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Daddies Taboo

Page 95

by Iona Nixon

  "It's beautiful," he reassures me, give me a gentle but insistent kiss, his tongue seeking and massaging my own.

  He returns to between my legs and I more brazenly grope myself, enjoying his hungry gaze.

  "Tease," he whispers.

  "Are you complaining?" I shoot back.

  "Absolutely not."

  He holds my eyes and drags his tongue across my sex and swiveling around my clit. I hiss and gasp at the sensation. I swear I can see stars fuzzing my vision.

  "Good?" he asks and I can only moan and nod, my mouth slightly agape, tongue peeking out. He smiles and begins again.

  I lasciviously moan as he enthusiastically and thoughtfully goes down on me. His tongue dips deeply into my pussy (yessss...another tasty word) tasting my desire. Soon, his fingers join his tongue, curling into my g-spot as he sucks my clit. I thrash about, orgasm following orgasm in a cacophony of cresting passion.

  "Oooh, Tom! Oh god, Tom! Yessss! So goooooood!" I babble continuously, ravaging my nipples and running my hand through my hair. As I cum more and more intensely, both hands grab ahold of his head and force him harder against me. He moaned his approval and redoubles his efforts before pulling back and only gently teasing me, giving me a short break to catch my breath.

  As I come back down, I hear a rhythmic thumping. With much effort, I lift my head and focus my cloudy vision on him, seeing his arm moving up and down.

  "Are you...are you touching yourself?" I pant.

  He locks with me and nods, refusing to take a break from bringing me pleasure.

  I can only gasp in response and grit my teeth. After a year of a man who pleasured me with a distinct lack of pleasure and was so riddled with insecurity that he could barely get naked for sex, nevermind let me know how sexy he sees me by touching himself before me, my arousal cannot help but be ratcheted upward by his brazenness. It's so different than with...him...the other past. He's so comfortable in this moment which in turn leaves me feeling more comfortable than I ever have before. I cum hard again, back bridging involuntarily, my sex mashing against his face while he hums his empathetic joy.

  The tension releases from me in a rush and I flop loose on the floor, gently moving him away from me with one leg while begging, " sensitive." He crawls upward, dragging his naked body over mine. I grab his face and kiss him impatiently. The taste of me all over his lips and tongue, in his mouth, is oddly exhilarating.

  "Good?" he asks again, blue eyes twinkling.

  "Mmmm hmm," I respond, biting my lip and averting my eyes. I look down my body and see the deep blush cast across my pale skin. As I cool, I feel the perspiration sheen over my body. He spoons into me, nibbling my shoulder, and tasting the salt of my sweat. I kiss him again and snake my hand down his body, seeking out his unyielding member. I enjoy his quick intake of breath as I make contact and began to stroke him gently.

  "Feel good?" I whisper in his ear, tongue alighting around the exterior.

  He whimpers, "Yesssss."

  "You made me so wet," I confess.

  "You always make me so hard," he one ups me, "Just seeing you fully clothed across the room."

  "Are you ready?"

  "So, so ready."

  "For what?"

  "I...I'm sorry?" he hesitates.

  "Tell me what you want."

  "I want to..." he pauses, still struggling with all that past shame before breaking through, "I want to fuck you, Jen."

  "Goooooooooood," I moan, "I want that too."

  I kiss him then and hop to my feet with a giggle, "But first you have to catch me!"

  I'm off like a shot, laughing and sprinting down the hall, delighting in being naked with this man, thrilling to him watching my long lean body disappearing into his room, knowing his eyes are devouring me.

  I leap onto his bed backwards and let him see me trail my fingers between my legs and slip between my pink lips. From the doorway, I see him standing, cock bouncing lewdly in front of him with the beat of his heart. I beckon him forward with one shiny finger and he crosses the room in two long confident strides.

  He dangles his body over mine and stares into my eyes. I grab him with one slick hand and guide him inside me. Our moans mingle together as slowly pushes deep within me. He bottoms out and holds himself in that position.

  "Go ahead," he commands gently.

  In response I begin to rotate my hips, grinding my clit against him, sparks of desire bouncing up and down my nerve endings. I beg him to move against me but still he holds and bids me to use him. I grind harder and more frantically until I climax loud and messily.

  "Please," I implore him, "Please, Tom, fuck me."

  This time he does not deny me, pulling back and thrusting forward. I wrap my legs languidly around his back and he groans appreciatively.

  "I love feeling you all around me," he whispers to me.

  I reply, "I love you," before I have a chance to stop myself.

  Without hesitation, he says the same and I know that our dance of denial, of staying faithful, of clinging to dying relationships despite every reason to jump has proven worth it. I only regret it took us both so long.

  His body presses into me, our hips begin to drive and retract in time with each other. Our lips by each other's ears, whispering our dirty lusts, our fantasies, to each other. For minutes we do nothing but yield to the feeling of our bodies coming together, enjoying the taste of each other, watching us fuck one another. Our hands explore each other, groping with blind abandon, trying to make up for lost time as if there would never be another chance.

  "Will you cum inside me?" I tentatively ask, blushing a deep, dark crimson.

  " that what you want?" he hedges.

  "Yes...please! Never let...anyone before, but...pleasssssssssse," I beg.

  He says nothing in response, but alters his stroke to go deeper inside me.

  "Harder!" I demand of him, "Faster!"

  "Oh god," he groans, "Feel so good, Jen."

  "Cum for me, Tom! Cum!"

  "So close..."

  "Oh god," I think aloud, very loud, "I'm fucking you. I'm finally fucking you!"

  His fingers find my clit, firmly tracing a circle over it. I grit my teeth and attempt to hold on.

  "Cum," he urges, his voice telling me not to resist.

  "Yesssssssssss!" I scream, my climax obliterating everything but the sensation of his body against my own.

  Moments later, he mutters, "Cumming." I can feel every muscle under his skin tighten as if electricity is rippling through his body. Then, I could feel it, a wet, pulsing explosion propelling me to a smaller climax.

  He collapses on me and rolls off. I catch a few drops of our comingled fluids and lick it off my fingers, making a note to taste it again and soon. He wraps his arm around and pulls me towards him. I drape my leg over him and feel the satisfying slick feeling of our sweat merging. We lay together gasping for breath and gazing at one another.

  "Happy birthday," I whisper and kiss his neck.

  A silence fills the room as we just enjoy the culmination of overcoming years of avoiding our feelings and dedicating ourselves to bad relationships out of misplaced loyalties.

  Then, he nuzzles my hair and breathes, "You know, it's only 11:15."

  "Uh-huh..." I reply, my voice riddled with confusion.

  "Well, I'm just saying, it's still my birthday..."

  I push myself up on one elbow and stare at him. "Insatiable?" I ask, eyebrows arching.

  "For you," he confirms.

  "Good answer," I reply, straddling him. And so began the second time of our lives together that we made love.

  The End.

  Adventure in Sao Paulo

  She arrived at the airport at 4:38pm, exactly 52 minutes behind schedule. Following the crowd of frustrated and jet-lagged passengers to the luggage-collection area, she wondered whether she would find him in the crowd. As her luggage came around on the carousel, she grabbed it - just one big pack, she
was travelling light, releasing the explorer within. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, hoisted her bag onto her back, exhaled and opened her eyes to look around. She was in brazil. Thousands of kilometres from home. Butterflies in her stomach betrayed her nerves. Pushing them from her mind, she walked through security and into the arrivals lounge.

  Even through the throngs of people excitedly greeting family and friends, she spotted him almost immediately. He was standing to the side, leaning against a wall, lazily scanning the crowd - not sure whether she would really be there at all. She pushed past a big Brazilian family, narrowly avoided a girl being twirled around in her boyfriend's arms, and reached where he was standing.


  She said softly, trying to convey the million things running through her thoughts.

  "Buenas tardes."

  He replied shyly, and motioned for her bag. She handed it to him, a smile of thanks lingering on her mouth long after it needed to.

  When they reached his apartment, he showed her where she could leave her things, and suggested she take a shower while he prepared something to eat. She gladly took him up on this suggestion; the air on the plane had been stale, and had permeated her hair and clothing. Twenty minutes later, she emerged from the shower, fresh and invigorated. They ate in silence, the air between them highly charged. There were so many things each wanted to say, but neither knew where to start.

  He turned the volume of the music up a little - she hadn't even noticed there was music playing, she'd been so preoccupied with her thoughts. He offered her a glass of wine. She accepted, and they sat listening for a while. Slowly, they began to talk. About little things at first - the weather, the difference in the taste of food and wine... Until a point when they realised they had finished the bottle and had been talking for 3 hours. He suggested a movie, perhaps another bottle? She agreed, and the movie was begun, a new bottle opened...

  She was suddenly tired, and rested her head momentarily on his shoulder. He responded, wrapping his arm around her, gently holding her to him. As the movie progressed, and the liquid level dropped, her eyelids began to flutter. He noticed her struggle to stay awake, and wordlessly slid his arm from around her so she could lay her head on his lap. He lightly stroked her hair. When the movie ended, he carried her to bed, covered her a little, and left her to sleep.

  At 2am she woke with a start, not knowing where she was. She climbed out of the foreign bed she was in, walked to the doorway, and peered out. She tiptoed into the other room as she recalled where she was. Quietly, she called his name. He appeared before her, rubbing his eyes sleepily. She realised he'd been sleeping on the couch, and had given her his bed. She took his hand and held it between hers for a moment. Stretching up on the tips of her toes, she kissed him once, gently, on his lips. Without a word, she led him back to bed, curled up into his arms, and slept.

  The following morning, she woke with a smile on her lips. Rolling over, she watched the man beside her wake from his dreams, and giggled when his eyes widened in surprise as he realised his dream was also his reality.

  "Morning gorgeous,"

  She said to him with a wink as she stretched. with one fluid motion, her dress was over her head and on the floor, leaving her in nothing but little lacy knickers. She grinned and waited to see what his reaction would be.

  He responded in precisely the way she had hoped. Without waiting for permission, or encouragement, she kissed him on the mouth, sliding her tongue between his lips... She slid herself across his body, feeling him respond hard against her. Pulling away from his mouth, she kissed him slowly down the side of his neck, making little circles with her tongue.

  As she licked and nibbled his neck, she began to trail her fingers down his body. She gently played with his nipples, until they were hard little buttons against her fingertips, and ran her fingers a little further down his stomach. Where her fingers went, her lips followed.

  She used her tongue to touch his nipples, kissed him along his ribcage, down towards his navel. Her fingers were playing with the waistband of his boxers. She slid her hand under the elastic, and caressed his hardness while kissing and licking him lower and lower.

  He reached down and entwined one hand in her hair, and with the other squeezed her hand on his cock before pulling down on the waistband. She took the hint with a smile, and pulled them off him, all the while massaging him slowly.

  Looking up at him, she smiled in satisfaction to see that he was already completely lost in the pleasure she was going to give him. She extended her tongue to the tip of his head, and tasted his pre-cum. This moment was make-or-break, she could tell by the taste whether she would enjoy this, and thus give him maximum enjoyment.

  He was sweet, and rich, and she wanted to taste more. She took him in her hand, and licked all the way up and back down the underside of his shaft, paying special attention to the ridges she knew were extra-sensitive.

  She continued to explore him little by little with the tip of her tongue. Then she opened her mouth a little wider, and licked him with her whole tongue, slowly engulfing his cock with her warm mouth. She sucked him gently, alternating pressure, moving her lips up and down, using her tongue to make swirling patterns while he was inside her mouth.

  He moaned, and the grip of his hand in her hair tightened a little. She increased the pressure of her lips, until she could feel him pulsating insider her mouth. With a long stroke, she released him, only to take his wet shaft in her hand. As she massaged him, she licked his balls, taking them into her mouth and sucking gently. She changed focus again, taking his delicious cock back into her mouth.

  As she sucked him, his hands played with her nipples, pinching them until they were hard between his fingers. He traced the shape of her back around to the slight curve of her taut belly, and allowed himself to trail a finger between her legs. His finger touched her moist lips, and she responded by opening her legs a little more.

  He slid his finger along the outside of her pussy, and he could feel the vibrations of her throat as she moaned a little. He slipped a finger inside her, and instantly felt her wet pussy grip him, and tighten around his finger. He began to use his finger as she was using his cock, stroking in and out of her moist lips.

  As her tempo increased, his did too. He played with her clit a little, finding it already hard and swollen with desire. She was quivering a little as she played with him inside her mouth. He felt her squeeze around his finger, as he brought her to her first orgasm. She lifted herself a little, off his finger, and stopped sucking on him. Instead, she took his finger into her mouth and sucked off her juices.

  She loved her own taste, he could see that. As she sucked on his finger, she straddled him, rubbing her clit along his shaft, and lubricating him with her wetness. As she reached her second climax, he could see that this was going to be a very interesting morning.

  She leaned over and kissed him sensually, their tongues finding each other as their passion heightened. He tasted the sweetness of her pussy, the sweetness she had sucked off his fingers, and it was too great a temptation for him to resist. He placed his hands on either side of her small waist, and flipped her over onto her back.

  As she had done, he kissed every inch of her body. He caressed her face, nibbled on her neck and earlobes until she was sighing with pleasure. He made his way slowly, licking across the rise of her collar-bone, and taking the tip of her breast into his mouth. He used his tongue and lips, and allowed his teeth to graze her erect nipple. As he kissed, licked and gently bit her, he trailed a hand down her body, and slid a finger into her now-dripping pussy. He teased her, gently slipping his finger in and out slowly, until she was begging for more... He coaxed her close to climax, but didn't quite give her the release she needed. Her stomach muscles were tensed, her body moments away from a shattering orgasm...

  He slid his body along hers, kissing her as he did so... Kissing her feet, her calves, the sensitive area behind her knees... He explored her thighs with his mouth, fe
lt her quivering with desire... He continued his teasing until he could feel her become overwhelmed, her senses so heightened that a gentle breath raised goosebumps on her skin... And he lowered his mouth onto her lips, and sank his tongue deep inside her...

  The End.

  Unlikely Chance

  I met this girl once upon a time. Completely hit it off with her on what pretty much amounted to chance. I mean, who could have predicted the situation through which we initially met. That situation led to one thing and then another and now I can barely keep up with her as she jumps through all of these hoops on her own dragging me with her. Some of them have even left me a little bit burnt. I guess it would be wise to start at the beginning before you get any more confused.


  The family decided to take a trip out to a major city. We lived in a fairly rural area and did not often have the chance to experience all the lights and action that goes on in any metropolis. So my parents took off work and we left on a trip. I had just graduated from high school and this amounted to, not only a vacation, but also a graduation trip as well considering I didn't have the chance to go with my class out of country when they went. I had been busy finishing off all my projects in the laboratories at the school. One of them specifically had to be monitored diligently if I expected to pass that class.

  I had gotten involved in all the various experiments I could and was even allowed to set up a few of my own. The specific one that forced my hand was actually in the chemistry laboratory. I was attempting to run a natural decomposition of various articles of trash that one might find around the area. The litter wasn't a problem, but I was curious about the affects it might have on the soil considering all the other chemicals that could leach into it from the air and surrounding environment.


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