Sugar Daddy: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

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Sugar Daddy: A Single Dad Next Door Romance Page 23

by Lara Swann

  Looking at him as he tells the story, I can’t imagine him just making this up. It’s…horrendous.

  I can even reluctantly see why they didn’t want to share it.

  He just looks at me sadly, and nods. “We tried not to tell people the details. We’d rather it not spread around town, to be honest. It’s not…really something I want people talking about.”

  “Of course.” I say quietly, feeling bad on a deep level. “I’ll…keep it to myself.”

  He nods. “We’d appreciate that.”

  We’re both silent for a few long moments, as I try to absorb what he just told me. My mind is still turning over with uncertainty, but I feel worse than ever.

  “Was there anything else you wanted to ask me?” Ken eventually asks quietly, and I glance up at him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well…I heard you were talking to the guys working on our sewage problem, too. They said they weren’t very helpful but thought I might do a better job, so I thought between that and what I heard from Margaret…that maybe I could help you out.”

  Oh. It takes me a moment, but that comes back to me too - they did suggest I talk to the Mayor instead of them. Was that why they told him - and how he even knew about it?

  He’s still looking at me patiently, waiting, and I slowly shake my head.

  “No…there wasn’t anything in particular.” I say, shrugging slightly awkwardly. “As I’m sure Anderson mentioned, that wasn’t about an article or anything, it was just…me being me.”

  I fall back on the excuse I gave them. I thought about that one last night as well.

  “I was just curious about what they were doing and how it was going.” I shrug again, trying for a semi-awkward smile. “I’m sorry if I asked too many questions or distracted them - I wasn’t trying to cause a stir. I was just curious.”

  “Ah.” He says, giving me a long, considering look. “Well, you know what they say about curiosity…maybe you ought to be a little more careful with that.”

  I flush - I’ve had more than one comment to that effect in my life - but my heart rate also jumps, too.

  Is that meant to be a warning?

  He still looks like the man who I’d just been totally convinced couldn’t have had any part in the accident that happened to his wife, but…but…I don’t know what it is. Something in the way he’s looking at me? Just my stupid brain second-guessing everything?

  Who the hell knows?

  “Sure. Sorry about that.” I say, a little awkwardly, before the silence can get too uncomfortable. “And…thank you for giving me the chance to come down here and ask. I didn’t realize…you didn’t need to do that.”

  “I try to be helpful where I can.” He says, everything about him sinking back into the sad, kindly visage I had earlier - and however hard I try, I can’t see anything past it.

  “Thank you.” I say again, then hesitate. “Was that…everything, then? That you wanted to talk about?”

  He nods slowly. “Yes. If you don’t have anything else you want to ask about, either.”

  “No.” I say, feeling hot and slightly flustered. The idea of getting out of this meeting as soon as possible sounds better to me. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Okay then.” He smiles again, rising, and I mirror the movement, relief flooding through me. “Enjoy the rest of your day then, Kelsey - and I’m always here if you do have something on your mind.”

  “Thanks.” I say again, though again, there’s something about the way he says it that makes me wonder if I’m reading far too much into things, or missing something completely. “And I’m sorry again about Margaret. Do give my best wishes to her, if it would help.”

  He nods. “I will do.”

  I turn to go, the knot of tension in me easing slightly with every step toward the door. It’s not until I’m almost at the threshold that he speaks again.

  “Oh, and Kelsey?”

  “Yes?” I ask, my heart thudding as I turn back towards him.

  From here, his eyes are slightly shadowed - but even as he gives me his usual amiable smile, there seems to be something else in his expression.

  “If you do visit Margaret again, I’d ask you not to mention her accident.” He says, and I’m already nodding, pretty sure I’d already agreed to that anyway. He doesn’t stop there, though. “I understand young minds eager to know and understand everything - I admire them, in fact - but sometimes the past is better left in the past. Dredging it all up can be painful, and it’s not always worth the cost.”

  I swallow slightly at the look he gives me, not sure if I’m imagining it or if it’s really there. All I can manage is a jerky nod before I clasp the door handle and twist, feeling like I’ve run a marathon by the time I slip out of the room.

  I give Emily a half-hearted smile, but I don’t say anything as I step quickly toward the exit, his words repeating in my mind.

  The past is better left in the past. Dredging it all up can be painful. It’s not worth the cost.

  Was that a message? Or just the idle comment of a long-standing, wise old Mayor?

  As I walk home and my mind replays the conversation over and over again, I can’t tell if we were both dancing around topics and things that had a wider meaning, talking around the investigation I’m doing - or if the whole thing is in my head.

  It’s absolutely infuriating.

  I’m torn between believing that what I just heard was further confirmation that I’m onto something, and just wanting to let the whole thing go - to give it up - because even if he was trying to give me a coded message, he’s still at least halfway right. I’m not sure pursuing this is going to be worth the cost. Not if it affected Margaret the way I did earlier - and not if no one will believe me regardless.

  Not without evidence, anyway. And where the hell would I get evidence?

  The Mayor’s diary comes back into my mind - that block of time on Tuesday night - and uncertainty swamps me again as I try to work out what to do about that. It feels stupid, Anderson’s voice is on repeat in my head, and yet, something about all this stays with me and makes it impossible to quite let go of.

  By the time Tuesday rolls around, I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do about it. In fact, I’ve spent most of that time snatching moments with Liam and trying not to think about it - which almost distracts me enough to make up my mind for me. This little quest of mine seems even more silly when I compare it to that. Life just seems to make so much more sense when I’m in his arms. There’s none of this confusion and uncertainty.

  I’m literally pacing up and down my hallway, a knot of anxious energy in my stomach, at 7pm on Tuesday as I try to decide whether to give this whole thing one last shot - make one last effort - or if I should finally let it go.

  The idea of trying to follow the Mayor to whatever he’s doing tonight sounds ludicrous to me. I’m not some super agent spy. I’ve watched the movies. I can’t do any of those tricks. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. It only add fuel to Anderson’s suggestion that maybe I’m just doing this for me.

  Those arguments compound in my head - the image of me stupidly trying to follow the Mayor and looking like an idiot all I can imagine - until I’ve basically decided I’m going to stay home.

  Then there’s a knock at the front door and I jump, almost letting out a small scream. I pull myself sharply back under control, mutter a few stern words to myself, and go to open it like a totally normal person.

  Liam smirks at me from the other side of it, and just his flour-dusted shirt, only half tucked into his pants, makes me want to drag him inside and do decadent things to him.

  “Maya’s at another sleepover with Katy and Lily.” He starts, the suggestion in his gaze not at all subtle.

  “Another one?” I ask, and his smirk gets wider.

  “Yeah. I think Mark’s been throwing me a few bones recently…not to mention, their house is nicer than mine.”

  I grimace slightly. I still don’t know wh
at to think about my brother knowing I’m having casual sex with my next door neighbor - but at least he hasn’t said anything about it to me, so we can both just ignore that he knows.

  “So I thought I’d see if you were free tonight…I could bring over a few tubs of frosting…see where the evening goes…”

  “See where the evening goes?” I ask, amused.

  “Sure.” The mischievous grin I like so much is spread over his face. “I’m up for anything - baking cupcakes, making cool frosting decorations, finding new ways…and places…to lick it off of—”

  I laugh, the sound rolling out between us as I grin at him, the nervous-anxious energy in my stomach turning into the pure high I feel when I’m around him sometimes.

  Yeah, that’s not the first time the frosting-licking-fantasy has come up…or that I’ve thought about it…

  It’s tempting enough that I almost pull him into the house right then and there - but as a thrill runs through me, I find myself saying totally different instead.

  “Up for anything, hm?” I grin at him. “How about coming on a stake-out with me?”

  His eyebrows rise pretty much into his hairline, but I don’t stop grinning. Hey, it was probably worth it for that surprised look on his face.

  “A stake-out?”

  “Yep - you in?” I ask, like it’s a totally normal thing, and he gives me a very unsure-but-going-along-with-it look.

  “And just who are we staking out?”

  “The Mayor.” I say, just as casually. Talking about it with him like this makes the whole thing sound like a joke, so it doesn’t seem like such a big deal to admit that. I don’t have to tell him any of the reasons behind it.

  He shrugs, his eyes dancing with something in between amusement and perplexity. “Sure, why not. If that’s how you like to get your kicks…”

  I laugh again, turning in the doorway as I call back. “Great! Just let me get my things. We’ll take your truck.”

  As much as it feels like a laugh now, as I fetch my camera and satchel, the idea slowly starts to take shape in my mind - and it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing anymore.

  Sure, it’s probably not exactly professional to invite your casual-lover on a stake-out with you, but then, I’m not exactly doing this by the book. At least he’s ex-military. Maybe he’ll actually have some clue about what we’re doing.

  Decision made, some of the turmoil finally falls away from me. Sure, I might have gone too far with all this - but that’s what I do. At least now I have a plan.

  I’ll just do this one last thing.

  If it doesn’t work, that’s it. I’m giving this up.

  But I’ll have one last crack at it.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Ugh, no one ever told me how boring stake-outs are.”

  Kelsey says, sinking down in her seat and sighing dramatically as she looks out the window over towards the Mayor’s office.

  It’s 8.30pm - one hour after we parked up in my truck down a side street that just gives us a view of his office - and Kelsey seems to have just realized the one fundamental truth about doing something like this. It’s nowhere near as exciting as it sounds.

  I’m not quite sure why Kelsey insisted we take my truck, either - something about it being less obvious than her car, even though the truck is definitely more noticeable - but I didn’t argue. This is her gig, after all. Whatever the hell it is we’re doing.

  “One more reason for taking a professional along.” I give her a grin, reaching over to take the bag I brought out of the back part of the extended cab. “I knew enough to bring snacks. They’re at least half of the entertainment with something like this.”

  I pass her one of the containers and she opens it up, making an appreciative noise as the waft of freshly cooked pizza fills the truck cab.

  “Ooh…I was definitely expecting cupcakes, you know.” She gives me a crooked grin and I laugh.

  “I brought those too. And the tubs of frosting.” I give her a heated look and she just laughs at me, even though I’m totally serious.

  I’m still definitely hoping those will get used at some point.

  “Have you ever done this before?” She asks idly, tilting her head at me as she offers me a slice of pizza. “As a professional, I mean.”

  I take the pizza, my nose wrinkling slightly at the question.

  “Something similar a couple of times, yeah.” I say, shrugging slightly before glancing at the already-sleepy town around us. “Nicer environment this time around, though.”

  At least it’s not cold.

  I don’t ever say much about it, but these days when she asks, I’ll volunteer a little about it - which is enough to surprise me, anyway. I never thought I’d ever feel comfortable talking about those times. And while I’m not quite comfortable, I also…still do it.

  “And nicer company too, of course.” She smiles, stretching her arms above her head and flaunting her delicate curves right in front of me. It’s enough to take my attention away from the pizza.

  “I’m not going to argue with that.” I murmur, leaning over to kiss her—

  “Oohh! Wait, stop—he’s coming out!”

  Kelsey’s boredom abruptly shifts, all her attention narrowing on the figure leaving the Town Hall - and away from me. I almost curse the Mayor for his timing. If I’m going to spend this evening in a truck with Kelsey, there are definitely a few things I’ve got on my mind.

  Then again, this is a stake-out. What else are we going to do?

  “He’s getting in his car!” Kelsey narrates to me, as if I’m not seeing the same thing she is. I take another bite of my pizza, and that seems to infuriate her. What? If I can’t taste her… “C’mon, Liam, you need to start the engine. Let’s go!”

  “Not until he starts moving.” I say, finishing the slice of pizza instead.

  His car rumbles to life and he starts driving down the main street.

  “Okay, now.” Kelsey insists.

  I just give her a long, low smile. If we’re going to do this, we’re at least going to do it right.

  I only start my engine when he’s out of sight - and when I set the truck moving, we go in the opposite direction.

  “Wait—where are you going? He’s going the other way—we’re going to lose him, Liam—”

  “Kelsey.” I give her a long look. “That road goes straight for almost a mile. We’ll loop around and happen upon him about the time he makes his first turn.”

  “Oh.” She says, then gives me a different kind of look as I easily maneuver the car along various side streets. One that makes me think all about tasting her again - especially as she lowers her voice and leans closer to me, a glint in her eyes. “That’s…pretty hot, you know.”

  “What?” I tease. “Me driving?”

  “Noo, you being all…ex-military…and competent…”

  I laugh, and it comes out low and deep. “Oh, I can assure you, I’m very competent…at many things…”

  I give her a deliberate look, my cock already hardening in my pants as my blood heats. Yeah, whatever we’re doing here and however this goes…I think it’s going to be a fun evening.

  “Ooh, he’s going left!” Kelsey says, grabbing my arm as she nods over in the direction of the car I’m already watching. I raise an eyebrow at her and she gives a half laugh, looking up at me with a wry smile as she moves her hand to rest on my thigh instead. “Sorry, I’m totally ruining the cool vibe you’ve got going on here, aren’t I?”

  That makes me chuckle - even as my cock twitches at how close that hand is…

  “Yeah, just a bit.” I agree. “But don’t worry - once we get to wherever he’s going and settle down for a long night, I’m sure the boredom will come back.”

  “Maybe.” She says. “Maybe not. We don’t know where he’s going, yet.”

  “And just where do you think he might be going?” I ask, giving her a questioning glance.

  “I have no idea.” She breathes, but sh
e definitely sounds excited by it, her eyes fixed to his car as we follow at a distance.

  I shake my head, feeling my own curiosity start to grow. I came along because she asked and I don’t really care why - but it’s impossible to do something like this and not start wondering about it.

  He turns down another road, and then another, as we follow in silence - Kelsey looking like she’s pinned to the edge of her seat, and me trying to concentrate on not being noticed. Not that I really think the Mayor is going to be watching for a tail, but…professional pride won’t allow me anything else. This isn’t exactly something I have much experience in - but I should have a damn sight more than anyone else in this town, at least.

  When he finally pulls up outside a house and gets out - with us driving straight past, me determined to keep the car moving until he’s inside and we can circle back around discreetly - all of Kelsey’s excitement seems to rush out of her. She slumps down in her seat with a ‘hmph’ that could just as easily have come from Maya.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Not what you were hoping for?”

  “That’s Emily’s house. His daughter.”

  “Sounds like a reasonable place for him to visit after work.” I say, amused.

  “Exactly.” She groans, and I have to smile. There’s just so much about her…

  “What were you hoping for?”

  “I don’t know…but something.” She looks out at the house again, scanning the street. “There aren’t even any unusual cars here.”

  I’m not exactly sure what counts as an unusual car, but I have to agree…none of them around.

  “Okay, so I’ll bite.” I finally say, laughing. “Are you going to tell me what this is all about?”

  “Umm, no.” She laughs it off, her face flushing, and I raise an eyebrow.

  “No?” I repeat.

  “Nope.” She shakes her head. “You’ll think I’m being silly - you’ll just have to trust me with this one, okay?”

  I give her a long look, intent enough that I can sense her responding to it, her breathing deepening a little.


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