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Love Most Inconvenient 2

Page 13

by D. J. Manly

  “If I say yes, will they have to sweep my heart up in little pieces?”

  Jacob smiled and shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I means I love you back.”

  Alex lay stunned for a moment. “This isn’t supposed to happen.”

  “No? And why not?”

  “I don’t deserve this.”

  “Whether you deserve it or not, it’s the truth. I love you, Alex.”

  Alex drew him close, kissed him deeply. “I love you, Jacob. I really do. It’s freaking me out.”

  For some reason, that made Jacob laugh.

  Chapter Four

  With all the time he’d been spending with Jacob, Alex hadn’t had much time for Tony. He didn’t notice how cold Tony had been acting lately. One day as he was finishing up his work in one of the bathrooms, Tony walked in and just stood looking at him for a moment, not saying a word.

  “Hey, Tony. What’s up?”

  “If anyone knew, you’d be in deep shit.”

  “Knew?” Alex felt his stomach turn into a knot. “What are you … what do you mean?”

  “About you and Williams, fucking in the attic. You play some pretty kinky games in that room.”

  “You pervert!” Alex accused. “Have you been spying on us?” He threw down his mop.

  “I have to have some fun. It’s obvious that you don’t consider me to be good enough for you. I’m not like Williams, with his big cock and charming smile. He’s using you, Alex. He could never love someone like you, bring you home to his family.”

  “He loves me.”

  “You’re dreaming. He’s never given me the time of day, and I would have let him fuck me anyway and anyhow. I want in.”

  “You want in where?”

  “With the two of you. I want some fun.”

  “I’ll never let you touch him,” Alex said menacingly.

  “Wow, you got it bad. Possessive, aren’t you?” He pointed at him. “Tonight, I want to join you.”


  “Yes. Or I go to the director. You’ll be out of here, Alex, your community service out the window. They might even throw you in jail. You’ll never see Williams again.”

  “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Tony, I can’t let you … I mean, Jacob would never go for it, the three of us.”

  “You don’t know unless you ask him. Ask him.” He left the bathroom.

  Alex closed his eyes. This couldn’t be happening.

  * * * *

  Alex could tell the second Jacob clued in that something was wrong. “What?” Jacob asked, his smile fading.

  “We can’t do this anymore.”

  “Do what anymore?”

  “Meet here, like this.”

  “Why not?”

  “Tony knows. He wants to…”

  “He wants to what?”

  “He wants a ménage … the three of us, or he’s going to stool on us.”

  “That little fucker. I’ll kill him.”

  “No.” Alex took his arm. “Don’t. If this gets out, I could go to jail. I’m not like you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m not a good little rich boy. I’m here to pay a debt, a criminal from a…”

  “Oh stop it, Alex,” Jacob sneered. “Not once did you ask me about my family. You think you know so much about my background, that somehow it’s a given that I’m some rich kid.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that we’re alike?”

  “No, but maybe we have more in common than you think. Did you know that I was here on scholarship?”

  “Your family doesn’t pay?”

  “No. They have scholarships here if you’re lucky enough to win one. My parents are divorced. My biological father used to be a biker. He’s been in and out of jail. When he and my mother reunite it’s like the Fourth of July. First, they can’t keep their hands off each other then they try to murder each other. My high school drama teacher was responsible for making me try out for a scholarship here. Primarily I accepted it because I wouldn’t have to live at home anymore.”

  “Jacob,” Alex groaned, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  “Never mind that. What are we going to do about Tony?”

  Alex hung his head. “I don’t know. I think we may have to cool it for awhile, no more meetings. Even if Tony goes to the director, he’d have to prove it, right? It’s my word against his.”

  Jacob nodded. “Okay. I’ll do it for you.”

  “There’s only two more months left on my community service.”

  Jacob gave him a sad smile and opened his arms. “I miss you already.”

  * * * *

  Alex was so lonely without Jacob. He threw himself into his work, hoping to catch a glimpse of him during the day. Sometimes he would, but it was always from a distance. Tony had stopped speaking to him, so if he’d gone to the director to tell him about Jacob and him, Alex had no way of knowing. He stuck to his work, held his breath that he didn’t get called to the office, and counted the days until his sentence was over.

  One evening he went into the auditorium to clean up the stage. He often found it hard to sit still at the end of the day. Work was the only thing that made being away from Jacob bearable. As he swept the floor, he paused to look out into the audience. He could imagine the place being filled with people, with him and Manny performing, like they used to pretend to when they were boys. He closed his eyes and thought of Jacob, his smile, his body, his sex. He wondered if they’d pick up where they left off, or if Jacob would pretend like it never happened. He closed his eyes and imagined holding him as he began to sing a song about loss and sadness.

  When he heard the applause, his eyes snapped open. He froze when he saw Irene Benet walk down the aisle toward the stage. She was head of the music department. “That’s wonderful, Alex,” she announced, looking up at him. “I had no idea you could sing like that.”

  “You … you thought that was good?”

  “It was great. I could train a voice like that. Why don’t you consider applying here?”

  “Me?” He laughed.

  “Did I say something funny?” She perched on the edge of the stage.

  “I couldn’t afford to come here.”

  “We have scholarships.”

  “Yeah, but you have to be good.”

  “You are good.”

  He blinked.

  She jumped down to the floor. “Come by my office tomorrow. I’ll give you the form to fill out. Deadline is in three weeks.”

  Before he could say anything, she was gone.

  * * * *

  Alex spent a lot of time staring at that application form. He wanted to talk to Jacob, ask for his advice. He’d know what to write. Did he really want to come here to Jupiter? Did he want to sing? The answer was yes. Since he’d been here at the school, he’d fallen in love with it. He’d fallen in love with a lot of things.

  The minute he sneaked up to Jacob’s room, he knew it was a mistake. He had only three weeks left to go, and he was risking it all. He creaked the door open and softly called out Jacob’s name. The room was empty. He was disappointed as he made his way back to the staff building.

  The last thing he expected was running into Tony on the way. “He’s out with someone else,” Tony said as he came up to him. “Forget him, Alex. Spend the night with me.”

  Alex looked up at him. “You lie. I don’t believe it.”

  “Do you really think a guy who looks like that is going to wait around? He went into town to get laid.”

  “Fuck you,” Alex cried and ran past him up the road. He didn’t sleep all night thinking about what Tony had said. He was right. How could he expect Jacob to wait around? He was a criminal, a criminal who had gotten his own brother killed.

  * * * *

  When Mark saw Alex the next morning, he shook his head. “What in hell happened to you? You look terrible.

  “I didn’t sleep much.”

  “That’s obvious. You’re on the last stretch now, Alex; don’t mess it up.”

  Alex nodded. He went into his room to get his keys. He stared at the form for a minute then reached over and scrunched it up in his fist. On the way out the door, he threw it into the garbage.

  He wasn’t ever going to be a student at Jupiter, and he wasn’t ever going to be Jacob’s, either. That day he didn’t pause to see if Jacob was around; he kept his nose to the grindstone and finished all his chores. The following morning, however, he ran right into Jacob in the hallway. Jacob said something to him but he walked right past. They had no business in each other’s lives.

  “Alex,” Jacob said, following him around the corner to his closet, “what’s wrong with you?”

  Alex avoided looking at him. “Jacob, all that stuff before, forget about it, okay?”

  “What stuff?”

  “That stuff … us, you know.” Alex didn’t wait for a reaction. He walked into his closet and switched the light on.

  When the door closed, he stiffened.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?”

  Alex turned around. Jacob was so close to him, he could feel his breath. “Don’t do me any favors, okay? You don’t have to feel like you owe me anything just because we fucked.”

  Jacob’s mouth opened but he didn’t say anything for a minute.

  Alex turned his back, rearranged his cleaning supplies.

  “I love you, Alex.”

  “No.” He was trembling.

  “Yes,” Jacob said, placing a hand on his arm and propelling him around. “I miss you so much. I want you. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that eventually, I’ll get to touch you again.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do. Look at me. Look into my eyes, Alex. I love you.”

  Alex swallowed. He was about to say something when he heard Mark calling his name. “Oh shit,” he said, “get behind me.”

  Jacob moved into the corner.

  Alex opened the door. “I’m here,” he said.

  Mark narrowed his eyes. “What are you doing in the closet with the door closed?”

  “It just closed. Need something?”

  “I’m out of black garbage bags.”

  “Here,” he said, shoving a package at him.

  “Okay, thanks,” he muttered and walked off down the hallway.

  Alex heaved a sigh of relief. “Now,” he said as he turned to Jacob, “get out of here. You’re going to get me into trouble.”

  “Only if you tell me you love me.”

  “Oh, for…” But he was smiling. “Okay, I love you. Now go.”

  Jacob grinned and ducked out of the closet.

  Alex watched him go, then on impulse, he jogged around the corner and caught up to him. “Jacob?” He was breathless.

  “Yeah?” Jacob looked at him.

  Alex lowered his voice. “Have you been with … anyone else?”

  Jacob smiled tenderly at him then shook his head.

  Alex beamed, standing there for a little while, letting the pleasure of Jacob’s answer wash over him.

  He no longer cared what Tony said. He believed Jacob. He believed that Jacob was waiting for him. He had to.

  One night as he was lying in bed thinking about what Jacob’s skin felt like, he realized that he had made a serious error ripping up that application. He jumped out of bed and checked the calendar. The deadline was yesterday.

  On the final day of his sentence, his parole officer showed up at Jupiter. He told Alex all the things he had to do in order to ensure his release. At the end of the meeting, he came out into the main room of the staff quarters and found Mark with some of the others standing around. “What’s all this?” Alex asked.

  Mark stood aside to reveal a huge chocolate cake. Written on it was “Happy Freedom, Alex.”

  He laughed, hugging Mark, and some of the others. As he went to cut the cake, the door opened. He looked up with surprise to see Jacob standing there. Alex looked at Mark, then back at Jacob. Mark came over and bent his head next to Alex’s. “It was bloody obvious. Go get him.”

  Alex laughed, walking over to hug Jacob.

  “Congratulations,” Jacob said, “or whatever it is you say on these occasions. I have a gift for you.”

  “What’s that?” The only gift he wanted was Jacob.

  Jacob opened his backpack and handed him an envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it.”

  Alex looked around. “How come everyone seemed to know what’s going on here except me?”

  “You’re not always that bright, Alex,” Jacob teased.

  Alex punched him playfully then opened the envelope. He read the words once, then twice. “What does this mean?”

  “It means you have an audition to prepare. And if you pass it, you got your scholarship,” Jacob told him.

  The others had evacuated the room suddenly. “But I threw the form away. How did you know about it?”

  “Irene told me. When I found out you didn’t hand in your form on the morning of the last day, I filled it out for you, so to speak.” He laughed. “There are still some things you need to fill in. I didn’t have all the information I needed.”

  “I can’t believe it.”

  Jacob smiled. “I was hoping you’d be, ah … very grateful.” He winked.

  Alex grinned. “Oh, I will be. Name the time and place, baby.”

  “Tonight. I took the privilege of renting us a room at the Town Inn. Meet me there at eight o’clock, room six, and don’t be late.”

  All the other staff came back in and Alex began serving cake. Finally, after filling up on cake, Alex asked Mark where Tony was.

  “He quit this morning.”

  “Oh. I hope it wasn’t because of me,” he said before he could stop himself.

  “Why would it be?” Mark asked.

  “No reason.” Alex shook his head.

  Later that evening around six, Mark was nice enough to give him a lift into town. “I guess you’ll be leaving us soon.”

  “Right after the audition next week.”

  “So I may see you around next year.”

  “I hope so.”

  Mark stopped the vehicle in front of the hotel. “I’ll miss you, Alex.”

  “I’ll miss you, Mark. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  Mark slapped him on the back. He smiled. “Have fun.”

  Alex nodded and got out of the truck.

  Jacob looked surprised to see Alex standing outside the hotel when he arrived. He got out of the car, waved off the young woman driver, and strode up to him.

  “The redhead?” Alex raised an eyebrow.


  “She wants into your pants.”

  “I know.” He nodded. “But you’re the only one I want in my pants.”

  Alex reached out and squeezed his hand. “Can we go up?”

  “Oh yeah,” he replied, grinning. “We’ll both be going up.”

  Alex shook his head, calling him a dirty boy.

  When Jacob took Alex into his arms and kissed him, it felt like the first time. Except this time, he knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. He undressed Jacob and pressed him back to the mattress, kissing his mouth hotly and exploring his flesh with his lips and his fingertips. Jacob played the passive lover for some time before he rolled Alex over onto his stomach and started to rim him like crazy.

  Alex placed his forehead against the pillow and let the pleasure take hold until he could stand it no more and Jacob mercifully began to lube him. He was halfway up the wall before Jacob rolled on a condom and took him, none too gently.

  They fell together, Alex playfully complaining that he wouldn’t be able to sit down the next day. Jacob took his hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I got a little carried away. I forget that it’s been a while.”

  “I love your getting ca
rrying away, Jacob.” Alex looked into his eyes and kissed his mouth gently. “I can’t believe we’re finally together.”

  “It’s been awhile. It was worth the wait.”

  “Thank you, baby.”

  “For what?”

  “For loving me, waiting for me, filling out that stupid form when I was too stupid not to.”

  “Not stupid, scared.”

  “I may not get it.”

  “You won’t know if you don’t try.”

  “And what if I do? You’ll be gone, graduated.”

  He nodded. “I have a part in a Broadway play. It starts in two months. You’ll have time off from school; me too. We’ll see each other.”

  Alex nodded sadly. “I don’t want to be away from you.”

  Jacob pulled him close. “We’ll always find out way back together. I promise.”

  Alex laid his head on his shoulder and sighed. Somehow he believed that to be true. Jacob had given him the courage to change his life, to see beyond his past mistakes, to start over. After the audition, he’d go home, see his mother and his sister. Maybe if he could forgive himself, his mother would forgive him too. If he got into Jupiter, so be it; but if not, well, he’d find something else to do with his life. Somehow he had the feeling that Jacob would be there for him always, and that was all that really mattered in the end.

  The End

  About the Author:

  D.J. Manly is first and foremost a writer, but is also a college professor, a small business operator, and a sociologist who works as a consultant on research projects. D.J. is a proud Canadian who lives in French Canada, and is fluent in both English and French. Human rights are a great concern, and D.J. longs for a peaceful world free of sexism, racism, and homophobia.

  D.J. writes for the pure love of writing, and always with the reader in mind. If D.J. doesn't enjoy reading it, it won't be written. Great characters, great sex, and a great love are the elements you'll find in D.J's work.

  There is nothing quite as exciting as beautiful men falling in love. Come taste D.J's work, but be careful—you may become as addicted to reading it as D.J. is to writing it. One reviewer wrote that reading D.J. can give you "third degree burns in an air conditioned room." That says it all.

  E-mail D.J. any time with questions or comments. Visit D.J. online at


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