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Where There's a Will

Page 11

by Brenda Sinclair

  “We’ll be just fine, miss,” Doc piped up, waving everyone out of the room. “I’ll let you know if I require anything.”

  Willow hovered outside the door for a few moments and then wandered back to the kitchen. She stunk like horse manure, having been dragged away from her barn duties. She encountered Adam lingering in the kitchen. “Should I go change? I might be called into duty in the kitchen. That is, if you can spare me in the horse barns.” She didn’t mention about the only thing she could cook halfway decently was oatmeal porridge.

  “Go ahead. I’ll wait here. I’m concerned about Mrs. Sheridan. Lily’s in town today, but she can lend a hand if she returns in time for supper.” Adam shooed her out the door. “Let Davie or Leonard know what’s happened and I’ll reassign duties later to cover for you.”

  Willow nodded. She’d never been much of a cook, having learned a few basics as a teenager from the family’s housekeeper, Mrs. Griffith. She’d preferred outdoor work with horses to cooking or baking. And cleaning and laundry remained completely beyond her. Should she confess her domestic shortcomings now, or wait until she’d made a mess of things?

  Two hours later, she’d taken the noon meal at the cookshack and ensured the men under her supervision were clear on their duties. She returned to the kitchen dressed in the original blue calico she’d been given the day Mrs. Sheridan first discovered she wasn’t Willie Hughes. She gasped when she discovered Lily sitting at the table, nursing Edward. “I’m so sorry. I’ll go.”

  Lily waved off her concern. “I haven’t anything you don’t have.”

  Willow laughed, pointing at Edward. “I do not have a baby.”

  “Well, there is that,” Lily admitted, smiling. “But I don’t mind you being here while my little man has his meal.”

  “Where’s Adam?”

  “He returned to work when I arrived back from town early. The baby fussed all morning, and I considered it wise to bring him home. I can shop for baby clothes at Amanda’s store another day.”

  “Knowing Amanda, she’ll show up here later with a huge box of samples for you to browse through,” Willow said, laughing. “She’s a mite taken with her nephew, if you haven’t noticed.”

  Lily smiled. “I’ve noticed. He’ll be spoiled before I know it.”

  “He’s such a darling. He deserves a little spoiling.”

  “Would you like to hold him?” Lily had finished nursing and prepared to hand the baby over to her.

  Willow reared back. “Heavens, I wouldn’t know how!” she exclaimed, hearing the panic in her voice.

  Lily chuckled. “Don’t worry. He won’t break. Sit down on a chair.” Willow complied and Lily settled the baby into her arms, smiling. “See. You’re a natural.”

  Willow smiled down at the tiny warm bundle in her arms. The baby wiggled inside the blanket and stared up at her with inquisitive eyes. “He’s looking at me, asking who are you? You don’t look like my mama.”

  Lily smiled. “He’s wondering if you’re another auntie. I think he’s starting to recognize Amanda.”

  “Hi, Edward,” Willow whispered, watching him staring at her.

  She wouldn’t mind being his auntie one day. She wouldn’t mind having a sweet little one just like him some day either. Especially if his Uncle Adam was her baby’s father. She startled with that thought. She hadn’t a clue to Adam’s feelings for her. He’d been attentive and caring, and he’d kissed her silly on a couple of occasions. But that didn’t necessarily mean forever love and a proposal one day.

  “Here, Lily. You’d better take him back.” Willow handed the baby to Lily. “I came up to help Mrs. Sheridan.”

  “No need. I’m here now. And Mrs. Sheridan is resting in her room.”

  “Doc Bennett still with her?”

  Lily shook her head. “He pronounced her fine except for some bruises, and after a couple days’ rest, she’ll be back at work.”

  Willow blew out her breath. “No broken bones. That’s a relief.”

  “If you want to help with supper, I wouldn’t say no. Daniel and Iris are coming out to the ranch this afternoon. Daniel leaves for Texas tomorrow and Iris will be staying with us until he returns.” Lily shifted on the sofa. “I should put the little mister in his cradle before we start cooking.”

  “I’ll go peel some potatoes and then you can help with the rest of it,” Willow suggested, leaving the new mother and baby alone.

  She lugged a small bucket filled with potatoes out of the pantry and set to peeling them while lost in her thoughts. She couldn’t help worrying what Daniel would learn while in Texas. And how long would he be gone? She’d be living on pins and needles until the day he telegraphed news or appeared back in Milestone with a report on his findings.

  Meanwhile, she prayed the judge would send that horrible Pinkerton impostor off to prison for many years, and the longer the better. Knowing he’d been sent by her uncle to tie up what he considered a loose end, truly worried her. What if their uncle learned that this fellow had failed? Would Uncle Clarence send another man to complete the assignment?

  Her father and Uncle Clarence. One a Harrison and one a Pearson meant perhaps they were only half-brothers. Regardless, the two of them were as different as day and night. She shivered with the knowledge her father’s brother had wanted her and Leonard dead. She couldn’t believe that despicable man could be any relation, never mind a brother, to a kind-hearted, loving gentleman like her father. Hopefully, Daniel would meet with their uncle and ensure him they hadn’t realized he was still alive. If they had, she or Leonard would have sent for the doctor.

  But what troubled Willow most, if she and Leonard hadn’t committed the robbery and left Clarence Pearson for dead, then who on earth had?

  Chapter 17

  Willow arrived at the main house bright and early next morning, intending to help Lily with breakfast. She entered through the back door and gasped when she stepped into the kitchen. Dirty breakfast dishes littered the counters and three pots holding breakfast remains were pushed to the back of the woodstove. Had everyone eaten early in order to send Daniel on his way? Lily, Iris and Amanda sat heads together at the kitchen table with at least a dozen fabric samples strewn across the top.

  “Amanda, what are you doing here?” Willow blurted before she could stop herself.

  “Good morning, Willow. We’re on a mission,” she muttered, holding up two pieces of fabric in her hands, one dark pink and the other medium blue.

  Willow strode over to the cookstove and poured herself a cup of coffee. “What are you doing?” Had she guessed correctly, and Amanda had arrived to choose clothing for her new nephew? The pink seemed unsuitable for a little boy.

  “I’m getting married. We’re deciding on the fabric for my wedding dress.”

  Willow gasped. “Getting married? When?”

  “Sawyer proposed last autumn. We’ve been putting off the date until Iris and Daniel could return from Chicago and attend,” Amanda explained.

  “No one told me you were engaged.” Willow bit her lower lip, relegated to employee and not at all a part of the family despite Adam’s attentions.

  “Well, Iris is here to help Lily and me with the plans. I’m counting on Daniel completing his investigations within a month’s time.”

  “We’re all hoping for that,” Iris added.

  Amanda met Willow’s eyes. “I figure Sawyer and I can tie the knot around the beginning of October.”

  Lily laughed. “If we drop a few hints, perhaps Adam will propose to you, Willow, and we can plan a double wedding.”

  “Adam and I are nowhere near thoughts of a wedding,” Willow insisted.

  “Perhaps my brother just requires a small nudge,” Amanda whispered. “Lily and Iris and I could drop a few hints.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Willow warned them. “If one day Adam proposes, I prefer the idea of marriage evolving from his love for me. I won’t accept a proposal offered out of any misplaced obligation to please the three of you.�

  “Suit yourself.” Lily waved off the idea. “One of these days Adam will see the light.”

  “And it’s my fondest wish that Willow’s the woman to strike the match that leads Adam to the illuminating fact he needs her in his life forever.” Amanda hugged Willow tightly. “We really do hope you’ll be our sister-in-law one day.”

  Willow couldn’t deny she hoped for the same. She knew beyond a doubt she loved Adam more than she could ever put into words. She only prayed he loved her half as much. But time would tell if they were destined to become man and wife, forever and ever. Until that day, she would wait to hear what Daniel learned and if there remained any hope for a future with Adam. Or any man, for that matter.

  “After we settled on a wedding date this morning, Sawyer insisted he accompany Daniel to Texas,” Amanda informed Willow.

  Iris nodded. “If the two of them aren’t able to get to the bottom of your troubles, then no one can.”

  “Actually, knowing Daniel has someone watching his back reduces my worries a bit,” Willow admitted. “Knowing Clarence Pearson sent that horrible man to harm us, I wouldn’t trust my uncle an inch.”

  “Sawyer shared similar thoughts after he learned what Daniel could possibly be walking into.” Amanda twisted the fabric in her fingers. “I just hope they arrive with the element of surprise and solve this before your uncle suspects anything.”

  An infant’s plaintive cry erupted from the far corner of the kitchen.

  “Yes, little man, I’m coming.” Lily hurried over to the cradle. “Does someone want his next meal,” she whispered to the crying baby who announced his need for more nourishment.

  “Isn’t he sweet?” Iris gushed. “I’m delighted we could visit so soon after his arrival.”

  “Edward is a sweetheart,” Amanda agreed.

  “One of these days, Iris, you’ll be making an announcement, too,” Lily predicted.

  “Sooner than you might think,” Iris replied and then blushed.

  Amanda gasped. “Are you… no!”

  “Yes!” Iris confirmed, a broad smile accompanying her admission. “I had my suspicions, but Doc Bennett confirmed it yesterday. Of course, I told Daniel right away and he’s over the moon. I nearly had to shove him out the door this morning, ensuring him I would be fine here at the ranch without him. Duty called, and he couldn’t up and advise his superiors he wasn’t going.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” Willow said, hugging Iris.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  “I know you’ll miss your husband, but we cannot thank Daniel enough for deciding to travel to Texas to solve this matter for Leonard and me.”

  “True, and I’ve been ordered to stay put on the ranch until my husband returns.” Iris shook her head. “If you see me in Milestone… I wasn’t there. Must have been a figment of your imagination.”

  Willow and Amanda burst into laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Lily called from the far corner of the kitchen where she was nursing Edward.

  “We’ll let Iris tell you,” Amanda called. “Meantime, will someone please help me choose material for my wedding dress!”

  “The sapphire blue,” Lily and Iris replied in unison.

  “I agree,” Willow chimed in and smiled at Amanda. With those McLennon blue eyes of hers, the color would be perfect.

  Amanda blew out her breath. “Thank goodness. That was my choice also.”

  “Then why did you ask us?” Willow threw up her hands.

  Amanda waved off the question. “Sisterhood. Besides, Nancy Watson mentioned it was one of her favorites, also. So, that’s settled.”

  Willow’s eyes filled with tears; she’d never before come this close to being anyone’s sister. She rather enjoyed being considered a part of these wonderful ladies’ lives.


  Perhaps she should drop Adam a hint or two to bring about a future permanence to the notion of them spending their lives together, forever. At least, Adam remained on the ranch and hadn’t left for Texas. And Leonard had stayed also. Her two favorite men in the world were here with her and safe. Sawyer and Daniel were trained to handle any situation they might encounter in Texas, but she prayed they would return unharmed, bringing with them good news.

  Hopefully, that wasn’t too much to expect.

  Chapter 18


  Willow paced the floor of the cabin she shared with Leonard. Three weeks had passed and no one had received any word from Daniel or Sawyer, until today. She stared at the telegraph in her hand, finding it difficult to comprehend the meaning of the brief message addressed to Jackson.

  Made an important discovery. Leonard and Willow must come immediately. Daniel

  “Can you make any sense of this?” Willow looked up into Adam’s eyes.

  “Not one iota,” he admitted. “Why would it be imperative you and your brother join them in Texas?”

  “I haven’t a clue. And what could this important discovery be?” Willow shook her head. “Do you suppose Uncle Clarence is truly dead, after all? Perhaps someone pretended to be him. And then he hired that horrible man who was impersonating a Pinkerton.”

  “I have no idea.” Adam dragged his hand down his face. “But having directed the telegraph to Jackson, Daniel and Sawyer wanted to ensure Jackson gave his permission for you to leave your ranch duties for an unspecified period of time.”

  “Jackson is the big boss on the ranch,” Willow said.

  “Actually, I hired both of you to work for me.” Adam shook his head, appearing to counter her rationalization. “But this must be important for Daniel to send for you.”

  Willow nodded. “You’re right. Daniel’s wording states his finding is ‘an important discovery’ but I can’t help worrying it’s something really bad.”

  “Don’t think the worst. Regardless, we need to clear up this business one way or another. All of the foals have been born and they’re thriving. The Double M will simply have to manage without the two of you for a while.”

  “I can’t up and leave. What if—”

  “Nothing will happen.” Adam guided her down the hallway. “Go pack. I already warned Leonard to give Davie and the other hands final instructions and then he’s to pack a bag also. We’re riding to town, explaining the situation to Sheriff Robertson, and then we’re riding to Butte to catch tomorrow’s train.”

  Willow gasped and halted in her tracks. “What do you mean we’re riding? The telegraph only mentioned Leonard and me. Besides, you can’t come with us to Texas. You have responsibilities here on the ranch.”

  Just then the cabin door opened, and Leonard stepped inside. “Give me two minutes to pack and I’ll be ready to go. Everything’s arranged for our absence, and Walker and Shadow are saddled and waiting.”

  “Good work.” Adam reached for Willow’s hand. “There’s no way either one of you is facing this without me.”

  “You’re coming with us?” Leonard strode down the hallway to his room.

  “You have no idea what awaits you in Cactus Plains.”

  “That doesn’t matter, Adam.” Willow squeezed his hand. “Daniel and Sawyer are there.”

  “Exactly,” Leonard called from his room. “I don’t doubt for a moment they’ll watch out for our best interests.”

  “I’d trust them with our lives,” Willow added.

  “You may have to,” Adam warned. “There’s no telling what danger you might encounter either along the way or when you arrive.”

  Willow gasped. “Danger?”

  “Possibly. The wording in that telegraph is far too brief and the message too mysterious for my liking.” Adam wagged a finger at her. “You are not setting one foot on that train without me.”

  Leonard returned carrying his packed bag. “I can look after my sister.”

  “I know that. But both of us will do a doubly good job of seeing that she isn’t harmed.” Adam headed for the door. “I’ll request some cash from the safe and be packed in
ten minutes. Leonard, go tell Davie to saddle Major. I’ll catch up with you two at the corral.”

  Willow headed for her room. “There’s no sense in arguing with him,” she muttered as her brother dashed out the door behind Adam.

  She wished there was time to say her goodbyes to Lily and Iris and Mrs. Sheridan. And she wouldn’t have the opportunity to talk to Amanda who’d returned to Milestone. Jackson would have explained the contents of the telegraph to everyone, and hopefully, the ladies would realize the urgency of her departure and not take offense.

  She changed into her wool trousers for traveling and stuffed a few clothes including one of her new dresses into the old saddlebag she’d used since leaving Texas. She glanced around the cabin she’d come to love, and then hurried out without a backward glance, convinced she’d be back again soon enough. Unless Daniel hadn’t succeeded in clearing her name. Or he’d failed to prove she and Leonard hadn’t done anything to harm their uncle or stolen any of the money from the ranch safe. Unless they would be found guilty.

  Her imagination worked against common sense. Were they being tricked? Had Daniel summoned them, intending to arrest the two of them the moment they arrived back in Cactus Plains? Tears clouded her vision for a moment and she almost tripped on the path leading to the barns. Just as quickly, she blinked them away. No, she had to trust that Adam’s brother believed they were innocent. Hadn’t Daniel as much as welcomed her to the family? Or had that sentiment been voiced only to lull her into a false sense that everything would work itself out?

  Perhaps having Adam accompany her and Leonard to Texas was for the best after all.

  Willow rounded the corner of the barn and gasped. Mrs. Sheridan, Lily and Iris stood waiting to send the three of them on their way. AJ hurried over and removed her bag from her hand and Mrs. Sheridan hugged Willow tightly.

  “I hope Daniel solves this matter and you’re back here where you belong in no time at all,” the housekeeper said.

  “And by where you belong, she means at home on the Double M,” Lily added.


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