Roaring Change

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Roaring Change Page 12

by Marissa Dobson

  “Women always think they’re right,” he mumbled.

  “’Cause we are.” She smirked. “Better get used to it.”

  He might not want to hear it, but she was right. If he didn’t trust his tiger, she’d end up having to nurse an injured, irritated tiger and that never went well. Or worst-case scenario, she’d end up losing her mate. Neither of those were something she wanted. They’d come a long way to get to where they were, she wasn’t about to give it all up now.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nearly a week in Ohio, and it already felt as if Merrie had never left. There were a few new members to the clan who she was still getting to know. With everyone else it was as if they picked up where they left off, not missing a beat, let alone weeks while she was in Alaska. Everyone had grown while she was gone, so it wasn’t as if she was the only one who changed. Having Korbin as their Alpha brought everyone out of their shell, allowing them to breathe again without fear. It was a relief.

  Harmony had warned her there would likely be triggers coming home, but she hadn’t faced anything unbearable. At least not since they stepped off the plane and her fear had almost gotten the best of her. For the most part, things had been easy, maybe too easy. She wasn’t sure if it was the mating with Sparks, or her new purpose. She didn’t care, she was just happy to be back home, among her family.

  “Sugar.” Sparks called as he strolled into their quarters.

  Standing behind the kitchen bar, she turned to get a look at her mate. Just coming in from a run in his tiger form, he was still naked. The toned muscles made her want to cross the room and run her hands over his body. It didn’t matter how often they had sex, the need for him never subsided. “Damn…”

  “What was that?” The corner of his mouth curled up into a cocky smile as he strolled toward her.

  “Don’t even think about it.” She took a step back as he neared her. If he touched her, there was no doubt in her mind she’d end up as naked as he was. “You’re meeting Korbin in forty minutes.”

  “Twenty,” he corrected. “I just saw Zaz, and Red’s made better timing than we expected. Still I think I could get you to orgasm at least once.”

  “Tonight,” she promised. “Rachel and I have spent most of the morning getting things ready for the woman he’s bringing. Since she’s lost her whole shifter group, we wanted to try to make her feel welcome. We’ve made up a room, just down the hall from Rachel’s. I’ve made cupcakes, because who doesn’t like something sweet? Rachel and Willow are putting together meals for her.”

  “Anita.” When she cocked an eyebrow at him in confusion, he added. “That’s her name. Are the cupcakes out of the oven?”

  “Yeah, why? If you want one, don’t worry, I saved you some.” She nodded to the plate on the counter.

  “Later.” He took another step toward her, pressing her back against the counter, as his hands went to her waist.

  “Sparks…” Desire thickened her voice as she said his name. She wasn’t sure what she was asking for. For him to take her against the counter again or in warning that they didn’t have time.

  “Don’t doubt for a second that I don’t want to have your legs wrapped around me as I slam my cock into your core.”

  “But?” Needing to feel him as much as he needed it, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her chest against his. “Did our kitchen sex not live up to your fantasies?”

  “Sugar, you never disappoint. I want you every which way and in every room. Hell, some of the places aren’t even rooms. But this is more important.” His hands teased along the curve of her hip as he stared into her eyes. “You’re not going to like it.”

  “Well that’s a wonderful way to start this,” she teased. “Just say it. If I’m going to fight you on it, I better get started, time’s short.”

  “While Korbin and I will meet with them, you and Layla will wait in Zaz’s quarters along with Luca and Isaac.”

  “Why Zaz’s? Why not here? Won’t Zaz be with you?”

  “No. At least not at first. We’re going to speak with Anita first. While we do that, Zaz will be with Layla’s guards making sure the two of you are protected.”

  “Why me?” Letting her arms drop from around his neck, she wanted to step back, to give herself room to think. “I understand Layla, but why am I joining them?”

  “You’re my mate and the only other one near the Elders quarters. If things go sideways, I want you safe. That’s why Zaz is staying with you both, along with two guards.” Bringing his hand up from her waist, he touched her chin, forcing her to look at him again. “I knew you wouldn’t be happy about it, but do this for me.”

  “If you’re taking this precaution, you’re still worried she could be a threat. You need more guards with you and Korbin,” she reasoned, no longer upset with his request.

  “Flint and Red will be there. We’ve also asked Ted Hillbrand to join us. As cougars, his parents and him are the only members of the clan who are not tigers. We thought it would make her more comfortable.”

  “You need a woman th—” Even before he shook his head, she knew where her comment would end up.

  “Not happening. Not yet.” He stepped back from her and grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. “Red and the team who found her might have questioned her, but Korbin and I need to be sure before we allow anyone else around her. We won’t risk you or Layla.”

  “A bunch of burly men are going to terrify her. You know I’m right.”

  “I give you a lot of leeway and allow you into positions my tiger and I don’t feel safe with, but I’m putting my foot down here. I’m not risking you.”

  The door to their quarters opened as Sparks spoke but neither of them needed to turn to know who it was. She knew just like he did their Alpha had entered. The power surrounding him was commanding.

  “It’s better me than Layla.”

  “Funny I just had a very similar conversation with Layla.” Korbin strolled toward them. “Except she said it’s better me than Merrie or one of the members. So instead of going through the whole argument again, I’ll make it an order if I must. You’re going to Zaz’s while we meet with Anita.”


  “Mer,” Sparks warned cutting her off.

  “I’ll give you this, and I’m sure it’s more than your mate would prefer.” Korbin glanced at Sparks before turning back to Merrie. “After we’re assured she’s not a threat, we’ll bring you in if she’d prefer to have a woman there. We brought you into the fold not only as Sparks mate but also because you have a way of connecting with people, the compassion in you is undeniable. If we feel it will help, one of us will come get you. Though if you join us, you’ll be cautious of her and listen to whatever orders we give you. Without Anita’s commitment to me as her Alpha, she’s still an unknown. While I know you want to help everyone, there are some people we can’t save from themselves. Understand?”

  “Yes sir.” She nodded even as Sparks let out a soft growl.

  “I knew that would make you happy,” Korbin joked. “Get some clothes on while I have a chat with your mate.”

  As Sparks left, Merrie turned toward Korbin. “Can I get you something to drink? A cupcake?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Clasping his hands on the kitchen bar, he leaned forward, watching her. “You’ve made progress with Willow. Having her join in to prepare for our new arrival, it’s made her feel a part of things here.”

  “I can’t take all the credit Willow seems to have taken to Rachel, and Rachel is now teaching her how to cook. It’s been good for both of them.”

  “If you choose to include Rachel in what you’re trying to accomplish here, she’ll be a great asset. She’s come a long way from the timid young woman she was when I arrived.” Korbin nodded.

  “Pardon my directness, but there seems to be something weighing on your mind. Have I done something?” Uncertain, she gripped the counter as she watched her Alpha.

  “No, not at all.” W
ith a halfhearted smile, his gaze lifted to her. “You’re right there’s something on my mind. Zoey.”

  “Layla said she’s been hiding in her room, but no matter when I go, she doesn’t answer. I don’t know how to help her if I can’t even get in to see her.”

  “She never answers the door. Zaz and I have to enter, otherwise she’d stay locked in that room.” He shook his head. “If you’re willing, I’ll talk to Zaz, and he’ll accompany you to see her tonight.”

  “Layla explained Zoey is uncomfortable with the outsiders joining. There are a few who have already joined, such as Isaac, Birch, and those Raja brought here when he picked me up. But they’ve all committed to you, they’re family now, not outsiders. You’d know if they meant any threat to us.”

  “You’re right it’s not just the outsiders she’s worried about. She’s concerned about his position. The fear of losing him is terrifying her to the point she can’t function. He’s always been her protector. She’s afraid she’ll lose him now they finally have a chance for a normal life. Her fear is affecting Zaz, making this more concerning.” His gaze shot to her. “From what Zaz and Sparks tell me, you were close to her. Maybe she’ll listen to you. If nothing else, I believe you can sympathize with her.”

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.” Unfortunately, she had a feeling she knew all too well at what he was getting at.

  “Sparks protected you, and you’ve always worried you’ll lose him. Before you thought you partially lost him because you didn’t think you were mates. Now the bond has strengthened and you’re still concerned about his position.” Korbin got straight to the point, stating the very things she’d left unsaid and tried not to think about.

  “I know he’ll be fine. Even if I didn’t, I couldn’t stop him from doing his job. It’s who he is. He lives and breathes his work. My mate is a protector, and I knew it from the beginning.”

  “That’s the point.” Fully dressed, Sparks strolled into the kitchen. “You understand and support me. Zoey needs to do the same with Zaz, otherwise if something happens, she’s going to get him killed.”

  “Killed?” The word stuck in her throat as Sparks neared.

  “His attention has been split between his duties and Zoey, leaving him with very little sleep. During last night’s training session, I noticed his reaction time was slower. She’s taking a lot out of him—mentally and physically.” Sparks slid his arm around her, resting his hand on her lower back, as he brought her closer.

  “If we don’t fix this, I’m not going to have a Lieutenant to help me with this clan, which puts us all in danger.” Korbin ran his hand through his hair. “She doesn’t know about Anita yet, but she’ll find out soon enough. When she does…”

  Korbin didn’t need to finish his sentence for her to know things would get worse. She’d noticed the circles under Zaz’s eyes but with limited contact with him over the last several days she hadn’t realized how bad it got. With the uncertainties in the shifter world they needed their Elders to be at their best. Having Zaz’s attention divided put Korbin at risk. It put them all at risk.

  “I’ll arrange things with Zaz when I go next door.” She rubbed her hand along Sparks’ chest.

  She wasn’t sure how she’d get through to Zoey if her fear was as bad as Korbin said, but she had to try. Zoey and she had been close most of their lives, the only distance between them had been in the last couple months. Using that to her advantage, she might be able to help Zoey where no one else had. She understood worrying about Zaz because she was the same way when it came to Sparks and even the Elders, but they couldn’t allow fear to control their lives. I won’t let the Hell Keith put us through stand in the way of our happiness. Fear has no place in our walls any longer.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sparks stood next to his Alpha, protective yet not interfering. The woman before them seemed sincere, but he was there as an Elder Guard and as far as he was concerned she was still an outsider until she vowed her loyalty to Korbin. From his first impression, he wasn’t sure the young cheetah was ready for that.

  “I’m taking a risk by giving you a place to stay, so I need you to be honest and answer the questions I ask.” Korbin leaned back against his desk, appearing at ease, even though he’d spring to action if the situation called for it. “There are going to be some upsetting and uneasy questions, but I wouldn’t ask them if we didn’t need the truth.”

  “You want to know what happened to my group.” Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them away.

  “I know most of the details from those who were there after the attack. What I need are answers that can’t be found in the clues at the crime scene or with those my friends are burying. Why do you believe you were targeted?”

  “I don’t…” She dragged her hand through her honey brown hair and let out a breath. “One of our members was in Virginia, he found the mayor’s niece. He saw some of Lorcan’s men in the area and could smell them on her. When he returned, he told our Alp…Wayne what he saw, and we believed someone from Lorcan’s group followed him back, but before the attack we hadn’t been able to confirm it. Wayne was already in talks with Tabitha. He wanted to dedicate our community to her and this latest event made it final. He didn’t know…”

  “Didn’t know what?” Korbin pressed.

  “His brother would rather see us dead than under a tiger’s rule.” Tears streamed down her face. “Wayne was a good man, honest, caring, and more than anything, he believed in this fight. His brother couldn’t have been more different if he tried. He was a vile, vindictive asshole who only cared about himself. Wayne let him stay because they were brothers, but he played no role in our community. Wayne didn’t deserve this.”

  “No one did.” Korbin’s voice was soft, full of compassion. “How did Wayne’s brother take the news about committing to Tabitha’s cause?”

  “He flew into a rage.”

  As she rose from the chair, Sparks stepped forward, blocking her way to Korbin as Flint moved closer from his position on the other side of the room. Even Red rose from the chair next to her, watching and waiting.

  “I…uh…” Scared, she stumbled back, pushing the chair over.

  “It’s okay.” Korbin touched Sparks’ shoulder, but Sparks didn’t move. His Alpha might think she wasn’t going to attack but she was too close for him.

  “What are you doing?” The deepness of Sparks voice had her eyes widening.

  “I just…sorry…I know why you’re worried. I’m an outsider. I get it. Really. I just couldn’t sit there any longer, and I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Would it help to move about?” Sparks asked, trying to keep his voice level, not to scare her further. “Step around the chairs. You can pace or stand. Whatever you need to do, just no sudden movements.”

  “Ted.” Korbin glanced at him standing near the door. “Might be best if you wait outside. It will give her more room.”

  “Yes sir.” Ted opened the door, stepped out, and closed it behind him.

  “I didn’t mean to cause a commotion.” She tugged the ends of her cardigan together and wrapped her arms around herself.

  “She was one of Wayne’s guards.” Red spoke for the first time since they gathered in the office. “I believe she’s used to having more freedom around her Alpha and wasn’t thinking about startling anyone.”

  “An Elder Guard?” Sparks eyebrow raised.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she snapped, stepping around the fallen chair and moved further away from them. “I didn’t abandon my Alpha. I’d have fought to the death to save him.”

  “Then why are you alive?” Flint asked the question weighing on all their thoughts.

  “I wasn’t on duty when the commotion started. My mom was a member of our community too, but since she lost her vision, she kept to herself. She had a place further from the other houses. That’s where I was.” Pacing she shook her head. “I was supposed to be on duty, but Wayne made the switch. He said I needed to be with my
mother, she needed me. We had just finished cooking—homemade tortellini. It was always Mom’s favorite, and we made enough to feed a dozen communities. She was happy, smiling for the first time in months. When the commotion started, we had just sat down to eat. I handed her my spare gun, told her to shoot anyone that wasn’t us, and ran back toward Wayne’s.”

  “Go on,” Korbin pushed.

  “The guards had defended him from who they believed was the enemy—Lorcan’s men. I doubt they suspected anything when they smelled Wayne’s brother in the area. He might have disliked the direction Wayne was leading us, but to kill his own brother. Even after his display a few nights earlier. It hadn’t crossed my mind, and I’m sure they hadn’t considered it either.” She looked at Flint and then Sparks. “You don’t suspect one of your own. You think you’re on the same side. Except we weren’t. Wayne’s brother killed him. I might not have been able to save my Alpha, but I damn sure got vengeance. I shot that fucker between the eyes before going to Wayne. It was too late. He shoved this in my hand and told me to run.” Reaching into the pocket of her cardigan she held up a key.

  “What’s it for?” Korbin questioned.

  “His childhood home.” She palmed the key, squeezing her fingers tight around it, as if to gain strength from it. “One day, every couple months, another guard and I would accompany him as he went there. It was his place, a place to think, to regroup. We’d ensure the house was empty and then we’d wait outside. Sometimes it was only a few minutes, other times we were there for hours.”

  “It’s just outside of Allentown, Pennsylvania.” Red added. “We’ve checked the house, there’s nothing there.”

  “There wouldn’t be.” Shoving the key back into her pocket, she shook her head. “He didn’t send me there to find something. He gave me the key so anyone who lived would have a safe place to go. There’s weapons and supplies there. If anyone lived, they’d have somewhere safe to figure out their next move. But there was no one alive. By the time I made it out of Wayne’s house, the carnage was overwhelming. Everyone was dead, and I was outnumbered…”


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