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The Forsaken Crypts

Page 18

by Terry C. Simpson

  Chest heaving, Frost glanced around, expecting RnB to be wounded. But the drake was tearing into a corrupted a few dozen feet away.

  Farther on, Dante tanked two corrupted while a pair of guards hacked at them. Saba kited another, galloping and firing her bow without pausing, always staying ahead of the monster. Arrows made a pincushion of the corrupted.

  Ryne was in Ethereal Form, appearing like a darker translucent goblin. The skill reduced incoming damage. Ryne also had two Mimics of himself and his Summoned Defilers. The three identical goblins cast Shadow Globes, Nether Lances, and streaks of black Shadowflame that raced across the ground. The Shadowflame left a Damage Over Time effect, rising like black gas from Krator’s body. Meritus and his Shaman focused on healing.

  The Klaw dashed toward one of the goblins, body leaking silver and gray void energy and the deeper black of Ryne’s DoTs. Frost hoped the goblin was a Mimic. Krator punched. A half-moon of cyan aether appeared, carving into the goblin.

  In the next instant, Krator’s giant crab claw shot out, snatched the goblin, and tossed him into the air. Krator Leaped, met the goblin at the apex of the throw, and punched. The impact was an explosion. Gravity Bomb. The goblin hurtled down.

  With a resounding boom, the goblin crashed into the ground in an eruption of dirt, debris, and dust. As Krator landed, the goblin stepped from the dust cloud.

  Smiling, Frost returned his attention to the fight near him. Several guards had retreated to the wagons.

  Frost helped finish off the corrupted Dante was tanking. “Dante, taunt the one that’s on Saba. We’re gonna kill it then pick the others off one by one.” He turned to the dresdor and waved. “Kite it this way, Saba.”

  The centaur galloped toward them. The moment she was within range, Dante Raging Rushed into the corrupted chasing her. This one was a gurash, matching Dante in size. Dante Soul Screamed. He gained aggro immediately, the corrupted now fixated upon him. Frost and Saba killed it with two attack combos.

  Within the next ten minutes, all the corrupted were dead. Frost looked over in time to see Krator tumble to the ground. The vivid blue and red within the draconid’s body dimmed. Then it went out. The residue of DoTs drifted into the air for a few moments longer before it, too, faded.

  A cheer went up. Grinning, Ryne took an exaggerated bow, twirling his hand like a showman. Meritus smiled sheepishly.

  Objective Complete

  Avenge the Dead

  Kill Krator the Klaw:

  50, 000 experience points

  5, 000 Lothal dominion credits

  “Good thing we didn’t try to fight the Klaw ourselves.” Frost peered over at the massive corpse. “He musta been at least level twenty-five and elite.”

  “No wonder you let Ryne have his way,” Saba said.

  “I had a feeling,” Frost admitted as RnB ambled over and sniffed at him while gurgling. “Especially after I remembered the guards are all level twenties and were having a hard time with the Klaw.” Seemingly satisfied, the drake stalked over to a dead corrupted and nudged at the corpse with his nose.

  Meritus and Ryne sauntered over to the rest of the group. The Mimics and Servitors trailed behind. A moment later, the summonses dissipated.

  “Nice work.” Frost acknowledged Meritus and Ryne with a nod.

  “We got this.” Meritus held up a weapon. “Fist of Fury.”

  The silver fist was aptly named. It would slip on like a glove, the joints made of a flexible material that adjusted to accommodate the wearer’s fingers. Unlike other fists that had claws or blades, this one had raised studs adorning the knuckles.

  “Epic loot,” Dante exclaimed.

  “Not quite.” Meritus tucked the fist into his inventory. “This one’s a rare.”

  “Bummer.” Dante sighed.

  “Still a hierka,” Meritus said. “A genesiswork. As or more powerful than a normal epic weapon.”

  “Man’s got a point.” Frost glanced over to the wagons. “I’m thinking we should head back and turn in what we got before something else goes wrong.”

  “Might be too late for that.” Saba’s tail swished in agitation. “There’s a few guys wearing WaR’s colors up on the path. They pointed toward us.”

  Sure enough, three men and one woman atop lupines were on the slope leading down to the mines. Two were gurashi. One was human. The woman was a gargant. Frost squinted but couldn’t make out the emblems on their chests.

  The gurash woman turned and headed upslope. Billowing in the wind, her cloak displayed the Herald of WaR.


  “Meritus.” Frost studied the three remaining WaR members as the woman disappeared around a corner of the trail. “When those guys focus on the rest of us, go tell your man, Vallen, and the dvergar, to take whatever they got here, meet the others with the hides, and head back to Ina. Tell ‘em to ride into the night if they gotta.”


  “The rest of you, follow me and stare them down.” Chest up, The Stunner held at an angle, pointing toward the ground, Frost strode toward RnB.

  He climbed atop the mount, waited for Ryne and Dante to do the same, and nodded to Saba. At a slow walk, he led them toward the path, his gaze focused on the WaR members. The action forced the guildmates to watch his group. Convinced they were wondering about the group’s intentions, he reached the path, stopped, and made a deliberate show of pointing RnB upslope toward them.

  Echolocation told Frost when Meritus was done and headed their way. He waited for his best friend.

  “I told him.” Atop his zephyr, Meritus stopped beside Frost. “What’s the plan now, dawg?”

  “Want to take them on?” Dante hefted his axe.

  “We can’t.” Saba’s tail swished. “I mean, we could, but then we’d have their entire guild to contend with. We’re not even sure they know who we are. Truth be told, if they did, they would’ve brought more people.”

  Frost gave her a dubious snort. “They aren’t here by coincidence. They’re here either to take the mine or for us. And considering that one of them left, I feel we’re gonna be facing more of them, or they just don’t think much of us.” He hoped it was the latter.

  “You can let me kill them. This is an Open PVP zone.” Ryne had taken out his haladie and was using it to clean his fingernails.

  “Nah.” Frost shook his head. “We need the caravan to make it to town so we can get paid. And to get the info from Nakada Masami.”

  “Frost is right,” Meritus said.

  “So.” Frost rubbed his aether ring, mind conjuring potential ideas. “We’re gonna head in the opposite direction from the caravan. If those guys want us, at least two of them will follow. The other will probably run to go tell their buddies.”

  “What then?” Saba asked.

  “We’re gonna keep leading them away.” Frost looked at his map. “We stick together, but we won’t fly. Even the dumbest person would eventually think Saba’s the reason for the choice. We head south then circle back east, which should bring us within twenty miles of town, allowing Saba to be able to call to her drake. At that point we lose these fools then fly to Ina. We pick up our rewards, the info for the empowered spells, the hierkas, and Gilda’s location.”

  “And dip before they even understand what we did.” Meritus grinned.

  “Dip?” Frowning, Ryne looked from Meritus to the rest of them. “Why would we dip into something?”

  Frost laughed. “Dip… as in leave. Run away.”

  “Ahhhh.” Ryne nodded.

  “Ryne, this time I was as confused as you.” Saba shook her head. “For the record, I don’t like this plan.”

  “Any particular reason why?” Frost asked.

  “Drakes. I don’t like flying. Riding on the back of any animal feels stupid.” She gest
ured to herself. “Just look at me and imagine it.”

  But Frost was already picturing the last time she rode the simurghs. Fighting the need to laugh, he wheeled his mount around. “You’re gonna be fine. Let’s go. When we ride past the caravan area act like we don’t know anyone. Ryne, when we’re out of sight, summon a Defiler, and let us know what those fools do.”

  “So asked. So done,” the little goblin said.

  Leading the way, Frost rode along the winding path down past the mine area where the wagons surrounded by Charged Shields were beginning to roll out. “Meritus, is there a way you can contact Nakada to tell him to expect delivery?”

  “Yeah. By Comm Orb. I’ll let both him and Kensai know.”

  “Good. This way there’s no delay in getting our info.”

  The group followed the foothills until they rounded a corner. Ryne summoned his Defiler and Concealed it. The trundle of wagon wheels and beat of padded feet and hooves faded behind them. The sun was but a glowing ember far to the west, shrouded behind blood-orange clouds.

  “All three are still coming,” Ryne said. “They completely ignored the caravan.”

  “Good.” Frost glanced at his map.

  To the south, in their immediate vicinity, was an area called the Green Sea. Looking in its direction, he could see how it got its name. A veritable ocean of undulating grassland and brush stretched for miles, the occasional hill and tree jutting up to break the monotony.

  He turned RnB to the greenery and urged him forward. “Let’s speed up. Give them something to think about. If none of them turn back, then we gotta assume they have Comm Orbs also, which means we gotta act quickly.”

  The group broke into a gallop. Wind streaming by, mounts grunting, they sped across the grassland. The land dipped, flattened for a bit, then rose again. When they crested the hill, Frost snatched a look behind.

  The WaR members weren’t trying to hide the fact they were giving chase. Their lupines howled for blood.

  Frost spoke in group chat. “Looks like we’re gonna have to kill them and hope they didn’t report to anyone with flyers or that they’re dumb enough to believe they can take us.”

  “Want us to turn back now and do it?” Dante expertly handled his kirin with one hand, his long-handled axe in the other.

  “Nah. Ryne, cast a Mirage of us when we’re out of sight going down the next hill. Have it keep going as if it's really us. We’re gonna dismount, hide, and ambush them as soon as they come over the hill.”

  As planned, after they had crested the rise and were headed downslope, they slowed, dismounted, and tried their best to hide behind the available brush. Ryne called forth a Mirage of them riding. The replica of the group continued down into the basin and then up the ensuing slope.

  Lupine howls grew closer, echoing on the evening air. As did the shouts of the players urging them on.

  Soon, Frost could hear the rhythmic beat of feet. He stretched his Echolocation as far as he could manage. In but a few moments, three forms crossed its threshold. Frost raised his hand.

  The three WaR members galloped over the hill and down. Shouting, they kicked their bolsters, focused on the Mirage riding up the opposite slope.

  Frost dropped his hand. The three WaR guildmates died to a hail of spells and cannon fire before they could react. Smoking and aflame, they fell to the ground and did not move again.

  “Check the bodies, Dante and Ryne,” Frost ordered. “Keep anything you find. Saba, best to call your drake now before their guildees come searching for them and us.

  “Soon as it gets here, we’re gonna head to town and lay low until the caravan arrives. When night comes, we handle our business and be gone before they know it.”

  “We slip and dip,” Ryne declared proudly.

  “Exactly.” Frost chuckled.

  Saba put her drake whistle to her lips and blew. It did not take long for the drake to arrive. Huffing and puffing, tail swishing, she climbed atop the green-scaled beast.

  The sight of a centaur atop a drake was even funnier than Frost imagined. Everyone laughed. Frost was still wiping tears from his eyes when they took off.

  They arrived in town as night fell. Rather than go to the tavern rooms he’d rented, Meritus took them to the house that once belonged to the old prospector. It had come with his purchase of the mine. He provided everyone with changes of clothes and armor from his stash.

  Frost’s was a black brigandine and blue gambeson. Unfortunately, the stats were the same as his previous armor.

  Late that night, Vallen sent word of the caravan’s safe arrival. As requested, he turned in the hides, precious stones, and metals to the appropriate merchants for their quests. Frost earned thirty thousand exp and another two thousand LDC.

  Frost reached level sixteen, gaining an additional three points per each attribute, except for aether, which had increased by five.

  Meritus had Vallen bring the goods meant for the relic hunter, Nakada Masami. He contacted Nakada, letting him know they had his korbitanium and precious gems. He also threw in news of the Fist of Fury as extra incentive. Not long after, he went out to meet Kensai to complete the transaction. Once Nakada confirmed delivery, the relic hunter was true to his word, and divulged the info on where they could find the materials they sought, which mobs dropped the empowered spells, and rumors he’d picked up on which dungeons held the special epic weapons.

  Frost was interested in one thing. Gilda’s location. Stroking his aether ring, he waited impatiently for Meritus to finish.

  Meritus took a deep breath and glanced over at Frost. He shook his head solemnly.

  “What is it?” Frost stopped stroking the ring, his chest tight.

  “According to Nakada Masami, Setnana’s been torturing Gilda. Word is she won’t survive much longer.”

  Speechless, all Frost could think about was his promise to Gilda IRL. He couldn’t allow her to die. He felt as if his heart stopped.

  But slowly, his fear developed into something else. Something that rose inside him. Clawed its way up. A heat. A withering rage ready to be unleashed on Nomarch Setnana Botros.


  Frost spoke through clenched teeth. “Where’s Setnana holding Gilda?”

  “The dungeons at Modra’s Keep,” Meritus said. “A few hours’ flight from here.”

  “Does anyone else think this could be a trap? Or that Gilda might already be dead?” Saba stopped stringing her bow and looked to each of them, one brow raised, her gaze settling on Frost. “I like Gilda. Obviously not as much as you do, but tell me you aren’t going to walk into an obvious trap.”

  “We don’t know that it is. And even if it is a trap, I don’t see a choice.” Frost shrugged. His conversation with Gunarr and Dagrun after the Sanctum ran through his head, conjuring images of the torture their people had suffered at Setnana’s hands.

  Saba smirked. “That’s because you’re thinking with your heart and not your head.” She finished replacing the string with a few deft moves.

  “More like thinking with the wrong head. That man’s pussy-whipped.” Dante made a whipping sound and motion before bursting into a laugh. When no one else joined in, and Frost shot him a scathing look, Dante smiled weakly and averted his eyes. “Sorry, bro.”

  “Asshole,” Meritus grumbled.

  Saba drew her bowstring to test it. “I just don’t want to end up dead, truth be told. I don’t know about you, but the idea of brain functions possibly stopping in real life scares me.”

  Frost scowled at Saba. “Why do you think we’re doing this? That’s exactly what Gilda feared… what I don’t want to happen to her. But I’ll understand if you don’t come.”

  “Don’t you dare insult me.” Saba glared, tail swishing with vigor. “I came to help. Hell, I flew when I hate flying. Not once, but tw
ice. I’m just making sure you know what we’re getting into. That you’re aware Setnana’s using your feelings against you.”

  “It is what it is.” Frost shrugged. “But I’d take the same risk for any of you.” He meant every word. He might not care as deeply for them as he did Gilda, but love was still love. He paused for a moment, frowning at that last thought.

  “You know me, homie.” Meritus gave him a dap, fist to fist. “Just point and I’m there. Always got your back.”

  “Appreciate it, dawg.” Frost smiled at his best friend.

  “We came to get Gilda.” Dante’s face was serious now. “So, let’s go get her.”

  “Agreed. Now, how do we proceed?” Ryne took a seat on the floor, folding his spindly legs beneath him.

  Frost nodded and pulled out a chair, overwhelmed by the sudden urge to sit. “We gotta make a move before WaR returns in force. We go out now separately, get any supplies we need, and meet back here.” He jutted his chin toward Meritus. “You know anything about this keep or the area?”

  “Just that it’s part of an abandoned erada mining outpost northwest of Ezaki in the Kaigake Desert.”

  “Hmmm.” Frost stroked his aether ring. “Maybe the dvergar might have an idea.”

  Meritus pursed his lips and nodded. “You might be right. I’ll ask around when y’all go for supplies. I already got everything I need.”

  “Meet back in an hour. I’m gonna think up a plan by then.” Frost got up, the chair scraping on the wooden floor. He looked to each of them. “I’m heading for the Auction Market. Don’t forget to buy some dye, Dante. And Ryne… new clothes. Most of all, be careful.”

  “If you spot a quaker axe for auction, let me know,” Dante said.

  “No prob.” Frost left the house.

  Hood up, thoughts occupied by Gilda’s fate, Frost kept to the shadows, doing his best to avoid the light from bloomglobes and glimmerstalks. He refused the temptation to take The Stunner from his inventory. Despite the protection the cannon promised, it would draw attention if any WaR member were on the lookout for him.


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