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Daddies Taboo

Page 170

by Iona Nixon

  It was beyond embarrassing to have her find me like this, but at least this was a manageable situation. Jenny feared me enough that I'd be able to intimidate her into keeping anyone else from finding out.

  She stepped inside and was obviously surprised to see me there at all. Then her eyes took in the full scene and a look of confusion came over her.

  "Dr. Sullivan? Uh, what are you doing? What is that mask for? And why do you have strings tied around your hands and feet?" she asked.

  Mask? Strings? I looked down and realized that where ropes had secured me before, now there was just a single short piece of white string tied in a bow around each of my limbs. The bows were large and loose--I reached the ends and untied my hands in a moment as I tried to process what I saw.

  When I reached up to my face and felt for the panties, I found instead a standard surgical mask covering her nose and mouth. The realization that there had never been any rope or panties, that I'd sat there all night for nothing because the nurse had played a trick on my mind, that realization somehow felt more humiliating than when I'd thought I was getting turned on from sniffing the woman's underwear.

  The way she'd been able to mess with my head filled me with shame. How could I be so weak that she could have warped my perception of reality to the point that I thought strings were ropes? They'd felt so heavy, so unyielding when I'd pulled at them. Worse still, I'd imagined the smell of another woman's dirty panties, and came while sitting there like that. It was humbling to realize just how powerfully she'd manipulated my thoughts.

  "Dr. Sullivan?"

  Remembering Jenny, I tried to appear in control as I addressed the girl.

  "Sorry, sweetie. I was so deep in my meditation that it took me a moment to get back here. This is a technique I learned in China, the ceremony helps focus and clear the mind."

  It was obvious that Jenny didn't understand why her boss needed strings or a mask to clear her mind, but she didn't seem to discount the explanation either, as she started into asking for clarification about a task she'd been assigned the day before.

  Once Jenny left, I lay back in my chair, the big leather one behind my desk, and sighed. I needed to go shower and get dressed, it was lucky I had a change of clothes there in the office. Then, when I was settled, I could figure out what to do about nurse Kemp.


  I wasn't able to come to a decision that day. She was right, I was too ashamed of what she'd done to even consider telling anyone. It would be simple enough to just continue my existing campaign to get rid of her, but she deserved far worse for the vile, degrading display she'd inflicted on me.

  A back ache, no doubt from sitting in the same position for too long the night before, kept me from really being able to concentrate. When a light headache piled on in the afternoon, I decided to deal with the nurse the next day.

  That night I slept only fitfully, my various aches keeping me from really resting. When I awoke in the early hours of the morning, remembering a dream of being tied up and forced to sniff a lowly nurse's panties, I was disgusted. I was also aroused though, and my fingers were in my panties before I realized what I was doing.

  I stopped myself and managed to fall back asleep, but ninety minutes later I woke up to find myself hot and bothered again, and though I couldn't remember I was horrified by the idea that I'd dreamt of her again.

  She hadn't just assaulted me, she'd scarred me with her abuse.


  The next day found my backache had somehow spread to my knees and shoulders. I hurt everywhere, albeit not so badly that I was worried. I still chalked it up to my night in the uncomfortable chair.

  I didn't manage to find the time to plan for Leanna Kemp's fate that day either, but once again I was surprised to find her at my office door in the early evening. She made no effort to apologize, in fact she seemed quite pleased with herself.

  "You have to admit to the power of hypnosis now; none of that was real, but it all felt real to you. You felt the ropes yourself, remember?"

  "Are you insane? Do you really not think that you're in trouble? I can't believe you have the nerve to even face me after what you did," I told her.

  "I was wondering, actually, if you'd like to try another bet. Sort of, double or nothing."

  "Double or nothing?"

  "That's right. To show you just how powerful hypnosis is, I'm willing to put what I'm doing on the line again. I'll put you in a similar situation as last night, so you're restrained, but not really, but this time you'll know I'm going to do it."

  On hearing 'similar situation', I felt dueling rushes of heat and shame. I was both aroused and humiliated by just the young nurse's mention of my previous "situation". It was crazy though, there would be no way strings would hold me if Kemp tried her little parlor trick again.

  "If you can get free, I'll give up doing hypnosis at the hospital, per our original bet. If you can't, you'll quit using your current hypnotist for-hire and add me to your staff, complete with my own office to do sessions in. I'll do what I'm doing now, but instead of having to go to patient's rooms, I'll have a quiet place to work. And I'll be working for you. What do you say?"

  It was mad, but the heat below my belt was too tantalizing to resist at least enjoying the idea for a moment longer.

  "Alright. What do you need me to do?"

  Leanna stepped closer, leaning in over the desk with a smile. "Nothing at all, really. Just fall into my eyes and sleep now," she said, and I felt myself pulled forward into those calm blue pools, inexorably but pleasantly drawn into their soothing depths.


  My eyes opened and again I looked to the clock. Another forty-five minutes had disappeared, and before I even tried to move my hands, I already felt the heat rising to my face. It was a humbling experience to have this young woman take such easy control of me--again.

  Strong chains bound my wrists to the arms of my own chair this time. More chains connected my legs and crossed behind the post under my seat, securing my legs. I tested them and found them unyielding. The nurse was trying to trick me this time, these were real chains, heavy and clanking. She must have put them on me while I was under, and now she thought I'd be fooled into thinking they didn't exist at all.

  Leanna giggled as I pulled at the chains again. I looked up at her and was disturbed to see the younger woman smirking as her hand toyed with the front of her skirt. My shame mounted as I felt myself getting more turned on as I stared at her. Surely the nurse couldn't mean to repeat that part as well and think that it could win her a staff position at my clinic?

  "What are you doing?"

  She lifted her skirt, exposing a tiny white cotton triangle of bikini panties. Nurse Kemp ignored my question and used her other hand to massage her crotch with an open sigh of pleasure.

  "I have to admit, it's kind of sexu to see a powerful woman like you reduced to being chained and helpless in front of me," she said, before letting her skirt drop back down.

  Her hands went to her hips under the skirt, and I watched, mesmerized, as she slipped her panties down over her thighs.

  "Not your underwear, please," I said.

  Somehow, my plea sounded like a request, and my shame and arousal both grew stronger.

  "Yes, my underwear. I've had them on all day, and now you get to have them on all night."

  This time I didn't struggle as the beautiful younger woman stretched her soiled underwear over my head. It was all I could do to keep from sucking in a hungry breath right then, but I had to at least show enough control to wait until she'd left. She stepped back, checking her handiwork, and then giggled one last time before leaving.

  After the nurse closed the door behind her, I couldn't hold it any longer. I breathed her smell deep inside me and couldn't stifle the loud moan that rose to my throat as I felt relief.

  At that first full taste of Leanna's scent, my aches and pains melted away and my center went liquid. My hands reached towards my own sex uselessly
as the chains held them tight.

  It wasn't going to take hours for me to reach climax; it wasn't even going to take minutes. This time there could be no pretending that I'd just happened to be aroused and that the proximity of her underwear was a coincidence.

  It was embarrassing, humiliating even, but all I could feel at that moment was desire and gratitude for the pleasure I felt at having the gift of this beautiful aroma to savor.


  "Dr. Sullivan?"

  I awoke to Jenny standing in my office doorway. I must have finally drifted off to sleep at some point in the early morning hours.

  It was just like two mornings before, but this time I felt, and probably looked, a wreck. If my assistant took a step into the room, she'd have to smell the result of my night of arousal. Even after having slept a bit, my panties felt a mess.

  Leanna's panties, however, were gone once more. The object of my extraordinary night of lust was now just a paper mask again. I looked down at my wrists and found them tied down not with iron chains, but with paper clips that had been linked together.

  It was amazing, really, but there was no time to analyze my feelings about the nurse's ability to warp my reality. First I needed time to compose myself. I pulled my hands free and lifted off the mask, quickly opening my desk drawer and dropping it inside.

  "Give me a minute, sweetie. I'm not quite back in the real world yet."

  She looked at me with more annoyance than confusion, and closed the door behind her as she left. Thank God it was Jenny that found me again, and that she seemed to accept my previous explanation without having to hear it again.

  A yawn overcame me as I stretched, the weariness of having experienced hour after hour of intense sexual gratification instead of sleep having taken their toll on me. I felt as if I'd run a marathon or something, instead of just sat there in my chair.

  The more I considered it, the less I cared about the dose of humiliating submission she'd forced on me, twice. I couldn't deny the power of hypnosis, nor her skill at its practice any longer.

  I needed a shower, and a change of clothes, and I didn't have much time, but I awakened my computer and began typing instead. The email I composed to the chief praised nurse Kemp's gifted use of hypnosis, reversing my former position completely, and requested that she be moved into my pain clinic. I described the significant cost savings we'd achieve by avoiding the use of our outside hypnotherapist, and suggested that the nurse receive a nice pay increase as part of her new position.

  Only when the email was sent did I feel that I'd made that situation right. I really had been unnecessarily mean to her, and I had been proven wrong about her skills in undeniable fashion.

  Standing, I found myself sore from being in the chair for so long again, and groaned at the realization that I was going to have to somehow stay awake all day.


  After a shower and a change that left me so late that I missed my own staff meeting, I felt rejuvenated enough that it didn't seem like an impossible task to make it through the day anymore, at least as long as the hospital's coffee supply didn't run dry.

  The chief's response expressed pleasure at my turnaround, and approved my request. I was trapped in a series of meetings that kept me from telling her about her new position and its higher pay, meetings that dragged through a lunch and into the early afternoon.

  The meetings seemed to go on forever; in addition to the sleep deprivation and fatigue I was fighting through, my aches returned and by the afternoon my head was beginning to throb as well.

  During the last of my meetings, discussing the impact of the upcoming set of billing code changes and the inability of our primary billing system vendor to have our system updated in time, I grew distracted by the strangest discovery.

  Sitting there I thought about finding Leanna and giving her the good news, and my pain lessened a tiny bit, for just a moment. It felt so nice that I closed my eyes, and just imagined the nurse's pretty face, chasing the feeling. To my surprise, my pain faded even more noticeably.

  It was a struggle to force my eyes open, the throbbing coming back full-force, but I'd be noticed if I didn't. I spent the entire rest of the meeting thinking about it, though. She must have given me some sort of instructions to feel good, to enjoy my degradation, and this must be some residual effect of that programming.

  I wondered then, what if I were in my chair with her phantom panties over my head, how would that alter my current pain? Just thinking about it made me shift uncomfortably in my chair at the sudden heat I felt down south, but also at the momentary relief of my pain that the thought seemed to have granted me.

  When the meeting finally ended, I called her the moment I made it back to my office, asking her if she was free to talk.

  "I'm about to have a session with a patient, actually. I'm at the hospital though, could I just stop by your office when I get done?"

  I quickly agreed, trying to cover the sigh I released when the news that she was in the building made my head stop pounding for a blessed moment.

  My eyes closed and I thought about her, and the headache faded to a manageable throb. I spent most of the next two hours, as I waited for her past the time that the clinic office closed, sitting there at my desk, thinking about her to ease my pain, with less success as the afternoon dragged on into evening.

  When she finally did arrive, the sight of her in person was even more soothing to my pain than my imagined version of her had been earlier. She seemed pleased about the news that she'd be paid more and would have her own office at the clinic, where she could use her hypnosis skills to help more patients than ever.

  I struggled internally with the question I'd grown desperate to ask her. There was really no way to request what I wanted without sounding like some kind of pervert, and I was embarrassed even thinking about it, but I couldn't stop myself.

  "I've been having an awful achy, headachy sort of day. I've been thinking about how good it felt after you'd hypnotized me and wondering if you could. I mean, would it . . . would it be possible to try it again. I mean, without being restrained. Just to see if it helps?"

  A look of amusement came to her face and I felt myself flush with fiery shame. It had been a mistake to even suggest this, and I wished I could hide then.

  "You know, I think you're feeling pain because it's so stressful for you to be in charge. It must be hard to pretend to be strong when you're really not."

  What did she mean by that? Things were getting a little more embarrassing than I could handle. I'd just have to deal with the pain on my own.

  "On second thought, it's probably not a good idea. Forget I asked."

  "I can't just leave you here in pain, when we both know that I can give you what you need. Fall into my eyes and sleep for me," she said.

  At that point I both wanted it and I didn't, but all the same I looked into her eyes and did as I was told.


  My eyes opened and I was still seated behind my desk. There were no ropes or chains, I wasn't restrained. Leanna faced me across the desk, the look of amusement still on her face as she reached under her skirt and slid off her panties, which were racy red silk. Now I was imagining her to be wearing sexy lingerie, apparently.

  As she stepped out of them, I didn't just stare because I viscerally wanted them; I stared because I knew they weren't real, yet they appeared to actually be her panties. Did she have to leave while I was in a trance to go get a paper mask, I wondered, or did she have one waiting in her pocket already?

  She leaned over and dropped them on the desk in front of me. "Here you go. I'm sure these will help with your pain. I'll see you in the morning," she said, and then she left me there.

  As she was closing my office door behind her, I saw the young woman she'd had in a trance that day. The pretty young fibromyalgia patient. Why would she be waiting for Leanna in the outer office? That mystery should have absorbed me more, but my attention was drawn back to the underwear on my

  I picked up the panties and again marveled at the perfection of the illusion. Already I could smell that hypnotic female scent on them. The first faint breath of it made me sigh with relief. I brought them closer and sniffed deeply. My eyes closed as I began to savor the feeling of my pain turning to pleasure with every breath.

  I nestled my face into the crotch panel as instinctively I sought more of that perfect smell. The sensation of moisture against my lips and nose made my eyes open. I was more ashamed than ever for a moment as I marveled at the feeling of wetness. Was this my doing? If this was all just something that existed in my mind, a paper mask turned into a younger woman's worn panties, if I could imagine this delicious scent, was it my preference to imagine that she'd been aroused at the idea of removing them for me?

  My body was responding to the smell with such force that I didn't spend a moment more wondering about my own perversion, I just drank in that smell and let the fire building in my center grow hotter with every breath.

  The dampness on my nose left no question that I was smelling Leanna's arousal. If I could bury my face between her beautiful thighs and if it pleased her to let me do so, this would be steamy fragrance of her heat.

  I thought of her the moment before she'd left, standing there looking down at me, amused, and imagined that I wasn't chained. I imagined that I was able to fall to my knees while she laughed at my perverse need, and that she let me crawl to her, lifting my head up under her skirt to find her naked beneath and aroused by her mastery over me.

  The shameful image consumed me, and any veneer of pride or control I'd kept up dissolved. I didn't make any decision to release myself to my need, but it happened. My mouth opened and then I was first licking, then sucking at that damp cloth. It tasted even more deliriously wonderful than it smelled, and in only moments, I groaned and came.

  My fingers busy in my panties as I sniffed what I believed were hers, I made myself cum like a dirty little perverted animal, over and over again until I couldn't take it any more.


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