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On the Wings of Love

Page 20

by Alanna Lucas

  Tessa started crying, which caused Grams to cry, which set Mary into another round of tears. The children stared, and Rex was speechless. Only Ethan was brave enough to interrupt the emotional display.

  “I thought this was supposed to be a happy occasion?” Ethan shook his head and looked over at Rex for support.

  “I’m staying out of this.”

  Grams took the hint, wiped her tears, and announced, “Let’s eat.”

  An hour later, fully stuffed and barely able to move, the ladies went into the living room with the children. Cleaning up was left to the men, since the women had prepared the meal. Once every pan, dish, and bowl were clean and everything put away, Rex and Ethan went to rejoin the family.

  A soft squeak chimed from the backyard. He glanced out the window and saw Tessa on the swing that hung from the old oak tree.

  “You go on in, I’ll be there in a moment.”

  When Ethan glanced outside, a wide smile crossed his face. “Don’t worry about us.”

  Rex wasted no time. The cool evening air felt great after such a large meal. The dark blue sky was filled with thousands of twinkling stars.

  Tessa glanced over her shoulder as he approached. “Mary said you used to climb this tree all the time.”

  Rex laughed. “And fall out of it too. I went through a brief Tarzan phase when I was six and was convinced I could swing from branch to branch.”

  “What changed your mind about being Tarzan?”

  “A broken arm,” he said with a smile.

  “I heard you were a little mischievous.” Tessa winked.

  Rex pulled her off the swing and into his embrace. “I’ve missed you.” He moved his mouth over hers. She tasted like pumpkin pie and whipped cream. He devoured her mouth, wanting more.

  Tessa pulled back from the kiss, her breathing labored, her eyes filled with desire. “We better stop before we get caught,” she teased.

  Rex ran his hand down the length of her arm, then took her hand in his. “Come on, I want to show you something.”

  Tessa raised a skeptical brow, but didn’t protest, following him farther into the backyard and out of sight of the house.

  At the back of the property a narrow trail climbed up the slight hill. Rex guided Tessa through the overgrown brush until they reached the top. A small grassy terrace encircled with rose bushes welcomed them. The full moon was ascending, illuminating the cove in the distance below.

  Tessa leaned her back against Rex’s chest as he wrapped his arms about her. “It’s amazing up here,” she whispered. “The views during the day must be spectacular, especially on a clear day.”

  “It was always a favorite spot of mine.”

  She rested her head against him. He wondered if she could hear the rapid beat of his heart pounding against his chest. He bent down, nuzzling her neck, kissing her earlobe. She turned her head, giving him more access to her neck.

  “I’ve waited all day to have a moment alone with you.”

  “Really? I had no idea.” Her sarcastic tease sent a jolt of desire straight down to his toes.

  Rex turned her around, keeping her well within his embrace. He teased her mouth with gentle sweeping caresses of his tongue. Her moan of pleasure was music to his ears. He slowly released her mouth, gliding kisses along her jaw.

  “I know what’s on your mind.”

  “I don’t think so.” Rex kissed her again, hoping the diversion would work. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, while continuing with the distraction.

  He softened the kiss, then kissed her chin. He trailed kisses down her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent. He continued to brush kisses along her chest, in the valley between her breasts, and down her stomach until he was down on one knee.

  Tessa looked down at him, passion filling her eyes. She seemed disoriented for a moment before she realized what Rex was about to do. He lifted his hand, opening the box in the process. Her eyes widened with surprise as tears streamed down her face, framing her wide smile.

  “I promise to love you, take care of you, fill your days with adventure, and nights with passion if you will honor me and be my wife.”

  Rex was asking her to marry him. She was almost too stunned to answer. Tessa knew some day they probably would marry, but they hadn’t really discussed it. She knew she loved him and wanted to spend her life with him.

  Tessa bit her bottom lip, nodding her head with excitement, too emotion-filled to speak. She bent down and flung her arms around his neck, answering his proposal with her lips. Rex wrapped his arms around her as they rolled to the ground, lost in mutual desire. Within moments the kiss turned from slow and caressing to urgent and exploratory.

  He cradled her head while he deepened the kiss, fueling the desire that had been bubbling inside her all day. His other hand weaved a pattern down her neck to one of her breasts. Even through her sweater and bra her nipple hardened, tingling from the contact.

  He gently eased her head to the ground as he broke the kiss. Finding the edge of her sweater, in one swift movement he brought it up over her head and created a warm pillow. With the same quick efficiency, he undid her bra and cast it aside.

  Rex glanced down at her naked torso like a man who had been too long deprived. He lowered his head, flicking his tongue across one swollen nipple before taking it in his mouth. She arched her back, inviting him to take more.

  Slowly his hand moved downward, skimming her stomach. Realization of where they were slapped her in the face like an ocean wave.

  “Rex, someone might…” Her words died off as he switched his sensuous torture to the other nipple.

  “You were saying?” He asked between licks and gentle bites.

  Tessa lost all sense of time and place. She only knew one thing; she had to have him right then. Rex brought out another side of her, a side that didn’t entirely mind throwing caution to the wind. She tugged on his shirt, wanting to reciprocate the torture.

  Within seconds they were both undressed, the heat from their inflamed bodies driving the evening cold away. Tessa pushed Rex onto his back and climbed on top of him.

  “I see you enjoy this position.” His seductive smile teased her as she lowered herself on to him.

  A slight gasp left his mouth. He gripped her waist, encouraging Tessa to ride him harder. Pleasure radiated outward, drifting up to the stars. As she roused his passion, her own grew stronger.

  He reached up, capturing her lips with his, plunging his tongue into her mouth, claiming what was his. Heat rippled under her skin as she climbed closer to ecstasy. “Oh, yes…” she moaned before shattering into a million glowing stars.

  Tessa felt him shudder beneath her as a moan slipped through his lips. His body was hot and damp with sweat. It was the most glorious feeling in the world. She slumped against his chest, his heartbeat thrumming against her ear.

  They lay in each other’s arms, quiet, content, and basking in the warmth of their lovemaking. The moon washed over them, creating a silvery blanket.

  Rex kissed the top of her head. “Was that a yes?”

  Tessa raised her head and giggled. “Yes.” She kissed him with all the love she felt in her heart.

  It was the perfect beginning to her Happily Ever After.


  Six months later

  After a busy morning, the bookstore had finally quieted down. Alec was up at the house with Bernie, hopefully taking his nap, so Tessa could focus on the next task. She glanced over at the clock. “Two hours to get everything ready for the book club. Gotta get to work.”

  “Is my darling wife talking to herself again?” Rex said as he strolled in from the kitchen, looking very handsome in jeans and a black button-up shirt. His blue eyes sparkled with seductive mischief.

  “Just a little.” She moved into his embrace, reached up, and kissed him.

  “How’s Natalia?”

  “Chemo went well. She’s at her parents resting.”

  Ever since Tessa had v
isited Natalia in the hospital, they had slowly begun to build a friendship. There was no awkwardness between them, which in all honesty, rather surprised her. Natalia had a long road ahead of her, and Tessa had promised to make that journey as easy as she could. There was no animosity, only a mutual respect for each other’s journey.

  Tessa began to turn away when Rex tightened his embrace, his hands doing wonderful things as he caressed her body. He showered open-mouth kisses on her neck. “Perhaps you could close the store for thirty minutes?”

  “I can’t do that.” She playfully slapped his chest as she wiggled out of his embrace. “And besides, Dorothy should be back from lunch soon, and the book club is meeting this afternoon. There’s still—”

  Ring, ring, the classic tone rang from Rex’s phone.

  “Hello, Mary.”

  Rex pulled the phone away from his ear as loud screams ricocheted from the device, followed by Phoebe’s panicked voice. “Mary’s water broke… will you kids be quiet... Sorry, I’m using the speakerphone… Shush! ... I’m driving her to the hospital.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” Rex yelled.

  Mary’s loud shriek bellowed from the phone.

  “I can’t get a hold of Ethan.” Tessa could hear the panic rising in Phoebe’s voice.

  “He’s with his class on a field trip and probably doesn’t have cell reception,” Tessa said into the phone. “Just get Mary to the hospital and we’ll handle the rest.”

  “Hurry,” Mary cried before the line went silent.

  Rex started for the back door. “I’ll meet them—”

  “I should go.”

  Rex whipped around, eyes wide, clearly shocked by Tessa’s suggestion.

  “Your sister is not going to want you in the delivery room. Phoebe can take the children back to the house. I’ll text Jillian and see if she is available to help. You can manage the store until Dorothy returns. Let Bernie know Mary has gone into labor. Call the school, they might be able to get ahold of the field trip bus driver. If not, keep trying Ethan’s cell.”

  Rex strolled up and cupped her cheek. “You are amazing.” His compliment sent a warm blush straight to her cheeks. “Thank you.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Tessa grabbed her things and headed to her car. It had taken a long time, but with Rex’s help, she no longer feared the hospital. It wasn’t just a place of sadness, it was a place where people could be healed, and little bundles of joy came into the world.

  Fifteen minutes later, Tessa was running to the labor and delivery area. Several excited voices echoed down the hall. When she entered the waiting area, the twins and Colin rushed to her side.

  “Mamma’s going to have a baby!” Colin shouted with excitement.

  “Shh,” Tessa pressed a finger to her lips. “We’re in a hospital. Use your inside voice.”

  “They don’t have inside voices,” Phoebe said with heavy sarcasm as she approached Tessa.

  “You okay?” Tessa hugged her friend. Phoebe nodded. “Rex is trying to get ahold of Ethan. Why don’t you take the kids back to the house?”

  “Sounds good. They can be as loud as they want there.” She turned to the kids. “Let’s see who can be quiet until we get home. The winners get a prize!” Phoebe leaned into Tessa and lowered her voice, “I’m not above bribery.”

  “Have fun.” Tessa waved goodbye before inquiring after Mary. Five minutes later, she was ushered into one of the delivery rooms.

  “Tess…ssa,” Mary ground out, her face contorted in pain. She let out a huge puff of air. “Thank you for coming,” she managed to say between labored breaths.

  Tessa went to her bedside. “I can stay until Ethan arrives.”

  Mary nodded her head as the nurse said, “It won’t be long now. She’s just about ready to push.”

  No sooner had the words left the nurse’s mouth, than chaos broke out. Mary went from just about ready to push, to screaming, “The baby’s coming now!”

  The nurse called for the doctor and then got into position. Another nurse rushed into the room to assist. It seemed as if only a couple of minutes had passed when the nurse said, “I can see a head.”

  Tessa held Mary’s hand and murmured words of encouragement. “You’re doing great. Almost there. One more push.”

  Mary let out another painful squall as she pushed. A healthy cry filled the room a moment later.

  “It’s a boy,” the nurse announced, the doctor never having made it into the room.

  Tessa looked over at the nurse, who was holding the little naked baby as she cleaned him. “Oh Mary, he’s beautiful.” Emotion took control and tears streamed down Tessa’s face.

  Mary squeezed her hand and offered a tired smile. “Thank you for being here.”

  After the nurse cleaned and swaddled the baby, she handed the tiny bundle to Mary, whose eyes filled instantly with love. “Colin will be so happy to meet you.” She kissed the top of his little bald head. “Do you want to hold him, Tessa?”


  Mary nodded with a bright smile.

  Tessa took the small bundle, cradling him close to her heart. “He’s so small,” she choked on the words. “You forget how small—”

  “My wife… am I too late?” Ethan’s voice emanated from outside the door before he burst into the room and went straight to Mary. A calmer Rex entered just behind.

  Rex stopped and stared at Tessa, his eyes soft and full of love. She would never tire of that look.

  She smiled at him before turning to Ethan. “Would you like to hold your son?”

  He looked down at Mary and then back at Tessa. “We have another son?” Tessa gently passed the newborn to his father. “We have another son,” his voice was filled with joy.

  Rex came up behind her, encircling her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for helping.”

  “Let’s give them some time alone,” she whispered.

  Rex took her hand, ushered her out of the room and down the hall to the elevator, and pushed the up button.

  Tessa assumed they would have gone down to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  They got into the elevator and went to the top floor. “This way,” Rex said as he guided her down the bright hall. Floor to ceiling windows overlooking a garden between two of the medical buildings were on one side of them, and a bank of offices were on the other side.

  “Is your new office up here?”

  “No,” Rex replied with a smirk.

  At the end of the hall was a large empty room. She was just about to ask why he’d brought her here, when he tugged her hand, prompting her to follow him to a door on the far end.

  Rex pushed the door wide open. Warm sunlight and a gentle breeze brushed across her face. They ascended several steps.

  “Oh, my.” Tessa didn’t know what to expect, but a rooftop garden overlooking Devlin was not even on the list. “I didn’t know this was here.”

  “It was finished last week. The empty room will be a break room.” Rex walked up behind her. “I thought you might enjoy the view.”

  Tessa turned to face him. “It’s lovely up here.” She’d been waiting for the perfect time to tell him something, but they hadn’t had two minutes alone, what with his hectic work schedule the last several days, and Alec cutting a tooth. And now that they were alone, the butterflies in her stomach would not settle down. Plus, all the emotion of the last hour had finally caught up to her.

  Tears she could no longer contain drizzled down her cheeks. Rex gently cupped her cheek, wiping them away. “Are you all right?” Every word was laced with love and concern.

  “I have to tell you something.”

  Concern turned to worry.

  Oh dear, she was botching this. “No, it’s nothing bad.” His features eased. “It’s just…” she sucked in her breath and then blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”

  Rex’s wide smile
softened his features. He hesitantly reached for her stomach. “You’re… are you sure?”

  Tessa nodded. “I took three home pregnancy tests,” she confessed with laughter. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Rex bent his head and kissed her gently. “That’s wonderful news.”

  “I think so, too.”

  Tessa would never forget her precious Ryan, but over the past year she’d healed and found new purpose. She was thankful for the second chance to love again and excited to share the next chapter in her life with Rex and Alec. Her happily ever after had come true.

  About the Author

  Bestselling, award-winning author, Alanna Lucas pens Contemporary novels and Regency-set historicals filled with romance, adventure, and of course, happily ever afters. When she is not daydreaming of her next travel destination Alanna can be found researching, spending time with family, volunteering, or going for long walks. She makes her home in California with her husband, children, one sweet dog, and hundreds of books.

  Just for the record, you can never have too many handbags or books. And travel is a must.

  Also by Alanna Lucas

  When the Marquess Returns

  A Marquess in Waiting and the Cursed Heiress…

  The ton is abuzz and mamas are lining up their daughters; identical twins Maximus and Lucius St. Albans are making their entry into society. But they’re not just eligible―they’re the missing grandsons of the Duke of Warrington, stolen as infants.

  However, Maximus doesn’t relish the battle with his cocky, reprobate brother to be the next Marquess. And he has no time for the simpering misses now vying for his attention. Only Miss Sabina Teverton has his interest.

  She was resigned to life as a spinster but from the moment Sabina meets Lord Maximus, her heart is torn. She dreams of a match with him―but how can that be when she’s been branded as cursed…and she knows secrets of that night long ago when Maximus and his twin were snatched from their cradles?


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