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Gus' Wild Wolf

Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  But instead of being scared of the touch, or even feeling a little pain from the sudden intrusion, Gus moaned as though he were being given the best pleasure of his life.

  He jerked back against those fingers and against Maddox's chest. “More. I want…oh fuck! Oh my God!”

  While it wasn't uncommon for people to shout their pleasure at Maddox when he had them in his grasp, it was uncommon for him to hear such pleasure out of them the instant he impaled them or to smell the heavy musk of orgasm right after.

  Gus thrust back hard on those fingers, coming around them, clenching them tightly with his body.

  Maddox looped his arm around his mate’s chest, holding the man steady, kissing the side of his throat, and thrusting deeper.

  Gus liked this. He loved it, which meant every trace of willpower Maddox may have had was now officially gone. He could no longer pretend that he could hold back when his mate begged for this. When he smelled so good as he was coming.

  When he shouted Maddox's name.

  Maddox pulled his fingers back, kissed Gus’ throat one more time, and then pressed the crown of his cock to Gus’ hole.

  “You ready for this?”

  He didn't give his mate a chance to answer. Maddox was no saint, after all.

  Chapter Four

  There it was.

  The pain, the pleasure, everything Gus had ever wanted and never knew he'd wanted until the first moment when Maddox let Gus touch him.

  The kissing had made it worse, the heat swirling inside of his belly. Gus’ body still hummed and ached with the recent orgasm he’d just been given.

  As though he were on the verge of having his first orgasm ever. Only this time he couldn't seem to bring about the sensation he wanted on his own. He needed Maddox's touch. He needed the feeling of having Maddox’s cock deep inside him.

  Gus could hardly believe it. He wasn't one for casual sex, and he never in his life would have thought himself to be the sort of guy who wanted to have another man for a lover, but as Maddox sank inch by sweet inch inside of him, the pain and the pleasure coming together to make something so beautiful that Gus didn't even have the words for it, Gus didn't think he would ever look at a girl again.

  Not when this was so damned perfect.

  “That's it,” he groaned, clenching his teeth as he felt every inch inside of him that could be touched, stroked, and begging for mercy.

  It was as though Maddox knew he could make Gus’ nerve endings scream for mercy.

  Gus pushed himself onto his toes as Maddox was as deep as he could go, and then he gasped for sudden breath, body trembling, desperate to hold on to this feeling of fullness.

  He had another man's dick inside of him, and he didn't care. Gus just wanted to feel good, and he wanted to give Maddox everything he could that would make him feel better.

  It didn't even matter that this was a stranger fucking him. The only thing his brain cared about was that he wanted that cock to start moving.

  “Move, God, fuck me, do it. Oh!”

  Gus threw his head back when Maddox proceeded to give him exactly what he was begging for.

  But it was slow. A damned torture as the length of his big cock pulled back and then slowly sank in deep one more time.

  Gus gasped, taking in whatever pleasure he could.

  And he got into it.

  The slow, steady build of pleasure, the way Maddox wrapped one arm around Gus’ middle while he canted those hips.

  Gus thrust back every time Maddox pushed forward, meeting each thrust, clenching his hole without meaning to around the other man's prick, trying to hold him in place, but it wasn't enough.

  Gus touched his nipples, gasping under the hot water, then shouting long and loud when that sweet spot deep inside was touched and teased again.

  A hand around his mouth cut off the sound. “You should be quiet. You'll wake up your entire building.”

  Gus didn't care, and he moaned beneath that hand, helpless against everything but the pleasure as Maddox continued to slide his cock back and forth.

  Taking his time. It was a torture. The best damned kind.

  “Touch yourself, baby,” Maddox groaned in his ear, his hips still moving in that perfect dance that made Gus come alive.

  Gus wanted to touch himself, so that was not a problem as he tweaked his nipples, still trying to pull the other man deeper inside him.

  Everything felt like a tease. Every thrust, the warm kisses on the side of his throat, and the breathy moans into his ear.

  “Take your dick in hand. I want to watch you stroking your cock while my dick is inside you.”

  Again, he didn't have to tell Gus twice.

  Gus stopped playing with his nipples, his hand moving down toward the curved length of his neglected prick.

  He hesitated to touch himself even like that only because he didn't want to bring about his orgasm too soon.

  He wanted it. Goddamn, he wanted it, but he also wanted to make this last, and Gus wasn't about to take the risk that this would be the time where he didn't immediately get a hard-on or another orgasm.

  “Do it, touch yourself for me, stroke your dick, baby. Come on.”

  As though a switch were flicked in his brain, Gus obeyed as though he’d been given a command, and then there was no more holding back.

  He fucked into his hand and back against Maddox's cock because his orgasm was right there, just within reach. He could almost taste it, and now he was damn well going to have it.

  “You like that?”

  Gus nodded, but he couldn't say anything other than gasp for breath as he pumped his cock and fought to get that orgasm he desperately wanted.

  So close. It was right there. He could just taste it…

  Then it hit. The floodgates were open, and it wasn't just the orgasm that released from him. It was something else entirely. Something he'd been holding on to for his entire life but hadn't realized he'd been in possession of.

  Whatever it was, Maddox had it now, but the rush of his orgasm was so good that he didn't care.

  He was going to look into whatever the hell that had been later.

  The only thing that mattered was his sudden gasp for breath as there was nothing else he could take hold of and…and…

  It was over. Gus heaved a heavy sigh, his body becoming boneless as he fell back against the other man, puffing for breath as he felt Maddox still fucking into him.

  Now the other man decided it was time to speed up.

  Oh well, maybe Gus would be able to convince Maddox to fuck harder into him the next time around. For now, he was going to enjoy the sensation of this powerful male fucking into him as though his life depended on it.

  Maybe it did because, all of a sudden, Gus could remember what Maddox had looked like when Gus had found him in his bathroom.

  The only thing Gus knew for sure before he felt a rush of warmth spurting inside of him was that Maddox now owned Gus.

  For the rest of their lives.

  Chapter Five

  Maddox slumped against his mate, panting for breath, body alive, on fire, and he’d never felt better in his entire life.

  The wolf inside him rumbled what could have been an approving purr, if wolves purred.

  As it was, the sound could be just a very satisfied growling noise for all he knew.

  Nothing else mattered. Maddox slumped against his mate, tasting him, kissing him, loving him.

  This was his. This person belonged to Maddox, and he was going to protect this man with his every breath for the rest of his life.

  He didn't need anything or anyone else.

  His mate would give him the strength he needed to fight the hunters, would allow Maddox to heal faster when he was injured, and give him the control he’d never thought he would have over the wolf.

  Maddox was still waiting for the thing to start snapping at him from inside his head, but it didn't.

  Maddox didn't often feel as though his inner wolf were curling up for a soothi
ng nap, but it sure as hell was doing that right now.

  Maddox nuzzled Gus’ neck, smiling and pleased. “You're mine.”

  Gus groaned. “No, I'm not.”

  Maddox laughed. “We'll see about that.”

  He had so much more he wanted to tell to his mate, so much that needed to be said right now before anything happened, but the sudden pounding on the door caught Maddox's attention in a big way.

  The wolf suddenly gave up on the idea of getting a nap as it jumped up to attention.

  Even Gus held still.

  “You expecting anyone?”

  Gus shook his head. “No.”

  Maddox growled low in his throat. “Stay here.”

  He was taking no risks with his mate. Especially after what had happened outside.

  “What's going on?”

  Gus got to his feet, seemed to realize he was naked as he reached for his bathrobe hanging off the door.

  “Stay back. Trust me.”

  “Who is it?” Gus whispered, his pretty eyes flying wide.

  God, he had such thick lashes for a man. They looked so good on him.

  Focus. He had to keep his focus. Maddox had been happy to keep the wolf back, to experience some relative peace from the blood lust.

  But not now. Now he wanted to keep the wolf at the ready, and the wolf was more than happy to get into guard-dog mode.

  “Just stay there.”

  Maddox didn't like that Gus looked scared as he went to the door. The banging continued on.

  That wasn't someone coming over to ask for a cup of sugar. That was either an aggressive landlord asking for rent or the hunters had tracked Maddox back here.

  He didn't have to check through the peephole. They might be looking through the other end to see a change in light through the little glass hole.

  He just had to get close enough to get a sniff.

  Maddox barely held back a growl.

  Gunpowder, steel, grease, and various other scents that came with being a hunter.

  Not just the usual scents but smells he'd picked up off the bastards when he'd attacked.

  Someone smelled like apple pie. Likely something he'd eaten at home. One of them was a woman. He could smell her shampoo. The little idiot didn't know it was a bad idea to put more scents than necessary on herself before she went out to hunt.

  Not that it mattered. There was always something to pick up on, but that wasn't the worst of it.

  He could smell other wolves out there.

  So these weren't the hunters who went around slicing up shifters just for the fun of it. These were the sort who worked with shifters to sell people on the black market.

  The damned cunts. They were most likely hunting him. He had attacked them first, but he'd led them right to this apartment.


  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  Maddox went back to the bathroom. Not there.

  “Gus?” He had to keep his voice low. He couldn't risk drawing attention.

  He found the man's bedroom quickly. Gus was getting into a new pair of clothes. Jeans and a hoodie.

  Good choice. Maddox shut the door behind them.

  “We have to go.”

  “Wait, I need to grab my shoes.”

  The sound of the door busting in made that one impossible. Maddox took his mate by the hand, that same rush of energy, or lust and intense need, surged through him, but this time all of that pooled together toward one thing.

  Protecting his mate, not fucking him

  Gus was still in bare feet, but what he had on was what he was going to have to deal with because Maddox dragged him to the window.

  Gus dug his heels into the floor, panic in his eyes.

  “We’re on the fourth floor, and you're naked.”

  Maddox cupped his face. “I will take care of you.”

  Gus’ eyes softened, but Maddox waited no longer before he picked Gus up bridal style and moved to the window.

  He slid it open, felt the way Gus held his face against his shoulder, and Maddox jumped.

  * * * *

  Gus fought to keep the sharp yell from escaping his throat when he felt the wind fly against his face and wet hair, the drop in his stomach, and then the painful landing.

  Even in the arms of an alpha, he felt that.

  It seemed Maddox did not. The shifter started to run. He moved like the wind across the parking lot, hopping neatly over the cars and trucks that were parked in his way.

  He moved as though there was nothing between him and his goal.

  It was strange.

  And cold.

  Gus found himself curling against the man's chest.

  Seriously? How was Maddox not freezing right now when he was buck-ass naked like this?

  The pop, pop, popping noises behind them gave Gus an idea of why he would be so focused on escape.

  “Are they shooting at us?”

  “Keep your head down, baby!”

  Oh God. This was it. This was serious. They were running away from the hunters.

  How had they found him? Maxwell had promised he would be around to take care of this sort of thing. Of course, he'd also said he wouldn't be able to be around every minute. Maybe this just slipped through the cracks?

  That was the reason why Gus had learned to use a gun, after all.

  Had they come looking for Maddox?

  That seemed like the most likely explanation, but even on the run, Gus didn't like to think about it like that.

  He didn't want to blame Maddox for anything. He didn't want to blame him when Maddox…

  Another angry buzzing zipped by. Gus felt it zoom past his legs and then his feet.

  Then he felt the pain. Almost as though his brain didn't want him feeling that kind of horror show until later.

  A delayed pain as he felt a bullet sloughing skin off his body.

  And he screamed. Gus probably made Maddox's eardrums flutter, but he couldn't help it.

  He reached down to hold his foot, but he couldn't get his hand that far with the way he was being held, and then Maddox sharply changed direction and he couldn't touch it anyway.

  What if his toes were missing? What if the bullet had struck an artery? God, it hurt so much, and the bumpy ride of being carried in his mate's arms like this didn't make it better.

  With the pain and the way they moved, zigzagging even in the trees, made Gus want to throw up.

  Hold it back. He needed to hold it back. Focus on anything other than how sick he felt because there was no way in hell he wanted to puke on Maddox while the man was running for both of their lives.

  With Gus’ luck, that would just make it easier for the hunters to track them.

  “I'll get you out of here. I promise,” Maddox said, his violet eyes glowing in the dark.

  Was the wolf getting ready to come out? Gus couldn't be sure because then, as high as his pain rose up from being shot in the foot, it came crashing back down. His adrenaline was done. He couldn't have kept his eyes open even if he wanted to, and he desperately wanted to.

  But sleep called, and if he was sleeping, then he wouldn't be in pain.

  So, at some point, Gus stopped fighting it even as the bullets continued to zip on by.

  Before he was entirely out of it, Gus could have sworn he heard the sound of an animal wailing in pain, and then a whole other kind of roar filled that space, and he was glad he wasn't the one who had to deal with that.

  He felt sorry for the poor bastards who did.

  Chapter Six

  Gus woke up with a cricked neck and his skull aching as he pushed himself to sit up.

  It was daylight.

  A muggy, miserable sort of daylight, and he felt damp and cold even with something soft and warm next to him.

  His foot was bonfire hot. It throbbed now that he was aware of it, and he pushed himself into the fur blanket that kept him warm, not wanting to wake up to this reality.

  This sucked. This was the last place he wanted to be, but then h
is blanket moved, and Gus had no choice but to come fully awake.

  With the pain, he didn't think he could get back to sleep no matter how much he tried.

  So he didn't fight it.

  Gus did, however, smile brightly up at the blurry vision of Maddox that formed in front of him. He had to blink a couple of times as the wolf changed into a man and Gus lost his comfortable blanket, but it was definitely him. He had clothes on again, and just seeing him made Gus so much happier.

  “Thank God,” Maddox moaned. He took Gus’ face in his hands and kissed him on the mouth.

  His kiss sent buzzing shockwaves through Gus’ body. The pain in his foot was suddenly not so bad, even though it was still there, still something he had to deal with.

  Then Maddox pulled back, and Gus got a look at what real pain was when he looked into those violet eyes.

  “When you passed out on me, I thought the worst. I thought they shot you somewhere else. I thought you were bleeding out and dying in my arms.”

  Gus groaned, looking around. They weren't outside. "Where are we?"

  Wind whistled through small cracks in the log walls. There was scarcely any furniture. It looked as though this house was either built a long time ago, or recently but without a contractor.

  "Try not to worry about it."

  Uh huh. He had another thing coming if he thought he could keep Gus from worrying about anything with a line like that.

  But Maddox looked more worried than Gus felt.

  Gus liked it, in a perverse way. He knew he shouldn't like it, considering the situation, but he couldn't help himself either.

  It was nice knowing someone cared that much.

  "Are you in pain?"

  “I'm fine. Still kind of achy, but fine.”

  He just wanted more of Maddox's touch. That seemed to make him feel much better for sure.

  Maddox gave it to him, hugging him tight, his giant hand holding on to the back of Gus’ head.

  “God, I thought I’d lost you after only just finding you. I thought I let them kill you.”

  It was strange. Gus didn't know this man, other than whenever Maddox held him it felt amazing, and here he was, relieved to be alive only because it would make Maddox sad if anything had happened to him.


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