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Daddies Taboo

Page 131

by Iona Nixon

  Ruth looked blankly at the screen. For a moment, she had forgotten that Jenny was still on the phone. The line was open; not a word was spoken.

  Jenny: "Did you watch it?"

  Ruth: "I did."

  Jenny: "Well, okay..... thanks for talking a look. Can we talk tomorrow?"

  Ruth: "Sure, we'll talk tomorrow."

  Jenny hung up the phone feeling both rueful and embarrassed. There was no glory to be found.

  Ruth didn't telephone the next day. Instead, she knocked on Jenny and Bobby's door. Jenny opened the door.

  Eye contact between them was a little awkward at first. Within minutes it dissipated.

  "I guess we may as well take care of the elephant in the room," Ruth said with a smile.

  "I guess," Jenny smiled back demurely.

  "So, where did you come up with the idea? If this is too personal, I understand."

  Jenny laughed out loud.

  "You have a right to ask so I'll give you the short version. Okay,, act which I sent you was a depiction of a conversation which we sometimes discuss when we are, you know, busy." Jenny could feel her cheeks flush momentarily.

  "It was more of a conversation stimulant than it was a goal. We like to converse in the bedroom."

  'When I decided to make this particular conversation piece a reality, I thought of several candidates who could assist us. Some were more qualified than others but there was one hurdle in which I thought that not one of them could get over."

  Ruth looked at Jenny quizzically.

  "Trust," Jenny said. "This kind of thing, in my opinion anyway, calls for discretion, privacy, the ability to make all those involved feel at ease - basically, qualities that define trust. I don't want to have to worry about someone using this for personal gain. It sounds like paranoia but I feel very strongly about the issue."

  Ruth nodded in agreement.

  Jenny continued, "It's a pricey gift, but as I said last night, one that he deserves. And one that I'm pretty sure he'd enjoy," her cheeks flushing again as she smiled lasciviously.

  Ruth smiled back in turn.

  "And to be honest," Jenny added, "I'm a little curious about this myself. You may have guessed that I've never did this kind of thing before."

  Ruth cocked her head, "You never did that act before?"

  "Not only that but I have never been with another girl before", Jenny said, her eyes on her feet. "Have you....?"

  "I once kissed a girl in college on a dare," she mused, "but nothing in this area, no."

  There was a moment of silence in the kitchen.

  Finally, Ruth said, "Would you be comfortable if know, decided to participate in this?"

  Jenny looked over, "Would you be comfortable if I did?"

  They both laughed nervously.

  "So, should we start preparing a present," asked Ruth in a quiet voice.

  Jenny nodded, "I think we should."

  Bobby came home just after 9:00 to find his mother's roast beef on the table courtesy of his mother's surprise visit. Life was good.

  After the conversation with Ruth yesterday concerning the gift, Jenny was feeling exceptionally horny. Unfortunately, Bobby was dead tired at bedtime the night before and was asleep before she had a chance to initiate anything.

  The next morning, Bobby left for work at 6:00 a.m. As Jenny was only working part-time, her work week was over. She took Fester out for a run an hour after Bobby left and returned to find Ruth at the kitchen table sipping on black coffee. "Good mornings" were exchanged.

  She jumped in the shower and let the hot water cascade over her body. As she lathered her body, her hands started to caress her D-cup breasts. Her nipples hardened to the touch. She intentionally aroused herself knowing that she wasn't going to pleasure herself in the shower. It was the kind of teasing which elevated her lust. A smile formed on her lips.

  Once her shower was over, she donned on a form-fitting plain white t-shirt with no bra and a pair of cut-off jean shorts. Her curvy body hugged the material. She sauntered out into the kitchen and found Ruth had changed from her housecoat into a V-neck sweater and Capri pants.

  "I thought we could talk about our pet project," Jenny said.

  "Sounds good," replied Ruth.

  Ruth couldn't help but notice Jenny's tits. They were exquisite. With no bra, they moved in an orbit of their own. Since watching the video yesterday, Ruth had taken exceptional notice of them. Jenny sat down beside Ruth at the table as they talked about the details of the gift. Suggestions regarding the preliminary details were submitted and mulled over. Ruth couldn't help but become intoxicated with Jenny's body powder.

  As the discussion headed toward the final act, Ruth asked sheepishly, "So, I presume that I will be the recipient of the um, well, you know, and you'll be the um....cleaner?"

  Jenny was starting to become even more aware of her own elevated sexual state. Ruth's question did nothing to deter it.

  Jenny smiled a wicked smile, "You mean, will Bobby blow his hot load all over your tits and will I be the one to lick them dry?"

  Ruth felt an electrode go from her ears to her clit at Jenny's question -- she could feel her face begin to flush.

  ""Um, yes," Ruth stammered.

  "Well, I have been thinking about that. And I have decided to add an additional component into the plan. I'm hoping it will enhance the end result."

  Jenny was starting to get very wet now. She knew her lust would only get deeper.

  She sat sideways on the chair so that she was looking toward Ruth. With a sly smile, she asked Ruth. "Do you think I have nice breasts"? Ruth's eyes moved down to Jenny's chest. She wanted to look away but was drawn seductively to them. "Yes, I do".

  Moving to face Ruth, Jenny began to pinch her own nipples, "I get so turned on when Bobby touches them," she said in a husky voice.

  Ruth could feel herself get even more stimulated. She could see Jenny's nipples start to protrude against the thin material.

  Jenny started to slowly move her shirt up her body. Ruth held her breath. Jenny's shirt was over her head and was now on the floor.

  As Jenny stared at her mother-in-law, Ruth descended to her knees. She moved furtively toward's Jenny's tits and attached her mouth to Jenny's right nipple. As her tongue swirled against it, she started to suck profusely.

  Jenny moaned as her nipple began to harden in Ruth's mouth. Soon both nipples were receiving Ruth's attention. Within minutes, they moved to Jenny's bedroom. Any and all clothes were shed.

  Jenny laid Ruth down on the bed and with one quick swoop was between her legs licking her dripping pussy. As Jenny's tongue found Ruth's throbbing clit, Ruth began to moan as she felt her first orgasm envelop her.

  "My turn," Jenny said. She then moved up Ruth's body and slowly lowered her pussy onto Ruth's face. She rode it until she screamed with a violent orgasm.

  After another hour of fun, they finalized the plan for the request.

  Bobby got home just before 7:00 that night. An Italian dish hit his nostrils as he walked in the door. Jenny informed him that dinner would be in an hour. Bobby opened up a beer and headed into the shower.

  Meanwhile in the spare bedroom, Jenny and Ruth were changing into their evening attire and applying perfume while discussing last-minute details.

  When Bobby entered into the kitchen donning a button down shirt and a pair of jeans, he was greeted by both ladies. Jenny kissed him on the lips with a wide smile followed by Ruth with a peck on the cheek.

  With a wide grin, Bobby said, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

  Jenny motioned him to the table and said, "The man of the house needs to be treated like a king once in a while -- today is that day!"

  The meal started with appetizers -- bread dipped in olive oil, roasted tomatoes smothered in garlic, and a bottle of red wine. The main course was a rich tortellini dish smothered in more garlic and washed down with more wine. As no meal is complete with dessert, chocolate wafers topped with ice cream was serve

  The table was cleared but it was decided by Bobby that no dishes were to be done. In honor of all the hard work preparing supper, he would do the cleanup later. The ladies voiced no protest.

  After about an hour of more wine consumption, Jenny turned to Bobby and said, "It may be a little early for a birthday gift, but Ruth and I thought tonight would be a good night to present ours. After all, we worked hard at preparing it for you."

  "I'm all for birthday gifts, especially if I'm the recipient," Bobby laughed

  "OK then, follow us." Jenny smiled wide as she got up from the table and Ruth followed suit. Bobby was in tow.

  A minute later, all three were standing in Bobby and Jenny's bedroom. Bobby had a perplexed look on his face as looked at Jenny then back at Ruth. Jenny looked at Ruth and gave her a little nod. As Ruth nodded back, she moved to the door and gently shut it closed.

  Bobby started to utter something when Jenny said in a low, sultry tone, "Hail to the King!"

  She took Bobby by the hand and led him to the edge of the bed. She then kissed him passionately. As she looked him in the eyes, she said, "Just relax". Bobby didn't know what was going on but decided to keep quiet and see what was going to happen. Who doesn't like a surprise he thought to himself.

  Jenny put her hands on his shoulders and then moved to his chest. She started to unbutton his shirt. Once all the buttons were undone, she discarded it on the bed. She then removed her own shirt and unclasped her bra. Bobby's eyes moved to those of his mother and was shocked to see that, she wasn't shocked at all! Jenny now had her hands on his pants' buckle and before too long both hands were wrapped around his hard cock.

  Jenny then got to her knees and started to lick his cock. Bobby couldn't believe it. He then moaned as Jenny took his cock in her mouth and started to deep throat him. As Bobby put his hands on Jenny's head, Ruth sweater was off. Bobby was in awe as his mother removed her shirt and then her bra to expose her DD tits. Bobby always wanted to see his mother's tits up close. He was finally getting his opportunity.

  After a few minutes, Ruth spoke, "Bobby for your birthday, you are going to let Jenny suck that nice hard cock of yours but you're not going to cum in her mouth - as much as I'm you sure you'd like to. No, in fact, you are going to cover my tits with your hot jizz." Bobby's balls tightened at the sound of his mother's voice.

  "Are you getting close?" Ruth asked as she started to pinch her nipples which were getting harder by the second.

  All Bobby could do was nod as his eyes rolled in his head. The sight of his mother's tits while his wife sucked his cock was just too much.

  Ruth got on her knees and knelt next to Jenny.

  Ten seconds later, Bobby pulled out of Jenny's mouth. He leaned over her mother and as he started to furiously stroke his cock, Jenny sucked on his balls to facilitate the deposit.

  Bobby unloaded a string of bursts. Cum covered both of his mother's tits as well as some that caught her neck, chin, and face.

  After finally emptying his nutsack, Jenny faced toward Ruth. Bobby could only stare at the sight of his wife licking his cum from his mother's tits. But it didn't stop there. As Jenny moved up Ruth's body, cleaning, lapping, licking, sucking, she started to share his seed with his mother in short French kisses. It seemed inconceivable but here it was.

  After the cleanup, both women looked up at Bobby and smiled. In unison, they cooed, "Happy Birthday baby!!"

  The End.

  The Fall of Ashlynn

  In the deepest recesses of the kingdom of Alcalma was as isolated town and community. The monarch was a astoundingly beautiful but wicked woman in her mid-twenties named Ashlynn Van Drake. She was given her fief at the age of 18. She managed her people with a cruel hand, setting high taxes for the peasantry and hording riches. Worst of all however was her treatment of her slaves.

  When Ashylnn was still a child she lashed out at one of her female slaves by beating her after the slave had mistakenly pulled her hair while brushing it. The adult slave cowered as Ashlynn then just a child beat her, she did not retaliate knowing she would be punished harshly. Ashlynn loved the feeling of dominance over another human being and thrived on it. Soon she became known as one of the most cruel members of the aristocracy in all of the empire. Every slave and servant walked on pins and needles around her and that was how she liked it.

  Ashlynn longed for power and was given her own fief. She treated her fief as her own personal playground. She was not interested in making life the least bit pleasant for her subjects, she gave herself joy by repressing the people of her fief. She used the high taxes she collected to hire a large mercenary force, stockpiled jewels and had lavish parties for the other members of the aristocracy.

  Ashlynn was jealous of any female that rivaled her beauty, she made cutting remarks and spread false rumors about many other members of her own class and by doing this she made many enemies. One of these rivals was Bree of Stockmile. Bree was equally as beautiful as Ashlynn yet she possessed very few of Ashlynn's bad qualities, most importantly Bree was not intimidating to the opposite sex and was courted much more than Ashlynn. After all of Ashlynn's petty backstabbing Bree was still more well regarded and desired than Ashlynn and this enraged Ashlynn.

  Ashlynn lobbied her family to blockade the trading route between the Kingdom of Alcalma and Stockmile in order to impoverish Bree and her family, she wished to lower Bree's ranking in the aristocracy. The blockade would be effective because all goods going to Stockmile had to go through Alcalma first. Ashlynn had told the peasantry of her fief for sometime that the reason they were poor was because Stockmile had been initiating causing their poverty disrupting trade, this redirected the peasants anger towards an outside source, which was something Ashlynn did often to prevent peasant rebellion. This plan worked out better than Ashlynn could ever imagine as Bree's family was very vulnerable to this blockade. The economy was so weakened in Stockmile that there was a food shortage and a peasant revolt resulted in Bree's family being removed from power, the angry peasants captured and imprisoned Bree's family and because of Bree's beauty decided to auction her off as a slave so they could buy grain to feed themselves.

  The once powerful aristocrat Bree of Stockmile was brought out on the auction block to be sold to the highest bidder. There were wealthy silk road merchants, wealthy aristocrats from foreign nations and of course Ashlynn of Alcalma was there. Ashylnn was determined to be the highest bidder and win her former rival as a slave for the sole purpose of humiliating and abusing her. Bree in tears was forced to show off her entire body, she was forced to flex her muscles to prove her worthiness as a slave. Ashylnn directed the slave traders to force Bree to open her legs and expose her lower extremities to the crowd, it took some whipping but Bree eventually complied.

  Ashlynn paid a large portion of her personal fortune to purchase Bree. Ashlynn did not even allow Bree to be dressed in her slave rags, instead she with the help of her mercenaries dragged Bree off naked into her gold adorned coach. Ashlynn in the company of two mercenaries at the side of the nude Bree, laughed and taunted Bree as she took her back to Alcalma.

  Bree was forcefully tied to a pole that was fastened to the top of Ashlynn's coach and paraded naked through the township of Alcalma. Ashlynn stopped in the town square and had her town crier call the people to square. The helpless Bree was taken to the center stage where the different corporal punishments took place, Ashlynn was fond of publicly humiliating peasants as a form of punishment. Ashylnn instructed the town crier to inform the public that Bree was a former member of the aristocracy of the neighboring Stockmile and that her family had been the prime reason that the peasantry in Alcalma was poor, that Bree's family not her had initiated the blockade. Ashlynn then instructed the peasantry to throw their rotten eggs and vegetables at the nude Bree. Bree sobbed and cried out in humiliation as she was pelted with stinking eggs and vegetables. Ashlynn laughed and mocked Bree. After the pelting was over took it upon herself to viciously whip Bree's buttocks and
backside. Bree looked completely broken, naked in front of a jeering crowd of onlookers from the lower classes. Ashlynn was completely elated.

  Later that night Ahlynn stood in her grand room devoid of any servants with Bree locked in the cellar and examined her striking body. Ashlynn compared her breasts with that of Bree, Ashlynn believed that Bree had better breasts than her. Both women had medium sized breasts but Bree's were more shapely, they sagged less. Ashlynn planned on finding a way to mutilate Bree's breasts so that they no longer were more beautiful than hers. Ashlynn examined her buttocks and saw that Bree's buttocks were more toned and Ashlynn's taste for fine dinning had made her buttocks slightly more flabby. Certainly both women had large beautiful buttocks. Ashlynn laughed to herself as she thought of the whip marks that now marred Bree's buttocks. Ashlynn moved her face close to the mirror. Ashlynn was proud of her beautiful but haughty face, but she seethed with jealousy when she realized that Bree's face and hair may be considered equal or more pretty than her face and hair. Bree once had nicely styled blond hair, now it of course was disheveled. Ashlynn flipped her perfectly brushed and groomed dark brown hair to the side and turned around.

  Ashlynn rang a bell for a servant to come to the door. Ashlynn opened a small hatch in her door at mouth level and told the servant to take two mercenaries to hold Bree down and shave her head immediately, she spoke the order with disdain and hatred. The cellar where Bree was taken was given an air vent that led directly to Ashlynn's room, this was done so that Ashlynn could fall asleep to the sobs of her formed rival. Ashlynn fell asleep that night listening to something more loud that just sobbing, she heard the screams of Bree as her head was forcefully shaved, Ashlynn slept well that night, knowing that she completely bested her rival in every way imaginable.

  A few weeks after the purchase of Bree, Ashlynn had a problem at hand, her heavy taxes had taken a toll on her peasantry. The peasantry could not afford to purchase goods and services from the local merchants and Ashlynn's treasury was being sucked dry because of the general poverty of her fief combined with her own lavish lifestyle. At a meeting with the local guild leaders Ashlynn was advised to lower the taxes and stop living so lavishly, Ashlynn of course did not want to do this. The guild leaders warned Ashlynn of a peasant revolt since Stockmile could no longer be given as a reason for financial woes.


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