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Gus' Wild Wolf

Page 7

by Marcy Jacks

  Yeah, this was exactly what Maddox needed. The wolf felt calm again, finally.

  “Do you want my dick inside you?”

  Gus groaned. “Y-yeah.” He circled his ass, still giving Maddox that sweet pleasure, making him groan. “I want you.”

  Close, but not quite.

  “Say what I want to hear, then.”

  He circled his fist, and Maddox used his other hand to get his belt undone, his dick throbbing to be free.

  “I want your cock inside me. I want to feel it again. You fucking me, claiming me. All of it.”


  Maddox frantically searched for anything they could use. He opened the drawers and looked on the counter next to the sink and in the shower.

  He found what he wanted on the shelf next to the spare towels, just within reach of this tiny space.


  Eventually he would use proper lubricant on his mate. Until then, this was going to have to do.

  But Maddox wanted something else first. He sank to his knees.

  Gus seemed to get the idea as he tried to turn around, but Maddox grabbed his hips and forced him to stay as he was.

  “What are you doing?”

  Maddox looked up at his mate, and he smiled.

  “Don't tell me you don't know what this is,” he said and then put his tongue to Gus’ hole.

  Gus gasped, rising up to his toes. Then he groaned in pain from his foot but then moaned and shivered long and sweetly as he pushed his ass back against Maddox's mouth.

  And Maddox was into it. He moaned as he pushed his tongue against the man’s asshole, teasing the star shape with pressure before pulling back.

  “Oh God! Oh my God I can't believe you're…that you're…”

  Maddox pulled his mouth back. “You're telling me you've never seen this before?”

  Did his mate ever watch porn?

  Gus glared back at him, but it wasn't so threatening with all the pink on his cheeks.

  “I've seen it before. I just didn't know people actually did it.”

  That was a little too innocent. Maddox thought it adorable. “Ah, well, let me show you why they do it.”

  Maddox got back to work, licking against Gus’ hole, loving the way his mate thrust his ass back against Maddox's tongue.

  So Maddox pushed inside. He slipped his tongue as deep as he could go, tasting Gus’ sweetness, adoring the way he kept humping back against Maddox's tongue.

  Maddox reached around for Gus’ cock but found Gus’ hand already there.

  So Maddox stroked Gus’ cock with him, his own prick throbbing the deeper he pushed his tongue.

  It drove Gus wild, and the wilder his mate became, the more Maddox struggled to hold his own inner wolf back.

  He wanted more. So much more. He wanted to fuck into this man to the point where his scent would stay on Gus’ body for the rest of his life, even if it was a life Maddox couldn't share.

  He absorbed every moan, every shiver. All of it belonged to Maddox and the wolf inside him. There was no one else who could give his mate this kind of pleasure.

  Who would love Gus the way Maddox did.

  “M-Maddox, I'm coming.” Gus glanced back over his shoulder. “I'm gonna come. I can't…I can't…

  Maddox pulled his tongue back, coming to a stand. He quickly reached for the sunscreen while his mate struggled for breath.

  “One day,” Maddox whispered in his ear, “one day I'll fuck you properly in a bed. No more cold tile. No more bathrooms.”

  Gus chuckled at the promise, which wasn't exactly what Maddox expected from him.

  “I don't know. I think this is pretty amazing. I'll never be able to step into a bathroom ever again without thinking of you.”

  Maddox grinned at that, sliding his slicked fingers around Gus’ asshole.

  “I suppose we did christen the bathrooms as places meant for us. I only wish I'd picked better places to take you.”

  Gus smiled, not seeming to mind at all, but Maddox did.

  He didn't like the idea that he'd so far made love to his mate only in the bathrooms of whatever place they happened to be in, but he couldn't bring himself to pull back from the other man now.

  Not when he ached so badly it felt as though he'd clamped a vise around his cock.

  “Don't think about it,” Gus said, shocking him. “I just want you here with me. That's all I want. Just you.”

  Maddox bit down on his bottom lip.

  His mate had no idea how much that meant to him, but at the same time, it wasn't nearly enough.

  He pushed his fingers into Gus’ tight hole, shivering as Gus moaned.

  Maddox wanted to be with Gus, too. But he wanted Gus’ safety more than he wanted anything else. He wanted it so badly that he would force himself to leave his mate behind if there was no other choice.

  He would move along on his own, and he would make his own path knowing Gus was alive and well somewhere in the world.

  But he wouldn't burden his mate with that. For now, he would be content to have this.

  Kissing Gus’ throat, Maddox thrust against the man's hip, searching for any amount of friction he could get while stretching the man open.

  Gus made no complaints about being sore. He didn't say he needed more time to recover after last night. No. He thrust back against Maddox's fingers as though desperate for the pleasure they could give.

  And then he asked for it, begged for it.

  “Give it to me, Maddox. I want your cock inside me. Put your scent on me. Do everything you did to me yesterday.”

  When he begged as prettily as that, how could Maddox resist?

  Taking his prick in hand, Maddox lined up the thick head with Gus’ stretched hole.

  He pushed inside.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gus moaned.

  He threw his head back as the sound dragged from him.

  The pleasure, the burn, and the pain all came together to make a beautiful feeling deep inside of him.

  He felt Maddox touching every inch of his inner walls, of getting deeper than he had even last night.

  Maybe he'd held back yesterday, but not today.

  The pain left him behind much faster than it had yesterday, as well.

  Weird. It should have hurt the whole time. Gus had heard most people didn't like being fucked the first couple of times, but then, slowly but surely, they did grow to enjoy it.

  To have pleasure the first time he was breached, and to have that pleasure reach him so much faster even right now, was beautiful.

  “God, that's what I want,” he moaned, gripping the countertop.

  He didn't look at himself in the mirror. Gus was a little too embarrassed for that, though he knew it was what Maddox wanted from him.

  “Just like that. Just like that.”

  Maddox moved his hips as though he were an expert at this. He fucked into Gus much slower than he had yesterday, pushing Gus’ shirt up to get access to his nipples. Pinching and tweaking them as Gus moaned and sighed.

  Then he remembered he was supposed to be taking part in this, too, and he pushed his ass back against Maddox's cock, trying to pull the man deeper inside, trying to give him pleasure that was just as good as what he gave to Gus.

  Maddox growled behind him, but Gus could tell it was from the pleasure of their fucking.

  “So good. Want you…so. Fucking. Bad. Nnnggh!”

  Gus gasped, the feel of warmth spurting inside him. He held on to that feeling. It was more than a rush of heat. It was the feeling of being taken and claimed, of being marked, that made Gus shiver and moan.

  He reached for his prick, taking himself in hand, stroking his cock hard and fast as he struggled to reach that same peak.

  Maddox's voice rumbled beautifully, hotly, in his ear. “Let me.”

  Gus nodded, letting his hand fall away as Maddox took command of his body.

  And Maddox was still hard as he fucked into Gus’ body.

  “We’re not e
ven close to being done yet.”

  Gus groaned. “Y-you have the stamina…of a damned robot.”

  “You'd better believe it. Now look at yourself.”

  Maddox grabbed Gus by his chin, forcing him to look at himself in the mirror.

  The man Gus saw looked nothing like he knew himself to be.

  Gus didn't blush like that. His mouth wasn't supposed to be puffy and kiss-swollen, his eyes were never that dilated, and he was supposed to look more confident in himself.

  That was what Gus thought he was supposed to look like, but it wasn't what he saw. He looked almost helpless in the mirror, and he definitely looked like he enjoyed that.

  And Maddox, damn, the man looked as though he were getting ready to eat Gus alive.

  He looked like a predator, and Gus wanted to be his prey.

  Maddox continued to fuck slowly into him, stroking his prick, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

  “Come on, baby. You can do it. Come for me. I want to smell you in here.”

  “I'm not holding back on purpose.”

  He could feel the orgasm right there, just within reach. He could touch it if he wanted, but it was almost as though his own mate was holding out on him.

  “You sure you can't just let it loose? I'm positive you’re able to give me what I want.”

  He circled his hips.

  “I think you're just teasing me with this now. You want me to think you can't give me what I want. I like that. Drives me crazy.”

  “Well, so long as you like it, oh!”

  Maddox thrust hard and deep. The movement of his hips had a purpose. He didn't simply fuck into Gus hard and fast without any care for his pleasure.

  The entire point seemed to be about giving Gus pleasure.

  And he loved it. He couldn't believe he was lucky enough to be mated to someone like that. He’d never thought he would have someone who cared more about whether or not Gus was enjoying himself, regardless of whether or not he ended up with another human or a shifter.

  Gus reached back, his hand finding Maddox's cheek. He pulled his mate down, turning his head so their mouths could connect.

  Best damned kiss of his life, especially as he thrust back against Maddox's cock and into his hand.

  He came hard, moaning into the man's mouth. Every muscle in his body clenched, including his injured foot, but he didn't feel the pain. He just felt another rush of heat inside him as Maddox growled and joined him in this pleasure.

  This time Maddox seemed to lose some of that strength Gus was getting used to. He couldn't exactly explain it, but he could feel it in the way Maddox slumped against his back, as though he were tired.

  Meanwhile, Gus felt as though he could keep going.

  He felt alive and invigorated, as if he would start bouncing off the walls at any moment.

  Which was about when he realized what had happened. “Did…were you giving me energy during that?”

  Maddox groaned, his face pressed against the back of Gus’ neck, and it really did feel as if the other man would fall asleep right there if given the chance. “Why do you ask?”

  Gus looked at himself in the mirror, noted Maddox's tired face, and he smiled.

  “You're crazy. You didn't have to do that.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Gus knew he wasn't going to get much else out of him. Maddox had transferred the strength and healing energy he'd been taking for himself all day back into Gus as they were fucking, and it was apparently draining the other man.

  Gus wiggled his ass a little. “Much as I like having your dick still inside me like this, we should probably get into the bath before it gets cold.”

  Though it was so overfilled with hot water that he wasn't sure that was possible just yet.

  Maddox made another groaning sound, wrapping his arms around Gus’ middle.

  “I don't want to move. Stay right here forever.”

  Gus pressed his hand to the top of Maddox's head, pushing him back before he could get any ideas.

  “All right, I'm not your pillow. You've got to get off me, big guy. I can see fur growing on your face. Hurry up before your wolf comes out.”

  He was definitely not the sort of guy who was into that kind of thing, and he would be caught dead before he let an actual wolf inside him, mate or no mate.

  Gross. Just…gross.

  Gus managed to separate himself from the other man, turning in Maddox's arms, helping him to sit by the tub, which was a whole other experience.

  While Maddox sat on the rim of the tub, head down, half sleeping, Gus twisted his foot a little, testing his pain threshold.

  And he was pleasantly surprised to see there was almost no pain.

  Still stiff, though, and he winced a little, but somehow, he knew having Maddox inside him like that had been the cause for his healing.

  “Maddox, did you do that?”

  Wolf souls were not only supposed to help shifters control their inner wild sides, but the transfer of healing energy was supposed to go two ways.

  And Maddox had given so much when inside of Gus. He might have taken Gus’ while they were running away from the hunters, but now it was more than clear Maddox gave back more than his fair share.

  Gus held on to the back of Maddox's head, leaning down and kissing his hair.

  “You're insane. You shouldn't have done that.”

  Maddox looked up at him, and yeah, he was definitely tired. “I had to.”

  Gus felt his throat closing. He struggled through that feeling.

  “No, you didn't, but I appreciate it anyway.”

  They looked at each other. Gus could see the turmoil in Maddox's eyes. He wanted to say something, anything that would take away his pain, but he got the feeling he wasn't going to get anywhere with that today.

  Not tomorrow either. This was a long-term thing. Maddox might never stop blaming himself for what had happened to his pack, but Gus was mated to him. That was for life.

  “No matter what you decide to do, I'll be beside you the whole time. I'm not going anywhere, so please don't leave in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping or something, okay?”

  Maddox’s eyes flew wide, and Gus gave him a dirty look.

  “Yeah, I knew you were thinking about doing that. So don't. Or I'll follow you, and that won't exactly be safe for me either.”

  “If they vote me out tomorrow, that won't be your say.”

  “Then I'll go with you.”

  Maddox clearly didn't like that option, but that was just too damned bad for him. Gus had made up his mind. He was going to do this. He wasn't going to pretend as though he would stand back and let Maddox carry such a heavy load on his own.

  Gus lowered himself to his knees, which was about when the pain in his foot flared up again, but at least now he knew it was nothing compared to what it could have been.

  Maddox's eyes flew wide at the sudden position.

  Gus paid him no mind. He took Maddox's hand, kissing the knuckles.

  He looked up at the other man, and he couldn't help but laugh.

  “It's nice seeing you as the blushing one for once.”

  “What exactly is this supposed to be?”

  Gus smiled. “I'm trying to show you that I'm going to be there for you. I know you're the alpha, and I'm not exactly strong, so I can't really do much in a fight, but I won't let you bear the heavy burdens by yourself. You told me what happened to your pack, and I don't know all the details, but I don't think you do either.”

  “And if I wake up one day and realize that it was entirely my fault, that I did kill so many people in my own pack, would you still want to be with me then?”

  God, it hurt so much to hear Maddox talking like that. More than Gus thought it should.

  “Yes. I would. Because even if your wolf did go nuts and it did do those horrible things, that's not on you. That's still on the hunters.”

  Gus held Maddox's hands tighter. He never wanted to let him go. “I'm here with you.
No matter what, and if they vote you out tomorrow, we can go back to my place. We can go anywhere you want to go, and it won't matter because we’ll take care of each other. I promise.”

  Maddox's eyes shone. He took in a deep breath and held it.

  He seemed to think on that. It was definitely a heavy thing to be thinking of. Gus couldn't imagine this was something his mate would make a decision on lightly.

  “I don't want you in danger because of me. Those hunters know your apartment because of me. I went to your place because I followed my nose when I shouldn't have.”

  “You were injured. You can be forgiven for not thinking straight.”

  “But I still started this. This is my fault.”

  “Stop saying that.” Gus wanted to yell it at the man. But he didn't. He couldn't when Maddox was in such clear pain.

  “Stop saying you're responsible when you're not. It's not on you when shifters and humans decide to do fucked-up things. That's never on you, and I know you don't believe me, so that's fine for now, but one day I want you to look back on this moment and remember me saying it's not your fault and to really believe it. I'll be there for you when it happens. Just don't run away from me. You can't pop into my life and then take off before I've even gotten the chance to get to know you. It's not right.”

  Great, so now he was going to be the whiny nag in this relationship. Things couldn't get much worse than that.

  Maddox didn't look as though he was getting annoyed, however. His mouth slowly worked up in a smile.

  “That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever told me.”

  Gus blinked, and then he smiled back, shaking his head and laughing, even though he thought that was the saddest thing he'd ever heard.

  But then Maddox kissed him. Gus wasn't entirely sure if he'd made real progress today, but he'd come close to something that could bring Maddox onto the right path.

  Even the tiniest of baby steps was kind of like progress, right?

  So Gus kissed his mate back with everything he had inside him.

  Until the shouts and roars coming from outside suddenly took their attention away from each other.

  Maddox looked to the door as though he expected an enemy to appear right there and attack.

  “What is it? Are we safe?”

  It could be a spar. Shifters fought each other for fun all the time.


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