Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 3

by Cynthia Eden

  Linc swore. “And people are still paying to go to this place? It’s like the vacation site from hell.”

  “People are paying,” Eric replied, “because they don’t know. Because the owner of this island is working like hell to keep things quiet. The place is owned by Turner Carthright. He said that he investigated his staff, that he turned the island upside down, but he couldn’t find the perps.”

  Linc was curious about just how intently the man had done his investigation. “And the dead woman? How’d that get swept under the rug?”

  Eric’s jaw tightened. “Helen’s husband didn’t report the ransom demand because he didn’t want bad press. Folks are being told her drowning was an accident.”

  “Well, that’s some bullshit,” Linc fired. “The husband sounds like a piece of work.”

  Eric nodded. “I’m not exactly a fan of Matthew Vorten. He’s been tied to more than a few shady deals in the past, but no one has ever been able to make anything stick against him—nothing that would put the guy out of business and behind bars.”

  “Definitely not a prince, huh?” Linc knew the type.

  Eric’s expression said he knew it, too. “Wilde only learned the truth about the situation when Carthright came to us after the second abduction. He knows that if we can’t find the perps, he’ll have to shut down the island.”

  Hell, yes, he needed to shut it down.

  “In addition to Carthright, Jeremiah Patrick reached out to us. He wants his five million back. He also wants to destroy the people who took his wife.”

  “Yeah, I can relate.” Linc slanted a glance at Blair. She was still studying the pictures.

  But she looked up at him. “How can you relate?” Her brows lifted. “You have a secret wife I don’t know about?”

  He fake shuddered. “Of course, not. You know me, footloose and all fancy free.” He grinned.

  She frowned. Looked back at the file.

  His gaze lingered on her. “But if someone took you, I’d sure as hell want to destroy the bastard.”

  And her head snapped right back up.

  Linc rolled one shoulder in a careless shrug. “Because you’re my partner, and I watch your back, just like you watch mine.”

  “Right.” Eric tapped his fingers on the desk. “Ahem.”

  Linc narrowed his eyes on the guy. “I watch my partner’s ass.”

  “Never doubted that for a minute.”

  Oh, wait…shit.

  Blair passed the file to Linc. “There are no phone lines there? No internet connection?”

  Linc thumbed through the papers and photographs.

  “No,” Eric told her. “It’s completely private. Guests are supposed to disconnect from the high-pressure world. No phones, no TVs, hell, no roads, either. The only paths are covered with shells. The island is located about sixty miles west of Key West. Place is called Turquoise Island, and it’s supposed to be absolute paradise, except…”

  “It’s turned into someone’s nightmare,” Blair concluded softly.


  Linc peered at the pictures. When he saw Helen’s body…hell. “We’ll find the bad guys. Count on it.” He shut the file. “When do we leave?”

  “In thirty minutes. You’ll fly out, and your cover will be in place the moment you board the private plane.” Because Eric was always so thorough. “You’ll be Mr. and Mrs. Linc Rutherford. Your father made his money in real estate, and you, Linc, well, you’re a playboy who doesn’t work but sure does enjoy living off his father’s wealth and visiting every club you can find.”

  Linc’s brows rose. “So I’m the tool in this case?”

  A slight nod from Eric. “But, you’re a tool who is hopelessly devoted to his new wife. Former swimsuit model extraordinaire that she is.”

  “Oh, God,” Blair mumbled. “I’m the arm candy?”

  “Ah.” Linc tossed her a smile as he snapped his fingers together. “That’s why he wanted you to pack the bikini.”

  She shot him a dirty look, then smoothed her expression as she focused back on Eric. “If there are no phones or tech on the island, how do we tell you what we’ve found?”

  “The management at the island doesn’t allow tech, but you’ll be going in with satellite phones. Keep them hidden because they’ll be your lifeline.”

  Well, Linc figured that was something. “We’ll have guns, too, right?”

  “Provided you can get them past security. I leave that particular task up to you. Hide the guns and the satellite phones.”

  Piece of cake. “Consider it done.”

  “You’ll also have backup,” Eric added, voice all smooth. “Undercover backup who will be there in case you need assistance.”

  Blair rose to her feet. “I thought you got us in because there was a last-minute cancellation. How did our backup get a guest room?”

  “Oh, he’s not a guest. Cole will be going in as a new employee at the resort. I put pressure on Carthright and got Cole the position. Told him I had to get more agents on the island in order for the investigation to be thorough. When you cross paths with Cole on the island, don’t let on that you know him. Treat him like a complete stranger. If things go to shit, the code word for him to break cover is divorce.”

  “Ah, ‘divorce’ is the word?” Linc stood and curled his hand around Blair’s. “Never gonna happen. My blushing bride and I are in it for the long haul.”

  Blair growled.

  Eric stared up at them. His eyes glinted. “Be careful. I don’t know what we’re dealing with down there. Carthright is cooperating, but that cooperation seems limited. The guy seems more interested in covering his own ass instead of protecting the guests. My intel indicates he’s even trying to sell the island so that he can distance himself from any forthcoming scandal.”

  Linc’s hold tightened on Blair. “Sounds like a real prince.” A sigh. “Why is it that the people who have enough money to own islands are usually the biggest assholes?”

  Eric lifted a brow.

  “Oh, besides, you,” Linc inserted smoothly. “Totally not calling you an asshole.”

  “Good to know,” Eric’s voice was dry. But then he continued, “Once on the island, you’ll be isolated, and there could be any number of bad guys waiting to strike. Don’t lower your guard. Not for a minute.”

  “Consider it done,” Linc replied.

  Blair tugged her hand from Linc’s.

  Eric’s worried stare dipped to her. “You’ll be the target, Blair. If you capture their attention. So far, they’ve only gone after women, so make sure that you’re always armed and always ready. I don’t want anything happening to one of my agents.”

  She nodded.

  “Nothing will happen to her,” Linc promised. Something bad happening to Blair? Not an option. Not ever.

  They exited the office. Headed for the elevator. Linc kept the manila file tucked under one arm. Blair was quiet, and he knew she was already thinking over the case. All the options. She always did that. Went into her head. Twisted and turned things over.

  She entered the elevator first. He followed right behind her. They were about to head down—

  A hand flew between the closing doors, setting off the sensors and sending those doors sliding back open.

  And when they opened fully…

  Cole smiled at them as he strode onto the elevator. “Looks like we’ll all be working together again.” His stare darted to Blair. Lingered a bit too long.

  How many times did Linc have to tell the man? Get your own partner.

  “Hear the only way in is via seaplane or boat.” Cole raked a hand through his hair. “I won’t be coming in until the day after you arrive. Eric was worried it might look too suspicious if we reached the place at the same time. No one has been taken on day one, though, so everything should be fine until I get there. The perps we’re after apparently like to spend a few days watching their prey.” He lifted one brow. “I hope you two give them one hell of a show. It has to be great in
order for you to draw them away from any other potential targets.”

  Linc turned his head. Blair was staring at him. He gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll give them a show they won’t ever forget.”

  She nodded. A ghost of a smile teased her full lips. “Showstopper.”

  “Damn straight.”


  “I want to give you something.”

  Blair’s head turned. She’d been staring out the plane’s window. After their briefing at Wilde, she and Linc had both hurried to their offices, they’d grabbed their bags, and then a limo had taken them to the airport. They were currently flying on a private Wilde jet as they headed down to the Keys. Once at Key West, they were going to hop on a boat and finish their journey to honeymoon hell…AKA Turquoise Island.

  Linc sat across from her. He leaned forward and caught her hand in his.

  She gave a little jerk. An instinctual reaction. His touch had sent a bolt of heat sliding through her.

  His dark eyebrows lifted. “You okay?”

  “You know I get a little jumpy on planes.”

  “And you know I love distracting you.” He smiled.

  He did always try to distract her so that she could ignore the knot in her stomach. Usually, he told her random stories or jokes or got her to watch one of the insane horror shows that he loved.

  What trick would he try this time?

  “Close your eyes.” His voice was smooth and deep and it sent a shiver over her. “You cold?”

  No. Her eyes squeezed shut. “Yes. But I’m sure I’ll warm up soon.”

  He was still holding her hand. And making her more nervous as—

  She felt something slide onto her finger. The fourth finger of her left hand. Her ring finger.

  Her eyes flew open. “OhmyGod.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  Her mouth just fell. She couldn’t look away from the ring. Or, rather, rings. An engagement ring with a glittering, huge diamond. A princess cut. And a plain, thick golden wedding band. The rings fit her perfectly.

  Her heart was about to jump right out of her chest.

  “It has to look real. If we show up without rings, I figured that would make people suspicious.”

  She forced her gaze to move to his face.

  “I have one, too.” He lifted his left hand to show the plain gold band.

  His gaze seemed oddly watchful.

  Her heart wouldn’t stop racing.

  “You’re not talking, Blair.”

  She was not.

  “Don’t you like your rings?”

  She…loved them, actually. “Where did you get them?” Then she realized. “Wilde.” A laugh slipped from her. Of course. Wilde was always prepared. “Was there like a stock room with wedding rings or something?” Her laughter slid from her as the tension she’d felt since boarding the plane finally faded.

  “Or something,” he allowed.

  She lifted her hand. Peered at the rings. “Absolutely gorgeous.”


  Her stare whipped to him.

  He was looking at her. Not the rings. His stare seemed extra dark.

  Extra hot.

  He does not know that you had another sex dream about him. Do not say a word.

  “Have I distracted you?” Linc wanted to know.

  Her head moved in a faint nod.

  “Then my work is done.” His smile came slowly. The smile that she secretly thought of as…panty-melting. “If you’re relaxed enough, you could always try to get some sleep.”

  She felt her eyes widen.

  Linc squinted at her. “Are you blushing?”

  Please, God, don’t let me be blushing. “I’m not tired.”

  The plane hit a pocket of air. She jumped. Clutched her arm rest.

  “You know I’ve got you, right, B?”

  She eased her hold.

  “I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  A slow breath slid from her. “And I’ve got you.”

  “Hell, yes, you do.” A wink. “Now we’ve got the rings to prove it.”

  Yes, they did…


  When she hopped off the dock, Blair’s loose, flowing skirt lifted up with the breeze, dancing along the top of her thighs. The wind wanted to rip away her hat, so she grabbed onto it, securing it even as she tipped back her head. They’d just arrived and she had to admit, the island truly looked like paradise.

  Too bad it was really a nightmare.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford!” A man in white pants and a crisp, blue shirt waved toward them. “Welcome to your honeymoon paradise!” He stood beside a golf cart.

  Well, apparently, there were certain forms of transportation allowed on the island.

  He hurried forward and offered his hand to her. “I am Martin Shay.” His blue eyes were brighter than the ocean, and his blond hair blew in the breeze. Tall, fit, and with easy good-looks, he seemed like a perfect fit for the island. Beach boy, dead ahead. “I will be your personal butler while you’re with us. Anything you need…” He squeezed her hand. “I will be happy to provide.”

  Wasn’t he helpful? Blair let a wide smile curve her lips. “Thank you. I appreciate that, but, please, just call me Blair.”

  Linc’s hand closed around her shoulder as he pulled her back against him. “I’m Linc.” He pressed a kiss to Blair’s check. “And, the thing I need you to help me with right now…” He turned his head and stared at Martin. “I need to be alone with my beautiful wife.”

  She shivered. From the wind. Not from that casual little kiss. It was a bit brisk on the dock.

  “I can certainly make that happen, sir!” Martin grabbed their luggage and stowed the bags on the back of the cart. Moments later, he was driving them down a shell path that offered a killer view of the ocean and beach. The water was a bright, uncanny blue, and the waves seemed to stretch endlessly. “You’ll find everything you need on Turquoise Island.” He motioned a hand toward the water. “You can see where we got our name, of course. There is no water on the Earth that is more beautiful than the waves around us.”

  She could smell the salt air. Could taste it on her tongue. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “We offer dive trips and private snorkeling tours for our guests. There are sunken ships all around the island—you won’t find comparable views anywhere.”

  Linc sat beside Blair. He reached for her hand. Lifted it to his lips. Pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

  Her breath heaved in as she gazed at him.

  “I think I’ve already found a pretty incomparable view,” Linc drawled. His gaze seemed possessive and hungry—and totally fixed on her.

  Her heart pounded a little faster. She’d forgotten what a great actor Linc could be.

  Martin laughed. “Absolutely, you have!” He turned the cart off the shell path. “Your paradise awaits.” He parked the cart. Hopped out and smiled. “You will find champagne chilling and chocolate-covered strawberries waiting. And if you should need anything—anything at all—you can summon me.” He hurried for the luggage.

  While Martin’s back was turned, Blair yanked her hand from Linc. “How do we summon you, Martin?” She slid out of the golf cart. Her stylish sandals pressed over the shells. “I thought I read in the brochures that there were no phones on the island.”

  “Ah, there are not.” He carried their luggage toward the bungalow. “But inside, you will find a two-way radio. An old school walkie-talkie, if you will. It connects directly to me. So when you need me, you can easily reach me at any time of the day or night.”

  She and Linc followed him to the front of the bungalow. Wow. The sight was actually breathtaking. A white hammock swayed gently between two palm trees. A wooden porch led up to the deck of the bungalow—a thatched roof covered the area, and she could see lights inside, glowing softly. Waves crashed onto the beach—not even fifteen feet away.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” Martin smiled proudly. “Once our guests arrive, they ne
ver want to leave.”

  Poor Helen Vorten hadn’t left. At least, not alive.

  They trailed Martin up the steps. He unlocked the door and then gave Linc the key. Linc pocketed it quickly and—

  He swung her into his arms.

  Blair let out a gasp of surprise as her arms flew around his neck. “Linc!”

  He grinned at her. “I have to carry you over the threshold, darling. It’s tradition.”

  It was…She forced a smile even as she clenched her teeth. “Of course, you do, sweetheart.” Behind his head, she pinched the back of his neck.

  He laughed. Laughed?

  Martin beamed. “And we have our own tradition on the island…you must kiss your bride before you cross the threshold.”

  Blair’s head snapped toward him. He has to do what?

  “A kiss before crossing means a long and passionate marriage.” Martin nodded his head, all encouraging and sage.

  Okay, Martin needed to calm down. He also needed to stop offering life advice.

  “I do want a long and passionate marriage,” Linc murmured.

  Oh, sure, of course, he did. But whatever. This was hardly her first undercover assignment. She could play any game.

  Linc wanted passionate? He’d better get ready.

  She licked her lips. His gaze dropped to her mouth. “I want the same thing,” she purred.

  She could have sworn that she saw his pupils widen.

  Then his mouth was on hers. Not some hard, slamming kiss. But careful and tentative. A husband giving his wife a tender kiss before he carried her over the threshold. She could have kissed him back the same way, but…

  She’d been working on her cover during the last hour. She’d decided that Blair Rutherford was a bit of a wild child. She liked things intense. And passion was her game. For all she knew, Martin was one of the targets they were after. She didn’t want him watching some tender, lukewarm kiss.

  She needed him to see a husband who was absolutely crazy about his wife.

  So she opened her mouth. She let her tongue slide out. She licked Linc’s lower lip.

  She felt the hard jolt that went through him. She would have smiled then, because she’d finally been the one to catch Linc off-guard, but…

  It wasn’t the time for smiling.


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