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Games of the Powerful

Page 40

by William E Samela


  The crisp morning air had their horses frisky and anxious to be off when Doric, Dorin, and their knight escort were trying to saddle them to ride north. The twins wore their light chainmail over leather jerkins, leather pants and leather-riding boots. The knights looked resplendent in the burnished armor with their breastplates blazoned with the duke’s coat of arms. The coat of arms is a red dragon belching flames with it wings spread and its long tail curled under it legs. Mounting their horses their back plates glistened in the morning sunlight, as did all their armor. Each carried their great swords at their waists but they did not bring their lances with them. The knights squires were none too happy about remaining at the castle and as matter of contention neither were the knights for they had no one but each other to help remove the heavy armor.

  Doric watched as the trader couple walked their horses out of the stable. He watched the young woman not like Dorin would although she is comely enough to look at that way; he looked at her as a warrior would an adversary and he was as sure as he could be that she is a trained killer as is her so-called husband. Not for a minute did he believe they were husband and wife traders simply by the way they carried themselves always looking at everything as if danger could come out of anywhere and strike them. Looking closely at the man he quickly noticed his cloak concealed a sword from the telltale sign of a sword handle high on his waist when he mounted his horse. Hiding a sword did not help him trust these guarded traveling companions. Glancing over at his brother he was right in thinking that Dorin did not have any interest in finding out who or what these two are, all he could concentrate on was the girl’s shapely figure while mounting her horse. Both wore wearing leather pants, brown boots and button down the middle leather shirts for the ride north. Doric had to admit the young woman did look nice in tight leathers.

  They rode out of the town with Doric and Dorin in the lead heading north on Barge Road at a canter and after a time they brought the horses to a comfortable walk. Dropping back riding next to Orin and Sakura with the excuse to make pleasant conversation, Doric tried to determine what they were really where doing here and why. He felt certain he found the man that Bilgrammus was talking about having a sword much like Dorin’s and the one who probably killed the creature back at the stable. Orin he saw wore the same smile he wore at the inn and he did not trust it then and certainly not now. The man is hiding something I know it, he thought determined to find out what.

  “Good day my good man and good woman I trust that you are enjoying the kind weather and a gentle ride northward?” Doric asked pleasantly.

  “M’lord it is indeed a beautiful day for a gentle ride with winter fast approaching these wonderful days that seem to invigorate a man it will soon enough be too cold for rides such as this," Orin replied equally pleasant.

  “I see you ride armed with a sword and your lady has two handsome daggers in her belt. Do you fear bandits that much even in our company?" Dorin saw their expressions change from amicable to extremely cautious in a hare’s breath.

  “Why m’lord very astute of you to notice that I have a sword under my cloak and that my wife carries two very sharp daggers at her waist. We always travel alone aside from the fortuitous occasions when a gracious lord like you allows us the protection of his knights.”

  “It is our pleasure to be of help to a fine gentleman and gentle lady,” Doric said nodding his head toward Sakura cantering back to the front of the short column next to his brother.

  “He knows something Orin,” Sakura whispered as leaned over pretending look under horse’s hooves. Orin looked at her acknowledging what she said with a smile.

  They rode like this until the sun was directly overhead when Dorin stopped to water the horses and stretch their legs. The knights had to be baking in the sun with the heavy armor Sakura thought walking their horses under a stand of trees offering a pleasant area to rest for a time before continuing on their journey. Orin walked his horse up to Sakura standing next to her a moment before speaking.

  “Something is dreadfully wrong Sakura I can feel it," he said sliding his hand under his cloak feeling the warmth coming from the pommel of his sword. Not waiting for her response, he walked his horse to where Dorin and Doric were standing with Sakura quickly following.

  "M’lords we have a common enemy nearby if not right up the road around that far bend past that stand of trees," Orin said pointing in that direction.

  “How do you know such a thing, is this a trap set for you and is that why you felt the need to ride with us?” Dorin asked testily not one for subtlety in these kinds of matters.

  “No m’lord my sword tells me it is so,” Orin replied moving his cloak to the side drawing his sword halfway revealing its pure white glow. Seeing the glowing sword was good enough for the twins so they gave the order to mount their horses prepared for battle.

  “Knights will ride in a v-formation and the rest of us will stay in the center. We will start at a canter until we turn the bend in the road," Doric ordered.

  “M’lord what if our attackers are in the tree line next to the road?" Sakura asked. "Let me scout ahead it is what I do best." Doric saw something in her eyes telling him he could trust her quickly nodding for her to go. Watching her race off at a gallop toward the trees Doric ordered their column to follow her quickly at a distance-eating canter. Reaching the tree line, Sakura pulled her horse up sharply frantically waving them forward. Charging around the bend in the road ready for battle, did nothing to prepare them for the astonishing sight they saw before them.


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