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Roaring Change

Page 8

by Marissa Dobson

  “Sparks…” Even though her voice rose, she wasn’t afraid. With someone else, the position would have made her anxious, but not with him.

  “Trust me.” He dipped his head to the curve of her neck and kissed along the curve. “Just relax, I’ve got you.”

  “Never had any doubt.” Still she longed to run her fingers over his body, as she’d done before. To feel the contours of his muscles until she could feel the soft vibrations tingling off his skin as their beasts came together. “You keep my body on edge.”

  “Let me ease your desire.” Sliding his hand between her legs, he crushed his mouth to hers. Unerringly finding her core, his fingers found her nub, working his thumb and forefinger to drive the pleasure from her. His thumb slid over the nerve endings until heat erupted against his touch radiating in tingling waves outward, weakening her legs. If he hadn’t been bracing her against the wall, she’d have slid down onto the floor. Fierce desire rose within her like a tidal wave smashing through a dam.

  “Take me,” she murmured against his mouth, holding onto him as wild delight streamed through her.

  His teeth grazed her lower lip, and he pulled his hand away. She cried out in frustration, but he ignored her demands. Letting go of her hands, he gripped her hips, he lifted her and spread her thighs before he drove into her with one powerful thrust. With her legs wrapped around him, she clung to him, knowing he was going to give her exactly what her body desired.

  “Oh, Sparks!” She twined her arms around his neck, holding onto him, as he withdrew and thrusted into her again, deeper, harder, his pumping almost savage as he revealed some of the beast within. With every pump his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, and he pressed his mouth against hers again, swallowing her moans as she spiraled toward her release.

  She had no control, no say, as he left her mouth and kissed a path to her neck. Digging her nails into his shoulders, she held on as every pump of his hips sent pulses of pleasure exploding through her. Her legs tightened around him as he groaned and shoved himself deeper into her. The pressure built within her until her body trembled, and her orgasm rushed upon her. She held onto him as he slammed home in a frenzy. Her nails dragged along his skin as a climax tore through her with such force her world came apart at the seams. Her inner muscles clenched around him as he drove into her for the final time as his own release found him.

  “Oh, Sparks.” She dipped her head down, resting it on the curve of his shoulder as her lips pressed against his neck. “I love you.”

  “Mate, you stole my heart long before I claimed your body.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “I love you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Stepping off the plane in Ohio, Sparks had his arm around Merrie, yet it didn’t seem to help the anxiety rising within her. Through their connection, he was aware she wasn’t worried about the triggers but the changes within the clan’s dynamics, and if the members would accept her back into the fold. No matter how many times he assured her there was nothing to worry about, the concern didn’t subside. Only seeing it for herself would do that.

  “Merrie! You’re here. I still can’t believe it.” Rachel jogged toward them, her long honey brown hair blowing out around her shoulders.

  Sparks wasn’t sure if she hadn’t noticed their embrace or didn’t think anything of it, but as she neared her eyes widened, and she took a deep breath before looking at him. “Brother…”

  “Ahh…” Merrie shifted uneasy as the siblings watched each other.

  “It’s okay, sugar. She’s surprised, that’s all.” He ran his hand over her back.

  “You should have called. I would have moved her stuff to your—”

  “It’s fine,” he assured her. “We’ll deal with it later.”

  “Oh, Merrie.” With a smile stretched across her face, Rachel turned to the other woman. “My stubborn, jackass brother is hardheaded, determined, and overbearing—”

  “Hey.” Sparks growled. “Let’s not scare her away already.”

  “Never.” She pressed herself against his side. “While I have no doubt, he’s all those things he’s also protective, loyal, selfless, and let’s not forget determined.”

  “He’s also one hell of an Elder Guard.” Larry came around the side of the building strolling toward them. “Hey Merrie. Sparks.”

  “Larry.” Surprised, she turned toward him. “What are you doing here? Last we talked you were back in West Virginia with Jinx.”

  “I was.” Larry glanced at Sparks, his eyebrow raised in a silent question. When Sparks nodded and removed his arm from around her shoulders, Larry stepped forward and drew her in for a hug. “When I heard you were coming home, I talked Jinx and Korbin into allowing me to be here. I wanted to see you.”

  “To make sure I was sane?” she teased as she returned his hug. “When you were in Alaska, I was pretty messed up. Maybe worse than I was here.”

  “You were working through things.” Stepping back, he glanced between them again. “You did and look at you now. Mated and a smile on your face.”

  “Who’d have thought?” She leaned back into Sparks embrace. “Especially mated to him.”

  “I would have.” Layla joined them, Korbin at her side. “Welcome home.”

  “Home…” She slid her hand over Sparks arm as he wrapped it around her waist. “That one word sounds heavenly.”

  “Better get used to it, because we want you to stick around.” Korbin tipped his head toward the building they’d been building when she left. “Why don’t we go inside? You can spend some time with Larry before he heads home. Tonight, you and Sparks can join us for dinner, Layla wants to talk to you about her plans now that you’re home.”

  “You’re leaving tonight?”

  “Yeah.” Larry nodded. “Things are heating up with the Washington D.C. Tigers, and I need to be there to protect my Elders. Though once things settle down, if Korbin allows, I’d like to visit again.”

  “You’re always welcome here.” Korbin stated, eyeing Sparks, as if waiting for a reaction.

  “The conversations you’ve had with her have made a deep impact. She cares for you.” Spreading his fingers, he took hers between his, linking them. “You helped bring her back to me and for that we’re both grateful. As far as I’m concerned, you’re always welcome around her.”

  “Do I need to get all my friends approved?” Merrie tipped her head to look up at him.

  “Sugar.” Even with his voice low, he had no doubt she understood it was a warning.

  “Don’t worry, Merrie.” Larry’s voice had her turning back to him. “He’s not doing anything any other mated male wouldn’t do. We’re possessive and want to keep our mates safe. Since I’m not part of the clan, he must make his claim to you known, by words.”

  “Hardheaded, overbearing men,” Rachel reminded her.

  “I seem to remember a certain tigress rubbing her scent along me, not too long ago.” He squeezed his arms around her. “Marking me so the women of the clan knew I was yours. This is no different.”

  “He’s right.” Korbin chuckled as he brought Layla close to him. “My sweet mate might be human, but she does it too.”

  “Enough, you’re making me jealous.” Rachel shook her head. “I’m going inside where it’s warm.”

  “Come on, sugar.”

  “Don’t worry I’ll bring the bags.” Taber bitched, coming down the stairs with her suitcase in hand, and Sparks duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  “You’ve got to earn your keep, bear,” Korbin teased. “Come inside, there’s a few things I want to discuss with you while Merrie’s with Larry. On the way, we can drop the bags off at Sparks’ quarters.”

  Moments later, they stepped into the building, and while he’d seen it numerous times, feeling the excitement from Merrie made him view it with new appreciation. They’d destroyed the former building and made something special for those remaining, and for those who’d join them in the coming weeks and months. The space was large, welcom
ing, and more than that, it was filled with happiness instead of the darkness and horror their former building housed.

  As Korbin, Layla, and Taber headed toward the Elders quarters, Sparks stopped. He wanted to follow them, to check to see what developments he missed. Normally, it wouldn’t have been an issue, but now he had Merrie to think about. Having her by his side, knowing she needed him, caused him to pause.

  “Go.” Her voice was low, leaving him unsure if he’d heard her.

  “Sugar.” As his gaze met hers, the uncertainty was gone, leaving behind the knowledge she understood what he needed. “The stand over there has fresh coffee and hot chocolate waiting. Maybe you and Larry can grab a cup and catch up. I’ll join you in a bit.”

  “You should stay with your mate. I can move Merrie’s things…” As Rachel turned back to them, she shook her head. “Forget it. I know what you’re up to. You never stop working, do you?”

  “Don’t worry, go on,” Merrie assured him again.

  Knowing she understood his need to check in with Layla and Korbin without an audience, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. “I won’t be long.”

  “I know,” she whispered as they separated.

  Before he could change his mind, he forced himself to step away from her. He glanced at Larry, who nodded, letting Sparks know he’d watch over her, he turned toward where his Alpha had gone moments earlier. With Larry watching after Merrie, Sparks knew she’d be safe, more than that, he could feel her. Their connection would let him know if anything changed. For now, she was doing fine being back in Ohio, maybe some of it was the new building, allowing her to no longer be surrounded by the memories of Keith. They were starting over.

  “You should have stayed with Merrie.” Layla didn’t bother to turn as he entered his Alpha’s quarters. “Korbin would have called you if anything required your immediate attention.”

  “Immediate attention?” He didn’t like how she said that. “What’s going on?”

  “She’s right. This could have waited.” Korbin took the mug of coffee Layla handed him and turned toward him. “But since you’re here why don’t you join us? How’s Merrie doing?”

  “She’s amazing.” A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I always knew she had spunk and could turn things around, but seeing her now…I just didn’t realize how different things had become under Keith. Before she left, she was a shell of the person I knew, and now she’s full of life.”

  “You despised me for sending her away.”

  Startled by the directness, Sparks eyed his Alpha as he pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and sat. “You’re right, I did. Selfishly I wanted her here with us, with me. Sending her across the country meant I couldn’t protect her, and it infuriated my tiger. I realize now it was the right decision. Harmony and the others were able to help her where we couldn’t.”

  “In order for you to claim your mate, Merrie had to have control over her beast. Rogues don’t mate. She might not have been rogue yet, but she was close enough it was interfering with your tigers recognizing the connection.” Korbin explained.

  “He did it for you. For both of you,” Layla stated without turning toward the group.

  “I realize that now.” Sparks said, meeting his Alpha’s gaze.

  “I don’t believe she sees it yet, but she’s grown during her time away. The connection she has with her tigress is stronger, and she’s no longer a weak shifter as she once was. She’s moved up within the clan’s dynamics. Some of it might have to do with your mating, but a lot of it is because of her.”

  “I’m aware, but like you said, I don’t believe she is.” Sparks agreed.

  “Want a cup?” Layla glanced over at him, holding up the pot of coffee, and when he nodded, she turned back to grab another mug. “Thanks for bringing our tigress home.”

  “This is where she belongs.” Sparks accepted the mug and looked at Korbin. “Now, what’s going on?”

  “Lorcan’s group went after a community of shifters in Delaware.” Korbin leaned forward and sat his mug on the table.

  “Tigers?” Sparks questioned.

  “Not a clan, but at least one is believed to be a tiger.” As Layla neared Korbin reached out and pulled her down into his lap. “It was a multi-species shifter group.”

  “Multi-species, that’s unusual. Was? You’re saying they’re all dead?” Now Sparks understood why Larry was in a rush to get back to West Virginia. “We can’t let Larry travel back by himself. Washington D.C. might not be along his route, but we don’t know what he could encounter.”

  “That’s why I’m flying him home.” Taber nodded. “We were lucky he rented a car, so we don’t have to worry about that. Luca and Kasar already returned it.”

  “Have the Washington D.C. Tigers made any further threats?”

  “Yeah.” Korbin nodded. “They’re threatening to eliminate anyone who has connection to Tabitha and her cause. This group might have been multi-species, but they contacted Tabitha two days ago, vowing their loyalty to her.”

  “Two days?” Sparks shook his head. News traveled quickly in the shifter world, but not that fast, and not to someone like Lorcan’s group. “They must have had someone within their midst whose beliefs didn’t align.”

  “They did. Though the traitor was killed anyways,” Korbin explained. “It’s believed there might be a member who survived. If we can locate her, we’ll send a team from the closest clan to aid her.”

  “If you’re not shielding this from your mate, the fear of this might make this adjustment harder for her,” Layla spoke.

  “I am, at least for now, but she’s going to need to know.”

  “As an Elder Guard, there are things you can’t tell others.” Korbin nodded. “Unlike some Elders I believe those in your position should be able to inform their mates, otherwise it leaves a tension and discord within the mating bond. Still it must go no further, that includes Rachel.”

  “I understand.” Sparks had a good relationship with his sister, stronger than some sibling bonds among shifters, and for that reason she never questioned him. She understood he would tell her what he could, and if he told her to do something, she normally listened, at least when it came to her safety.

  “The Washington D.C. Tigers will be dealt with soon, but we must try to wait the week until the Chief of Police’s daughter is in California. The information she might provide will be useful in a successful mission and getting our people home safely.”

  “A lot of devastation could be brought in a week.” Sparks eyed his Alpha. “Those closest will suffer the most. We might not be the closest dedicated clan but we’re near enough. You and Zaz need protection. Those on Layla’s guards can only do so much and still keep her secure.”

  “Your priority is Layla.” Korbin’s tone left no room for negotiations.


  “Don’t fight me on this, I want you safe.” While there was a softness to his voice it was also full of authority. His gaze shot back to Sparks. “When you leave here, I want your earbud in and your weapons on. I’m not going to pull you away from Merrie now, she needs you, but I want you on call.”

  “Yes sir. As the Captain of her Guards, I’d ask to be alerted anytime you or Zaz couldn’t be with her. Even if I’m just down the hall, I don’t want her alone. Not with the threat this high.”

  “Agreed.” Korbin interlaced his fingers with Layla’s before looking at her. “I know you want to fight us on this, but we’re doing it for your protection.”

  “Fine,” Layla grumbled. “But I have a condition of my own.”

  “I’m not making any promises but go ahead.” Korbin let out a light breath as if he’d been waiting for it.

  “If Sparks is forced to come here, he needs to bring Merrie.” She paused as if waiting for Korbin to object. “She just arrived home, and Harmony warned us she’ll have to face the past head on. At least for the next few days, she needs her mate close by to help her through it. Sparks is great, but e
ven he can’t be in two places at once. He can’t help her and protect me.”

  “It’s not necessary.” Sparks shook his head.

  “I think it is.” Korbin eyed the other man. “Your mate is likely going to have a trying few days, and she’s going to need you. Still you have duties to Layla, especially since a second-in-command has not been named yet. This will balance your duties to both ladies. I have no doubt, even with your mate here, you’ll keep Layla safe.”

  “Many Elders would see the mate as a distraction.” Taber spoke for the first time since they gathered at the table.

  “True, but not with Sparks. His dedication runs through every cell. If anything, it will make him even more determined to protect Layla because it will also shield Merrie.” With that settled, Korbin tipped his head toward Sparks. “Get your stuff and get back to your mate.”

  “One last thing.” He rose from the table and pushed in his chair before eyeing his Alpha. “You mentioned a possible survivor. If found you’re considering opening our land up for him to seek refuge, aren’t you?”

  “Her and yes.” Korbin nodded. “At the time of her arrival and until she’s dedicated herself to me, Layla will have round-the-clock guards.”

  “Do we know the species? Anything about her besides she’s a woman?”

  “No. Connor just caught images on nearby security cameras of her running. She’ll be questioned before she’s brought here.” Korbin looked down at his mate. “I’m not putting anyone here in danger if she had anything to do with the betrayal of her group. However, if she’s committed to Tabitha, she’ll be welcomed here.”

  Without further discussion, Sparks left, heading toward his quarters which were just on the other side of Korbin’s office. He hadn’t been sure about having the Elders accommodations on the first floor, especially the idea of having Korbin’s office in front of his living quarters. It made him accessible to the clan, but the location also made him vulnerable in the event of an attack. Now though, he could see the logic. On another floor, it would make escape, if necessary, tricky. Having quarters for Zaz and him on either side also allowed for them to protect their Alpha. There was space for other Elder Guards—whenever they were promoted—to join them there, adding strength to their position.


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