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On the Wings of Love

Page 4

by Alanna Lucas

  Rex finished his coffee before getting a refill to go. He was going to get answers once and for all.

  “See you later, Phoebe.” He waived as he pushed the door open. A gust of wind whipped through the parking lot as fast-approaching clouds darkened the sky.

  He got in his truck and within minutes was back at Grams’ house and pulling into the small lot behind the carriage house. Loud shouts were spilling out the back door of the bookshop.

  Rex rushed up the steps expecting to find at least two people engaged in some sort of argument, but instead found Tessa on her back, sticking out from under the sink, water everywhere.

  “Damn you, stupid pipe,” Tessa yelled and grunted.

  “I know I’m probably the last person you want to accept help from...” Rex’s words died off as Tessa edged out from under the sink. Her eyes were puffy and filled with tears.

  “Why does this have to be so hard?” She sniffled back the tears as she sat up. “The grand opening is tomorrow night and just look at the place.” Tessa buried her face in her hands. “I just want to open my bookstore.”

  It sounded like the simplest sentence but loaded with so much more meaning. Rex suspected the cause of her tears was more than just the broken pipe and water mess that was probably far worse in Tessa’s mind than it actually was.

  Rex stepped forward and offered his hand. “Let me help.”

  He knew she must be desperate when she reached out and took it. It might sound corny, like something out of a chick-flick, but the moment their hands touched it was like… magic.

  Rex pulled Tessa to her feet, her green eyes bordered with tears. Their eyes locked, lost in some kind of dance that only their hearts understood. Time seemed to stand still.

  “Thank you.” As if remembering where she was and whose hand she was holding, Tessa pulled away. After clearing her throat, she began to ramble. “Bernie texted while I was getting coffee to say that she went to pick up Nina. The kitchen was like this when I arrived, and the pipe under the sink was spewing water everywhere. I turned off the water, and I thought I could fix it—”

  “Tessa,” he said in a firm tone meant to stop her ramblings. “It will be okay. Just relax. Okay?”

  He watched as she inhaled deeply through her nose and released a long shaky breath. “Okay.”

  Rex’s mind was racing. Phoebe said Tessa had had a rough time. What could she have meant? One moment Tessa appeared confident, replacing electrical outlets and tackling broken pipes, and the next, melancholy and overwhelmed. Her moods were confusing. He was beginning to doubt his initial suspicions, but after everything that had happened in his life, he just couldn’t let it go that easily.

  “What happened here?” Grams’ exasperation filled the space.

  Two seconds later, Nina—Grams’ oldest friend—chimed in. “What a mess. What happened?”

  “A pipe under the kitchen sink broke.” Tessa was back to formalities.

  “I’ll call the plumber. Hopefully, he can make it out today.”

  “No need, Grams, I’ll fix it. You, Nina, and Tessa can start mopping up the mess.” Rex offered a smile as a peace offering to Tessa. He wanted to know what she was hiding, not destroy her dream. Appeasing his curiosity would have to wait till later.

  Grams took charge, reiterating everyone’s task with a firm yet gentle hand. “You heard Rex, ladies, let’s start cleaning up this mess. And be careful, the floor might be slippery.”

  No sooner had the words left Grams’ mouth than Tessa tested the theory, her foot slipping on the slick black and white tiled floor. Rex quickly extended his arm, catching Tessa and bringing her in close.

  For the second time in less than a few minutes, their eyes locked. The rapid tattooing of Tessa’s heart jolted him to life faster than an AED.

  “Are you okay?” Rex forced the whispered words from his mouth when all he wanted to do was kiss her, taste her sweetness, learn her secrets.

  Tessa stared and then nodded. Desire and confusion tangled in her eyes.

  “Tessa dear, you really need to be more cautious. It would not be good if you hurt yourself right before the grand opening.”

  “Yes, Bernie,” her words came out a breathy whisper that sent a wave of desire through Rex’s blood. For the first time in several years, he wondered what it would be like to throw caution to the wind and trust another woman.

  The image of his ex-wife’s coolly worded note and an empty house flashed before his eyes. The desire he’d felt only a moment ago gave way to pure anger. Heat flashed through his body as his muscles tightened. Rex quickly released Tessa and dove under the sink to check out the broken pipe, not caring how wet he got. Within minutes he assessed the problem. It was an easy fix. He should be done and out of here within the hour.

  But things rarely go as planned.

  What started as a simple fix turned into a couple of trips to the hardware store and an all-day project replacing pipes under the sink, the garbage disposal, and—courtesy of his grandmother’s suggestion—a new faucet. Thankfully, he didn’t have to work that night.

  As he worked through the variety of issues, the three women went about mopping up the water and cleaning the kitchen. Although Rex was trapped under the sink and couldn’t see Tessa, every time he heard her voice he got distracted.

  “I think the kitchen is now spotless.” Tessa let out a long, exhausted sigh.

  “A minor setback, Tessa dear, but we are back on track.”

  “I don’t know about that, Bernie, but at least our feet are dry again.” Tessa’s sweet giggle drifted down to Rex. Damn, he needed to get out of there.

  “How much longer Rex?” Grams asked as she leaned down, glancing under the sink.

  “Installing the new soap dispenser and then that should be it.”

  Ring, ring, ring.

  “I’ll get it,” Nina shouted from the front of the store. A moment later, she came scurrying into the room. “Tessa, it’s your lawyer.”

  The mention of a lawyer caught Rex’s attention. He quickly tightened the soap dispenser bottle and edged out from under the sink. He grabbed the nearest dry towel and began to slowly wipe his hands while eavesdropping on the conversation.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hewitt, that is good news… And the money… Perfect. Yes, I promise. Goodbye.”

  “Well?” Grams leaned on the top of the mop handle in eager anticipation.

  “The estate is settled.” Tessa let out a long shaky sigh, her body visibly relaxed. “The money will be transferred today.”

  Had Tessa borrowed money from Grams and was now paying it back? If that was the case, why hadn’t Grams said so?

  “Oh, how wonderful.” Grams propped the mop against the counter and went straight for Tessa, embracing her. “Good news, indeed.”

  Rex was about to say something, when Grams shot him her infamous don’t you dare looks over Tessa’s shoulder. It seemed his list of unanswered questions had just gotten longer.

  Chapter 4

  For the first time in almost three years, Tessa had a peaceful night’s sleep. Her mother’s estate was finally settled. Although Mother had no close relatives, some distant cousin Tessa had never even heard of tried to make claims to the estate. She couldn’t understand why. It wasn’t as if her mother had much, just a few pieces of jewelry belonging to her great-grandmother, the house that had been in both their names, and a life insurance policy. She supposed desperate people would try anything. Perhaps now that the last of that unfortunate time in her life was settled, she could finally put the past to rest.

  She showered, dressed, and ate breakfast in record time. The grand opening was today and there was no time to dillydally. Tessa slipped on her sneakers and headed down to the shop. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and everything seemed brighter today.

  “Your timing is perfect,” Bernie said as she opened her car door. Despite Tessa’s protests, Bernie insisted on planning the menu and doing all the grocery shopping for the grand opening party
that evening. “If you bring in the groceries, I can start on the cake. It will need to cool before we decorate it.” Tessa didn’t even want to know what time Bernie got started this morning. The woman seemed to have an abundance of energy that defied age.

  “Sounds good.” Tessa would do anything to keep from having to prepare food. Cooking had never been one of her strong points, and it would be in everyone’s best interest if she stayed away from the kitchen.

  Bernie released the trunk latch and then headed into the bookstore. Tessa watched with amusement. She hoped when she was eighty, she had Bernie’s stamina. She lifted the trunk lid and stared at all the bags of groceries. Well, at least she would get her exercise this morning. Picking up two bags, she followed Bernie into the bookstore kitchen.

  “How many people are you planning on feeding this evening?”

  Bernie stopped taking inventory of her baking supplies and glanced up at Tessa. “I’d rather have too much food than not enough.”

  Tessa let out a giggle but held her tongue. Once Bernie got something in her head, it was best to stand back and not get in the way.

  Tessa dashed back to the car and reached for two more bags.

  “Any more bags?” Rex’s deep voice resonated from behind her, sending a pleasant flutter down Tessa’s spine.

  Stop that, she ordered her body.

  Ignoring the attraction she felt when he was near, Tessa stood, bringing two bags with her. She attempted to keep her tone light. “Have you only just met your grandmother? She is preparing to feed the entire town this evening.”

  Rex let out a deep, warm laugh. “For as long as I can remember, Grams made sure there was food to spare. She’d rather have leftovers for days than have someone walk away from her house still hungry.”

  A fluttery feeling tickled Tessa’s stomach, reaching up to her heart. “I need to put these things away. You don’t have to stick around.” She did not give Rex the opportunity to respond but hurried past him straight up the steps and into the kitchen.

  Tessa had barely placed the bags on the table when Bernie asked, “Are you all right, dear? You look rather flushed?”

  “Oh, I’m just thinking of everything that still needs to be done,” she murmured uneasily. She didn’t like fibbing to Bernie, but she would not hurt her feelings and tell her she didn’t want Rex around.

  As if on cue, in walked the current source of her problems.

  “Hey Grams, what else needs to be done around here?” he said as he put several bags on the table. His words were sweet as pie, with a hint of sarcasm on the side.

  Grrr, of all the stupid games to play! Why did he have to ask Bernie what needed to be done? She would probably hand him a laundry list of things and then Tessa would never be rid of him. The all-romance bookstore was not meant as a place for men to hang out, but as a sanctuary for women.

  “Oh, there is still so much.” Bernie glanced over at Tessa. “We would definitely appreciate the help, wouldn’t we, Tessa dear?”

  Even as Tessa forced a smile, she could feel the stiffness in her neck and back twist and tighten. Breathe, just breathe.

  And just like that, Rex had stayed to help. All day she had done her best to avoid him, but everywhere she turned, there he was, right beside her, stirring unwanted desires. At least he stopped asking questions.

  Tessa tried to force those desires down, reminding herself what could happen. You could lose everything again. After nearly three years of grieving, she had just started to live again, be happy again, find joy again. She was not going to let some handsome man who smelled like adventure, and was probably a good kisser, destroy what she had worked so hard to overcome.

  But the harder she tried, the more she failed. It seemed as if every time Rex was near, electricity shot through her veins, bringing her to life. Why did this man have such an effect on her? She’d been around handsome men before, but why did this man have to make her want things, some of which she’d only dreamt or read about. Her cheeks warmed with just the thought of what those hands, that mouth—

  Stop it, Tessa! Book boyfriends were all the men she needed in her life. To open up to another man was to dishonor what she’d had with Jim. No, it was better to focus on other things. She could have a complete and full life without risking her heart again.

  She pulled a silver-serving tray from the cabinet, wiped it down, and placed it on the table. Focus on making things perfect for this evening. Sweet and savory aromas from various dishes Bernie had created filled the air. She couldn’t wait to lay everything out on the elegant silver trays.

  Tessa had just reached for another tray when Bernie asked over her shoulder, “Would you mind mixing the ingredients for the stuffed mushrooms? The mini-quiche are taking longer to prepare than I expected.”

  “Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea, Bernie. I’m not allowed to cook.”

  “No, you’re not,” a familiar voiced teased from the back door.

  Tessa whipped around. “Jillian!” She ran straight into her friend’s open arms. “You said you had to work.” She looked up into Jillian’s green eyes.

  “I managed to switch days, but I have to drive back to Portland this evening. You know I wouldn’t miss your grand opening.” Jillian squeezed Tessa and kissed the top of her head. “And besides, no one says ‘no’ to Bernie.”

  Tessa turned in Jillian’s arms and looked over to where Bernie was preparing the quiche. “You did this?”

  “Of course, dearest. This is a special day and you should have all your loved ones here.”

  Hot tears stung Tessa’s eyes. All her loved ones couldn’t be here. They never would be again. She swallowed the hard lump that was forcing its way up her throat, threatening to ruin the day with painful memories. The one person in the world she shared this dream with wouldn’t be here, couldn’t be here. Tessa blinked away tears. Oh dear, how she missed her mother.

  As if realizing what she’d said, Bernie wiped her hands and hurried over to Tessa. Her eyes brimmed with tenderness. “Oh, I’m sorry dearest. I only meant…”

  “It’s okay, I know. It’s just…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, otherwise she would end up crying all night.

  Bernie wrapped her arms about Tessa, bringing Jillian into the hug. They stood there huddled together, comforting their friend. Hugs were the best therapy.

  What’s wrong with me? Tessa wondered. One minute she was ogling Rex and the next crying over her family. She was a mess. This was exactly why she needed to get Rex out of her mind and focus on the bookstore.

  “Do I dare ask what’s going on?” Oh damn, why did he have to enter the kitchen right at that moment.

  “Rex, your timing is awful,” Bernie scolded with a tease.

  “So I’ve been told on numerous occasions.” There was a hint of sadness in his response that startled Tessa.

  But before she could wrap her thoughts around what it meant, Jillian held out her hand to him. “Hi, I’m Jillian. I grew up with Tessa.”

  “Rex. Nice to meet you.” Rex shook Jillian’s hand, but kept a focused gaze on Tessa.

  Tessa knew what he was up to and she would not let him succeed. He was not going to use her friend to get answers. Keep your distance, she demanded with her eyes. She lifted her chin and swallowed hard. “Let me show you around the bookstore, Jillian.”

  “Rex, you can help me finish the quiche and then start on the stuffed mushrooms while Tessa and her friend have a moment. Now, get to work before I crack the whip again.”

  “Yes, boss.” He saluted his grandmother in a playful gesture.

  Tessa held her breath as she brushed past Rex. She really didn’t need his warm, masculine scent invading her senses any more than it already had. But his heated gaze followed her, warming her backside.

  Jillian came up beside her. “Who is that?” she whispered under her breath.

  “Bernie’s grandson.”

  “Why haven’t you mentioned him before?”

  “Because he’s n
ot worth mentioning.” Ignoring Jillian’s raised brow, Tessa strolled over to the tête-à-tête and sat down, silently waiting for her friend’s inevitable observations.

  Jillian joined her on the S-curved sofa and glanced about the space. Her eyes brightened as she took in all the details. “It turned out beautifully. I love the tray ceilings, and the light fixtures are so elegantly romantic. The pictures you texted don’t do them justice. You were right about the white bookshelves and marble fireplace. They really brighten the room. Rex is very handsome.”

  “Nice way to change the subject.”

  “Is he single? Any children?”

  Tessa would never even consider dating a guy with children, not after— Dating? How did that thought creep into her mind? She looked Jillian in the eye. “Divorced, no, and you may ask him out.”

  “He’s not my type.”

  “The handsome, rugged, outdoorsy, smells like—” Tessa clamped her mouth shut. Damn, how does Jillian do that every single time?

  “And besides, he is clearly interested in you,” Jillian said with a half-smile.

  Tessa’s heart leapt for one glorious moment before a reality arrow shot through her heart, sending it crashing to the floor.

  “No, you’re wrong. He thinks I’m trying to swindle Bernie or something.” Tessa stood. The conversation was over. “Let me quickly show you around and then we have to finish setting up for tonight.”

  It seemed as if every woman in town, plus a handful of curious men, showed up for the grand opening. Even Stephaney, the workout queen, as Phoebe nicknamed her, showed up wearing the skimpiest dress that left very little to the imagination. Worse still, she was always within inches of Rex.

  Well, that settled that.

  Tessa had worked too hard and too long to let Rex and the workout queen ruin her evening. She would simply ignore Stephaney’s display of seduction, and make the rounds greeting her guests.


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