.

  “Let the woman go and pick on someone your own size.”

  My ragged breathing is starting to steady as I realise whatever this bastard had planned to do to me won’t happen because, suddenly, there is a witness to the crime.

  “I think I’ll take my chances with the whore, tramp. She’ll put up much more of a fight. I do like some healthy competition. So go on, run along back to your doorway and forget about us because we’re just about to have some fun.”

  I’m not having fun, certainly not with this piece of work. I hate that he’s called the man a tramp more than what he’s said about me.

  “Doesn’t look much like fun from where I’m standing.”

  I can’t really see him but I can hear his footsteps; he’s walking closer to us.

  My arms hurt from how tightly I’m being gripped, but I know I need to act while he’s distracted. Take back my control, but I don’t want the man who has come to my rescue to pay the price. Taking a deep breath and trying to control my thoughts and feelings, I kick him hard, repeatedly.

  “You fucking bitch,” he says, releasing my arms and slapping me hard across the face. “You’ll pay for that.”

  “I don’t think so.” My rescuer is beside me, pulling him from me. I stand with my back still against the wall, unable to move, watching the two men fight, fists landing on the other, the night silence broken by the two men. I want to run, run far away, but I can’t allow anything bad to happen to this innocent man who stepped in to save my life. I know what my fate would be after that bastard had finished using me.

  The noise is deafening, and I look around the street for signs of life, but there’s nothing. Am I really the only person who can hear the deafening noise, the shouting of these two men? Or am I just imagining it? Could it really be all in my head?

  Surely the noise would attract the attention of someone, somewhere.

  I blink several times, and the scene before me is real. My rescuer now has the bastard on the ground, beating him good and proper.

  “Stop!” I yell. “He’s not worth it.”

  My rescuer stops. His eyes land on mine, and once again, I’m drawn to his mesmerising gaze. He steps away from my attacker and into the light, and I finally see the man who saved me. There’s blood on his face, a cut just below his eye, and I’m to blame for that. Guilt floods me as I think of him in pain because of me. The stupid woman who let herself be followed.

  He smiles, and for some strange, unknown reason, I feel almost giddy. There’s something between us, a connection, or maybe it’s just me. For the first time in my life I’m seeing past the book cover. I’m seeing the man beneath the rags and the dirt. And there is something about him that has me intrigued.

thoughts are crazy, playing tricks with me. I’m tired and emotional. I need to rest but I also need to look after this stranger. Tend to his wounds because he was decent enough to come to my rescue.

  A scuffle startles me and has me holding my breath as the man on the ground finally gets back to his feet. He staggers toward the stranger, launching his fists at him again, but he’s obviously too weak as he stumbles. My rescuer pushes him away.

  “Go on, get out of here before I decide to finish this by throwing you into the river.”

  The man runs off with his tail between his legs like an old scared dog and I’m left standing here wondering what happens now.

  Brushing my clothes down and fixing my messy hair, I finally take a step toward him. “Thank you…”

  I don’t even know his name to thank him properly.


  “Thank you, Mason. I really appreciate what you did for me, but you’re hurt.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be just fine. I’m used to looking out for myself.”

  Sadness fills my soul. No one should be used to being on their own, including me. “I’m Sophia. Sophia Weston.”

  “I might look rough but I do know who you are. Now, are you okay?” he asks, taking cautious steps toward me.

  I don’t shy away from him. Something deep within tells me he means me no harm. “Yes. Other than the slap on my face, he hasn’t actually hurt me, unlike you. We should get your face cleaned up.”

  “I’ll get to it later. Do you live far from here? I’d like to make sure you get home safely.”

  I pause, thinking about his words, and I’m more than certain I’m safe with him. “Only a few minutes away. There’s an all night café not far from my apartment. Why don’t I take you there as a thank you and I can get a proper look at your cut?”


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