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Daddies Taboo

Page 55

by Iona Nixon

As she fell back onto the floor, her whole body was noticeably flushed and covered with the thick goo webbing, becoming surprisingly sticky and held her fast to the floor. She tried to move, but her euphoric state didn't allow her to feel panic like she should've been or urgency to move. No...her afterglow was so intense, it felt like she was still having an orgasm.

  "I don't want to move anywhere," she muttered unintelligibly, Lana was ignorant to the slight dripping that had begun around her body, that came directly above her.

  As she heard the splashes of resin land around her, her eyes hazily opened and began to focus on some sort've growth on the ceiling, previously hidden in the dark and unregistered eyes. It was very vast in diameter as it encompassed almost the entirety of the storage depot's ceiling, having what looked like a rosy pink and peach coloration across its body. Its appearance looked like a hybrid of a plant and a human internal organ, as it breathed noticeably with every convulsing pulse across its slimy, thick body. At the center of it, a small inwardly curved and wrinkled hole, presumably where the head or mouth resided, but now had protruded like an erection above her. The now unmistakeably large mouth opened up like a flower, sticky resin continued to rained down onto Lana and around her body as well as stretch from each "petal" of its mouth, burbling over top of her.

  As her eyes widened from the sight she was taking in, she now urgently tried to free herself both from the unnervingly sticky and warm residue that's glued her effectively to the floor as well as limit her movements. That, and the mind-numbing haze that's halved her effectiveness of resistance, as her euphoric state kept her enthralled with the residual orgasm she was still riding on.

  "I-I go-gotta...move," she began to forcefully utter out, as she peeled an arm off her belly and chest, followed by a thick amount of webbing produced by the thick goop she lathered across her body. It was the same all over, as every way she turned or moved, thick strands of webbing would follow, disallowing her to move from the spot directly beneath the slathering maw of the giant flesh-plant/fungus above her.

  As she began to lose hope, something else began to descend from the pulsating, burbling flower. A dark red, knotted rope or a tongue of sorts began to slide down at a fairly rapid pace towards her.

  Lana knew from her time in enviro-combat simulations that the plant was going to use the tongue/rope as a tether before hauling her up, towards its mouth. It didn't take a genius to figure out the true intentions of the monstrosity above her, as she quickly tried to renew her struggle. Unfortunately, her current state of mind and her body disallowed her to prevent the goop covered, tongue reached her midriff.

  Gasping and breathing in soft pants, she felt a renewal of arousal as the tongue began to lather more copious amounts of resin on her chest and abdomen, causing her to practically glow inside with euphoric bliss.

  "Mmmmmmmmm," she mewled before the tongue briefly slid around each breast, alternating with soft to hard squeezes, making her blush hotly and moan outwards, "fuuuuck! Nnngh! I...mnh! Don't care...uhf! If you're going to...ha! Eat me...mmm! Just...nmgh! Don't stop! AHHH!"

  As the tongue began lovemaking with her body, properly soaking her the thick confides of the arousing resin and goo, it moved down and began to slide, grind, and tease her labia and clit. This made her raise her now inhumanly webbed and slimed limbs up halfway, her face was one of the few things that wasn't so lathered as she let out a loud moan, "Oooooooh! Ahhhhhh! Fuck me! Mmmm!" She began writhing within her gooey prison, praying to whatever god or saint that had blessed her with this godly creature to continue pleasuring her more.

  Almost as if it read her mind, the tongue withdrew from the sticky, lathered pussy, before plunging its thick, knotted body into her pussy. This act alone of feeling something so large and encompassing would've knocked the breath out of her, but combined with the thoroughly lubed tongue of incredibly arousing goo on it, she began to howl and moan loudly with ecstasy.

  "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Within moments, her pussy constricted as tightly as she thought possibly around her lover's prehensile appendage, cumming on and around it. As her labia sent the taste of her pussy's juices onto the tongue, causing a ominous burble and moan up above from the plant.

  Collapsing back in another long-going afterglow of the euphoric bliss yet again, she post-coital felt depressed as the tongue slowly withdrew from her pussy, hoping it would keep going at it. However, the lube it used or rather slathered inside her seemed to churn within her belly and tunnel, leaking only slightly and letting it web up inside her. It felt almost too much as the warm goo webbing within her kept her body hot and warm, her pussy barely leaked anything from her last orgasm.

  She suddenly saw the knotted tongue slowly slide around her hourglass waist, her numbed mind unable to comprehend what was happening as she reveled within the joyous ecstasy she was feeling. As the knotted tongue made its fourth pass around her waist, she was effectively cradled within the caress of the tongue of her lover, slowly raising her up from her bodily webbed cradle. As it pulled her up, the webbing extended along with her back, surprisingly dissolving after she was lifted up a couple meters up, leaving the outline her body made on the floor as well as a little hair unbeknownst to her.

  As she rose three meters in her horizontal position, her glistening goo-webbed body shined from some of the reflective cargo canister material, giving her a almost erotic and appealing sight, as the beautiful woman was tethered upwards. The tongue did something incredible she didn't expect, as much as she could expect in her mind-numbed incapacitated state. The tongue's edge curled around, raising up like a snake before plunging onto her navel.

  Lana's eyes opened with a hazy look to them, moaning as she felt something penetrate her navel and enter her womb and stomach, further spewing what felt like warm liquid within her. This continued to churn her, and her stomach began to expand and further up send the liquid up her throat in a delightful feel of ecstasy, rushing out her mouth and lips, the sticky resin began to web around her mouth and jaw, leaving only her nose for breathing.

  The hungry maw of the slick, glistening flesh-like plant continued to rain down spittle, and it began to further slather onto her the closer she approached it. As she felt herself penetrated in the most intimate delightful way while churning and gurgling with the fluids that made her feel like fucking all she could, she absentmindedly noticed she was nearly a few meters away from the flower-like mouth. She could hear it breathing, burbling and gurgling in almost the same manner as she did as she approached it inevitably.

  "Nnnnnngh," was the only thing she could mutter through her constant burbling of the sticky, webbed fluids flowing through and out delightfully her body, her previously tanned and fair complexion now turned to a rosy pink and red complexion as well as a shiny wet slathered and webbed appearance. Aside the unusual protrusion cradling and tethering her upwards, she looked incredibly erotic writhing within her webbed and tongue-slathered confines.

  When she was merely a meter away, the pink mist breath that had caught her off guard from the beginning was now intoxicating, causing her eyes to become even more hazy and rolled up to the back of her head. With the belly fucking and warm fluids flowing throughout, she felt like she could have another orgasm before even being swallowed. She suddenly felt the tongue rocking her body to a more vertical position, the fluids remained intact and dripped only slightly off as the tongue continued to pump in and out of her navel, as she continued to burble out liquid while only the whites of her eyes were visible.

  The flower's tongue then pulled her once, then twice until her blonde haired head got caught on a incredibly tight, yet wonderfully comfortable flesh-like tunnel to what she could only guess was the throat of the creature. The tongue didn't even need to pull anymore, as she felt it grab a hold of her head and squeeze her body with convulsions that made it feel like the most erotic massage of her life. As wet glistening flesh rolled up, down, and around her body, she was pulled up and further into the th
roat of her lover.

  Her breasts mashed incredibly tight against her chest, but somehow managed to fit through and her hourglass waist only made it easier to access her voluptuous hips and ass. Soon, her legs began to disappear into the folds of the maw, as the "petals" slowly closed over and withdrew back into the mass of flesh it had protruded from, the throat continued to swallow Lana further into the flesh body towards its destination.

  All Lana could feel within her numbed mind was the amazing ecstasy, hot sensations brimming underneath her skin, the slime slathering and massaging both on the surface of her body and inside her, continually causing her to spew and gurgle the web resin. While all this was transpiring, she had a faint pink glow emanating from her eyes and a numbed smile spread across her open mouthed face. She felt totally surrendered to the beast as she rode it all the way up.

  Mysteriously the throat led her to a vast goo-slathered tissue opening, that expanded above the ceiling. The throat was a tube that had protruded into the "floor" of the massive cavern out the maw. It then would place its "meal" into a opened flower, and then the petals would enclose around it before retreating into the walls and ceiling of the tissue-covered cavern.

  That is what happened to Lana. As she was suddenly expelled from the floor of the stomach, she was then tethered by the tongue once more onto a open wide flower, which quickly wrapped her thin tendrils that latched onto her breasts, nipples, ears, ass and anus, clit and vagina, even her mouth was probed and kissed, as the thick "tongue" detached from her navel, only to let several more tendrils penetrate it and feed more goo into it. She moaned and gurgled as the flower's petals wrapped comfortably around her, and she slowly sunk with it into the flesh cavern, surrendering to eternal bliss and eventual absorption of the creature.

  'The Commander is going to be sooooo pissed when he finds out,' she humorously thought as she let herself surrender to the sensations altogether and close her mind off to the outside world. That was the last of Lana as we knew her, though it wouldn't be the end of her new life, surrendered into total ecstasy and pleasure. She couldn't ask for a better way to go.

  The End.

  A Blue Tank Suit

  It had taken a little talking, but Melinda had finally convinced Gerald to visit his family without her. It wasn't that she didn't like his family, and she loved him madly, but, well, they'd been married five years and in all that time she'd had precisely two weekends to herself. She'd just wanted a time out from being a minister's wife and everything that went along with it. So when he left Wednesday night after services and youth group she'd sighed a big sigh of relief, closed the curtains, locked the doors and then stripped off the sensible, minister's wife clothes she'd been wearing, poured herself a big glass of white wine, and lounged around, naked and comfortable, watching television shows Gerald would have told her weren't appropriate material for a minister and his wife, even if they were amusing.

  She had no obligations until Sunday when she would be expected at services, and Sunday afternoon the senior youth group would be visiting the house for the last session of the responsible relationships course before they started off to college. Gerald was preaching in his family's church that morning and wouldn't be back until just before the youth group was due at the house.

  They'd married just more than five years before, after a year-long courtship where Gerald's calm, thoughtful, graduate-divinity-student-soon-to-be-minister demeanor and handsome features had persuaded Melinda to become his wife and to tone down her life a bit. She had not been wild before Gerald, but she definitely had been far more sexually active and adventuresome than had he.

  He earned his doctorate, she earned her bachelor's, and two months later, on a hot July day, they'd been married by Gerald's uncle. She was barely 22. He was 28.

  Gerald had quickly found a position with a fairly well-off church in the "city" near where he'd grown up. They lived in a house that had been donated to the church by one of its founding members. The only reason it had not become the pastor's home, even though it was larger and more comfortable than the rectory next to the church, was that it was located more than ten miles away from the church and the current pastor believed in being physically close to the church itself. So, she and Gerald had the privilege of living in a 4,500 square foot home in the middle of a ten-acre nature preserve with five bedrooms, seven baths, a three-car garage and ample entertaining space as well as a large pool that the previous owner had swum lengths in every day of his adult life. The price for that luxury was that the church used the house for entertaining and meetings frequently and occasionally hosted overnight guests there as well.

  But nothing, other than the senior youth group, had been scheduled that week. Melinda had the house to herself.

  She'd dug out some of her old clothes – more revealing and more comfortable ones that Gerald would only let her wear if he were sure they would be alone...and not often even then. On Thursday she drove 50 miles to another city, wearing a only a thong, a pair of tight capris that tended to ride up a bit, a pushup bra and a sleeveless white blouse that she left unbuttoned far enough so that her cleavage attracted a few stares from the stock boys and an assistant manager in the liquor store. She bought wine, had lunch, and then went to an afternoon matinee of an R-rated romantic movie that Gerald would never have taken her to see.

  That night Melinda called an old friend from college, Stacy, and they'd talked on the phone for hours, or so it seemed. The talked about everything – life after college, family, vacations they had taken, classes...and what it was like being married. Stacy had married only a year before and, so far, her experiences had been pretty much similar to Melinda's. A few arguments, lots of getting used to each other, but basically good and fun. And then Stacy asked about sex.

  "So, five years in are you still doing it every night?" Stacy asked.

  "Hardly," Melinda replied, a bit sadly. "In fact, for the last year or so it's rarely been more than a few times a month. We're just too busy."

  "That's all?" Stacy exclaimed. "But you, you know, you always had somebody – well, almost always. And I know you masturbated pretty regularly too. I remember finding your vibrator that day."

  "Thanks for reminding me of that," Melinda said. It was true. She enjoyed sex and owned a vibrator or two. In those days, Melinda remembered, she'd had a hard time keeping her hands off herself – or any of the good-looking, reasonably polite guys that were always after her.

  "But really," Stacy said, "only a couple of times a month?"

  "Yes," Melinda admitted. "And then only missionary and never for more than 10 or 15 minutes. That's all we seem to be finding time for."

  "How do you stand it?" Stacy asked.

  "He does make me come. But, I still have fantasies about some of the men I see around. And I still masturbate," Melinda admitted. "Look, its ok. I love Gerald. He's tremendous. He understands how horny I get and that from time to time I'm going to masturbate if he's not around or doesn't have time. But he's a minister and believes that we need to set an example for the community. And, he's been working his tail off and it's paying off. He was promoted to associate pastor."

  "That's great. But, if you're setting an example, why no babies?" Stacy asked, a bit nosily.

  "Because I upgraded to an IUD shortly before we got married. We knew if we had babies right away it would make life more difficult. And, then, we really couldn't afford a child. But with Gerald's promotion, well, now I'm thinking that I'll have my gynecologist remove it the next time I get a checkup."

  "And Gerald's ok with that?"

  "Yes. We talked about it before we got married. It's working out just fine."

  "I guess," Stacy replied. "But if Frank and I only did it a couple of times a month I'd be jumping the mail man every few days."

  "I know, I know. There are definitely days. But I'm a minister's wife. I have to behave myself."

  "Melinda, I can hardly believe you're making do with sex only a couple of times a month. It's just not y

  "Well, yes and no," Melinda admitted. "Mostly because I love Gerald and he loves me. So I've changed a little. I still get horny. I still get aroused looking at certain men. But, well, I'm a minister's wife now. It's just the way it is."

  "Sounds a little dull to me," Stacy said.

  "Well, it's not, really," Melinda replied. ""It is what it is." She wasn't really convinced of what she was saying, but she knew it was the right thing to say.

  They talked about some other things for a while and then hung up. It had been a long day. Melinda undressed and got ready for bed. She'd sleep in the nude. Gerald never let her – she had nice, sensible nightgowns and pajamas now. But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. And no one was in the house but her, anyway.

  She was restless. Just at the edge of being aroused. She had a glass of wine and tried to watch television, but nothing could keep her attention. Finally she went to bed, but her dreams kept her tossing and turning. Every one of them was about sex, and Gerald wasn't in any of them. Members of the youth group were in most of them. Different boys and, in one, a few of the girls, too, at some kind of an orgy.

  Friday during the day was just as bad. She spent the day cleaning the house and doing laundry, but she couldn't get her mind off sex. She even caught herself pressing her crotch against the washer as it rumbled and shook through its cycles. Thinking a swim might distract her, she put on her old college tank suit and swam up and down the length of the pool for 45 minutes. It didn't help. The suit was a little tight and the feel of the water flowing over her body just aroused her even more. She should have worn the suit Gerald bought for her, she thought. Very modest and with a full skirt.

  She didn't know why, but she resisted masturbating. She kept thinking about somebody catching her. And about the things she did in college, before Gerald. But she kept her hands off herself.

  On Saturday Ben ate an early lunch and then picked up the truck and drove over to the barn at the Lovejoy's house to get the tables and chairs for the meeting the next day. Although he'd really "graduated" from the youth group after he went to college, for the last two summers he helped Reverend and Mrs. Lovejoy with different youth groups and especially with the responsible relationships course. His job today was to set the tables and chairs up for the meeting the next afternoon. It was going to be kind of a party around the pool, with food and sodas. He came in through the back entrance, since that was closer to the barn. He grabbed a couple of the metal tubs they used to put the sodas and ice in while he was at it. After he had everything loaded into the truck he headed up the road to the pool area.


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