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Games of the Powerful

Page 50

by William E Samela


  By late afternoon, they arrived at the exit of the tunnel, at least from their prospective; others might call it the entrance depending on which direction they were heading. Carefully peeking out of the tunnel to see if any danger is lurking nearby, they cautiously moved out of the tunnel with their hands on their weapons. Stealthily searching the area Aelfdane came back advising them it is safe to set up camp. Finding a spot on the leeward side of the mountain, they built a warm fire they sheltered with large rocks. Factitiously enjoying the dried meat and fruit, they had stored in their backpacks they sat gazing into the fire each in their thoughts. After the dwarfs had eaten and had a drink from the water skin, Aelfdane spoke first while corking the water skin.

  “Brokk, why are you traipsing around these mountains?”

  “Fur th' same reason 'at ye ur would be mah best guess.”

  “The orcs attacked one of our villages indiscriminately killing adults and children in the northeastern most corner of our lands near the Dragons Bane River,” his expression went from rage to sadness as he said it.

  “Ah am sorry tae hear thes grave news mah friend. Ah fear we tay hae lost loove ones by these maraudin' orcs. How did ye come tae know thes?” Brokk asked solemnly.

  “I was making the end of summer trek to the outlying villages before winter set in and when I neared the village I knew something was amiss. The dogs did not come out to greet me nor was I stopped by any hunters. When I neared the village, the wind shifted and the stench of death carried in the wind. What I found sent me into a fit of rage that has me seething for vengeance. They were all there the women, children, dogs and orcs all dead. It appeared to me the orcs ran through the village killing everything and quickly moved on almost like a fast-moving summer storm.” Brokk could see the rage he was holding back hidden in his eyes.

  “Aye, Aelfdane it has bin th' same fur th' humans an entire village was slaughtered. We dinnae know if any ay our villages hae bin lost nor hae we word if any ay th' troll villages either. Ah sent out messengers right after Ah left wi' word of th' attacks." Brokk then related everything that has happened until now. They waited quietly as Aelfdane digested the news giving him time to consider all he had heard, knowing that he might find it hard to believe that the old stories may have come true.

  “Mayhap you are correct Brokk and I am inclined to agree with you that this diversion masks the real objective to kill the duke and his entire family, a profound plan and it could mean that the king himself is in danger. If we cannot stem the ork tide in the spring what will that mean to us,” Aelfdane questioned.

  “It would mean a lot ay our families would perish an' mayhap our villages lost. We ur fortifyin' a human village near Lochhurst Lake Pass coz we ur certain 'at th' orcs will mass north ay thaur an' move south through th' village come sprin'. We dinnae think thes is happenin' on a whim. Th' attacks we hae seen thus far were not whit ye would expect from th' orcs they were oan th' move an' aw of th' movement pointed tae th' east. Dulgar’s sons thooght they recognized some western orcs mixed in wi' eastern.” Aelfdane thought about what he had heard for a moment with the rest of the group choosing to remain silent while the two leaders spoke of these dire times. Blackhammer had long since gotten up to keep watch while the others remained.

  “That would suggest, if you are correct mind you, then my villages and the coastal cities are safe from any ork inroads. I will agree it makes better sense for them to move north of our positions then in the spring move south toward Castle Qenildor. I will need proof of this to convince the city elders to commit to this endeavor especially from Westhaven one of our northern most cities on the coast. They will be very reluctant to support this effort if come spring there could be a chance that a horde of orcs is at their gates.”

  “Aye Aelfdane 'at Ah know ye hae token say over th' cities an' especially th' seagoing elves from Crystalwyn Island.”

  “Those pirates are hard to control at the best of times. The only way they would help is if their interests were at stake. There would have to be a fleet of orcs sailing southward before they would take notice,” Aelfdane chuckled seeing the image of a bunch of orcs all crammed on tiny ships barely staying afloat. "We should get some rest. Who wants to take first watch?" Aelfdane asked.


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