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The Campers Out; Or, The Right Path and the Wrong

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by Edward Sylvester Ellis


  by Edward S. Ellis, A. M.

  Author of "The Campers Out," Etc

  317 pages, Illustrated. Cloth, $1.25

  The incidents of this interesting story are laid in Greenland amid thesnows, the glaciers, and the barren regions which have engaged theattention of explorers and navigators for centuries past.

  The main interest of the story centres about two bright boys whosedesire for discovery sometimes leads them into dangerous positions.They visit an iceberg, and, while making a tour about it, their boatslips away from her moorings. After a number of adventures, they arefinally rescued by a native Esquimau. With him and an old sailor whoaccompanied them them to the iceberg, they go on a hunting expeditioninto the interior of Greenland, and there they have a number of mostthrilling and exciting experiences, but none result seriously, and thewhole party is eventually restored to home and friends.

  The story is sure to prove interesting to any reader, and the moraltone pervading it is such as will meet the approval of all parents.

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  The Penn Publishing Company 923 Arch Street, Philadelphia


  by James Otis

  Author of "The Braganza Diamond," "Chasing a Yacht," etc.

  358 Pages, Illustrated. Cloth, $1.25

  A peculiarly fascinating narrative of the life and experiences of"Museum Marvels." They dwell in a house owned by a sword-swallower,whose wife, the "Original Circassian," is entrusted with itsmanagement. But one of the company, a dwarf, nicknamed the "Major,"insists upon taking charge, and the rest of the household, including afat lady, a giant, and a snake-charmer, stand more in awe of him thanof the owner of the house or his wife.

  Two boys, Andy and Jerry, are employed to wait upon this queerlyassorted family. Their troubles with the dwarf and his pets, duringwhich the boys are aided and counseled by the giant, make up thelighter portion of the story. A tiny girl, who is even more of a dwarfthan the "Major," is introduced to the household by Andy, who claimsher as his ward, by virtue of a promise made to her brother when hewas dying.

  The private life of the marvels, their amusements, their wrangles,especially the laughable encounters between the "Giant" and the"Major," form a most interesting story.

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  by James Otis

  Author of "The Braganza Diamond," "Andy's Ward," etc.

  350 pages, Illustrated. Cloth, $1.25

  Two boys have engaged to run a steam yacht for the double purpose ofpleasure and profit, and after carefully fitting her up they launchher, only to find the next morning that she is gone--stolen--as theylater discover, by two other boys who had been refused a half-interestin her. The rightful owners start in hot pursuit, and in an attempt torecapture the steamer are themselves made prisoners. It is theintention of the thieves to hold the owners prisoners until the HudsonRiver is reached and then put them ashore, but their plans miscarryowing to the intervention of two rather rough citizens who find theirway aboard the yacht and make themselves generally at home.Fortunately one of the owners manages to effect his escape, andgaining the assistance of the authorities the little vessel isspeedily restored to them.

  The story is full of adventure, and the heroes are both bright andmanly fellows, who make the best of their temporary hardships. Thestory will be found to enlist the interest at the outset, and to holdit until the last page is turned.

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  The Penn Publishing Company 923 Arch Street, Philadelphia


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