Roaring Change

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Roaring Change Page 13

by Marissa Dobson

  “From what I’ve gathered, you ran from the back end of the property, closest to the river. Wayne’s house was on the other side. Why go the longest way and risk being caught?” Korbin asked.

  “My mom.” New tears streamed down her face. “Her cabin was back there. Even blind, she was a fighter. Maybe more so since she lost her sight. She shot one of Lorcan’s men. He was dead inside the doorway when I arrived. There must have been others with him. There was blood splatter on the walls that didn’t match where she died. I don’t know if she got another shot off. I didn’t bother checking the weapon. I could hear others nearby, they weren’t community members. With Mom gone and no one else alive, I ran. There was nothing else I could do, not unless I wanted to end up dead with the rest of the community.”

  “Her story checks out. Wayne had a few cameras in the area, mostly monitoring for any threats, but he had one focused on Anita’s mothers.” Red sank down onto the chair.

  “Wayne did it for me.” Anita’s voice was soft as she continued to pace. “Mom lost her sight in a freak accident at work. A steam pipe broke, and she was in the wrong place. Stumbling back, she cracked her head. For over three hours, she laid there unconscious before she was found. By then, it was too late for her to shift and heal completely. At this time, I’d already been guarding Wayne for a little more than a year, we had developed a close bond. He realized it pained me to have Mom so far away. The camera had a motion sensor, and anytime someone neared the house, an alert would come through my cell. That was almost three years ago now. I never needed it before…the one time I did all Hell broke loose, and I couldn’t save anyone.”

  “Through Jinx, I was also able to confirm Wayne’s brother left the grounds after he flew into a rage. He’s seen speaking with one of Lorcan’s men. It’s believed he’s the one who betrayed the community.” Red shook his head.

  “Makes me glad I killed that fucker.” Anita growled.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.” Korbin paused for a moment, as if giving her time to push her grief and anger aside. “Though the timing stinks it must be asked. While you’ve spent the last several years in a multi-species community, you were born into an all cheetah group, are you planning to go back there?”

  “A coalition—that’s what cheetah groups are called.” Her gaze shifted to Korbin. “I meant no disrespect, and I didn’t mean to imply—”

  With a raise of his hand, Korbin cut her off. “It’s fine. Over the last several years some cheetah groups have begun to use other terms such as clan, colony, or community. In the wild, coalitions are typically a group of two to three males—normally brothers—while females are more solitary animals.”

  “You’ve researched my kind.” Surprised, her eyes widened as she stopped midstride.

  “You’re aware of Tabitha’s agenda. She’ll not only unite tiger, but all shifters. I believe in being prepared. If you’re wondering how much research I’ve done on cheetahs since inviting you here, I can tell you none. I haven’t had time. There have been other matters requiring my attention. I’m sure whatever knowledge about your kind I don’t possess, you can enlighten me. That is if you wish to stay.” With the last part Korbin steered the conversation back to her commitment to the clan.

  “I…” She glanced at Red before looking at Sparks and then Korbin. “Red’s told me a lot about you and your clan. While I’m a different species, he assures me I’m welcome here. It still seems odd to me. Out of all the groups who made up my community, we only had one tiger shifter with us. I always figured you preferred your own kind. I’m an outsider.”

  “Ted, who we asked to step out, his family is here, and I’m sure you smelled his cougar. In Alaska, there’s bears living among them, and their sleuth is committed to Tabitha. The Shifter Peace Keepers is made up of different species as well,” Korbin explained.

  “We even have humans,” Sparks added.

  Her gaze shifted to him. “You say that as if it’s something more than a mate. Surely there aren’t unmated humans living among you. How could you ensure they’re not a threat? They’d have no tie to the Alpha or member, nothing to ensure they didn’t betray you.”

  “Sparks means my mate’s sister—Mella,” Korbin explained. “The former sheriff tried to kill Layla, my mate. She came to us, and while we were dealing with him, we had to bring Mella into the fold in order to protect her. She’s stuck around. While she’s considered family and part of our clan, she’s not included in sensitive information or meetings. She’d never betray us, because it would mean her sisters life.”

  Sparks watched as Anita paced back and forth, wanting to know her answer. He didn’t see her as a threat, but if she wasn’t willing to commit to the clan, she was still a liability. Korbin would never demand her commitment with an ultimatum. He’d still allow her to stay there, at least for now, while she considered her decision. For Sparks, the unknowing made his tiger edgy. Protecting those he cared about became harder with an unknown in their lair.

  Chapter Seventeen

  More than an hour had passed since Merrie arrived at Zaz’s quarters and with every minute ticking by, she became more restless. Through the connection with Sparks, she knew the meeting was progressing fine, but his tiger was on edge. Likely because of the stranger in their midst, but it was making her uneasy. Insane thoughts passed through her brain. Was this woman sent here by Keith, to get inside information? As quickly as the thought came, she tossed it away. Keith was never one to use a woman to do his work. To him women were untrustworthy, with limited uses. He’d have used a man if he was going to do this. Still it didn’t seem like him.

  “I can’t stand sitting around waiting.” Layla tossed the book she was reading aside and glanced toward Merrie. “How can you sit there so calmly when I can feel your anxiety is just as high as mine?”

  “Would pacing help?” Merrie let out a soft chuckle. “I doubt it, and I suspect it will only serve to put our men on edge more.”

  “Maybe they deserve it.” Layla rose from the sofa and begun to pace. “I understand Korbin’s reasoning, but he can’t just shove us into a room with guards every time there’s danger.”

  “Actually, that’s the whole point of you having Elder Guards,” Merrie reminded her. “You’re Alpha Female here, you’re supposed to be protected. I’m only here because Sparks is worried, I’ll freak out on my own or something.”

  “You’re here because you’d be in danger alone next door if something happened.” Isaac glanced toward her from where he was standing near the door.

  “You’re part of the Elder team now. You’re going to have to get used to this.” Layla let out a sigh and turned toward Merrie. “As if I’m one to say anything. Look at me.”

  “If this is going to happen every time, they bring someone to the clan we’re going to end up with gray hair.” The thought brought a smile to Merrie’s lips before she let out a deep laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Gray hair…” Merrie ran her hand through her white hair. “I’m worried about gray hair. Would I even notice?”

  “It might add a little sparkle to it.” Layla smirked.

  As the door flung open, Isaac stepped in front of them, blocking the way, as Luca pulled his weapon and shoved Layla behind him.

  “Zaz! You bastard! What the h—” She glanced around the room, looking for her brother.

  “Stand down.” Layla spoke but neither of them moved.

  “You need to leave.” Isaac took a step toward the woman, and her eyes widened with fear.

  “Zoey.” Merrie shot off the sofa and went toward them. As she neared Isaac stuck his hand out, stopping her before she could move past him. “You can’t just barge in.”

  “I can do whatever I want, this is my brothers place,” Zoey snapped.

  “No, you can’t.” Layla’s voice held enough authority Zoey looked over at her. “This is an Elder’s quarter, and Elder business could be happening here at any point. While we’ve given you security access
to this area, you’re still expected to knock before entering.”

  “Where the hell is my brother?”

  “He’s meeting with Korbin and—”

  “The new couple you brought here.” Zoey snapped cutting Layla off.

  “Stop this,” Merrie demanded. “I know you’re hurting and scared, but your actions reflect on Zaz. His position is one of great importance to what Korbin is trying to build here. You’re allowing your emotions to control you. Layla deserves your respect, so do Korbin and Zaz. Everyone here wants to help you.”

  “You just arrived back what would you know about it?”

  “How about the fact I’ve tried to see you multiple times over the last few days, but you never answer the door.” Merrie shook her head. “No one can help you if you shut us out. You’re connected to Korbin, you know he’s trying to make this a better home for all of us. We’re safe here, and he’s not going to allow anyone to come in that means us harm.”

  “If you don’t trust Korbin and I, trust your brother. He’s not going to stand by while we invite someone who might be a threat into our home.” Layla urged. “He chose to be an Elder to protect you.”

  “I don’t want him to be an Elder!” she screamed, tears running down her face as she dropped onto the floor near the still open door. “Don’t you understand? It puts him in more danger.”

  Not caring about the risk Merrie pushed past Isaac. He wasn’t there to protect her, he was there to ensure Layla was safe. For that reason alone, she was able to get past him. “Zoey…” She kept her voice low as she dropped to her knees near the other woman. “You’re not going to lose him.”

  “You don’t know that,” Zoey moaned.

  “I know your brother worked hard to keep you safe before, and he wants to continue to do that. This is his way.” Placing her hand over Zoey’s she continued. “More than that, he’s a leader. When Korbin arrived the members always looked to him. He helped everyone adjust to Korbin’s new rule and helped to ensure we were all safe. Look at this clan now. I’ve never seen everyone so happy or out interacting with each other. This is what a normal clan is like. In a healthy shifter community, you have new members coming, members leaving because they’ve found a mate or an opportunity with another clan. Bringing people here doesn’t put us in danger because our Elders are going to ensure they mean us no harm. Instead adding those new members helps us grow in strength. We’re too small right now, others could see us as an easy target.”

  “Have you stopped to consider why Zaz didn’t try to take over the clan after Keith’s departure?” Layla asked.

  “What?” Zoey glanced up.

  “Your brother is strong enough to be Alpha, so why didn’t he step into the role when the clan needed him?” Layla rephrased the question, but still Zoey didn’t answer.

  “As Alpha I could be challenged.” Zaz stepped through the doorway, Sparks standing behind him. “Being Alpha might have protected you but there’s more danger with the position. If I’d lose the challenge it would place you in danger. A Lieutenant is an appointed position, it’s not one that can be won from a challenge. It allows me to play a role in leading our clan and keeping everyone safe, while still protecting you.”

  As Zaz squatted near Zoey, Merrie moved away, giving them space. Sparks came to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “You okay?” Sparks whispered.

  She gave him a brief nod, but her gaze stayed focused on Zaz and Zoey.

  “Being an Elder puts you in danger. If I lose you…”

  “You’re not.” Zaz placed his hand over hers. “You’re not going to but even if you did, Korbin and Layla would still be here. They’d make sure you were safe. Same with Merrie and Sparks and everyone else. We’re all family.”

  “No one wants to say it, but it needs to be said.” Layla’s gaze was focused on Zaz’s for a moment before looking at his sister. “You need to let us help you get control over this terror because it’s messing with Zaz.”

  “Layla.” Zaz’s gaze shot to her, as if silently begging her to stop.

  “I’m sorry Zaz, she needs to know,” Layla stated but didn’t continue.

  “Look at your brother.” Merrie waited giving her a moment to do what she asked. “Truly look at him. Do you see the dark circles under his eyes, the way his shoulders dip forward from exhaustion? How about the way his tiger snarls within him from being denied? Between his duties as an Elder and his devotion to you, he’s neglecting himself. Zaz, when was the last time you shifted?”

  “I…” Zaz shook his head.

  “Eight days ago.” Layla stated before confusion knitted her brows. “I don’t know how I know it, but I do.”

  “You’re Alpha Female, you feel it. Since he’s your Lieutenant, the bond is stronger.” Sparks explained.

  “Eight days.” Zoey repeated looking at her brother. “That’s too long. You need to shift…and sleep. Your control…”

  “Is fine,” he reassured her.

  “Unlike some shifters, Elders can go longer between shifts if needed. It drains from them in other ways, but they can delay their beasts for a little longer before they run the risk of going rogue.” Sparks added. “Still eight days is costing those around him. Korbin is starting to feel it. If Zaz doesn’t shift soon, it will be more than Korbin can hold back, and it will begin to impact Layla.”

  “I’m screwing with the Elder connection, and you’re bringing in an outsider couple. Why? If you’re not up to full power, isn’t that risking us?”

  “It’s not a couple, a female.” Sparks told her. “She’s an Elder Guard from a community who was attacked, and she’s no longer an outsider. When we left, she was giving her commitment to Korbin. She’s part of the clan.”

  “Layla.” Zaz glanced up at him. “Before we realized what was happening here Korbin had asked me to get you and Merrie. He’d like to introduce you both to her. If you could give me a few minutes I’ll join you.”

  “Take your time.” She nodded before glancing at her guards.

  “Merrie.” Zaz stopped her before she could make her exit. “After you’re done, if you could come back here, I think Zoey is willing to talk to you now.”

  “Sure.” She nodded. “We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to Zoey. Maybe we could go outside, a little fresh air and sun would be good for you.”

  “That would be nice.” Zoey nodded.

  As they stepped into the hallway and Sparks pulled the door shut behind them, he pulled her into his arms. “You okay, sugar?”

  “Fine.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I missed you.”

  “You sure you didn’t just miss not having the anxiety of the unknown?” he teased kissing her forehead. “I felt your unease. Waiting on the sidelines was killing you. Seems to mean you’re adjusting to your new role as part of the Elder team more than I’d have expected.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Layla was the one pacing.” With a smile, she pulled back from him.

  “I heard that.” Layla hollered back to them.

  “Like they didn’t know.” Merrie slid her hand into Sparks as they headed toward Korbin’s office to meet the newest member of their clan.

  Weeks ago, the idea of new members joining would have terrified Merrie, like it did Zoey, now she was excited to meet their newest member. It was crazy how things could change in such a short period. Part of that is due to Sparks. He gives me the strength, and with him by my side, I know it’s going to be okay.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Since having Merrie back in his life and in his bed, Sparks had been more at ease than ever before. His tiger was content and calm within him, instead of apprehensive about the coming days. The clan, while still small, had found solid footing and the guards officially assigned to Layla were covering all the Elders. It wouldn’t be a solution long term, but for now Sparks was certain his team could handle the challenges they’d face.

  As he strolled into his Alpha’s offic
e his mate was enjoying lunch with Layla, Rachel, Willow, and Zoey. The five women seemed to hit it off. The only one he hadn’t seen much of was Mella, Layla’s sister. She was neck deep in her college studies and rarely had time for anything else.

  “I see you’re using Anita as part of the schedule instead of an addition to you and Luca.” Korbin glanced up from the laptop in front of him.

  “She’s proven herself in a short time, and Isaac has been learning from her.” Sparks nodded. “What’s going on? Our mates are unhappy we’re unable to join them for lunch. So, I hope this is important, otherwise we’re both in the tiger’s version of a doghouse.”

  “The Shifter Peace Keepers are in California, and the daughter of the Chief of Police in Washington D.C. arrived at her hotel room several hours ago. The team will be moving in during the overnight hours. By morning, the information she has will be in our hands.”

  “It’s about time.” Sparks sat on a chair in front of the desk. “The threats from Lorcan has been ramping up. It’s only a matter of time before they attack another group and this time it might be one of our clans. They need to be eliminated before more bloodshed.”

  “Without intel on their complex it’s a death sentence.” Korbin leaned back in his chair. “We have to believe this woman is the key to ending Lorcan’s group once and for all. Otherwise we’ll have to reevaluate things and come up with another plan.”

  “That will take time, time we don’t have.”

  Korbin nodded. “I’m not sending anyone to their deaths, neither is Ty or Jinx. We’ll figure out something. This is just one of many battles we’ll have to face before Tabitha can unite us. We need our fighters alive, otherwise enemies like Lorcan will win.”

  “What about Keith, any new intel on him?” Sparks was aware Keith wasn’t as big of a threat as Lorcan, but knowing he was out there still ate at him. He wanted Keith dead for what he did to Merrie and the rest of the clan. He also wanted to ensure Keith could never hurt those he cared about again, or anyone for that matter.


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