Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 2

by Cynthia Eden

  Eric winced. “Sorry. I need you on this one.”


  His gaze tracked to Linc. “But I suppose I could send you with a new partner. I mean, Linc’s not as required on this one as you—”

  “Wherever Blair goes, I go,” Linc said. His arm brushed against hers. “We’re a package deal. Everyone knows that.”

  Now Eric’s lips twitched. “How did I know you were going to say that?”

  “I had a new bikini,” Blair muttered. Yes, she was whining. A soon-to-be-canceled vacation entitled her to some whining. “I had sunscreen. I had sunglasses. And a really big, floppy beach hat.”

  “Good.” Eric smiled. He seemed way too pleased. “Bring it all. You’ll need everything you’ve mentioned.”


  “We’ll be here bright and early.” Linc nodded firmly. “Count on it.” Then he tugged Blair out of the office.

  The door shut behind them with a soft click.

  Blair stared at the door. Just stared. Maybe glared.

  “So…what does the new bikini look like?”

  She slanted her angry gaze Linc’s way.

  “Because you know, maybe I should buy swim trunks that match.” He tapped his chin. His dark and deep gaze turned thoughtful. “Or maybe a speedo? Do you think I’d look awesome in a speedo?”

  “I’m going home.”

  “Is that a yes or a no? Because, seriously, I’ve got abs.”

  She knew that. They often worked out together and she knew the man had freaking abs for days. Abs that she’d been ogling when she should not have been looking. And, now, great, he was going to be wearing a swim suit with her? Just what was this assignment?

  She turned on her heel and strode very, very quickly for her office. She paused there only long enough to ditch her high heels and grab her tennis shoes. As soon as she slipped them on…

  Sweet bliss.

  Then she headed for the elevator.

  Linc had beaten her there. He held the doors open for her.

  A low, appreciative whistle filled the air.

  “Love the dress. Sexy AF,” Cole Vincent called out as he hurried toward the elevator. Another Wilde agent, he was dressed much like Linc. T-shirt, jeans. But he also had on a loose coat, and the holster from his weapon bulged a bit beneath it. “Hey, man, thanks for holding the elevator for me. Nice.” He slapped Linc on the shoulder.

  Linc glowered. “I was holding the elevator for my partner.”

  Blair shoved her finger on the ground floor button. “I can’t believe my vacation just got canceled.”

  “I can’t believe you were going on vacation without telling me!” Linc seemed all affronted.

  And, yes, she had kept her vacation plans quiet because…they needed space. Or rather, she did. From him.

  “So…where were you going?” Linc fired his questions quickly. “And were you going there alone? Because you didn’t start dating that banker guy again, did you? I told you, he is boring. Being near him makes me want to fall asleep so I can’t imagine why you would—”

  She lifted one brow.

  “Overstepping,” Cole muttered from the corner of the elevator. “Man, you are so—”

  Blair huffed out a breath. “I was going to Seaside, Florida, and I was going to wear my tiniest bikini, and if I felt like hooking up with someone, I was going to do just that.” So there.

  Linc’s mouth dropped open.

  “But now my plans are on hold, and it looks like I’ll be spending more quality time with you.” Not the best situation because…

  Linc was making her feel…nervous lately. She never got nervous. Except with him. Except when his hot, dark eyes locked with hers. Except when she found herself laughing at his jokes and leaning in a little too close.

  They needed space. Some serious space. Or at least…she did.

  Because last night, oh, God, she’d had a sex dream about Linc. About her partner. How wrong was that?

  Her cheeks flushed as the dream filled her head once more. He’d ripped off her clothes. She’d torn open his shirt. He’d put his hands all over her and licked her—

  “God, it’s hot in here.” She jabbed at the button again. Was the elevator not moving?

  “Blair…” Linc’s voice was stilted. “Look, I’m—”

  The doors opened. She pretty much rushed out. Didn’t look back. She needed to get away from Linc because with that dream playing in her head and him being too close—


  He caught her arm. Spun her around. Okay, now he’d moved fast. His gaze searched her face. “What’s wrong?”


  His fingers slid down her arm, moved to her wrist. Was it her imagination or had he just caressed her, right over her racing pulse point?

  His eyes glinted. “You can tell me if there’s a problem. You know I’ll do anything for you.”

  She did know that.

  “Sorry if I stepped out of line earlier.” He let her go. “I can’t stand handsy, entitled assholes.”

  She swallowed. “If he’d touched my ass, would you have really broken his fingers?” Of course, he wouldn’t have. Linc had just been bluffing, and she shouldn’t have even asked the question.

  But he nodded. “In an instant, I would have. That ass of yours is world class, and jackasses don’t get to touch it.”

  Blair sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Shit. Was that the wrong thing to say? I mean, it’s not like a broken finger or two would be the end of the world. The guy would have recovered in about six weeks.” A shrug. “Give or take.”

  She could only shake her head. Sometimes, even she couldn’t tell when he was serious. That was the thing about Linc. He was always ready with a joke or a one-liner. And she…liked that. Linc could make her smile, no matter what was happening in her life. “Good night, Linc.”

  For a moment, his expression seemed to soften. “Good night, B. See you bright and early in the morning.”


  “You’re watching her walk away,” Cole Vincent stage-whispered to Linc.

  He didn’t look away from Blair.

  “I mean, isn’t this taking the old line of ‘watching your partner’s ass’ to the extreme?”

  “I’m not staring at her ass. I’m making sure she gets to her vehicle safely.”

  And she was at her vehicle. He kept watching as she cranked it up. And drove away.

  Then he turned to look at Cole.

  Cole gave him a faint smile. “Better now?”

  Not even close. “You trying to drive me crazy?”

  “Bro, I am trying to help you. You need to watch yourself more around her.”

  He laughed. “Why would I need to watch myself around my partner? I trust her completely. Blair would never do anything to hurt me—”

  “I’m talking about the way you look at her lately.”

  He stopped laughing. “You’re mistaken.”

  “You were gonna break some guy’s fingers…because he was touching her?”

  Linc shrugged.

  “You think that’s normal?”

  “Fine.” Linc huffed. “If a guy touches your ass, I’ll break his fingers, too. Happy?”

  “Good to know. Thanks for that.” Cole shook his head. “Trying to warn you, man. A train is coming at you. It’s going to slam straight into you if you don’t get off the tracks.” He sauntered away.

  Linc stared after him. “I don’t think I get it. Why am I on the tracks in the first place?”

  Cole flipped him off.

  “Is Blair the train? Because she’s not going to like you calling her a train. That shit is not cool.”

  Cole climbed onto his motorcycle. The same one that Linc had used for the case earlier. He revved the engine.

  Roared away.

  Linc swallowed and rolled back his shoulders. In the empty garage, Cole’s words seemed to echo around Linc.

  I’m talking about the way you look at her lately.

sp; Linc raked a hand through his hair. “That shit is not cool,” he repeated. Cole had noticed?

  Hell. He was screwed.


  Someone was knocking at her door.

  Blair hit the pause button on her remote and grabbed her phone. She used the security app on it to see outside her front door. It was after midnight, and no way should she have a visitor who—


  Linc was on her doorstep.

  Of course, he was. She swiped her hands over her cheeks, hopped to her feet, and pulled the belt of her robe tighter around her body. She hurried to the door and yanked it open. “Do you have any idea what—”

  “You’re crying.” His expression hardened. “Why in the hell are you crying?”

  She wasn’t. “You know I don’t cry.” Her hand slid over her cheek again. Dammit. She hadn’t wiped everything away. “I was sweating. Working out.”

  His gaze took in her robe. Darted over her shoulder. His lips—sensual, strong lips—quirked. “Were you watching those movies again?”

  Those movies. He’d caught her watching holiday movies one time—okay, twice—and he’d found out that maybe they made her tear up.

  “Christmas has come and gone, Blair. Come and gone.”

  Her chin notched up. “Holiday movies are good any time of the year, Linc.”

  He nodded. “Sure, they are. Especially if they make you feel better.” A pause. “The tears are because you’re happy, right? Because if you’re sad, if someone made you sad, then I’m going to—”

  “Break someone’s fingers?”

  He glanced down.

  Her gaze stayed on his face. Linc was handsome in a rough, untamed kind of way. Tanned skin. Thick, slightly wild hair. And deep, dark eyes that could stare straight into a person’s soul.

  Some women totally went for that.

  She knew, she’d seen them tripping over each other as they tried to get his attention. Good thing she never tripped.

  “I stepped over the line with that, huh? Sorry. But when it comes to you, I’m not always the most controlled person.” His gaze lifted. Held hers. “I’m working on that.”

  A lump rose in her throat because his focus sure seemed intense. She choked down the lump. “What are you doing here? You do know it’s after midnight, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, but you looked stressed when you left and when you’re stressed, I know you like…” He pulled his left hand from behind his back. She hadn’t even realized he was holding his hand back there until— “Ta da. Cookies and cream. I also know the ice cream shop you like stays open late on the weekend—actually, until midnight—so I was able to sneak in and get you a pick-me-up.”

  She took the ice cream. “I hate when you do nice things for me.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “Because then it makes me like you more.”

  His smile came, slow and warm, lighting up his eyes. “Then my work is done for the night.” He saluted her. “Sweet dreams, Blair.”

  He turned and walked away.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” Oh, how she wished that she could take that question back.

  He stopped. Turned to face her.

  “That’s part of our routine, isn’t it?” And it was. This wasn’t the first time he’d shown up on her doorstep with ice cream. “We end the case. You get the ice cream. We do a recap on my couch.” Their routine. But…

  “Do you want me to come in?”

  His voice seemed different. He stood just beyond the light of her porch, and with the shadows covering him, Blair couldn’t see his face clearly. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll finish the show and eat my ice cream.” Then go to bed. And not have sex dreams about him.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “You are pushing my buttons.” He always did. “Good night, Linc.”

  Before she could shut the door, he bounded toward her. “Obviously, you desperately want me to come inside and watch your movie with you. And even though it is not Christmas, I will make the sacrifice.”

  She wouldn’t smile.

  “By the way, B, there are two spoons in that bag. In case you feel like sharing.”

  Of course, there were two spoons. Her hand flew out and locked on his t-shirt as she hauled him over the threshold and into her house. “Get in here.”

  He laughed and shut the door. Soon they were on her couch, slumped together, eating ice cream. She was relaxed, comfortable, and all of her worries slipped away.

  They recapped the case. Sleep pulled at her, and maybe her head started to sag a little bit. On his shoulder.


  She snapped to attention.

  “So what kind of case do you think we’ll be working tomorrow?”

  Tomorrow. Right. She should go to bed so she’d be ready for whatever was waiting. “I’m sure it will be something dangerous.” Her head turned.

  He was…his mouth was only an inch or two away from hers. She’d gotten way close when she’d been sleepy.

  “Um, dangerous.” Was his gaze on her mouth? God, it was. “I do like dangerous,” he allowed in his deep, raspy voice.

  “Yes, you do. Because you’re an adrenaline junkie.” She put her hand on his chest and pushed up. She could actually feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of his shirt.

  “Good thing I have you to keep me in check.”

  She didn’t feel in check. The comfort and relaxed air of a moment before was gone. Vanished in a blink. She was…nervous. And looking at his mouth again, dammit. “That’s what partners are for.” Her voice came out too loud. What is wrong with me? Blair jumped to her feet. “Thanks for coming by.”

  He stared up at her. “Anything for you.”

  She could have sworn she felt the impact of those words slide through her. They were rough and dark and held the faintest of sensual promises.

  No, no, they did not. She was just tired. It was way late. She was imagining things.

  He stood. Stretched. “See you in the morning, partner.”

  She walked him out. Was about to shut the door—

  “Don’t forget the bikini,” Linc reminded her.

  “And be sure to pack your speedo,” she threw right back.

  He smiled at her.

  She slammed the door.

  And really, really hoped that her partner did not star in her fantasies again that night.


  Two hours later, she woke up moaning his name.

  Chapter Two

  “Congratulations.” Eric offered them a wide shark’s smile. “You’re married.”

  Blair stiffened.

  Linc reached for her hand. “Darling, it’s so soon…”

  She snatched her hand back and shot him a fast frown. “It is too early in the day for your crazy.”

  Really? Linc had thought his crazy was just on time. He smothered his smile and glanced over at Eric.

  “What are you talking about, Eric?” Blair demanded. “And do not skip any detail, you understand me? Nothing. Not a single bit of info.”

  Eric nodded. He also pushed a manila file across his big, shiny desk. Blair snagged the file first, but she didn’t open it. She kept her pale blue eyes locked on the boss.

  Eric sat a little straighter. “For your new assignment, you two will be going undercover. You’ll be married.”

  “To…each other?” Blair asked.

  “Yes, to each other.”

  “But…but usually we’re protecting someone.” Blair gripped the file a little too tightly. “I pretend to be someone’s daughter or girlfriend, or that one time, I even pretended to be that duke’s fiancée—”

  “Don’t remind me,” Linc muttered. “Talk about a tool.” He glanced upward. “Why anyone wanted to stalk that guy is beyond me.”

  “Ahem.” Eric cleared his throat.

  Linc swung his gaze back to the boss. “Come on, you didn’t like him either.”

  Eric seemed to ponder that. “No, you’re right.
I didn’t.”

  There was a reason Linc still worked for Eric. He liked the guy. Okay, actually, there were two reasons.

  He liked working with Blair, too. God, the woman was cute when she was mad. Her cheeks got all flushed and her eyes sparkled. The angrier she became, the brighter the sparkle. Not that he would tell her that. He didn’t have a death wish.

  “You’re going to a tropical paradise.” Eric smiled. “See, it’s almost like a vacation. In fact, you should consider it a paid vacation.”

  Blair cut him a glare.

  Eric coughed. “In addition, of course, to your, ah, regular vacation days that you have at the company.” A pause. “You’ll be sunning on a beach, listening to waves, and…” He coughed again. “Trying to find dirt on the bad guys.”

  “Totally sounds like my dream vacation.” Linc slapped a hand on Eric’s desk. “I am in.”

  Blair had finally opened the manila file. Linc craned his head so he could peek inside. He whistled. “Looks expensive.”

  “It is. It’s a private island. Very elite. Everything is top of the line. Hell, your honeymoon bungalow is directly on the beach—”

  Blair raised her hand. “Did you say ‘honeymoon’ just then?”

  “I did.”

  She shook her head. “You weren’t kidding when you were talking about marriage earlier, were you?”

  Eric gave the smallest wince. “It’s the only option for you and Linc. There was a cancellation at the island—for their honeymoon bungalow—so I had to book you both in as a newlywed couple. It’s the perfect cover, and, considering the assignment, exactly what we needed.”

  She went back to staring at the photos. “What is the assignment?” Then she lifted a picture. Frowned. “I know her. She’s…Keli Patrick. She married that oil tycoon a few months ago.”

  “Right. She did.” Eric’s voice was grim. “And on her honeymoon, she was abducted. Taken right out of her hotel room and her husband had to pay five million to get her back.”

  The puzzle pieces clicked for Linc. “So let me guess. She was abducted while staying at our island paradise?”

  “She was. And she’s not the first. In that file, you’ll find a report on Helen Vorten. Only Helen wasn’t returned safely. Her husband balked at paying the money. The next day, Helen’s body washed up on the beach.”


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