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The Assassination of James Forrestal

Page 35

by David Martin



  232 David Martin, “Lies about the Kennedy and Forrestal Deaths,”



  235 George F. Kennan: An American Life, Penguin Press, 2011.

  236 For what it is worth, another party to the Hobe Sound gathering was a Yale Skull and Bones man, former Under Secretary of the Navy, Artemus Gates. (Dorwart, p. 169). Recall, as well, that biographer Townsend Hoopes was also in that secret society. It’s a small world among the power elite, apparently.

  237 “Roosevelt, an Autopsy,”

  238 Concerning McNiece, see “Man Awarded Ph.D. for Trashing Martin, Forrestal,”

  239 The Georgetown Set: Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.


  241 “Brotherhood of the Bomb,”



  Not Completely Ignored

  Scarce Commodity

  What with news suppression and ridicule,

  The truth is not easy to find.

  You need that rarest of faculties,

  A thoroughly open mind.

  In the Soviet Union, it was said, that if you wanted to learn anything about economics, the place to go was to work for one of the economic planning boards. What they called “economics” in college was really just Communist theology. Similarly, in the United States, college is not really the place to go if you want to learn modern history. For that, one has to rely on oneself, and we are fortunate these days to have the Internet as a good starting place to begin one’s self-education.

  One such autodidact is the estimable Ron Unz, the proprietor of the web site. His ongoing “American Pravda” series is probably as good a beginning as any for one’s own independent historical education. On July 2, 2018, he ventured to do what no American historian has yet dared to do by discussing our findings on Forrestal’s death at some considerable length in his installment, “Our Deadly World of Post-War Politics.”243

  Next to that one, no article in the series ties in better with the themes explored in this book than his October 15, 2018, installment, “The ADL in American Society,” concerning the tremendous power wielded by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Reminding us that the ADL has assumed an important gate keeping role for the powerful Internet platforms, and that the organization began in 1913, financed by the defenders of the likely guilty-as-sin Leo Frank. That now powerful organization’s major accomplishment in its first big operation was to plant in the national consciousness the falsehood that Southerners are bigoted towards Jews. Unz concludes his long essay this way:

  Now suppose that all the facts of this famous case were exactly unchanged except that Frank had been a white Gentile. Surely the trial would be ranked as one of the greatest racial turning points in American history, perhaps even overshadowing Brown v. Board because of the extent of popular sentiment, and it would have been given a central place in all our modern textbooks. Meanwhile, Frank, his lawyers, and his heavy financial backers would probably be cast as among the vilest racial villains in all of American history for their repeated attempts to foment the lynching of various innocent blacks so that a wealthy white rapist and murderer could walk free. But because Frank was Jewish rather than Christian, this remarkable history has been completely inverted for over one hundred years by our Jewish-dominated media and historiography.

  These are the important consequences that derive from control of the narrative and the flow of information, which allows murderers to be transmuted into martyrs and villains into heroes. The ADL was founded just over a century ago with the central goal of preventing a Jewish rapist and killer from being held legally accountable for his crimes, and over the decades, it eventually metastasized into a secret political police force not entirely dissimilar to the widely despised East German Stasi, but with its central goal seeming to be the maintenance of overwhelming Jewish control in a society that is 98% non-Jewish.

  We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet.244

  It will take quite a while for the work of Ron Unz to make it into any history textbooks, unfortunately, which one can doubtless say for our own work. However, our discoveries have managed to penetrate the pages of four books with which we are acquainted.

  Alan Hart

  Alan Hart, who died at age 75 on January 15, 2018, was a correspondent for the BBC’s Panorama and for the major news service ITN, about as mainstream a news figure as one can be in Great Britain. He cut his journalistic teeth as a young man covering the 6-day war in 1967 in the Middle East and probably had as much first-hand knowledge of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians as any person who ever lived. No Western journalist had more intimate access to leaders on both sides than he. He was very close to both Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and PLO leader Yasser Arafat. In 1984, reflecting much of his first-hand knowledge, he wrote a book about the latter, Arafat, Terrorist or Peacemaker?

  To be a top Middle Eastern correspondent for such major organs also required a great deal of homework on his part, and one can see that he put in the time. More than that, in volume one of the three-volume set, Zionism, the Real Enemy of the Jews, entitled The False Messiah, he comes across as a thoroughly fair-minded man.245

  It is a combination that is both remarkable for a mainstream journalist and lethal in a career field that is now so Zionist-dominated. It is perhaps telling that by the time he published his book on Zionism, the adjective “former” was already placed in front of those high positions of his in the Western opinion-molding industry. As we have seen with the 60 Minutes gerontocracy, at 71 years of age at the time, he was still a relative spring chicken in the field. It is hardly surprising that, as Hart tells us in the prologue to his U.S. edition, published in 2009 four years after the first publication in Britain, that he initially had to self-publish this book. That was so “despite the fact that my literary agent had on file letters of rare praise for my work from the CEOs of some of our major publishing houses.”

  It would appear that in his later years the British liberal Hart went the way of the late conservative American Joseph Sobran, discussed in Chapter Two, who in his declining years practiced his journalism in an unremunerated fashion through his web site. In virtual retirement Hart could say the sorts of things that he was not allowed to say by the BBC or ITN, and AlanHart.Net remains as a very good source for useful information, but his audience is perforce much smaller than before, probably along the lines of that for DCDave.Com.

  The truth about Zionism, which Hart was finally free to tell, is, unfortunately, very ugly. How, really, can one put a rosy gloss upon the violent forcing out of a people from their ancestral homeland and the heavy-handed continued oppression of those who remain? Zionism, to anyone who has observed it objectively as Hart has, is a witch’s brew of fanaticism, deceit, ruthlessness, and money.

  Money and Gangsterism

  Hart sees a big contrast among Jews between those who adhere to what he calls spiritual Zionism and the practitioners of political Zionism. Albert Einstein would have been a prime example of the former category, and they might well make up a majority of all Jews.246 They are not the ones with the power, though. Most important of all for the success, up to now, of political Zionism has been the money that has been used to buy weaponry, public opinion, and political lead
ers, primarily where it has mattered most, in the United States. The Zionist control of the opinion-molding industries has made their thuggish control of the politicians less obvious. Money is half of the time-honored method of the underworld to get its way with people in responsible positions. The Latin American drug traffickers call it plata o plomo, silver or lead. In English it boils down to bribery and coercion. The “bribery” might well be within the law in the form of campaign contributions, given or withheld or given to the politician’s adversary. There is ample evidence, however, that the Zionists, in their completely amoral fanaticism, will freely commit murder if more moderate forms of coercion and intimidation are deemed insufficiently effective. We saw it with the assassination of the British governor general Lord Moyne and the lead UN negotiator on Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte and with the bombing of the King David Hotel.

  In his final chapter Hart reminds us that Begin’s Irgun gang attempted to assassinate Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin of the UK in 1946, though he makes no mention of the letter bombs sent to the Truman White House by the Stern Gang in 1947. To his eternal credit, though, although it took us a while to discover it, he broke the book-publishing silence about our discoveries concerning the violent death of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.

  His concluding chapter is entitled “Forrestal’s ‘Suicide’,” and it is important to note that he encloses the word “suicide” in quotation marks. In his account of Forrestal’s determined efforts to remove the question of the creation and recognition of the state of Israel from U.S. domestic politics, Hart leaves no doubt that our characterization of Forrestal as the leading U.S. opponent of the creation of the state of Israel is an accurate one.

  “I accessed his work by putting ‘David Martin also known as DCDave’ into Google’s search box and readers can do the same if they wish,” he tells us on page 317. It’s a good thing that he does that because it allows the reader to read all the evidence for himself and make up his own mind. In spite of his extensive favorable reference to our work, including long quotes, Hart says at last, “In the jury of my own mind, the answer to the question of whether Forrestal committed suicide or was murdered is an open one.”

  The case is really open and shut. Forrestal was clearly assassinated, and the entire political and media establishment has conspired to cover it up. That latter point is extremely telling. Hart, as a mainstream establishment liberal, was still apparently hankering for “respectability” among the group that is complicit in this heinous cover-up. That forlorn desire would also explain why he takes gratuitous swipes at “holocaust deniers” in his book and apparently accepts the official 9/11 narrative (On his web site, though, he finally put some distance between himself and the 19-Arab-hijackers story, enough for his Wikipedia page to characterize this former British establishment wheel horse as a “conspiracy theorist.”)247

  The Zionist Grip on America

  In the prologue to the 2009 American edition entitled “An Appeal to the American People,” Hart writes, “As surely as day follows night, the Zionist lobby and other supporters of Israel right or wrong will make an awesome effort to limit distribution of this book in America, and to cause the informed and honest debate it was written to promote to be suppressed.”

  He certainly got that right, and the apparent success of that effort up to now demonstrates the futility of Hart’s efforts to stay on good terms with the mainstream crowd. Their success in suppressing his book in the United States is illustrated by the fact that we had never heard of it until seeing it mentioned by Alison Weir in Against Our Better Judgment, even though he makes such long and favorable mention of my Forrestal work. The publisher, Clarity Press, Inc., of Atlanta, is hardly a household name. We have a wide circle of email contacts and our email address is freely available, yet no one had told us about the book.

  I also live in an information center in suburban Washington, DC, but I find using that the only library in the area that has the book is the public library in Alexandria, Virginia. No library in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, or North Carolina has it. Currently, it is at one other library in Virginia, that of Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg. By some small wonder, the Carlsbad City Library of Carlsbad, California, once made the book available to readers, but no more. They have already discarded it, no doubt as part of the “awesome effort” to limit the book’s distribution. That discarded copy fell into my possession through an online used book purchase, where it has been put to good use.

  By contrast, if I wanted to read a library copy of, say, The Eichmann Trial, by Zionist partisan Deborah Lipstadt, the nearest copy is within walking distance and there are six copies at libraries no farther than 20 miles from me. The Zionist grip on the United States, I’m afraid, is even firmer than Alan Hart realizes.

  Alison Weir

  We encountered Alison Weir in Chapter Six as the publicizer of the thwarted Jewish terrorist London bombing attempt. She is another former journalist, the editor of a small weekly newspaper in Sausalito, California, who has reported on our Forrestal findings. The child of a military family and a veteran of the Peace Corps and the Civil Rights movement, she became absorbed in the Israel-Palestinian dispute during the Second Intifada in 2000, when she noticed the great difference between the coverage of the event between the national news media and what she was able to learn through the Internet. She founded the organization, If Americans Knew, in 2001 after a visit to Gaza and the West Bank as the Intifada continued and continues to head up that organization while she has gone on to become the president of another activist organization, the Council for the National Interest. In 2014 she published Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel.248

  Reading Weir, one notices a great similarity between Zionism and the attraction toward it of a certain privileged group of people and another misguided but powerful ideology, Communism. Those who fall for it fall heavily and have a tendency to subordinate all questions of right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and patriotism and disloyalty to the furtherance of this one “noble” cause. Not many people know it these days, but in the 1930s and early 1940s the Soviet Union itself got the sort of favorable coverage from America’s leading newspaper that Israel gets today across the board, and numerous Americans were lured into betting their lives that Joseph Stalin’s fiefdom really was a workers’ paradise.249

  The biggest victims of the Zionist zealotry have certainly been those non-Jewish residents of Palestine whose forbears had lived there for thousands of years, but the price that has been paid by others, particularly in the United States is of no small consequence. Weir makes a strong case that American entry into World War I was the quid pro quo of powerful Zionists close to President Woodrow Wilson for the British Balfour Declaration promising a home (though not a homeland) for the Jews in Palestine should Britain and its allies win the war. She supports her argument without relying once upon the Jewish apostate Benjamin Freedman so, taken together, Weir and Freedman support one another.250

  The importance of the Balfour Declaration in bringing the United States into WWI against the Germans might not have been widely known in this country, but, according to Weir, it was well known in Germany and it engendered the sort of antagonism toward their resident Jews that one might expect. Opportunity for Jewish advancement had been greater in Germany than in any other European country.

  From her book, it is hard to say which was the greatest big break for the Zionist cause, the persecution suffered by Jews under the Nazis, the Second World War’s creation of hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees ripe for the peopling of Palestine, or the death of President Franklin Roosevelt. FDR had been completely against the Zionist cause. Harry Truman was weak and unpopular and needed all the help from powerful Zionists that he could get to be reelected in 1948. Surprisingly, Weir makes no mention of the negative reinforcement that Truman received in 1947 in terms of the attempt on his life by the Stern Gang, which, as
we have noted, sent a letter bomb to the White House. She also fails to mention Truman’s long association with the Kansas City political machine of the gangster Tom Pendergast, a fact that we have noted would have made him easily subject to blackmail. In that regard, he was something of an archetype for U.S. presidents in the Zionist-dominated era in which we live.

  There are heroes in Weir’s book. They are the patriotic Americans within the foreign policy establishment of the U.S. government who energetically opposed the superimposing of what was essentially a European country upon Palestine, an act that these officials saw as in conflict with U.S. national interests and ideals. Theirs was the better judgment that Truman went against. A few names worthy of mention are State Department officers Edwin Wright and Loy Henderson and their superiors, Under Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett and Secretary of State George C. Marshall. Foremost among the patriots, though, would have to be Truman’s Secretary of Defense, James V. Forrestal, and Weir gives the courageous Forrestal his due. He foresaw the Middle Eastern mess in which the United States has become entangled, and the cost in blood and treasure and moral capital that it would entail, and he paid dearly for his efforts to prevent it.

  One might contrast Weir with a great earlier critic of the Zionist cause, the British journalist, Douglas Reed, the author of the extraordinary work, The Controversy of Zion.251 Reed, deceived by the American press coverage and without the discoveries that this reviewer would later make, wrote that Forrestal, whom he otherwise gives his due, had committed suicide. Weir is aware of our findings, however, and refers her readers to our “Who Killed James Forrestal?” series on our web site. She also strongly recommends Chapter 12, “The Forrestal ‘Suicide’,” of Vol. 1 of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews by Hart, which is how we discovered it.


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