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Page 16

by Roxie Rivera

  Yuri crossed the warehouse to the horizontal racks storing her canvases. The unit had swinging arms that allowed the canvases to be flicked through one by one. He couldn’t help but wonder what Nikolai had spent on this little contraption.

  Studying the first canvas, he finally understood what Lena meant. This series of paintings staggered him. He leaned back as he gazed at the canvas so he could take it all in and digest it. The haunting portrait showcased a torso marked in prison tattoos. They weren't the Russian tats he was so used to seeing but the kind a man would get in a place like Mexico or Central America.

  A few more canvases flicked by and he found Dimitri's phoenix. She'd painted the broad expanse of his back and the fine detail of his tattoo in the foreground but the background was a swirling mass of flames and smoke with fine ash littering the bottom edge of the canvas. If Dimitri didn't make an offer on this one after her show, Yuri intended to snatch it up for his gallery wall.

  At the very back of the collection, he spotted a canvas covered with a cloth. Curious, he lifted the cloth and took a peek at the painting underneath. His heart stuttered in his chest as the sight registered.

  The painting depicted an eerie night scene with a dilapidated two-story house and broken window along the top story. Bloody streaks marred the pointed shards of shattered glass. There, in the shadowy background, a tattooed chest was barely visible.

  Yuri's gut clenched as he realized what she'd painted. It was the night she'd been shot while breaking into a house for her father. It was the night Nikolai had saved her life. It was the night the two of them had been inextricably bonded.

  It was the night the lies between those two began.

  Hearing her approaching footsteps, he hastily covered the painting. He tried to look nonplussed but she wasn’t fooled.

  "I don't mind you looking at that one. I prefer to keep it covered because it's an ugly memory." She touched the covered painting. "Sometimes I think I remember more of the man who shot me but it's never enough."

  Yuri eyed her carefully. "What do you remember about him?"

  "Just that he had that strange tattoo in the center of his chest," she said while touching her shirt. "He didn't speak. He just shot me." She had a faraway look in her eyes. "And then I was falling and I hit the ground so hard. When I woke up again, Nikolai was standing over me. He had a hand on my stomach and he was whispering so softly." She inhaled deeply. "And then I blacked out again and woke up in the hospital."

  "They never had any leads?"

  She shook her head. "Nikolai said that he'd seen a dark-haired man running from the house after the gunshot. For a while, the police suspected my father had accidentally shot me. Then the theory was that one of the many men he'd crossed had done it." She shrugged. "It doesn't really matter anymore. It's in the past."

  How Yuri wished that were true! He cast one final glance at the covered painting before asking, "Has Nikolai seen this collection?"

  "No." She held out the folded sheet of paper but didn't let go when he tugged on it. "I'd prefer that you didn't tell him. I want the collection to be a surprise when he comes to the show. I want him to see what kind of beautiful art I'm able to create because of this wonderful space he gave me."

  Yuri saw such excitement in her eyes. She clearly hoped to knock Nikolai off his feet—but Yuri worried his old friend would be reeling with a different kind of shock when he got a good look at the tattoo-inspired pieces.

  "I won't ruin the surprise but perhaps you'd prefer to show him before everyone else? Maybe a quiet, private viewing for the two of you?"

  Interest flashed in her eyes as she released the folded sheet of paper. "Maybe."

  He prayed she'd choose that route. Yuri didn't know what would happen if Nikolai walked into that downtown gallery and spotted that painting hanging on the wall.

  Yuri pocketed the list. "Thank you."

  "Anytime, Yuri." She walked at his side as they crossed the warehouse. "Would it be all right if I dropped by your house to see Lena tomorrow? She mentioned that you've got her on house arrest to keep her safe."

  He snorted with amusement. "Yes, I'll be a good warden and allow my prisoner to have some visits."

  Smiling, Vivian said, "I'll have to bring my babysitter."

  "Just Kostya or the Houston PD too?"

  "I'm pretty sure your house is outside their jurisdiction."

  "I highly doubt your cousin is going to let a little thing like jurisdiction keep him from watching you like a hawk."

  She didn't argue that point. "I'll let you know when your painting is done so you can take a peek before the show."

  "You realize I'll want to buy it, right?"

  "Yes—and you realize I'm going to add a special billionaire's premium to the price, right?"

  He laughed. "I expected nothing less."

  "Tell Lena I'm coming to see her tomorrow."

  "All right."

  Walking out of the warehouse, Yuri couldn't shake the feeling that sweet Vivian was playing with fire—and Nikolai would be the one who felt the heat.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I knew the moment Yuri arrived at the house that evening. Sasha had been quietly sleeping at my feet in the kitchen as I discussed the staffing issues with Feodor but he jumped to his feet and raced to the front door with a loud, excited bark. Feodor started to follow him but I held up my hand and slid off the stool. "I'll go."

  As I hurried to catch up with the beastly dog, I heard his growl change from that higher pitched excited whine to a lower, menacing growl. The fine hair on the back of my neck stood on edge and goose bumps broke out on my arms. Jake appeared from a nearby doorway, the one leading into the second living room, and gestured me back away from the door.

  Trotting over to my side, Sasha pushed against my belly with his big head and forced me behind him. With his bottom just inches from my feet, Sasha used his body to shield mine. I put a gentle hand on the back of his head and brushed my fingers through his fur. Moving my hand lower, I gripped the back of his collar, just in case.

  When the doorbell rang, Sasha let loose a series of barks so loud they made my ears ache. With a hand on the weapon holstered at his hip, Jake opened the door. A tall beautiful blonde woman came into view. Her panicked gaze jumped to Sasha who snarled and snapped at her.

  I tugged on his collar. "Sasha! No!" I tried to remember the words Yuri had taught me during breakfast but blanked. I used the only Russian word I could remember. "Nyet!"

  Sasha glanced back at me and grumbled before plopping his bottom down again. He wasn't going to attack but he didn't like having the door open or that woman standing there.

  She raised her voice so I could hear her. "My name is Anna, and I work with Mr. Novakovsky. I've brought some paperwork for him. He was already out of the office when I finished it and I'm headed out for a personal trip." She flashed a glossy folder. The movement made Sasha bark and Anna took a nervous step backward. Extending the folder toward Jake, she said, "I'll just leave it here."

  "I'm sorry," I called out as she backed down the steps. "Sasha isn't good with people. I'll make sure Yuri knows you stopped by this evening."

  She flashed me a tight smile before scurrying down the steps and out of view. Jake closed and locked the door and engaged the security alarm again. He waved the folder. "I'll put this on Yuri's desk."

  "Okay." I let my grip on Sasha's collar loosen. The dog looked up at me with gleaming eyes. He seemed so proud of himself for protecting me. I didn't have the heart to scold him for being so over-the-top. "You and I have to work on our obedience training."

  He made a yowling sound and smacked my leg with his paw.

  "You're a big boy and you could really hurt someone. Again," I added, thinking of Tommy. "You're supposed to defend Yuri's house but that doesn't mean you have to scare the piss out of everyone who comes to the front door."

  My phone started to ring so I fished it out of the pocket of my skinny jeans. I recognized the number as Ty Weston
's. We'd exchanged some texts but hadn't spoken at length since our wild night cruising Houston's gay bars.


  "Hey, sweetheart! How are you?"

  "Good. You?"

  "I'm damn fine as always. Listen—you have a few minutes to talk?"

  Just then, Sasha tried to lick my face but I blocked him with my hand. He didn’t take rejection well and slobbered all over my hand. "Sasha! No!"

  "Uh—did I catch you at a bad time?"

  "No." I couldn't stop the giggle burbling in my throat as Sasha continued to beg for attention. "It's Yuri's dog. He's sort of infatuated with me."

  "Just like his master, if my spies around town are right."

  I didn't dignify that with a response. Wagging my finger at Sasha, I managed to get him to calm down. "What did you want to discuss?"

  "You're not going to confirm or deny your relationship with your moneyed Russian honey?"

  "Are you asking as a friend or a tabloid blogger?"


  "Then no comment."


  "Look, I have the right to some privacy."

  "Okay. Okay. No need to be so touchy."

  I rolled my eyes. "You have ten seconds to tell me what you wanted to discuss or I'm hanging up."

  "Rawr!" He playfully growled at me. "Now I know why the bouncers at 716 called you the Dragon Lady."

  "Really, Ty? I'm hanging up now—"

  "No! Wait. I have a business proposal I wanted to discuss with you. Your social media cover-your-ass blitz last night pushed a ton of business toward the bars and clubs we'd visited. Apparently, they had bachelorette party bookings like crazy! They were really pleased. They wanted me to see if you'd like to do some promos for them. You know—waving cover charge for your followers if they have a QR code at the door. They're willing to kick a nice fee your way."

  I was taken aback. I'd hoped to salvage my pride by showcasing the fun I'd had and making it very tongue-in-cheek but to make money off it? "Seriously?"

  "Yes—and it got me thinking, Lena. We have some skills and strengths that play well off one another. Maybe we should consider throwing in together."

  "A gossip columnist and a PR girl?"

  "I know. It sounds crazy but what do you do best?"


  "You rescue businesses, baby girl! You took 716 from the toilet to the top of the Houston club scene. You helped Tai and Chuy launch their food truck to save their restaurants. Your friend's bakery relaunch is a huge hit."

  Was he right? Was that my real talent?

  "And me? Girl, I understand how a crisis and a scandal play out in the media better than anyone."

  "So what are you suggesting? That we form some kind of crisis management firm?"

  "Something like that," he agreed. "I've got a lawyer in mind for the legal end of things. Can we meet for drinks to chat?"

  "I'm busy tonight."

  "An early lunch? Say eleven?"

  "I can swing that."

  "Great. I'll text you the details. I'm really excited about this, Lena. I hope you'll give it some real consideration. I think we have something here."

  "I'm open to all possibilities right now."

  "Wonderful! Until tomorrow!"


  Pocketing my phone, I tried to wrap my head around Ty's proposal. Everything he'd said really resonated with me. Was this why I'd been so unhappy at my old job?

  Sasha suddenly spun toward the door. His ears perked and he let loose a rough growl. He moved in front of me again and continued to rumble warningly.

  But this time the door opened to reveal his master. Overcome with excitement, Sasha bounded across the entryway to meet Yuri. Unlike me, Yuri got him under control with one sharply worded command. Tail wagging, Sasha sat and waited for Yuri to acknowledge him.

  As Yuri petted Sasha, I spotted the three men trailing him. Derek came through the door first and gave Sasha a wide berth. The two men who followed Derek went wide-eyed at the sight of the behemoth dog. The first of the two strangers through the door I didn't recognize but the second face I knew very well.


  The Faze bouncer and former Marine grinned at me. "Hey, Lena!"

  I glanced at Yuri who tightly held Sasha's collar. "What's going on?"

  "Dimitri thought it would be safer for us to have two extra guards. I see that you already know Kelly Connolly." He gestured to the other man. "This is Vasya."

  The giant Russian nodded at me. "Miss Cruz."

  "Call me Lena. I prefer that." Catching Yuri's gaze, I smiled sweetly. "Can I see you in the office really quick? You had a visitor while you were out and she left something for you."

  Yuri saw right through my ruse but he smiled and nodded. "Sure." He glanced at Derek. "Get them set up in the staff quarters and run them through the security program. I'll touch base with you later this evening."

  "Sure, Boss."

  As the men left the foyer, Sasha relaxed but kept close to Yuri who joined me as I headed for his office. Once we were safely inside, Yuri shut the door and leaned back against it. His pleasant expression slipped. "What's wrong?"

  "Two more guards, Yuri?" I rubbed the back of my neck as the stress of the situation made my stomach clench. "That's so expensive."

  His expression turned comical. "Is that what this is about? Money?"

  "Of course it's about money." I couldn’t believe how blasé he was about the situation. "I know the going rate for Dimitri's security guards. When you told me that Jake was going to follow me around, I didn't make a fuss because he's already under contract but adding two more guards? Yuri—it's too much."

  "It's a small price to pay for my peace of mind."

  "A small price? No, it's a huge—"

  "Enough," Yuri cut me off. His curt tone surprised me. Softening the harshness of his interjection, he reached for my hand and dragged me closer. His palm curved against my cheek. "You agreed that you would let me spoil you."

  "When I made that promise yesterday, I thought we were talking about the occasional trip abroad or a handbag or something. I didn't agree to let you spend tens of thousands of dollars to hire me another babysitter."

  I tried to pull away from him but he slid his arm around my waist and kept me right where he wanted me. "Your father is being held hostage in exchange for a painting. I need to know that you're safe. Kelly and Vasya are here to make sure that nothing happens to you."

  "Yuri, please," I whispered, my throat tightening.

  "Help me understand what bothers you so much, Lena. I'm trying to see things from your point of view but it's difficult."

  I tried to find the right words. "Money makes us unequal, Yuri. It makes me less than you. I want us to be equals. I want us to be partners—and I can't be your partner if I'm running a mental tab on what I owe you."

  "You don't owe me anything. Everything I give you I give freely. There are no strings attached to any of this."

  I could hear the hurt in his voice. My chest tightened as I realized how I was making him feel by constantly harping on the money issue. "I'm sorry. I didn't think—I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful."

  "I don't think that." He kissed me with such tenderness that the prickly heat of tears irritated my eyes. "I know you're struggling to feel equal with me in this relationship." He cupped my face. "You are my equal. I see you as my equal. The numbers in our bank accounts don't matter to me. They shouldn't matter to you."

  I swallowed hard and placed my hand against his strong jaw. "I promise I'll try to let it go, Yuri."

  "I realize it won't be easy for you and I appreciate that you're willing to try." His lips touched mine briefly. "In fact, why don't we start with this?"

  He reached into the pocket of his suit jacket and retrieved a box. The cheery hue, that telltale robin's egg blue, made my heart stutter.

  My shocked gaze jumped to his face. "What's this?"

  He pressed the box into my hand. "It's a just-because gif

  Biting my lower lip, I studied the box. "This is probably one hell of a just-because."

  He chuckled. "I hope you like it."

  I didn't think that would be a problem. I had a feeling I was going to love whatever the box held. With trembling fingers, I untied the bright white ribbon and lifted the lid. My lips parted and a soft gasp escaped them as I uncovered the gleaming gold cuff I'd been lusting over a few weeks earlier. Interwoven leafy vines stretched from one end of the delicate, airy cuff to the other.

  Lifting my gaze to Yuri's smiling face, I asked, "How did you—"

  And then I remembered where he'd been this afternoon.

  Narrowing my eyes, I murmured, "Vivian?"

  He grinned and gingerly lifted the obscenely expensive cuff from the box. Holding my hand, he slipped it around my wrist. "I wanted this first gift to be perfect."

  As I admired the gorgeous cuff, I caught exactly what he'd said. "The first gift?"

  His sexy grin made my tummy wobble. With a flourish, he produced a second box from another pocket. He whisked away the empty box and tossed it on the nearby sofa before thrusting the new box into my hands. Even though I wanted to exclaim at how much he'd spent on his shopping spree, I didn't dare. I could see how much he enjoyed giving me these gifts. His eyes damn near sparkled with excitement.

  Inside the second box, I found the matching earrings. They were the same vine motif but dotted with dozens of tiny shimmering diamonds. I fingered them with such awe. "Oh, Yuri!"

  "Let me see them on you." He swiped the box from my hands.

  I slipped the simple studs from my ears and dropped them into my pocket. Yuri stepped closer and carefully threaded the posts through my lobes. The gentle, cautious way that he held my earlobes set my skin alight. Breaths quickening, I gazed up into his smiling face.

  Yuri touched my cheek. "What's that look, Kitten?"

  Blinking back tears, I confessed, "I'm just thinking how ridiculously lucky I am to have stumbled into your life." Lest he think it was the beautiful jewelry that had inspired my thoughts, I added, "It's not about the earrings and the bracelet. It's just—it's everything. Any other man would have thrown me and my cousin out the front door last night. Any other man would have told me to take my cartel problems and my ex-con dad and hit the streets." I gulped down the painful knot blocking my throat. "But not you."


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