Doctor's Surprise Delivery: A Secret Baby Romance

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Doctor's Surprise Delivery: A Secret Baby Romance Page 22

by K. C. Crowne

  I found the book and strode toward the register about as determined as I’d been in a long, long time.

  Once I was back out in the car I narrowed my eyes and drove. I had a busy day ahead of me working out the details for the New Year’s Eve gala, and I wanted to get started. If all went according to plan, I’d be starting off the new year basking in the glow of the biggest damn career success of my life, ready to kick ass and take names and add “new mom” the growing list of things I handled like a fucking boss.

  I drove back home, singing along to Hall & Oates like the total proud dork I was, and by the time I pulled into my spot I felt about ready to conquer the world. Back in my apartment I put on some tea as I leafed through the book.

  My phone buzzed on the counter, and I craned my neck to see that it was another text from Gavin.

  Screw him. I had more important things to worry about.

  Once the hot water was ready, I poured my tea, set up my laptop, and sat down for a productive rest of the morning.

  But I didn’t even get a chance to start. A frantic pounding sounded at the door.

  I knew instinctively that it was Gavin.

  Not enough that the fucker had done what he’d done at the office. Now he was at my place, ready to start his usual routine of shoveling bullshit into my face and hoping I accepted it. But if there was one thing I knew about Gavin, it was that he was as stubborn as they came.

  Hell, stubborn as I could be.

  Ignoring him wouldn’t make him back off. No – what I had to do was tell him right to his face that he needed to leave me the fuck alone. Maybe it’d work, maybe it wouldn’t, but it was the best shot I had.

  After taking a slow, relaxing sip of my tea, I set down the mug and made my way over to the door just in time for another series of knock-bangs.

  “Who is it?” I asked in a sugary-sweet voice, knowing damn well what the answer was.

  “It’s me. I want to talk.”

  “You know, it’s a good thing my condo owner didn’t scrimp on these doors – you’ve been really banging the hell out of them these last few weeks.”

  I smirked, happy to bust his balls.

  But the silence that followed let me know he didn’t think it was funny at all.

  “Gia, you have to believe me. What you saw…it wasn’t what you thought it was.”

  “Oh, I’m sure. You know, Gavin, it’s not enough you have to be a total prick, but you have to lie like one too. Do you think I’m an idiot? She had her leg wrapped around you and her lips all over your face.”

  As soon as I spoke the words, I scolded myself for already getting into argument with him. I needed to nip this in the bud.

  “Whatever it was, I don’t give a damn. You’ve made enough of a mess of my life already – I’m not giving you another chance. Now, please get the hell out of here. I’ve got a ton of work and dealing with you for the five-millionth time is really cutting into my productivity.”

  “Gia, I’m going to talk to you. I don’t give a damn if I have to wait all night. I want to see you, and I want to explain what happened.”

  Something about this really set me off. Maybe it was the way he didn’t give a damn about my boundaries. More than that – he viewed my boundaries as tiny obstacles he had to smash through.

  I was done. I’d had enough.

  I unlocked the door and pulled it open, an actual growl of rage sounding from me as I did. Gavin was there, his hair loose and draped over his forehead.

  He looked rough. For a man like him who was always polished and professional, it was enough to give me pause.

  But I was undeterred.


  “Gavin, get the fuck out of here. I don’t give a damn what you want to tell me. We’ve got nothing to say to each other.”

  I thought for a second. “Actually no, I do have something to say. You and Mariah deserve each other. I hope you’re happy.”

  He said nothing, as if surprised by what I’d said, taken aback even.

  Gavin took a moment to compose himself, sweeping his hand over his hair and taking a long, slow breath. My eyes didn’t leave his.

  Then anger spread across his face, his eyes narrowing in pure rage.

  I’d gone too far. Before I could even think of how to react, Gavin burst toward me.

  The door flew open as I stepped back. His eyes practically boiled with anger.

  I had no idea what to expect.


  The anger was like anything I’d known.

  Gia had compared me to Mariah, said I was like her.

  And as I stood in the living room of her apartment, all I could think was, “what if she was right?”

  No – not a chance. She’d only said what she had because Gia was under the impression she’d seen things she hadn’t.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Fear was on her face, but it didn’t last long, quickly replaced with anger. I’d rushed into her apartment, almost knocked her on her butt. No doubt she wasn’t going to let that slide.

  “We need to talk,” I said, trying to keep my tone moderate, to let her know without actually saying it that I had some control over my emotions.

  “No, we don’t. Now turn your ass around and please, get the fuck out of my apartment.”

  Whatever fear she felt was gone. The woman standing before me was strong and confident and not about to take any shit.

  It was almost sexy.

  Hell, it was sexy.

  Figured that my attraction to Gia would be so intense that I couldn’t even stand in front of her like that, Gia pissed off as hell at me, without being keenly aware that there wasn’t a woman on this earth who turned me on more.

  I had to focus. Everything came down to this tiny shot I had, and if I didn’t play it right, she’d be out of my life forever. Gia had put up with a lot but seeing me like that with Mariah would be a bridge too damn far.

  “Please – just let me explain.”

  “What the fuck is there to explain?” she asked, her hands on her hips. “I open your office door and there you are, ready to fuck on the floor with the woman you left me for all those years ago. Do I even need to remind you of the past, how you’ve screwed me over and played with my heart again and again? You don’t deserve another chance – I’ve wasted enough on you.”

  “No,” I said. “It wasn’t like that. You need to know the whole story.”

  “I don’t want the whole story. Hell, I don’t even want a single sentence of the story. There’s one thing I want, and it’s you to get the fuck out of my apartment right now. Got it?”

  I took a deep breath, surprised at the power of the resistance she was putting up. Gia had been mad at me before, but this was something else.

  And she was getting me so turned on I couldn’t think straight. My cock moved in my slacks, and I swallowed hard to try to give my body some kind of distraction from what was right in front of me.

  “Gavin?” she asked. “Are you there? Did you hear a word I said?” she raised her hand and pointed to the door. “Turn around and get the fuck out of my apartment, right now!”

  The thinking part of my brain knew I needed to turn around on my Oxfords and scoot on out of there before she pulled a taser out of her purse and zapped me in the balls with it.

  But the animal part of my brain only gave a damn about one thing.

  I stepped toward her, my heart beating fast, my blood hot in my veins.

  “Gavin?” she asked, her eyes flicking over my body. “What the hell are you doing?”

  An answer with words wouldn’t be enough. Looming over her, Gia’s eyes big and wide as she looked up at me, I wanted to show her.

  So, I did.

  I wrapped my right arm around her waist, pulling her close. She let out a gasp of surprise, her breasts pressed against my lower chest.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You know exactly what I’m doing.” My words came out in a deep growl.

  I was a beast ready to pounce.

  My left hand went to the back of her head and tilted her face up toward me. Her mouth parted slightly in that way it always did when she wanted me as much as I wanted her. She licked her lips and that was all I needed.

  I moved in and kissed her, Gia’s body tense at first but surrendering to my faster than she ever had. Her moth opened and her delicious, sweet taste met my tongue, her warmth, her wetness destroying whatever was left of my rationality.

  I knew what was coming – we almost had a routine by this point.

  And when she pulled her lips of mine and regarded me with a shocked expression, I didn’t need to guess what she was going on say.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I said the words right along with her.

  “Fucking asshole!” she said, slamming her palm into my chest.

  But her hand didn’t move. Instead, her fingers curled as she touched my chest through my shirt.

  “You’ve got to be the biggest prick I’ve ever met in my life, Gavin.”

  “Mariah means nothing. Nothing happed. She’s nobody. Don’t you get that?”

  Word time was over. I leaned in once more and put my lips on hers, her kiss intoxicating me as no other woman could. I slipped my hand up her shirt, resting it on the curve of her hip. She sighed, shoving her chest against mine as my other hand swept her leg off the ground and wrapped it around my waist.

  I wanted her like mad; I wanted to be inside of her more than I wanted anything else.

  But I wanted to savor it. Or, more accurately, I wanted to savor her.

  My fingers danced over the button of her jeans, opening them and exposing a hint of the dark blue panties she wore underneath. Down went the zipper, and as I inched her jeans down her gorgeous thighs, I wrapped my arm around her ass and lifted Gia up and off her feet.

  “Hey!” she shouted.

  The plan wasn’t up for discussion. I carried her over to one of the stools in front of her kitchen bar and set her down.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  My answer was a smirk as I lowered down to my knees. Once down, I grabbed the waist of her jeans and pulled them down to her feet, taking them off along with her shoes and socks. Her chest rose and fell as she watched me, her mouth opened slightly.

  “What…what are you…”

  I answered her question with a series of kisses along her legs, my mouth jumping from one thigh to the other, the quickness of her breath increasing as the higher up I ventured. Soon I was close, close enough to feel the heat between her legs, close enough that only a thin strip of soaking-wet cotton separated me from what I wanted, from what I needed.

  A smirk on my face, I slipped my fingers under the hips of her panties and pulled them down. Gia was wet, her lips glistening with arousal.

  “Gavin…” her words came out breathy, as if she were speaking them out of nothing more than obligation.

  I took in the sight of her beautiful, perfect pussy only inches away from my face. When I was ready, I placed my fingertips on her lips and spread her open.

  The moment my tongue touched her clit, her body seized up, a gasp pulling into her mouth. She tasted like melted sugar and liquid sex, her juices flowing as I made small, slow circles around her clit.

  “That…that feels so fucking good.”

  I loved to hear it. My tongue danced on her clit, switching from circles to firm presses to up-and-down flicks. Her lower body jerked in place, her hips squirming as I ate her.

  But I wanted more. I wanted to really, truly taste her. I removed my tongue from her clit, her lips still open. The pad of my thumb pressed onto her clit, my tongue moving slowly inside of her.

  “Oh…oh, wow.” I glanced up, Gia’s eyes closed hard, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, her hand on the back of my head.

  Once I was in position, I began my feast, my tongue spearing in and out of her pussy, each penetration causing her body to shift where she sat.

  She moaned and sighed, and I ate her relentlessly, knowing by the way she writhed on my mouth that she was near the brink.

  “Keep going, just like that.”

  I had no plans of stopping. Gia tasted like nothing else, and if she was going to kick me out of her life for good, at least I’d have the memory of her pressed against me.

  I wanted to make her mine, one last time.


  That little fuck.

  I wasn’t sure how the hell he’d pulled it off, but somehow he’d started by banging on my front door and ended up with my thighs wrapped around his head as he gave me the best damn oral I’d ever had in my life.

  How did he manage to do it every time? It’s like he knew exactly how to exploit me.

  Or maybe it was something more than that, something deeper.

  My train of thought was most definitely derailed by Gavin shoving his tongue inside of me, the stiff wetness making my eyes go wide. I squirmed, trying to deal with the pleasure running through my body as Gavin licked me just how I wanted, touched me just how I needed.

  It didn’t hurt matters that he could make me come like no other man could. When the orgasm finally exploded through me, I was glad as hell to have his arms wrapped around my hips keeping me in place. Otherwise I might’ve very well fallen forward.

  He grinned as the orgasm faded from me, my legs still shaking and my chest ballooning in and out. The man, that fucker, knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Come ‘ere.”

  He stood up and wrapped his right arm around my waist, lifting me off the stool without the slightest bit of effort.

  “Hey!” I shouted, kicking my legs. “Put me down!”

  But he only found it funny, his chest shaking from his laughs as he carried me into the bedroom.

  With another effortless heave, he bent over at the waist and set me down on the bed. Gavin loomed over me, that cocky smirk on still on his lips, as if knowing I wanted him without even needing to ask.

  He didn’t ask me for permission. Instead, he undid his buttons one-by-one. My eyes locked onto his exposed skin, his muscles perfectly chiseled.

  Damn, did it make me mad. Gavin’s technique was always the same – just going for it and assuming the sight of him naked in front of me would be enough to make me want him.

  And what I hated most was that he was always right.

  “Tell me what you want.” His voice was low, his eyes locked onto mine.

  The fucker was teasing me. Moments ago, I’d told him all I wanted was him out of my fucking apartment and my life. Now I wanted something else.

  And he asked me to say it out loud, as if hearing me desire him were the same as admitting defeat.

  He wasn’t wrong.

  “I want you to quit being such a prick,” I said.

  He raised his eyebrows as he undid his pants, lowering them and exposing the base of his cock.


  He kept right on grinning.

  “I want you to fuck off forever.”


  God, I hated how full of himself he was.

  “And…I want you to get over here and fuck me.”

  He grinned. “Was that so hard?”

  Gavin followed this up by taking his pants and underwear off the rest of the way, his glorious, thick cock springing out and pointing right at me.


  I gulped, the sight of his dick enough to make me lose whatever control I had left.

  “You’re such an asshole, you know that?”

  “Point taken,” he said. “But your words don’t carry as much weight when you’re staring at my hard-on when you say them.”

  I had to resist the urge to grab the lamp off my bedside table and toss it at him.

  He was right, after all. The sight of Gavin naked, the notches of his Adonis belt pointing right to the part of him that never failed to make me feel so damn good, was too much to take.

  “Here,” I said, pointing to the bed. “Now.”
br />   Gavin wisely chose not to ask me to say please. That might’ve gotten him a kick right in the balls.

  He pounced, going from standing at the foot of the bed to being right on top of me. He covered my face in kisses, his lips making their way down to my neck. All I could do was throw my head back in pleasure, the solid warmth of his body what I’d been yearning for.

  As he kissed me, I reached down and grabbed his cock, pointing it between my legs with one hand and pressing on his ass with the other, pushing his hips toward me. But he resisted just enough to let the head of his cock tease my clit – which was still sensitive from the oral he’d only just finished.

  But right before he penetrated me, a thought occurred. What did he want? What was it that he’d been so desperate to tell me?

  Most likely some more Gavin-style bullshit.

  The answer satisfied me. Sure, we were in bed together yet again, but it was going to be the last time. Might as well get from him what I was before booting the jackass from my life forever.

  He’s good for one thing, and one thing o-

  I didn’t even get a chance to finish my thought. Gavin pushed down, his cock splitting me in two and pleasure erupting inside of me with the suddenness of a bursting balloon, obliterating my conscious thinking.

  My eyes went right to his middle, locked onto the tensing of his abs, perfect and shredded and cut. He pulled his hips back and entered me again, and again, the thickness of his cock vanishing between my legs, my breasts shaking with the impact.

  His smell, his warmth, his everything. Even though the pleasure was nearly mind-consuming, I was still conscious of the fact that there had never been, and maybe never would be, a man who pleased me like him.

  Gavin propped himself up on his knees, grabbing my right leg and bring it against his chest, my toes curling as he tunneled inside me over and over. My vision blurred and I let out a silent scream as a second orgasm blasted through my body.

  Sensing I was coming, Gavin set my leg down and leaned in close to me, the pace of his thrusts becoming shallow and fast. His jackhammer penetration was exactly what I needed to fall in to a perfect, trance-like state.


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