Book Read Free

One by One

Page 29

by Ruth Ware

I try to stand, but I can’t. Pain roars up and down my leg and my ankle gives way.

  I crouch on the snow, hunched on my side, trying not to throw up with the pain.

  I know I should leave her, but I can’t do that either.

  I think of Danny’s words before he left. I know you… Don’t be starting up with the bleeding-heart crap. Put yourself first.

  And I know he’s right. But I can’t do it. I can’t leave her there to die, like Alex, like Will, alone in the snow.

  I take off my poles. I unclip my ski boots from their bindings, and then I get onto my hands and knees and I begin to crawl, back up the pass, towards the turn.


  Snoop ID: ANON101

  Listening to: Offline

  Snoopers: 0

  Snoopscribers: 1



  Listening to: Offline

  Snoopers: 5

  Snoopscribers: 10

  When I get there, the silence is complete.

  Liz is lying on her side at the foot of the cliff, a crumpled heap of red, white, and blue. The blue is her jumpsuit, the white is the snow, and the red… the red is everywhere.

  She has been bleeding out over the snow, but it has stopped now. In the time it took me to crawl the twenty feet back up the pass, Liz has died. There is no breath coming from between her broken lips. When I put my fingers to the side of her neck, the skin is warm and slick with blood, but there is no pulse, not even a flicker.

  For a minute I think about trying the impossible—chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth… but when I turn her very gently onto her back, what I see makes me fall back, choked with horror. The left-hand side of her skull is smashed in like an egg, and there is brain matter on the snow.

  I feel faintness wash over me, a great wave of revulsion and nausea that leaves me crouched and rocking on the ground, hugging my own knees, a tearing sound in my ears that I know must be my own sobs, but which sound like they are coming from someone else completely.

  I don’t know how much time passes. I only know that two things shake me out of my catatonic despair.

  The first is that the sun is beginning to come up. The ravine is too deep for the rays to penetrate down here, but faint pink streaks of light are beginning to pattern the clouds above.

  And the second… the second is that I can hear a buzzing.

  For a minute I can’t think what it is. It sounds like a phone, but I don’t have one—my own phone is miles up in the mountains, back in Chalet Perce-Neige, with a battery as dead and cold as all the bodies Liz has left scattered behind her.

  The buzzing stops, and then it starts again—and this time I realize. Liz. It’s coming from Liz’s pocket.

  Her jumpsuit is soaked with frozen blood, but I know I have to do this, and I reach across, my arms stiff with cold, and touch her hip. I pull open the zip, my mittened fingers numb and clumsy, and something slithers out onto the snow, something bright as a jewel, with a jangling sound that makes tears start to my eyes.

  It’s Elliot’s phone.

  It is ringing.

  And the caller is Danny.



  Listening to: Pixies / Where Is My Mind

  Snoopers: 8

  Snoopscribers: 151

  I don’t know how long I lay there, side by side with Liz in the slushy puddle of her fast-freezing blood. I only know that when the rescuers finally trekked up the gorge with their stretchers, I was almost hypothermic, and I couldn’t answer their questions.

  It was Danny who kept me going through those long hours, his voice in my ear, talking, talking, telling me that they were on their way, that I just had to hang on, not to give up. But when the rescue party finally arrived and pried the phone from my frozen mitten, slicked over with a sheen of bloody ice, he couldn’t tell them what had happened either.

  It wasn’t until two days later that I was finally able to piece it together for them—explain the abandoned chalet, the cryptic texts, and headlong flight down the treacherous couloir. But even I couldn’t explain everything. Because, how do you explain someone like Liz?

  To explain is to assign a reason for something, to make sense of behavior, to justify it, in a way.

  And I cannot, will not justify what Liz did.

  I am discharged from hospital after a few days, but I can’t go home. Partly because I don’t want to—I am twenty-two. I don’t want to go back to my childhood bedroom, with its posters of long-forgotten bands, and its photographs, Will and Alex permanent ghosts hovering just out of the corner of my eye.

  But partly because I literally can’t. The police haven’t finished processing the crime scene that Perce-Neige has become, and they’ve asked everyone concerned to remain in the area, at least until their preliminary investigations are complete. We aren’t suspects—at least, I don’t think we are, so there’s nothing legally preventing us from returning to the UK. But it would look very bad to be impeding the investigation, and everyone knows that.

  It’s clearly impossible to go back to the chalet as long as it’s a crime scene, so I accept with some relief the police’s offer of accommodation at a hotel in St. Antoine le Lac. It is only when I arrive, plastic bag of belongings in my hand, that I realize what this offer means.

  It’s where they have put everyone. Topher. Rik. Miranda. Danny. Carl. Tiger. Even Inigo.

  In fact it’s Inigo that I see first when I step through the door into the reception area, and my mouth falls open.


  I pull out my earbuds, and he turns from where he is inexpertly attempting to sort out internet access with the French-speaking receptionist. When he sees me, he flushes a deep unflattering red, so dark it’s almost purple. The flush doesn’t suit him, and it tones down his extraordinary good looks into something approaching normality.

  “Um, excusez-moi, please,” he says, awkwardly to the girl behind the counter. “Un moment. Je—I mean—I need to—God, Erin, what must you—let me take your bag.”

  He gestures at the crutch I’m using, at my ankle in its surgical boot, and grabs for the plastic bag I’m holding in my free hand.

  “It’s okay,” I say, laughing, though the situation isn’t really funny. “My ankle’s fine. I mean—it’s not fine, it’s broken, but I can walk again now that I’ve got a cast.”

  “No but still,” he says wretchedly. He ushers me over to the 1970s woolen couch in the corner of reception and we sit down, facing each other, like awkward guests on a talk show. For the first time I see that he has a surgical dressing on his forehead, and two black eyes. Has he been in a fight? “Erin, you must have thought—you must think—I mean, God, I was a total idiot. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?” I say, taken aback.

  “For going off and leaving you all like that! I had no idea that Liz—that she—”

  “Inigo, it wasn’t your fault!”

  “But it was. I mean not Liz—but if I hadn’t been such an idiot with the phone call Ani might still, she might still—”

  He stops, and I realize that he’s very close to crying, and is trying desperately to master himself. I also realize that I have no idea what he’s talking about. In fact I have no idea what the story is with Inigo at all. What did happen with the phone call? Why did he run off?

  “Inigo, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say more gently. “What happened? Did you fake that phone call, after all? Why?”

  “What?” It’s his turn to look taken aback. “No! God no! How could you think such a thing?”

  “Then why did you run away?”

  “I told you! I left a note—because I made such a stupid mistake.”

  I suppress a sigh of irritation and wonder, not for the first time, whether Inigo was ever actually that good as a PA. How did Topher put up with him?

  “Yes, but you never said what the mistake was,” I spell out. “We all thought—” And then I sto
p. Inigo flushes again, even deeper this time, but he puts his chin up.

  “I know. You all thought it was me. That’s why I had to leave—to put things right. The mistake—God, I was so dumb. I told the police we were at Chalet Blanche-Neige.”

  For a minute I don’t understand. Then my mouth falls open. I have a sudden, vivid flashback to Inigo on the phone to the police. Yes… okay… Chalet Blanche-Neige.

  Blanche-Neige. Snow White. Perce-Neige. Snow drop. An easy mistake to make for someone who didn’t speak French. But one that was fatal for Ani. Oh, Inigo, you idiot.

  “I know Chalet Blanche-Neige,” I say slowly. “It’s about ten miles away, over the other side of the valley. Of course. Of course, that’s why the police never came. You told them the wrong place.”

  Inigo nods, in miserable assent.

  “It was such a stupid fucking mistake. And I realized the next day what I’d done, and I kept trying to get through to explain, but the line was just dead,” he says brokenly. “So I knew the only thing I could do to try to put it right was ski down to the town, to tell the cops in person what had happened and where we were. So I left. I know it was stupid but I just felt so—so ashamed, and I wanted to put things right. I knew if I told anyone what I was doing they’d try to come and I didn’t want them to, I didn’t want to put anyone in danger because of my mistake. But instead—” He gulps, and I see tears brimming in his eyes. I know he is thinking, as I am, of Elliot, and of Ani, both of whom might still be alive if the police had come that afternoon, if they had known where to look. “Instead I got lost, skied into a tree, and woke up in hospital.” He touches his forehead, the surgical bandage I saw when we sat down. For the first time I notice the rawness of the skin on his cheeks and fingers, the blackened tips of his ears, where frostbite must have set in. “If only I hadn’t—” His voice breaks. “If I didn’t—”

  “Inigo, you couldn’t have known,” I say softly. “It was a mistake—just a terrible mistake.” These are words people have been saying to me for months, years now. You couldn’t have known what would happen, when you suggested skiing off-piste. It’s not your fault. It was just a mistake—just a terrible mistake.

  They are phrases that have always seemed meaningless. Now, suddenly, it is vital that Inigo believes them.

  “It’s not your fault,” I say, urgently, putting every shred of conviction that I can muster into my words. I put out a hand to touch his, feeling his rough, blistered fingers. Inigo winces, but then looks up at me. He gives a weak smile. I don’t know if he believes me. Maybe. Maybe not.

  Ani and Elliott might still be alive if Inigo had said the right name. But he didn’t.

  Maybe he will learn to live with what happened, just as I did. Just as I do.



  Listening to: Offline

  Snoopers: 8

  Snoopscribers: 160

  I don’t see the others until dinnertime, when the hotel serves up a hearty, veggie-unfriendly dinner at 7:00 p.m. sharp. There is no reservation, no picking and choosing your meal or your time. This is family dining—you come down when the chef tells you and you get the plat du jour, or you don’t eat. It’s quite restful.

  I’m in my room, curled up in bed, more than half asleep when I hear the dinner bell ring, and I get up painfully, feeling the aches and pains in my bones from the last few days, and rubbing the side of my cheek where it’s imprinted with the wrinkles of the pillowcase. Then I step out into the corridor.

  I’m limping along to the stairs when a door opens and another guest comes barreling out, almost knocking me over, making me drop my crutch. I bend over to retrieve it, feeling my ankle scream in protest, and when I straighten up I’m about to make an irritated remark, but then I see the guest’s face. He is standing stock-still, just looking at me.

  It’s Danny.


  I fling my arms around him, but he just stands, unresponsive, and then, like ice thawing, he seems to melt, and his arms creep around me, holding me in a hug that is at first gentle, then firm, and then crushingly hard, almost as if he’s trying to make himself believe I’m here and solid flesh.

  “I never believed her,” he says at last, his deep voice coming to me as much through his chest, where my face is pressed. “I never believed her. That text—I knew something was wrong. I set out straightaway—I’ve never walked so fast in my life—but you were gone. I thought you’d died. I thought—I thought—”

  But he can’t finish. He just gulps, pressing his face into the top of my hair, and I feel the wetness of his tears on my parting.

  “I should never have fucking left!” he says, and his arms tighten. “I knew you wasn’t safe to be left alone. I told you, don’t do anything stupid. And what happens? Skiing off-piste with a broken ankle? You ain’t Jason effing Bourne.”

  I shake my head, and tighten my grip, burying my face in his shoulder, trying to hide my shaking sobs. I love him—I love his attempts to lighten the atmosphere and make a joke of this, but I can’t even pretend to laugh. All I can do is hold him and cry, and cry, and cry, for everything.

  “Fucking hell,” he is saying, his voice rough and soft in my ear, rocking me back and forth, back and forth. “You’re okay, Erin. You’re all right, pet.”

  And I want to believe him. But I’m not sure if it’s true.

  “You look like shit,” he says at last, pulling back to look me up and down. I feel like he wants me to laugh, and part of me wants to. You should have seen the other guy. The riposte is on the tip of my tongue. But Liz is dead, and it doesn’t feel funny. Instead, I just shrug and Danny’s lip curls into something close to a snarl.

  “Fucking bitch.”

  “Don’t,” I say. “Don’t—you don’t know what she—”

  But I’m interrupted by the clanging of the dinner bell for the second time, and Danny rolls his eyes.

  “Better go down. You ready?”

  “Not really. You?”

  “I’m fine, mate. You’re the one who pulled off the Bear Grylls stuff.”

  I laugh, but my nerves are still jangling as I make my way slowly and awkwardly down the narrow stairs from my room, crutch clamped under one arm, the other supporting my weight with the rickety banister.

  When I enter the dining room, they are all there—all the people who are left, at any rate. Topher, Tiger, Rik, Inigo, Miranda, and Carl—they are all seated around the long dining table, and when I come in, unsure of my reception, there is a collective intake of breath and then, to my surprise, Topher breaks the silence with a slow round of applause that is taken up first by Inigo, and then by Rik, Miranda, and all the others.

  “Bloody hell,” Carl says, jumping up from his place to help me with my crutch and my chair. “You look even worse than Inigo, and that’s saying something.”

  My seat is next to Tiger, and she puts her arm around me as Carl pushes my chair in, holding me in a warm, one-sided hug.

  “Erin,” she says. “Are you okay? It must have been terrifying. I’m so sorry—we never should have left you.”

  “It’s okay,” I manage. My eyes are filling with tears. I can’t think what to say. My ankle, inside the Aircast, is throbbing painfully, and I can feel their eyes on me. It’s a welcome distraction when Danny pulls out the chair on my other side and slumps into it with a sigh.

  “Smells like that bleeding cassoulet again,” he says morosely. “It was bad enough last time.” Somehow his irritation breaks the ice, and Inigo is smiling, a watery grin.

  “Bit louder, mate,” Carl says, as the young waitress—the same girl from reception—comes into the room carefully carrying three plates of thick pale stew on a tray, breathing heavily with concentration as she navigates round the corner of the table. “We want to be sure she spits in the right plate.”

  “Going by the stuff they served the other night, spit would probably improve it,” Rik says under his breath.

  “Shh,” Miranda hisses severe
ly, and Rik grins, and rubs the back of her neck with an easy intimacy that makes me think whatever their situation at home, these two will not be going back to England as just colleagues. Something has changed between them, something irrevocable, and Rik looks stronger, more determined than the person I met just a few days ago.

  Topher, by contrast, looks like a pale, deflated version of the charismatic man who stepped off the funicular. It’s not surprising in a way—he has lost his cofounder and his best friend, a terrible price to pay for regaining control of his own company, by any standards, and one that seems to have aged him, and scuffed away some of his confidence and sheen. He’s still seated at the head of the table, though, and when the cassoulet is served he taps his fork on his glass, and clears his throat as we all look round expectantly.

  “Um… look, this won’t take long,” he says, and then stops, and rubs his forehead wearily, seeming to have lost the thread of what he was about to say. “But I—well, I’ve had a couple of bits of news. I thought you deserved to know as soon as possible.”

  He takes a long swig from the glass of red wine at his side, and then grimaces, and wipes his mouth. I don’t think it’s the kind of vintage he’s used to drinking.

  “The first thing is, well, there’s no easy way to say this.” He swallows, his throat working. “The, er, the buyout offer has been withdrawn.”

  There is a murmur from round the table. It’s a mixture of shock and concern, but there’s not much surprise in people’s voices. Rik and Miranda share a glance.

  “What does that mean for the company valuation, if you take Snoop public?” Carl asks bluntly. Topher doesn’t answer. Rik folds his arms, his mouth a thin line of annoyance.

  “In the toilet, am I right? You don’t need to bullshit here, Toph. You’re not wooing investors. It’s not surprising, is it? High-profile massacre on company time, one partner dead, arguably the one the investors liked more—”

  “Rik!” It’s Tiger speaking; she stands up, her chair screeching on the tiled floor, her face twisted, her air of serenity quite gone. “Rik for God’s sake! Does this matter? Eva is dead. Elliot is dead. Ani is dead.” Her voice cracks on the last word. “How can you give a fuck about share valuation?”


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