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The Journey of Kyle Gibbs Box Set

Page 42

by Wayne Marinovich

  ‘Before dawn, the two elite teams will arrive fully armed,’ Alain said.

  ‘At first light, both teams must go to the plant where they are to remain hidden and maintain radio silence until we contact them. They must be stationed on either side of the plant so that we cannot be outflanked. Also, René, have as many of the other troops kitted up as we can and post the extra men around the town. Secure as many of the barges for our disposal as possible,’ the mayor said.

  Christina shifted her weight to get a bit closer to the door, and her heart nearly stopped as the old floorboards creaked beneath her feet. The conversation suddenly stopped inside.

  As quickly as she could, she back-pedalled to the base of the staircase and had just managed to put a shoe, on when the door opened, and René’s head popped out, looking up and down the corridor.

  ‘Deputy Minister, everything in order?’ he said, seeing her leaning against the wall and placing her shoe on her foot.

  ‘Yes, thank you, René. I caught my shoe on the carpet and almost fell down the stairs,’ she said with a small laugh, as she pretended to hobble towards him. She entered the library and went over to the couch before slowly replacing her shoe on her foot. All three men watched her.

  ‘Have you finished your meeting?’ she asked.

  ‘That is all, gentlemen,’ Christophe said as he ushered the men out and closed the door, before walking over to join her on the couch again.

  ‘How about a top up?’ she said, smiling, as she handed over her empty cognac glass.

  ‘Of course, Christina.’.

  ‘So, it seems that if we continue to debate this issue that you would eventually come around to my way of thinking?’ she said as he poured her another brandy from a crystal decanter.

  Christophe smiled. ‘Deputy Minister, I’m quite sure that over time you could persuade me to do almost anything.’

  She giggled.

  ‘On a slightly different topic, have you heard the name Vargen before?’ she asked, studying his face for a reaction.

  ‘I’ve heard the name mentioned in idle gossip. I cannot remember where. Why do you ask?’

  ‘It appears he’s the head of a resistance group trying its best to thwart anything the GGC does throughout Europe. He is clearly not going to join us in ensuring the best outcome for the future,’ she said.

  ‘And because I am hesitant to join, I must be part of this resistance,’ he said, smiling at her.

  ‘Christophe, you would tell me if you were head of the resistance, wouldn’t you?’ she said, tilting her head at him.

  ‘Flirting with me so I admit that I’m in the resistance is a new and interesting tactic,’ he said, looking deep into her eyes.

  ‘Flirting aside, Christophe, what have you heard?’

  ‘According to my men, this man is working out of Hamburg, trying to stop the GGC expanding throughout Europe and the world,’ he said.

  ‘Are you aware that Captain Gibbs caught one of his men following them around? They are obviously here in Givet,’ she said.

  ‘Yes, I heard that they interrogated him then released him,’ Christophe said.

  ‘So, you’ve had no contact with this Vargen or anyone from his organisation?’ she asked.

  ‘None whatsoever, Christina, although if he were to get in touch with me, I would certainly listen to what he has to say, just as I have listened to you put a very good case forward for the GGC,’ he said.

  ‘Christophe, now you’re just being cheeky,’ she said putting her empty glass down on the table next to her.

  The mayor shifted closer to her on the couch. He placed his hand on her knee and looked into her eyes. There was a tense silence between them, and Christina took his hand.

  ‘Christophe, I would like to thank you for a wonderful evening. I should be heading back to the fort.’

  ‘It could be a wonderful evening culminating in a delectable breakfast,’ he said, squeezing her hand.

  ‘I am flattered, but Captain Gibbs has two of his men waiting downstairs with explicit orders to escort me back when I am finished here.’

  ‘Ah, the ever-annoying Captain Gibbs,’ Christophe said, turning away. ‘Please, it’s too late for such a journey, so I’ll arrange for your men to stay in one of the rooms and you can have the main guest bedroom. I will be on my best behaviour and will honour my promise of a wonderful breakfast. It will be lovely to have female conversation over the breakfast table.’

  ‘That does sound like a good idea. I do trust you, Mayor, so there is no need for the men to stay over tonight. Let me send them back to the fort, so Captain Gibbs doesn’t worry, and then we can continue our discussions. In the meantime, a last nightcap would be in order, don’t you think?’

  Chapter 29

  Givet, France - 2027

  Gibbs opened his eyes. The flickering light from the fire in the fireplace caused the shadows of the wooden beams to dance against the roof panels. He blinked and saw the faces of Killey and Shredder standing over him.

  ‘Where is Christina? Is she here?’ he asked, swinging his feet off the army bunk.

  ‘No, boss, she sent us back with a message,’ Killey said.

  ‘What? You left her alone with the mayor?’ Gibbs shouted.

  ‘Gibbs, she sent Killey back with an urgent message, I think you should listen,’ Shredder said.

  Gibbs looked at both his friends and took a deep breath. ‘Sorry, boys. Is she okay? What is the message?’

  ‘She’s fine. You’re to contact Lord Butler and Minister Kirilenko and let them know that she overheard the mayor ordering two of his elite teams to be mobilised and sent to hide in the forests that surround the plant. She said that we must take action to ensure that they don’t try and occupy the plant.’

  ‘She said that they are mobilising around the plant. Are those Christina’s exact words?’

  ‘No, boss. They would send the teams into the forests surrounding the plant, staying out of sight and off the air,’ Killey replied.

  Gibbs digested the information for a minute or two.

  ‘Okay, Killey, get to the radio room and contact the GGC operations room in London. Tell them we have an immediate top-secret broadcast for Butler and Kirilenko. They need to contact me immediately by satphone. Wake them up if they have to,’ Gibbs said, moving over to the table with its map of Givet and the plant. He studied the map and the position of his two teams who were deployed in the hills.

  Gibbs was sitting in a chair by the fireplace when the satphone rang. ‘Good evening, Lord Butler and Minister Kirilenko,’ Gibbs said.

  ‘Hello, Captain, we’re both on a secure conference line here, so you can speak freely,’ Andrei Kirilenko’s thick Russian accent droned over the line.

  ‘This is a call regarding our host, Charlie Mike.’

  ‘Okay, Captain, what has he done now?’ Lord Butler said.

  ‘We’ve just had intelligence regarding two groups of elite soldiers, reporting to Charlie Mike, who are being deployed to surround the plant, totalling twenty plus men,’ Gibbs replied. ‘Did you get that?’

  ‘Copy that, Captain,’ Andrei Kirilenko said.

  ‘Before we go ahead, where is Christina, Captain?’ Lord Butler interrupted.

  ‘She is at Charlie Mike’s residence on diplomatic duties, sir. She’s the one who overheard them organising the teams.’

  ‘Is she safe, Captain?’

  ‘I have every reason to believe that she is, sir. She will return to our position in the morning.’

  ‘Understood. Now regarding the plant, you and your men must do everything in your power to fortify and protect the plant. If these damn teams access the plant and set up camp, you are authorised to use whatever force you deem necessary, to take control of the plant for the GGC. Is that clear, Captain?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ Gibbs answered. ‘If they make any moves on the plant, we can go in.’

  ‘Correct, Captain.’

  Gibbs pressed the disconnect button on the black satphone and
looked down at the flickering flames of the fire.

  ‘So, boss, what are our orders?’ Killey asked.

  Gibbs tapped the phone against his chin as he walked over to the map table in silence, then traced a line on the map with his forefinger.

  ‘Boss! Our orders?’ Killey pressed.

  ‘Shredder, make radio contact with Delta and Echo teams and let them know that there are two teams of hostiles headed their way at first light. They’re to let us know as soon as they have visuals on the groups. Get Echo team to rendezvous with Delta team at their current position, and then to move to higher ground to provide sniper cover of the key low-lying jetty and bridge.’

  ‘Killey, get all the men kitted up and ready to move. Leave two on the radio and operations bench and two others guarding the barracks. It looks like it might be contact time,’ Gibbs said, feeling the adrenaline already coursing through his veins.

  • • •

  Gibbs closed the door to the main barracks and walked out onto the dusty parade ground. The moon was in its last quarter, but because the fort was in darkness, he could see the large group of men standing in a semi-circle, kitted up and waiting to be briefed. ‘Right, men, this is it. We have reason to believe that there are hostiles taking up positions in the forest around the plant. We will be going in via the main road to the plant to set up roadblocks and checkpoints along the way to make ourselves visible. The rest of you will be deployed inside the perimeter fence on the west side. Move out,’ Gibbs said.

  Shredder slotted in next to Gibbs as they walked towards the main fort gate. ‘Boss, that jetty is pretty exposed, you know.’

  ‘I know, Shredder. I have hinted to Magne and Chabal in no uncertain terms that that is the weak point. If they bite and try to cross there, we have them boxed in with the boys on the hill who will keep them pinned down while we attack from the west.’

  ‘And if they attack from the west, we are there anyway. Solid plan,’ Shredder said.

  ‘It’s only solid if it works.’

  Chapter 30

  Givet, France - 2028

  A stream of light shone through a gap in the curtains as Christina checked her watch. Six-thirty in the morning and her head was a little fuzzy from the red wine and cognac.

  After having a warm shower, she was seated at an old dressing table, wrapped in a towel when she heard footsteps hastily approaching her door. She jumped as someone started banging on the door. Approaching the oak door, she heard Christophe.

  ‘Christina, wake up,’ he continued, banging on the door.

  ‘What’s the matter, Christophe?’ she shouted through the door.

  ‘Please get dressed and come down to the library immediately,’ he said.

  ‘Okay, Christophe. I’ll be down in five minutes,’ she said taking a deep breath. Her hands were shaking a little. Was it the hangover or the sudden knot of fear in her stomach?

  After stepping into her black dress from the previous evening, she went downstairs and saw that the library door was ajar. She took a deep breath and walked through the door, straight towards the figures of Christophe and René, who were hunched over a map on the old desk in the corner. They were mumbling something in French, which she couldn’t quite hear.

  ‘What could be so urgent to get a lady out of bed this early?’ she said with a big smile.

  ‘Please have a seat, Christina. I have a distressing issue to discuss with you,’ he said, motioning her towards the couch.

  René moved quickly and quietly in behind her and locked the door to the study. Christina looked around to see him standing in front of the door with his arms by his sides. He had a pistol in a holster on his belt, partially covered by his jacket.

  ‘Christophe, now you’re scaring me,’ she said, turning to the big Frenchman.

  ‘Good. You should be scared. Sit down,’ he said, folding his arms.

  Christina sat down. ‘I’m sitting, so what’s going here?’

  ‘I have it on good authority that two Phoenix Guard units of your precious GGC are moving in on the Chooz nuclear plant, with the sole purpose of taking control of it,’ he said, studying her face.

  ‘Where did you hear such nonsense, Christophe?’

  ‘A very reliable informant in the GGC,’ he said.

  ‘What? Well, they’re mistaken. I would’ve been notified of any such a plan, and I can assure you that no such plan exists,’ she said.

  ‘Either your information is out of date, or you’re lying. This military action is happening as we speak and it is in direct breach of the agreement with Lord Butler and the GGC. This blatant aggressive move has now forced my hand. I have no choice but to move in with my men and do what is necessary to protect our nuclear plant,’ Christophe said.

  ‘Let me have a chat with Captain Gibbs, and you will see that they are indeed still in the fort and not attacking anyone.’

  ‘My scouts saw them being mobilised. They left the fort in the middle of the night, shortly after your escorts returned, actually,’ he said.

  ‘Christophe, this is ludicrous. Let me contact Lord Butler and clear up this confusion once and for all.’

  ‘No, Deputy Minister. I no longer trust any of you and have already issued the instruction. My men are on the move, and the plan is in progress.’

  ‘What about me then?’

  ‘You will be kept as a…guest, here in my residence and will be confined to your room. You’ve chosen to side with the GGC, and so are my enemy. I will treat you with the respect your title requires, however, if you try and escape, you will be shot. Do you understand?’

  ‘I understand that I am your prisoner now. Let’s call it what it is,’ she replied. ‘But know this, Christophe, if you take this course of action, you will be going up against men who will destroy you and your people. And I think that would be a real shame.’

  ‘René. Make sure that the Deputy Minister gets a change of clothes and toiletries. Make sure she is comfortable, and lastly, if she tries to escape, shoot her,’ he said and left the room.

  • • •

  Gibbs had set up two roadblocks on the main road into the Chooz plant and was talking to the men who were manning the large, water-filled drums and pole roadblocks. He looked around at their young faces. These were desperate unemployed local men who had joined them at the fort. They were good at taking orders and were more of a deterrent than an actual show of force.

  Gibbs wandered down the tarred road and faced the two tower stacks that were happily belching out white steam. His radio squawked to life. ‘Alpha one, this is Delta Echo team. Over.’

  ‘Go ahead, Delta Echo.’

  ‘Have visuals of a large team moving in from the south-west and heading towards the plant. Wearing military fatigues and carrying weapons. Moving at a run. Over.’

  ‘Distance from target? Over.’

  ‘Three clicks. Over,’ they replied.

  Three kilometres at a jog meant twelve to fourteen minutes before they were at the plant and coming in from the south-west. The mayor must have sent his men on a serious detour in order not to be detected, he thought.

  ‘Please confirm visuals are of hostiles. Over.’

  ‘Negative, Alpha one. Fatigues are GGC issue, copy, over.’

  ‘Delta Echo, confirm report visuals are a GGC unit. Over,’ Gibbs asked.

  ‘Affirmative Alpha one. A GGC unit.’

  ‘What the fuck!’ Gibbs said and turned to start jogging back up the road to the roadblock.

  ‘What’s up, boss?’ Shredder called to him.

  ‘Another Phoenix Guard is coming in from the south-west. The bastards in London have changed the plan on us.’

  Chapter 31

  Chooz Nuclear Plant, Givet, France - 2028

  The burning in his lungs was something that he hadn’t felt for a long time, but Gibbs knew he had to keep pushing through the discomfort as he and Shredder ran up to the fort. They rounded the final turn to head up the last steep slope, and he could hear the deep breathin
g of Shredder behind him. He smiled as his friend swore at him for hitting out at such a stiff pace.

  They jogged through the now familiar portcullis and up the cobbled stones onto the parade grounds. ‘Shredder, get kitted up with more ammo and grenades from the storeroom. I’ll be in the radio room.’

  Gibbs walked into the barracks and through to one of the side rooms. The operator who was sitting in front the radio panels reading a book, jumped up as he saw Gibbs walk in.


  ‘Sparky, get me GGC operations so they can patch me through to Lord Butler,’ Gibbs asked.

  ‘Sir, the satphone is back online to London again, so we can call Lord Butler directly,’ he replied.

  ‘It’s about bloody time too. That service is up and down more often than a harbour hooker’s knickers. Give me a little privacy please, Sparky,’ Gibbs said, grabbing the phone.

  Gibbs sat and listened to the ringing tone in the background, hoping he could get this settled in time.

  ‘Yes,’ a voice said.

  ‘Lord Butler, it’s Captain Gibbs.’

  ‘Captain Gibbs, how are things there?’

  ‘Crap. My recon team has spotted what seems to be another Phoenix Guard unit coming in from the south. Has there been any change of plan that I am not aware of?’

  A few seconds silence. ‘Yes, Captain. There is another team coming in from Paris. I had expected them to arrive a little later on this afternoon, and I’d hoped that they would be a little more discreet.’

  ‘My job is to know who is in the area, and it’s unacceptable that I am expected to make plans without the correct intel, sir. We also have no guarantee that the mayor’s men who are holed up in the forests have not seen them. What is the unit’s mission and will it affect my orders?’

  ‘Captain, they will not interfere with the current operation because they are escorting in the new warlord for Givet up from Paris. They’ll remain out of sight for the next few days until we know what the mayor plans to do. The unit is Captain Schmidt’s team,’ he said.

  ‘What am I to do about Christina, sir?’

  ‘What about Christina?’ Lord Butler asked. ‘Is something wrong with her?’


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