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The Obsidian Throne

Page 21

by Michelle Soper

  Nev blushed a bit at Addi’s reaction. Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to Nellis and Addi. “So, Wyatt and I get Sagrine’s attention with the amulet, and then Wyatt hides me until I can strike. Addi and Nellis will be back up and plan B, assuming you are coming,” Nev stated, watching for signs they would indeed help.

  “I would be a pretty poor excuse of an older sister if I didn’t stand by you, even if you two are nuts,” Addi noted, smiling at Wyatt.

  “I will, of course, come with you and help,” Nellis added, bowing his head briefly towards Nev.

  Addi looked up with surprise. “Are you sure, Nellis? It’s going to be dangerous,” she asked.

  “Well, I survived being engaged to you. How much more dangerous can it be than that?” Nellis replied, laughing out loud.

  Wyatt laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair. “Wow! Just, wow!” he stammered. Wyatt was left stunned and suddenly fearing for Nellis’ life.

  Nev lowered her gaze and shot a concerned glance at Wyatt.

  “Oh, I see how it is. Two on one… so mature,” Addi snapped, her cheeks going red from embarrassment and anger.

  “My dear lass, I was only teasing. You know I still treasure you above all others. I just thought we could all use the mood to be a bit lighter for a while,” Nellis offered before turning to Addi. He took her hand in his and kissed it lightly.

  Addi looked surprised, but pleasantly so. Her cheeks flushed with warmth, and her breath fluttered as her anger vanished.

  Wyatt grinned at Addi. “You know… Nev and I know a few great ways to relax before undertaking something horribly risky. Maybe you and Nellis just need to relax a bit,” he teased, winking at Addi.

  Nev smacked Wyatt on the shoulder and glared at him.

  “Ouch!” Wyatt hollered.

  Addi laughed and looked at Nev, thankful for the distraction and for Nev’s handling of her brother. “You know, I think I’m growing to like you more and more,” she said.

  The four of them all laughed for many long minutes. Nev smiled at the sight of it. Sitting around a table while eating and laughing was an unfamiliar activity for her. Sharing a moment like this, with friends and the man she loved, would have seemed an impossible dream only a few weeks ago. Now, she couldn’t imagine her life without experiences like this. She dared to let herself start to daydream about what her life might be like after everything settled.

  For the longest time, she’d simply been fighting for survival. Then it was for her father’s memory and making things right. Now, despite the throne growing closer to her grasp, her desire for it waned. She didn’t want to be an empress. What she wanted, all that she wanted, was this. Moments to laugh, love, and live with the man who had come to mean everything to her. She watched Wyatt and smiled to herself. Someday, this is all my life will be like, and it will be marvelous, she thought. Nev continued to listen and watch the trio sitting with her as they joked and reminisced. After a couple of hours, she found herself again daydreaming about her future with Wyatt.

  Wyatt sensed Nev’s thoughts drifting off somewhere happy. He turned away from the banter around the table and smiled at her as he squeezed her hand.

  Nev returned his smile and then motioned towards the back bedroom.

  “Me?” Wyatt mouthed, as he raised an eyebrow at her.

  Nev tried to look cross with him and failed as she started to giggle.

  “Well, my lady and I are going to take our leave. I suggest you two don’t stay up too late,” Wyatt suggested, winking at Addi as he grabbed Nev’s hand and led her to the back bedroom.

  Nellis raised his glass to them and saluted, “Sleep well, destiny awaits us tomorrow.”

  Addi and Nellis sat at the table for a few minutes sipping their tea. Eventually, the sounds of Nev and Wyatt enjoying their evening began to filter up to the dining area. Nellis turned towards Addi and watched her for a few moments. “You know lass… I meant it,” he said softly.

  “Meant what?” she asked, feeling awkward under Nellis’ gaze.

  “That I still treasure you above all others. Truth is, I have been in love with you from the moment I saw you ten years ago. And that never changed. Even when you took your little unscheduled break,” Nellis professed.

  Addi found herself speechless. She just stared at him, with her mouth slightly agape.

  Nellis chuckled softly and placed a hand softly upon her cheek. “I should have followed you. I should have told you how much I love you, but I didn’t. And that is my life’s biggest regret. Now, I’ll follow sonny and his princess into danger tomorrow. What I will not do, however, is add to my regrets. I’ll not fail again to tell you how special you are to me,” he promised tenderly.

  Addi’s heart fluttered, and her mind raced.

  “Addi, you are the love of my life. And if you choose to give me another chance, I promise I will make sure you always know that,” he vowed, leaning close to Addi.

  She wanted to say “yes” or something… anything. Instead, all she could do was nod.

  “I will take that as a ‘yes,’” he replied, before pulling her close and kissing her deeply. He sat back a bit from her and stood up from his chair. “So, lass… would you care to enjoy the remainder of your evening with your fiancé? Perhaps somewhere a bit more private?” Nellis proposed while extending his hand to Addi.

  Addi thought for a moment and then took Nellis’ hand. Smiling as she followed him to his bedroom.

  Chapter 40

  Wyatt opened his eyes and caught the smell of breakfast cooking. “Damn you, Nellis. Not letting me sleep in, I see,” he complained while smiling. Well, tricks on you. Little do you realize I already have something more tempting than your cooking, he thought as he closed his eyes again and pulled Nev close before falling back asleep.

  Nev made soft noises as she fought to stay asleep. Finally giving in, she opened her eyes slowly. Despite what she knew they would face today, she had slept better than she ever remembered. Wyatt, a warm room, and a real bed were apparently the key to her getting an idyllic night’s sleep. She snuggled up close to him and buried her face against his chest. Nev listened to his heartbeat and breath for several long minutes. I will keep you safe today and make it right, I promise, she thought. As she heard him start to wake, she found herself gazing at him. Feeling blissful, she played with a curl that lay across his temple.

  Wyatt looked down and saw the contented look on her face. “Well, well… I think someone has finally become a morning person,” he said, grinning and kissing her lightly.

  “If this is what mornings are like, then perhaps I have misjudged them,” she pondered as she closed her eyes and burrowed up against him.

  He laughed softly as he watched her. “You are adorable,” he noted affectionately.

  She nuzzled his chest for a moment before resting her head against it. Letting out a long sigh before closing her eyes for a moment.

  Wyatt played with the hair that lay along the side of her face. “It is going to work, you know. It will all be alright. I promise,” he whispered, continuing to run his fingers gently through the hair that had escaped her loose braid.

  Nev nodded against his chest. “I know it will. It doesn’t mean I am in a hurry to meet it, though,” she said softly.

  “Yes. Well, you and I have kept this particular piece of destiny waiting already. It wouldn’t be polite to reschedule again,” Wyatt replied, kissing the top of her head.

  “True enough,” she whispered. Suddenly Nev felt her anxiety surge, and her eyes swelled with tears.

  “Hey, come here,” Wyatt urged. He sat up and pulled Nev close to him and held her tight.

  “I know it will work, and I know we have to, but… I’m still scared,” Nev said, her voice trembling.

  Wyatt squeezed her tightly and then moved so he could see her face. He cupped her hands in his and leaned until his forehead touched hers. “You are not alone anymore. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Remember, I made a promise
to not let go—and I’m not breaking it today,” he reassured her tenderly.

  Nev sniffed back her tears and nodded. “I love you,” she whispered.

  “And I love you. And that is why we will not fail,” Wyatt said, kissing her deeply. He then climbed out of bed and pulled Nev to her feet. He helped her get her chainmail shirt on and attached her cloak for her. After making sure they both had all of their belongings secured, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Time to go,” he pronounced, smiling at her.

  Addi and Nellis were already finishing up breakfast and starting to prepare their gear. Nellis offered to fix a plate for Nev, but she politely refused and headed outside alone.

  “She okay?” Addi asked, sounding concerned.

  “Yeah, she is alright. She wants this chapter of her life to end. This prowler has been hunting her for twenty years. Nev watched him burn her father alive when she was only ten years old. She is facing a lot more than just Sagrine today. There are a lot of demons waiting for her out there as well,” Wyatt explained, staring out the window at Nev before looking back at his sister.

  Addi glanced at the ground before finding her brother’s gaze. “It is good she isn’t alone anymore. Nellis and I will have your backs. And we are ready whenever you two are,” Addi assured, giving her brother a quick hug.

  Wyatt grabbed a bite of breakfast and headed outside. “No time like the present,” he suggested, as he joined Nev.

  The four of them moved to a small clearing from which they could still see Nellis’ house. The sun peeking through the clouds and gentle swaying of the tall grass made their stroll almost seem momentarily idyllic. There was a thick grove of woods surrounding the meadow, except for the direction of Nellis’ house. As the four stared out towards the forest, the shadows between the trees seemed to grow darker and more ominous.

  Addi and Nellis were just behind Wyatt, flanking him and standing with their weapons ready. “How quick do you think he will respond?” Nellis questioned.

  “Depends on how close he is, but I don’t think it will take him long,” Wyatt replied.

  “He is already very close and drawing nearer. He has been following our steps for a while, but he isn’t fully certain where we are yet,” Nev reported with her voice sounding distant. Slowly, she flexed her left arm out and tested its range of motion.

  The thought that Sagrine was stalking them, even as they slept, was disturbing. Wyatt was beginning to understand just a hint of what Nev’s life had been like for the past twenty years. The realization made him more determined than ever to help her close this chapter. “Whenever you are ready, love,” Wyatt reassured, as he pulled out one of the leaves Nev had given him. Wyatt knew a headache would be coming, and it would be severe. He figured it was better to head it off at the pass a bit.

  “We won’t let him break your concentration,” Addi insisted, nodding to Wyatt.

  Wyatt gave Addi a quick smile and replied, “Thanks, sis. I’ll owe you one.”

  The three watched as Nev walked around the clearing for a few minutes. She was trying to determine where best to strike from and to clear her head. Having settled on a spot, she let the upcoming battle unfold in her mind. The location wasn’t perfect, but it would do. At least, she would likely be able to keep Wyatt in her sights from this position. She took a deep breath and walked to the location she’d chosen and pulled the amulet out from under her shirt. It was already lightly glowing. Destiny awaits, she thought. She cleared her mind of everything except two thoughts. Protect Wyatt and make it right, she repeated to herself over and over again. She grabbed the amulet, and it immediately began to glow even brighter with its purple light.

  Wyatt focused on the gem’s energy, just like he had at the cabin. He pushed his power into it. Suddenly, the light forcefully exploded outward in a radiant purple blast. Prepared for the surge, Wyatt stood his ground this time.

  Nev maintained her footing as well and stretched her thoughts and senses out. Show me, she commanded.

  Addi and Nellis eventually regained their composure and waited for the bait to be taken.

  Wyatt focused his thoughts on Nev. She would sense the prowler first, and it was her signal to hide her that he would be waiting for.

  Chapter 41

  Sagrine felt the energy call to him and immediately sprinted in the direction it came from. So close, he thought as he ran towards the prey that had eluded him for so very long. The branches whipped and tore at his armor, but he ignored everything except for her. He would reach her very soon.

  Twenty minutes or so had passed when Nev felt him. He was almost upon them, and he was alone. “Soon,” she signaled. After alerting the others, she pushed her body to calm and her mind to steady.

  Addi, Nellis, and Wyatt all nodded and did what they could to prepare themselves mentally.

  Nev pulled out her dagger and sword. She felt Wyatt’s familiar squeeze, envelop her hands, and nodded in appreciation. She steadied herself as she felt the prowler drawing ever closer and then thought one word, Now!

  Wyatt heard her and immediately focused his thoughts. His mind would be open and unprotected from Sagrine’s assaults save a singular thought, You will not see her!

  A malevolent shadow began to take shape, just inside the tree line. It seemed to slither between the trees, staying just beyond the sun’s light. After several minutes, the figure slowly emerged. His hood obscured his eyes, but Wyatt could feel their cold, piercing stare. Wyatt watched as he approached them with an unnatural quietness and dripping with rage. The prowler paced methodically from side to side as he slowly made his way towards the trio. Sagrine paused only briefly to study Addi and Nellis, before seemingly dismissing them. Then he slowly and purposefully approached Wyatt, inadvertently staying several feet away from Nev.

  Nev watched him slink past her without any sign of recognition, but it was far too early to breathe easy. Her heart quickened, and she could hear it drumming in her ears. Taking a slow, steady breath, she forced her heart rate to slow.

  Wyatt stood casually as the prowler moved closer. Meeting his gaze with an unthreatening smile, Wyatt waited for Sagrine to break the thick silence between them.

  Sagrine stopped after having moved halfway between Wyatt and Nev. “I see some new friends have joined us, boy. Would you care to introduce me, or should I pick their names from your thoughts?” Sagrine said, smiling.

  “Addi, Nellis—meet shithead. Shithead, this is Addi and Nellis,” Wyatt mocked.

  “And where is your special friend? Where is she?” Sagrine sneered as he began pressing into Wyatt’s thoughts.

  Wyatt could feel the prowler roaming through his mind. The sensation, making his skin crawl. Still, he allowed it. He kept only one thought walled off from him. “She wanted to stay and chat, but then she remembered that she hates you,” Wyatt replied, sounding snarky.

  Sagrine inhaled deeply and deduced, “She has been here very recently. Her scent still clings to you. Doesn’t she taste exquisite? I’ve tasted her only once, but it would never be enough. I foolishly thought I was prepared for the undeniable power of her essence—her blood. I was not. During my training, I was given a tiny taste of her lineage. Blood preserved from her mother, saved for one purpose. It was to seal our desire for her. After all, blood and love are the only reliable ways to bond someone to another. And in the end, love can be manipulated and broken.”

  Nev fought to ignore the prowler’s mention of her mother and focused her thoughts. She dared to test his awareness and took a single step towards him. Watching him closely for any sign that he had noticed her, but saw nothing. She also reached out to Wyatt, ensuring her movement had not endangered him.

  “So, tasting blood is just something you do?” Wyatt asked, sarcastically. His levity trying to mask the discomfort and unease he was feeling. Sagrine’s presence saturated his mind. It was as if someone had poured shadows into his thoughts, and now they were consuming everything they touched. He forced his mind to hold the darkness from Nev
. Keeping her protected behind a wall of light.

  “Sadly, not as often as I crave. The heiress was stolen. Lost to time and to me. And sadly, her mother was long dead by the time I was prepared for my purpose. Still, the empress had been a vision and a visionary. She had such hopes for her daughter, but sadly she was betrayed. First, by her weakness and then by filth like you. He was an untrained blight, just as you are,” Sagrine sneered, taking several steps closer to Wyatt.

  Addi and Nellis both felt the situation rapidly growing tenser. However, they were powerless to push things to unfold any quicker or any slower. Just like Sagrine, they could not see Nev. Only Wyatt and Nev knew how near she was to striking the prowler down.

  Nev pushed her energy to Wyatt, helping him maintain his vigilant deception. She then steadied her nerves and took several steps closer to Sagrine. She was almost within striking distance and thought, Just a few more moments, Wyatt.

  “You think she loves you? You think the first time you possessed her, in the cave, really mattered?” Sagrine insinuated, studying Wyatt and taking a few steps towards Addi.

  Wyatt hated that his memory of that moment was shared with Sagrine, but he wouldn’t let it be used to endanger Nev. “Jealous?” Wyatt replied, forcing a small laugh.

  “Perhaps. But what of you? Here. A gift. You can have a hint of what I plan to do with her. How I will bend her will, mind, and body to meet my every desire,” Sagrine taunted. Taking great pleasure in watching Wyatt grimace as the twisted thought took root in his mind. Taking another small step toward the Tink, he lifted his head, purposefully allowing Wyatt to catch a glimpse of his face.

  Seeing a hint of Sagrine’s face was something Wyatt wished he could forget. It was contorted in anguish and lust. Clenching his jaw, Wyatt tried to hide the anger and disgust that was building within him. He had to hold on… for Nev.

  Nev could sense Wyatt’s discomfort, even if she hadn’t seen what the prowler had shown him. Her hand started to tremble as she moved within two steps of striking distance. Gripping the hilt of her dagger, she swallowed hard and took one more step. Nev needed her mind and body to be centered when she struck. She wouldn’t get a second chance.


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