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Her Pleasure

Page 5

by Niobia Bryant


  Graham whirled, already surprised by the sound of her voice, and shocked to see her standing at the open doors to his beachside cottage. It was at the end of the resort’s property on a secluded part of the beach. He left the bathroom, still nude and damp, and came out to the bedroom to stand behind the woven seagrass headboard.

  Her braids were now flowing down her back and her face was free of makeup. Just the sun’s kiss deepening her brown complexion. Her high cheekbones spoke to her African heritage and her feline shaped eyes hinted that her mother was Black and Asian. The full and plump softness of her mouth rounded out her features.


  “We need to talk,” Jaime said.

  His chest filled with that same joy and hopefulness and excitement at seeing her again. “In here?” he asked, eyeing the bed that faced the open doors to the terrace. He moved from behind the bed, exposing his nudity. “And like this?”

  “No,” Jaime said as she quickly turned her back to him.

  Graham chuckled. “I’ll get dressed,” he said, taking in the sight of her buttocks in the peach wide-leg jumpsuit she wore. The spaghetti straps and draped fabric exposed all of her back.

  He cleared his throat and ignored the slight hardening of his dick as he walked to the carved wooden armoire to remove white linen drawstring pants from the stack of folded clothes. “I’m dressed,” he said, letting the rim of the pants settle low on his hips.

  She turned to him and watched him as he walked over to stand beside her in the open doorway. Her eyes dipped to take in his abdomen, and she licked her lips before darting her eyes away to some focal point down the length of the beach.

  It was late afternoon and a little of the summer heat had begun to fade. A draft of wind blew, causing the thin material of her jumpsuit to cling to her body. His eyes smoldered at her hard nipples pressing against the cotton. He licked his lips. His desire for her was far from sated. And again, his resolve disappeared like a fine mist in wind.

  Graham walked over to her. Her eyes widened and her breaths deepened with each of his steps. “Are you back for more, Jaime?” he asked, stopping just an inch from her and snaking his arm around her waist to jerk her close.

  She rested her hands on his bare arms and tilted her head back with her mouth just slightly ajar.

  He shivered from her touch and hungered to taste her lips.

  “No,” she said with an adamant shake of her head that caused the ends of her braids to tease his arm.

  With regret, Graham released her, remembering that he should be as strong as her in resisting the attraction between them. But she feels and smells so damn good.

  He offered her the patio chair under the large umbrella and instead chose to sit on the hammock across from her to enjoy the tropical sun.

  “Congratulations on the commission,” Jaime began, removing the shades hanging from the front of her jumpsuit to slide on her face. “When I asked my concierge about the mural, she said you had been on the island for the last couple of weeks painting it.”

  “I only work on it during the off-hours,” he said. “Another week or so and I’ll be done and headed off to my next painting adventure.”

  Her smile was wan as she looked down at her hand and then back up at him. “Winning major awards for your art, having acclaimed shows, and being commissioned by high-ranking political figures and celebrities have kept you busy since the rooftop, huh?” she asked. Softly.

  Graham nodded. “Yes, but is that your way of asking why I haven’t reached out since then?” he asked, his deep voice defeating the echoes of the crush of the waves in the oceans.

  Jaime removed her shades and matched his stare. “Yes, Graham,” she said. “I figure the universe saw fit for us to meet here and at the very least we owe each other one last conversation before we say goodbye this time and know that when we’re done, neither of us will hold onto hope that we will see each other again.”

  He heard the finality in her voice and the pang it caused was deep and radiating. “I don’t think either of us can ever outrun our past. We know too much about each other,” he said, revealing why he had fought himself every time he felt the urge to reach out, resolving himself to releasing his love for her once and for all. “I don’t think I can ever be what you need, or understand, or fully forgive. Our past together is the very reason I just don’t believe we can have a future.”

  Jaime looked over at him for a long time. So many emotions crossed her face until finally there was peace. “I had a dozen other questions, but you answered the one I needed most,” she said, rising to her feet to walk over to stand before him. With the hint of a smile, she stroked his cheek. “You are right, Graham, because there is no future for us.”

  He turned his head quickly and pressed a kiss to her palm and was rewarded with a shiver—a telltale sign that she was just as affected by him as he was by her. “Goodbye forever?” he said, knowing it sounded more of a question than a statement.

  “Goodbye, Graham,” she said, easing her hand away before she turned and walked onto the beach without looking back.

  * * *

  Goodbye, Graham.

  From the backseat of the black SUV, Jaime remembered the look in Graham’s eyes when she said farewell. They lacked the finality of his words. She saw his doubts. His regrets. His wish that things between them could be different.

  It both scared and thrilled her.

  No. No more Graham.

  Two days ago, had been the last time she would see him. Going forward she was done thinking about him. She didn’t need him. She had Luc—a man who had no doubts about their future together. She smiled, thinking of seeing him again. Being with him again. She would keep her betrayal to herself, more not to hurt him than anything else.

  Graham Walker was in her past.

  “I am exhausted, but I know after a week of not having pussy on hand that Kingston ain’t thinking about sleep,” Aria said, following it with a yawn from her seat on the third row of the SUV.

  Jaime glanced back at her over her shoulder. “You should be ready for some,” she teased.

  “Hell, you too. Only one wore out and probably tore out is Ms. Island Fling over there,” Aria said, lifting her chin in Renee’s direction where she sat on the second-row seat with Jaime.

  She imagined just what Graham’s buttocks had looked like, clenching and unclenching, as he thrust inside her. Mid-thrust she closed her eyes and shook her head to free herself from the steamy recollection. “Yeah. Right?” she said weakly, casting her gaze out the window as they pulled up to the guard booth of Richmond Hills, their affluent New Jersey subdivision.

  “Don’t hate because Mama got fed,” Renee said.

  “Really, Ma-ma? Considering he’s younger than your son that’s a really bad choice of words,” Aria drawled.

  Renee just chuckled.

  “Home sweet home,” Jaime said, meaning to change the subject. The very last thing she wanted in her life—especially this particular week—was another dick. She didn’t even want to think about or discuss anyone’s penis.

  “Jaime, you get dropped off first since Aria’s in the rear seat and your luggage went in last in the back,” Renee rationalized.

  “Fine with me,” she said, even though they had to pass both Renee and Aria’s home to reach her spacious European-styled house.

  Like all the homes in the massive subdivision, it spoke of affluence and wealth. Somehow at night, it was even more luxe, with beautiful landscaping highlighted by towering metal streetlamps and the exterior lighting fixtures of every home.

  “Alright ladies,” Jaime began, gathering her items as the SUV slowed to a stop at her address. “I will be off the grid tomorrow getting my mind right for work on Monday.”

  “Same here,” Renee said.

  “I’ll be on dick duty all weekend so don’t call me and I won’t call you,” Aria said.

  Jaime smiled and climbed from the SUV once the driver held the door
open for her. “Thank y’all for an awesome girl’s trip,” she said, heartfelt and warm.

  Both ladies smiled at her. “Same here,” Renee said again.

  With one last glance back to make sure the driver had the right luggage to bring to the porch, Jaime climbed the stairs. As she slid her key into the lock, she regretted not letting Luc meet her there. Only the safety and security offered by the guards gave her the confidence to open the door and have no fear of an intruder waiting and lurking.


  Jaime hollered out as her foyer and living room was illuminated revealing people, party décor, and her Luc in the center of it all in a tailored all-black tuxedo kneeling with his hand outstretched revealing a spectacular diamond engagement ring inside the black box of his favorite jeweler. She gasped in surprise and covered her open mouth with her hands.

  “Surprise, Jaime.”

  She heard Renee and Aria whisper that together but didn’t turn, knowing they were in on the surprise as well. She was thankful they pressured her to wear a nice sundress to travel home in. One of them took her bag and keys from her trembling hand as she slowly walked the rose strewn path that led to him.

  He was so handsome in all black with his fair complexion and jet-black hair. He smiled and her heart skipped a beat. Her parents were beaming, showing every tooth in their mouths right behind him as Jaime came to stand before him, surrounded by friends, employees of her business, and neighbors. She loved that he wore his heart on his sleeve.

  Luc bit his bottom lip and smiled—charming as ever—and she remembered the night they spent together before the trip. Her belly warmed in desire and her clit throbbed to life. She was thankful that recent events had not dulled her desire for Luc.

  Before he could speak, she reached for his hand and with a little tug, he rose to stand tall before her. She eased her arms around him and pressed her hands to the strength of his back as she tilted her chin up to kiss him. First a soft suckle of his bottom lip and then lightly stroking the tip of his tongue with her own. He jerked her body closer to his with a moan as he deepened the kiss as everyone sighed, oohed, or applauded. She missed him and was truly glad to be back in his arms and her senses.

  She fought back her tears of guilt as he broke their kiss. “Is that a yes before I even got to pop the question?” he asked, his deep voice seeming to rumble near her ear.

  She nodded and nuzzled her face against his neck as he lifted her with ease off her feet.

  Forgive me, Luc. Please forgive me.

  Chapter 4

  One month later

  Jaime was awakened with a start but remained lying on her side. Through the floor-to-ceiling window, the hot summer sun was just rising above the metropolis and in the distance, she could see its gleam atop the water of the river. It was a beautiful view. She allowed herself a few precious moments to relish it before the hustle and bustle of her day—their day—began.

  She looked over her shoulder to find Luc sitting up in bed watching something on his laptop with his AirPods in. Her hustle was only outmatched by his. She loved how hard he worked for his dreams. Where most men would be satisfied, Luc was only determined to have more. Do more. Be more.

  He was so fixated that his laser focus on the laptop did not waver as she slid the sheet off her nude body and moved on the bed to sit behind him. Massaging his arms, she pressed kisses from one of his broad shoulders to the other inhaling the scent of his soap still clinging to his skin. They had shared a quick shower after making love last night against the windows of his bedroom.

  Wanting his attention, she removed one of the earbuds. “What’s that?” she asked before sucking his earlobe.

  Luc brought one hand up to take the one she pressed to his shoulder to kiss the palm. “The new sneaker commercial for one of my artists,” he said, using his free hand to rewind the video.

  He squinted as he studied it frame by frame.

  “The one dropping next week?” Jaime asked.

  He nodded.

  With eyes twinkling with mischief, she eased her hand around his waist to take his dick into her hand and slowly stroke him to hardness. He hissed from her touch and let his head fall back against her shoulder as he bent his legs to thrust his hips forward, sending his laptop over onto its side on the bed.

  “I got the music summit today,” he reminded her, with his eyes closed and his pleasure clear.

  “Then I better get on top.”

  She came around his body and flung the sheets back as he gripped his thick inches and guided them inside her. She swiped away his hands and twirled her hips as she slid down on his hardness until all of him was planted deep within her. She released a cry and dug her fingernails into his shoulders as Luc slapped her buttocks and then brought his hand up to twist in her jet-black bob to jerk her head back. He pressed his free hand to her back and brought her body forward to taste her hard nipples.

  “Lick them nasty,” she gasped.

  He did with a deep moan as she worked her hips back and forth to glide her core up and down him, striking the hard base against her clit and stoking her climax. And his.

  “Come on baby,” he begged in a fevered whisper. “Let’s get this nut.”

  She picked up the pace, gripping the headboard as she rode him fast and hard as he sucked deeply at her nipples. She loved that. He knew it. The internal explosion came with ease and they both cried out as she pushed herself to keep riding him through the waves of their white-hot spasms until both their bodies went slack after their release.

  “Shit,” Jaime swore, releasing a heavy breath as she raised her arms above her head and looked down at him, sweaty and spent.

  “Move . . . in . . . with . . . me,” Luc said in between breaths.

  Jaime smoothed her wayward bob back from her face as she too took large breaths that caused her full breasts to rise and fall. “Huh?” she asked.

  Luc chuckled and sat up higher in bed with her still straddling his lap with his spent dick now limp against her thigh.

  She looked down into his keen handsome features before pressing her hands to his tattoo-covered chest as she tilted her head to the side. “When I said I was thinking about selling my house in Richmond Hills I wasn’t trying to woo an invite for us to live together,” she said.

  “And when I asked, I wasn’t feeling manipulated to do so, Jai,” he said reverting to the nickname he used when he was really putting on the charm.

  “Luc,” she began with a slow shake of her head.

  “Besides,” he said, holding up her left hand to show the five-carat diamond ring on her third finger. “We’re getting married.”

  She smiled. “We’re getting married,” she agreed, glad that her guilt about Grenada had truly begun to fade.

  Somewhere along the line, she convinced herself that those stolen moments with Graham were a goodbye to ensure he was completely flushed from her system and thus making her able to fully love Luc Sinclair the way he deserved, forevermore.

  She looked about the room with its modern design in shades of pale gold. “I honestly didn’t know when I designed this place that I would live here . . .until we find our own home.”

  “Or condo,” Luc inserted.

  She nodded in agreement. “That we purchase together. My first marriage taught me to be present and visible in every aspect of my next marriage,” she said, locking her eyes with his to show it was important to her.

  “I’m not Eric,” he said.

  “And I’m not the Jaime I used to be,” she countered.

  Luc sat up straight. They were face to face. Eye to eye. “Deal.”

  With a wiggle of her nose, she leaned in and covered his mouth with her own to suckle slowly and deliberately with a soft grunt as she kept her eyes joined with his.

  “Damn, Jaime,” he whispered against her moist lips as his dick stirred to life against her thigh before standing tall and erect as she continued.

  “What goes up must come down,” she teased.
  Luc swore before quickly grabbing her around the waist to fling her onto her back and dive his body atop hers as he entered her warmth and moisture with a hard thrust of his narrow hips. “My turn,” he moaned against her neck as he fucked her swift and hard.

  Jaime spread her arms wide across the king-sized bed and closed her eyes in pleasure.

  * * *

  Later that evening, after a final walkthrough of a home she redesigned in Tribeca, Jaime pulled her convertible onto her double driveway. The summer sun was hot, and she was thankful for the shade of the trees lining the sidewalks as she moved to the street to look up at the house. For more than a decade, it had been her home and most of that time it held the secrets of a miserable marriage. She thought of the way Eric would degrade her during sex. Tragically, his humiliation and snide remarks had stung deeper than the strokes of his dick.

  She’d redecorated since reclaiming the home after his death, but the misery inside it was built in the foundation and still clinging to the framework like a stain. “It’s time,” she said aloud.

  “Time for what?”

  With her arms crossed over her chest, Jaime looked back at Aria now standing behind her with her curly afro pulled back from her face with a black band. “I’m selling my house,” she admitted, curious to her reaction.

  Aria’s eyes widened in shock. “You’re moving?”

  Jaime looked back at the European-styled home with all its bedrooms never filled with children. It was Jessa Bell that bore a child for her husband. “Yes,” she said. Firmly.

  “Well shit,” she said.

  Jaime arched a brow. “Didn’t you help plan my surprise engagement party?”

  Aria twisted her mouth before sucking air between her teeth. “I didn’t think that shit through,” she said, stepping closer to wind her arm through Jaime’s.

  She frowned. “You thought we would move in here?”

  “Like, I said I didn’t think it through,” Aria repeated with sadness clear in her tone.

  Jaime let her head rest on her shoulder, so thankful for her friendship and that the ways of her past had not put distance between them that couldn’t be forgiven. “I had more miserable days here than good, Aria,” she reminded her.


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