The Silent Minority

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The Silent Minority Page 13

by S. Poulos

likes it or not, whether he is aware of it or not, here or when he passes over. Even if he decides not to make a decision, if he lies in bed all day and says, I am not going to make a decision; by doing that, he already made a decision."

  "What will be the first thing a man notices when he passes away then? Will he be relieved? Will he be amazed? How will he feel?"

  "The first shock the man in question is going to get is that he will realize he is not dead after all. He will feel aghast, and very confused, realizing after all this years he was so sure that there was not life after death, that he was wrong."

  "But this is not so bad after all; he could easily change his mind."

  "But this is only his lesser worry, for he created without knowing it, this environment that he finds himself in now. As he did not want to hear anything to do about life after death, he created a bare environment, an environment with no landscapes, totally dark with absolutely nothing to give him a little encouragement. The only thing he will be sure about is that he is still alive. He will barely feel that he is alive, but that's all. He won't be able to hear anything because he did not want to hear anything about life after death. He will not be able to see anything, because he did not want to believe that there is life after death. There are no landscapes, trees or animals; in short he created without knowing it, this horrible environment that he finds himself in now."

  "Can this individual get out of this situation?"

  "It will take enormous effort for this individual to get away from it. First of all, he will have to admit, that after all he was wrong. He will also have to admit the existence of God in order to pray for help, feverishly asking for deliverance, asking for help to get out of the mess he finds himself in. In order to do that, he will need lots of strength, lots of courage to overcome the beliefs he carried with him from Earth. The moment he decides that, he can be sure help will be on its way."

  "This is a special case you have just described. But can you speak about death in a more general term? What happens the moment someone dies? Do these reports about after-death experiences coincide with the truth?" someone of the EU Writers Association asked.

  "The reports of people's after-death experiences more or less coincide with what happens immediately after someone dies, for the procedure is similar. The difference is what follows a few days after someone's death. In general terms though, immediately after death, the happenings are more or less the same."

  "How can we sit here and listen to this garbage?" screamed someone. "Enough with this bullshit."

  "Order... continue please."

  "The first thing after someone's death is that he notices that he is not dead. He may watch his own body from the ceiling. He may stand beside his body. He may even sit on his body. The common thing for each case is that the dead feel they are bound with their bodies. This is true, for they are still connected with a silver cord, similar to the umbilical cord of a newborn baby. In fact, a man does not die when he leaves this Earth, but he born in the beyond."

  "You provocateur, who pays you to distract people from their real problems?" screamed the same heckler.

  "I warn you, one more interruption and you are out," said the chairman and nodded for the Teacher to continue.

  "This connection with his body will last a few days, always depending on the state of the soul. The more earthly-oriented a soul is, the longer this silver cord will take to dissolve in order to let the soul free. The more the soul is prepared for it, the quicker the silver cord will dissolve in order to let the soul begin his journey in the beyond. Here I must say the soul cannot see the cord that holds him bound with his body, as we cannot see the ethereal happenings around us here on Earth. He only feels that he is bound with his body."

  "What a waste of time!" the heckler intervened again, prompting the chairman to ask Security to take him out of the hall.

  Turning to the Teacher, the chairman asked him to continue.

  "During this time, he will see what happens around him. He will also hear and feel many things, but no one will be able to see him, or hear him, and that will make him sad, and lonely.

  "He will see his wife kneeling next to his body crying. He will see his friends coming to pay their respects to him. He will witness the whole funeral procedure to his grave, but he will be all alone."

  "And what happens then?" someone interjected. "What happens when the silver cord dissolves and the soul starts his journey in to the beyond?"

  "Up to now the happening is predictable, for the procedure is more or less the same, but the moment the soul is released from the earthly body, things differ because every soul is different. Now the law of attraction of the homogenous species takes over; something that did not occur on Earth. This is why Earth is such an important school for man, because on Earth, everyone is rubbing against each other. On Earth the good rubs with the bad, the quick with the slow, and the clever with the stupid. In short, you will find all the different characteristics of man gathered under the same roof."

  "I don't understand. What is so important for man to be reincarnated on this Earth after all?"

  "Through this rubbing along with his fellow man, man gets stronger, and matures quicker. Variety is the spice of life. Without it stagnation is imminent, and life becomes dull to the point that life ceases to be interesting. So much for those who encourage the melting pot, the integration idea."

  "Come to the point please."

  "Let us go back to the soul that started his journey after his silver cord cut off. He will finish up in the place where all the souls with similar characteristics gather. Let's say this particular soul is mistrustful. The souls that gather here have the same characteristics as this soul, so mistrust will reign everywhere, to the point that life there is unbearable. In short, life will be there a hell."

  "What about a good man? Where is he going to finish?"

  "I want you first, to visualize the happenings there, of all the different characteristics groups. The happenings there, with murderers, thieves, sex perverts, then you will be able to imagine, or rather you will be unable to imagine, the horrible, atrocious, hideous conditions that apply there."

  "What about the 'good' man?"

  "As the bad homogenous gather together, so do the souls with noble characteristics. There, they will find souls with whom they will feel complete affinity. Their life will be a joyous adventure, and with the help and encouragement of his soul mates, his journey onwards to higher spheres will be a blissful experience."

  An anthropologist said, "You said that there are no gaps in the evolution, at least there should not be any, but in the history of anthropology, we came to a gap that we cannot fill.

  There is a missing link in the chain of the evolution of man that baffles many anthropologists. There are some theories about it but they remain theories. I wonder if you can shed some light on it."

  "Earthman incarnated on Earth, at the middle stage of the Earth evolution. They incarnated in animals, whose bodies had reached the uppermost possibilities of evolvement. It is in the law that when a species reaches the zenith of its evolution, then slowly but surely stagnation will follow, for it is virtually impossible to keep the pace of alertness for ever, so these species slowly disappeared from the face of the Earth. This is the point; this is the missing link you refer to. But I would like to expand here, I would like to explain how this amalgamation took place, how this fusion of man and animal happened."

  "This is ridiculous," someone shouted. "Are you telling us now, that man came from animals?"

  "Quiet please, go on."

  "The possibilities for it arose when both of the subjects in question i.e. the body of the animal, and the spirit of man, reached the most perfect conditions in order for an amalgamation to take place. So the highest evolved animal, and the lowest un-evolved spirit of man, provided the ground for this fusion. The condition was the similarity of depth of maturity of both species. Only under these conditions could this fusion take place; it is not as
hard as it sounds."

  "Can you elaborate a bit about it?"

  "Imagine for example the crafting of various trees; imagine the amalgamation of two different metals, in order these merges to happen, the conditions have to be ripe for it. In the case of the trees, the similarity of the species applies. In the case of amalgamation of metals, the exact heat temperature applies. In our case, the similar depth of maturity applies. After the first incarnations of the spirit into this animal, because of lack of affinity with their 'parents', the newcomers created their new groups associating between themselves and ignoring their adopted parents."

  "So is this the missing link that baffled so many scientists up to now?"

  "This is the point of the history of evolution that baffled many anthropologists. This is the point where the adopted parents of the humans started to fade out of the face of the Earth. This is the beginning point, the starting point of the great journey of spiritual maturity of Earthman on Earth."

  "Is there such a thing as prenatal education? There is this movement about it, claiming that we can educate in the womb before a baby is born," a pediatrician asked the Teacher. "What is your opinion about it?"

  "You can influence the soul that is going to enter the woman's womb, but you cannot educate a fetus more than you could educate a day old baby. In fact, the day old baby is older,

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