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Page 27

by Roxie Rivera

  "We should start a pool," Erin said with a giggle. "Due date. Boy or girl. Weight. All that."

  "I'm so in."

  "Maybe we should start a pool on that," Erin suggested with a slight gesture of her head.

  Following the subtle lift of her chin, I spotted Vivian dancing with Kelly Connolly. The sight of the two laughing and swaying surprised me. Out of habit, I searched the crowd for Nikolai. He stood with Yuri and a couple of men I didn't recognize. His dark gaze was fixed on the dancing couple.

  As if he could sense me watching him, his attention flicked my way. Our gazes clashed but I didn't look away. After the harrowing experience I'd shared with him, I no longer felt as nervous or scared around him. We would never be friendly—I wasn't sure he was capable of being friendly with any woman other than Vivian—but we were warm acquaintances.

  Turning his back on Vivian and Kelly, Nikolai signaled that he was okay with whatever she wanted. But as I watched Vivian and Kelly dancing, I got the feeling that the two weren't attracted to each other in the least. There were no lingering touches or intense flirty looks exchanged between the pair.

  I sipped my champagne. "I don't think that's going anywhere. It's just a dance."

  "Pity," Erin said with a little frown. "They make a hot couple."

  "I don't think Vivian wants anyone but the one man she can't have."

  "I don't know about can't. I think if she went after him, he'd be defenseless against her." Erin drummed her fingers on the table. "What's the story with Kelly? I thought he'd given up his bodyguard post."

  "He's not doing long-term jobs anymore. Apparently he told Dimitri that he worried he would become too attached to his clients. He's lost enough people that mattered to him while he was in the Marine Corps so he doesn't want to do that in civilian life. The last I heard he's doing short private security jobs. You know, a weekend here or there."

  "I was so worried that Dimitri's new venture was going to take a hit after that mess with Jake but I guess it's turned out okay."

  "Ty and I worked overtime to spin the hell out of that situation. Honestly, Dimitri has dozens of bouncers and bodyguards working for him and only one turned out to be rotten. It's very clear that he's super careful about vetting the men he hires. I think Jake was basically a great guy who got taken in by a beautiful psychopath with a sob story."

  "At least that's all over now."

  A few days earlier, I'd been cleared of any charges. I suspected the DA and the detectives on the case didn't fully believe my version of events. There were inconsistencies in some of the forensics, after all, but nothing to prove that Nikolai had ever been in that house. As far as I could tell, no one but the three of us knew that secret—and it would stay that way.

  "Has Vivian decided what she's going to do once you totally move in with Yuri?"

  "She's looking into a smaller apartment at the same complex." A quiver of guilt pierced my chest. "I still feel torn about moving out but she says she's happy for me."

  "Vivian is happy for you. She always means what she says."


  "Let it go, Lena." Erin shot me a knowing look. "Don't think this to death. If you want to move in with Yuri, move in with Yuri. Vivian wants you to be happy. She's a big girl and she'll be fine. Frankly, I think she's getting annoyed with the way we all treat her like our little sister."

  "She's the closest thing I've ever had to a sister and she is younger than us."

  "She's also survived more than the three of us," she gestured between the two of us and toward Benny, "can even imagine. Maybe it's time we step back and give her some space."

  I grinned at Erin. "Damn, you are sexy when you go all mama-bear like that."

  She rolled her eyes. "I've already got a date for tonight so the flattery is wasted on me."

  "Speaking of your date…" I watched Ivan striding toward us. When he reached the table, he bent down and swept Erin into his brawny arms. He took her seat and settled her across his lap. From the way he kissed her, it was clear he was starting to feel the effect of all that vodka. His inhibitions had definitely been lowered and his libido was raging. Judging by the way he devoured her mouth, Erin would be lucky to make it to the room they'd been given on the yacht with all of her clothes intact.

  "Ivan!" Giggling, Erin grasped his big hand and pushed it down to her waist. "Later."

  I couldn't hear what he said in that gruff voice of his but Erin's face turned bright red. She nibbled her lower lip and tried not to smile. "Okay," she said a bit breathlessly. "We can go now."

  He started to stand with her in his arms but she wiggled off his lap. "I'll walk."

  Ivan looked like he wanted to protest but she grabbed his hand and tugged him after her. With a quick smile my way, she excused them with a wave.

  "Jesus!" Ty exclaimed before dramatically falling into the chair Erin and Ivan had just vacated. "These Russians know how to throw a party!"

  I couldn't help but laugh at him. He looked rather frazzled without his tuxedo jacket and his shirt gaping open at the top. His cheeks were ruddy from the exertion of dancing and he seemed to be sweating, something I'd never seen him do. "How much have you had to drink?"

  "I don't know," he admitted with a brash laugh. "Too much probably."

  "You have a ride home?" I was sure he had a driver but wanted to make sure my new business partner got home in one piece.

  "Actually," he slid his chair closer, "I'm hoping that sexy beast takes me home."

  Sexy beast? I followed his boldly pointing finger and nearly fell out of my damn chair. "Vasya?"

  "Is he fucking hot or what?" Ty rested his chin on his hand and openly flirted with the behemoth bodyguard. When Vasya's lips briefly curved in a smile, I realized how blind I'd been. No wonder Vasya was always volunteering to babysit me. He wanted to spend time around Ty!

  Recovering from the shock, I asked, "Are you two an item?"

  "Not yet but I think this might be my lucky night."

  "He's on duty."

  "Well—maybe I'll follow him home. Do you think Yuri would mind if I spent the night in your guest house?"

  "It's not Yuri I'm worried about."

  He scrunched up his nose. "Oh, right. That awful dog."

  I took offense. "Sasha is the sweetest, gentlest baby of a dog."

  Ty guffawed. "Sweetheart, you need a new dictionary. That genetic experiment you call a dog looks like the bastard son of a grizzly bear and a gorilla."

  I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

  Ty's smiling gaze jumped back to Vasya. His eyes lit up and he practically jumped out of his chair. "Oh, I think I'm about to get that quickie I've been craving."

  I glanced at Vasya who was slowly heading away from the crowd. No doubt he was going to take Ty to some private room where they could indulge in some late-night loving. I considered the size difference in the two men. "He's going to break you in half."

  "Sugar, I'm counting on it." With a spring in his step, Ty disappeared in the crowd.

  Vivian appeared next to me and playfully bumped me with her hip. "Did I really just see Ty Weston chasing after Vasya?"

  "Apparently, they're sort of a thing."

  "Nice." She put a hand on my back. "I thought your dad was coming."

  "Benny and Dimitri invited him but he changed his mind."

  "Hey," Vivian said and crouched down next to me. "Don't sound so sad. You did what you thought was the right thing when you lied about your mom. He'll get over it."

  "Maybe," I said uncertainly. The memory of our shouting match in Yuri's library remained raw and real. "He was really angry. I don't blame him."

  "He's your father. He'll forgive you."

  "I lied about my mother being dead. That's a huge thing. It might even be unforgiveable."

  "Lena, I've forgiven my father for the awful things he did to me. If that wasn't unforgiveable then neither is the lie you told. You were hurting and you were humiliated so you did the easiest thing you could to protect
yourself—and your dad will see that."


  Vivian sighed. "Look, we are carrying around so much baggage from our parents. The last thing we need is to heap more guilt onto our own shoulders." She squeezed my hand. "Let it go."

  We became aware of the DJ announcing the bride was about to throw her bouquet before they escaped on their honeymoon. Vivian tugged me out of my chair and to the dance floor. A few dozen unmarried women jostled for the best spot already.

  "Where is Erin?"

  I laughed. "Let's just say Ivan decided they were going to turn-in early."

  Vivian giggled and then jokingly said, "I'm shocked."

  The DJ's countdown pulled my attention to the small stage where Benny stood with her back to the crowd. When Benny launched the gorgeous bouquet into the air, the women around us started to rush forward. I barely managed to stay upright but Vivian was dragged along with the crowd. Her hands flew up in the air—and the bouquet smacked her open palm.

  She snatched the bouquet and waved it around with a shocked grin on her face. I couldn't stop laughing at the priceless look Vivian wore. While the other women glared daggers at her, Vivi scurried over to meet me. "I got it!"

  "I see that." I fingered the luscious roses. "I didn't think you were the bouquet-catching type."

  She shrugged. "It's the competitor in me, I guess. I'll give it to Erin for good luck. I'm sure she'll be the next one of us to walk down the aisle."

  "Probably," I agreed.

  Two familiar arms slipped around my waist. Yuri's lips touched my neck. Laughing, he addressed Vivian. "I saw you throwing out your elbows to catch that bouquet."

  Her jaw dropped with mock outrage. "I did not!"

  We were still laughing when Nikolai joined us to see off the newlyweds. We moved into the line forming along the path they would take to the helipad. The beaming couple stopped for lingering hugs and well wishes from all of us before rushing off to begin their honeymoon.

  After watching the helicopter fly away, the rest of our guests returned to the party. Yuri tugged me away from the packed dance floor. "But our guests—"

  "Are all grownups," he interjected. "The staff hired for the wedding has everything under control."

  When he had that gleam in his eye, there was no arguing with him. Yuri led me down to the private section of the yacht and into the master suite. The privacy shades had been lowered and he locked the door behind him. "Strip for me."

  My tummy trembled wildly but I followed his command. While I slipped out of my heels and peeled out of my dress and undergarments, Yuri began to remove his tuxedo. "Leave on the diamonds."

  I touched the exquisite necklace and earrings he'd left on my pillow that morning. As he took off his shirt, I caught sight of the brand new tattoo adorning the left side of his chest. It looked so starkly beautiful among the pinkish scars now dotting his skin. My lips parted with surprise as I realized what he'd had tattooed over his heart.

  "For me?" I crossed the space between us and ran my hands around the freshly tattooed area, being careful not to touch his healing skin. He'd placed our interlaced initials inside a circle of vines. The design reminded me of the golden cuff he'd given me, the one I wore nearly every day.

  "For you." He kissed my fingers. "I left some space here, over my heart, for later."

  "Later? Oh." I blushed as his meaning hit me. For when we were married and had children… "It's always good to plan ahead."

  He chuckled softly. "As much as I enjoy keeping you in my bed, I may end up running this tattoo down my arm."

  He was teasing but I shook my head. "Let's not get crazy. If—when—we decide to take that step, I think three is a good number."

  "Four or five is a better number." He nuzzled my neck and gently grazed his teeth over the sensitive patch there.

  "When you can carry and deliver them, we'll discuss four or five."

  Laughing, Yuri plucked the pins from my hair. The silky waves fell around my shoulders. "We'll table that discussion until next year."

  My eyes widened. "Next year? But we—"

  "Later," he murmured and silenced me with an erotically charged kiss. When he crouched down and grasped the backs of my thighs, I hopped up and wrapped my legs around his trim waist. He carried me to the bed and placed me in the center.

  Pinned beneath him, I breathed excitedly. Already my pussy throbbed and ached to be filled by his big cock. I wanted his masterful hands and that wicked mouth on me. Arching up against the hard heat of him, I silently begged him to ravish me.

  Grinning with mischief, he dragged two long silk straps from under the pillows. "Do you remember that night outside Monaco when I asked if you wanted me to tie you up?"

  "Yes." I vibrated with arousal and anticipation.

  "Do you still want me to do that?"

  "Yes." My trembling voice betrayed my enthusiasm. "Tie me up. Take me."

  He wasted no time in binding my wrists and securing them overhead. A frightening memory tried to resurface but I refused to let that ugly thing intrude upon this wonderful, intimate experience. He must have seen the flash of panic on my face.

  Cupping my face, Yuri kissed me with such tenderness and love that it brought tears to my eyes. "You're safe with me."

  "I trust you." There was a time when I never could have imagined saying those words to any man. With his love and patience and willingness to risk it all to save me, Yuri had proven that he was worthy of that trust. He'd shown me the depth and strength of his love.

  His eyes shimmered suspiciously as he caressed my naked skin and claimed my mouth with sinful kisses. "I know what it means to earn your trust. I will never—never—take that for granted."

  And he wouldn't. He'd spend the rest of our lives together proving to me that he deserved that trust. I would spend the rest of our lives together basking in the glow of his love and endeavoring to show him every day how much he meant to me.

  "You've made me so incredibly happy, Yuri."

  "I know, Kitten." He placed a noisy kiss on my breast. "Tonight, I plan to make to make you very, very happy."


  "Yes." He playfully walked his fingers down my belly. Closing my eyes, I spread my thighs for him and sighed with pleasure. "And I think I'll start right about here…"

  Author's Note

  I hope you enjoyed the third installment of the Her Russian Protector series! The third story in the series, NIKOLAI, releases in June 2013.

  You can get updates on new releases by visiting my website, signing up for my newsletter or liking my author page on Facebook. Thanks so much for reading YURI!

  Roxie's Backlist

  Her Russian Protector Series




  NIKOLAI (Coming June 2013)

  Seduced By… Series

  Seduced by the Congressman 1

  Seduced by the Congressman 2

  Seduced by the Loan Shark


  Chance's Bad, Bad Girl

  Halftime With Craig


  Eddie's Cuffs 1

  Eddie's Cuffs 2

  Eddie's Cuffs 3

  Search and Seizure (Cops & Hotties #1)

  Disturbing the Peace (Cops & Hotties #2)

  Quid Pro Quo (Cops & Hotties #3)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One
r />   Chapter Twenty-Two

  Author's Note

  Roxie's Backlist




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