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Gus' Wild Wolf

Page 9

by Marcy Jacks

  “They are,” Maddox growled. “But Gus can handle himself well. That was smart and brave.”

  Gus swallowed, glancing back at Maddox, his face brightening with a blush.

  “I was just…everyone knows to go for the eyes.”

  Not everyone. Maddox was impressed and all the more in love with him.

  “So I can stay here?” Maddox asked.

  Maxwell nodded. “Just for a little while. A few days should be enough for you to recover, and we can have the vote. There are people with human mates here and small children. The omegas will be vulnerable, too. I will respect their wishes if they want you gone.”

  As any good leader would be expected to do.

  Gus looked miserable. Maddox felt hopeful. Even if he was kicked out of here, his mate would be safe. That was all that mattered.

  Of course, that meant leaving his mate alone around Flynn, but some sacrifices would need to be made.

  Maddox pushed himself to his feet, cringing at the sharp pain in his backside.

  “What happened to you?” Collin asked.

  “He had his tail bitten off,” Gus answered.

  Flynn, Collin, and Maxwell all cringed at the same time. Their legs seemed to tighten.

  Maddox could have done without having that revealed right out of the gate, but there was no point in crying over spilled hunter guts now was there?

  “Will someone help my mate walk back to where it’s safer? Maxwell, I appreciate the use of your cabin, but can he stay in your home tonight?”

  Maxwell nodded. “After that? Yeah, you both can. Collin, Flynn, they both look like they’re about to fall over, so will you?”

  Both men came over. Flynn seemed to think better of putting his hands on Gus, and so he helped Maddox.

  “Smart of you,” Maddox growled.

  Flynn said nothing.

  “Thanks for letting us stay with you,” Gus said, hobbling with Collin. “Your cabin might be trashed, though.”

  Maddox couldn’t believe he was worried about such a thing.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Maxwell waved off the concern. “Maybe I can buy you both some more time here if I pitch it that Maddox is going to help with the cleanup.”

  Gus smiled brightly at that. “I’ll help with it, too.” He looked at Maddox as they headed back. “I can’t let him do everything.”

  Flynn muttered under his breath, “You lucky prick.”

  Maddox couldn’t help but feel smug. “Yeah, you’d better believe it.”

  So long as Gus was with him, then he was the luckiest man on the face of the earth.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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