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Reprisal: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Montlake Prep Book 3)

Page 5

by Nora Cobb

  I smile again. “Thanks.”

  “You know,” he looks away, “they can’t speak to you at school anymore.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “But Lexi’s going to call you about the weekend.”

  “I’m still invited?”

  He nods and places a finger to his lips. “Shh, it’s a secret. No-phone weekend.”

  I muster a slight smile. “No phones.”

  Mancuso walks off to the fieldhouse, and I hover by the art building door. You know, I’ve had enough Montlake excitement for the day. I’m partially to blame for everything that happened, but I’m not interested in groveling today. I’ll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a good day to start over.


  As I walk away, Anthony steps into my path. Obviously, he is heading for the art building to see if Natalie’s there. I wish Jacob was still around to stop him. I’ve been a shit friend to Natalie; I know that now, so I’ve got to woman up and keep Anthony away. It’s not jealousy anymore—it’s atonement.

  I walk up to him and ask, “Where are you headed?”

  “Not your business.” Anthony barely looks me in the eye.

  “Let me save you a trip. She is not in the courtyard.”

  Anthony looks over toward the building, but the brick wall blocks the view. The courtyard is in a pit, and a brick wall was added later to keep clumsy students from falling into it. It’s a weird space, and I want to build one like it at my future house.

  His shoulders slump a little as he looks around the campus for a glimpse of her.

  “She’s probably tutoring at the library if you want to try there.” I slip the sandwich into my book bag. “I’m heading over there now.”

  Anthony smirks. “No surprise. I saw the show between you and Arielle.” He shakes his head in dismay, and my cheeks flush.

  “It was coming,” I reply. “She’s a bitch.”

  “As bad as you?”

  I glare at him. Anthony smiles at me, but it isn’t in a kind way. He wouldn’t have sought me out and given me a sandwich like Mancuso. Odd, but I can’t recall a time when Anthony was particularly nice or caring toward me. Hanging with me kept him from being alone.

  “You’re a bigger shit,” I hiss, “than I’ll ever be.”

  He stops walking and gives me a sharp look. “Seriously? You plastered dirty pictures of your friend on the internet.”

  “Because of you, you douchebag.” Jeez, I can feel tears starting, barely hanging onto my lids. I’ve been through shit today, and now, I’m going to cry? I can’t believe how my body works. “You’re that asshole.” I fight back. “You should’ve deleted the pictures.”

  Anthony steps in front of me, blocking my path, and pokes his finger into my chest. “You shouldn’t have posted them.”

  Fuck him, but he’s right, and a tear streams down my cold cheek. “You’re right. I am the asshole.” I step around him, walking faster just to get away from him. “I’ll admit it, loud and clear.”

  “Beth,” he calls out and speeds up to catch me. “I’m sorry. Okay?”

  “You’re sorry?” I spin around and turn on him. “I’m sorry I ever loved you. It was a dick move to hurt Natalie, but I did it because I wanted you on the rebound. And you’re too stupid to get that through your stoned head. But I know now that you’re a waste of my time.”

  I pick up speed until I’m running away to North Hall, leaving him behind.



  So, Beth is out of the loop, and Anthony is a bigger asshole than I thought. Troy may be the king of the school, but Arielle has control of the masses. And she needs to be brought down before it’s too late, but I have to focus on my grades first. Luckily, Notre Dame has a ranked football team. Dad wanted me to go Ivy League, but Notre Dame is just as good if not better. He ignored my arguments, but Coach Stanford backed me up. He pointed out that I have brawn, not brain, and did Dad want Harvard or Yale tuning my gray cells into mush?

  Not that Dad would be happy to discover my ambitions of going pro. Flemings aren’t pro athletes but I could be the first. Natalie is going to Columbia according to Troy, but she said Tampa was her safety school. I meant to check Tampa’s ranking, but I’ve got to do something about the present situation first.

  Anthony is in the hallway by his locker taking cash from some kid. He better not be on my team. It’s a junior, and unless he’s in an advanced class, he doesn’t belong in here. His eyes catch on mine and with an owl face, he scurries away. If only all my problems were scared little juniors running to hide.

  Anthony glances over and slams his locker shut. He thinks he’s okay with me because of Natalie but this shit isn’t going to work. I want to slam his insipid face into his locker.

  “Lange, we need to talk.”

  He rolls his eyes. “About what?” he asks.

  “How’d Troy get those pictures off your phone?”

  He narrows his eyes on me. I swear I’ll hit him if he makes another face at me. “I told you,” he says, “I got beat up. He stole them off my phone.”

  “Okay, smart-ass. Let’s try this again. Why didn’t you delete them when she asked you to?”

  He gives me tone as he says, “Are you being her boyfriend now?”

  I cross my arms and step into his personal space. “You know I am.”

  “Well, I am, too. If you remember. So why wouldn’t I have pictures of my girlfriend on my phone?”

  “Delete them. I won’t ask again,” I snarl. I lean into him, pinning him to his locker.

  Anthony has enough common sense to look concerned. “She sent them to me.”

  “You probably begged her to, you fucking loser. How many times did you jerk off to them, you scumbag?”

  He doesn’t answer but that smug grin on his face makes me want to punch him. I move away as if I’m going to walk away. But that’s not my plan. I grab the motherfucker by the collar, lift him up with one hand, and pin him to the wall. He’s kicking like a busted punk trying to get away with something. I get a good grip on him as I pull my fist back.

  “Just like old times,” I snarl. “This is going to hurt like hell. And you’re going to wish it was Troy doing the beating and not me.” I’m ready to let loose when the punk knees me in my chest and grabs my hair. The move catches me by surprise, and I let him go, dropping him to the floor.

  “What the fuck?” I run my hands over my sore scalp as I catch my breath. “Where the hell did you learn how to fight?”

  “Beating me up isn’t going to change the past, Fleming.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Scowling, I check my palm for hair, while Anthony climbs back up onto his feet.

  “For what happened,” he explains. “You can’t change it. She said she loved the three of us. I have a right to be with her, just like you.”

  I’m livid and want to burst into flames. “I don’t go around fucking up her life. You should have deleted those pictures long ago.”

  “Would you have?”

  “Yes, I would have!” I roar. “Because I don’t need a picture; I’m not afraid to ask a woman for what I want.”

  “I asked,” he mutters, giving me a sour look. “She didn’t give.”

  “No. You didn’t ask. You tricked. And where do you get off going upstairs in my house anyway?”

  He points his finger. “This isn’t about Natalie, is it? This is personal.”

  “You’re damn straight this is personal. You’re a punk, and she needs to know how much of a punk you are. You’ve been fucking up and causing her trouble since day one. You need to back off.”

  “Because you said so?” He laughs. “Because you’re going to beat me up if I don’t? You’d beat me up for nothing at all.”

  “No, because if you really cared for her, you would do right by her and stop causing her grief. You’re not in love, you dick. You’re in lust.”

  “And you aren’t?” he counters. “You had her already. Maybe it’s my turn now.”
  I rush him, and Anthony lifts his hands up to protect his face. I want to punch his face flat, but I want an answer first. I grab him again.

  “How do you know that we were together?”

  His lips tremble. “I hear things.”

  “From the kids you deal to?”

  “You’re denying it happened?” he asks.

  “No, because it’s not a bad thing. I care about her, not like your strung-out ass.”

  “So beating me up is caring for her.” He struggles, almost yanking himself free. “She told you that she wanted me equally. You were there. You’re not defending her; you’re being selfish. She wants me as much as she wants you.”

  He doesn’t get another warning because I lash out before I realize it. I punch Anthony in the face and hear a sickening crunch under my fist as his nose twists and blood sprays onto the lockers behind us. Anthony starts to slide backward, but he holds up his hands as if pleading in mercy. I lift my fist, ready to finish the bastard off, when someone grabs me from behind.

  “Jacob, man, ease off.” Lucas stands behind me, pulling me away as Anthony slides down to the floor. “Not here, not now,” he whispers and I notice that a crowd is gathering. “You can’t afford to be suspended before graduation.”

  “He’s an ass,” I hiss.

  “And your old man will beat yours,” says Lucas. “Just leave it. Just leave him alone.”

  Lucas spins me around, but I can’t walk away, not quite yet. I shake him off me and stroll back over to Anthony. Looming over his crumpled body, his hazy eyes look up as he covers his busted nose with his hand.

  “I defend Natalie because she’s worth defending and you better stop giving me reasons to defend her from you.”

  Anthony flips me the finger and smiles, showing off his bloody teeth. Cursing, I shake my head, ready to go at him again, but Lucas tugs me away and down the hall. Though I have a reputation, I do my best to not touch anyone off the field. And I’ve only punched one other person in anger. Well. Maybe three. But this was different. Anthony deserves every bit of my hate.


  Instead of heading to class, Lucas and I walk over to East Hall for a late pass.

  “What are you doing, Lucas?” I shrug his arm off me.

  “You need to walk it off, he-man. Jesus, Jacob, you could get suspended or even expelled for fighting. What was that about anyway? Natalie?”

  “You know it was,” I snap.

  Lucas frowns. “You plan on punching me like that?”

  “You aren’t responsible for her pictures being all over the internet.”

  Lucas nods. “True. So we’re still good?”

  I hold out my hand to shake his, but he hesitates. It has blood on it. He grabs my upper arm before I can wipe it on my pants and walks me over to the bathroom. I laugh as we enter.

  “What’s so funny?” he asks.

  He’s so proper but I don’t want to annoy him, so I make something up. “This building looks so small now that I’m a senior.”

  He looks around as I wash my hands. “You’re right. It does look small.”

  I hold out my clean hand again and he shakes it, giving me a smile.

  “Take it easy, Jacob. We’ll look out for her, but try to look out for yourself too. What class are you missing right now?”


  Lucas shakes his head and moans.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Hey, I’m speaking it to you now, aren’t I?”

  “Nobody likes a smart-ass.” Lucas holds the bathroom door open, and we head upstairs to the office for our late passes. “Stay out of trouble.”

  I smile at him. “Likewise, sir.”


  Lucas sends me a text asking if I want to study. Though things were bumpy between us before the break, he supported me after the expulsion. He stopped by the house a couple of times, and we even met at the gym in the town center though I avoided the restaurant. We sat and drank mango smoothies after running miles on the treadmill. Several times, he caught me peeking at his tight body while he ran. His broad chest and long legs moved gracefully over the black rubber. And the tapping of his feet on the mat was comforting, knowing that he was right there beside me again.

  At the end of the day, we have a free study period. Montlake allows second-semester seniors a free study period to complete outstanding work in anticipation of college. Good grades are not a problem for me, but social activities are still lacking on my transcript. Ms. Petrenko mentioned that I could tutor other students—juniors and seniors who need extra help. It’s weird; kids that I know have whispered about me in the hallway show up asking for my help. I don’t hold the past over them and I tutor them, explaining problems with patience until it clicks. Most are grateful because I also help with their homework. I only have trouble with one kid who wants me to actually do the problems for him. He calls me a slut and I tell him it’s better than being stupid. He just glares at me as he walks out of the room.

  “Hey, Nat.” Lucas strolls into the reserved room and shuts the door. Even though things are better, I still feel shy around Lucas. He has his shit together and it can be intimidating. I tug at the hem of my skirt as he sits down beside me. But he doesn’t seem to notice my discomfort as he pulls out his calculus homework.

  “I thought we could do our homework together,” he explains, switching on his tablet.

  “Sure. I didn’t know you needed help.”

  “I’m here for you, not me,” he explains.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Troy’s been hanging out at your house. Is he giving you a hard time?”

  I worry my lip. Troy and Lucas still seem to be friends. I’m not sure if Lucas had to choose between the two of us if he would pick me. He can be moody. Calculus is easier to figure out than Lucas. I decide to trust Lucas because I need his advice.

  “Your family. They do things with money?” I ask.

  Lucas smiles, but it doesn’t make me feel stupid for asking. “My father’s an investor. He finds things to invest in—land, stocks, businesses, and people. He has a rather hefty portfolio that he manages.”

  “I have a problem. Well, Uncle Phil has a problem. You know that Troy’s family purchased stock in Uncle Phil’s company?”

  “It’s a done deal?” he asks.

  “The paperwork hasn’t been signed yet,” I reply. “Greg Saunders wanted an audit first.”

  “Greg is a shrewd businessman. My father and Greg have gone head-to-head over several investments.”

  “I’m worried Uncle Phil will lose control of his company because of me,” I confess. “They want a significant number of shares. Uncle Phil doesn’t seem troubled by it, but I think he’s lying, so I won’t feel guilty. But I do care. I don’t want him to do it.”

  Lucas holds my hand to stop the trembling. “Your uncle did what he did because he loves you, Nat.”

  “I know, but I have to do something. I just don’t know what.”

  Lucas moves closer until our knees touch under the table. “I have an idea. But I need to talk to my father first. There’s a way to sell shares but limit power ...”

  Lucas stops speaking abruptly, and I look in the direction where he’s staring. Cora opens the door and stands in the doorway. I can’t hide my annoyance at seeing her.

  “You need me, Cora?” Lucas’ tone conveys his annoyance as well.

  Cora looks behind her shoulder as she slips into the room and closes the door carefully. She is cautious, as if she doesn’t want to alert anyone to her whereabouts or be noticed.

  “I can hear you even through the closed door,” she says.

  Lucas rubs his hands against his eyes and a darkness flashes across his features. My shoulders sag and I wonder if I’m going to have to do battle with the squad again. I’m so sick of Arielle’s minions.

  “It was a private conversation,” Lucas replies sternly.

  Cora ignores him and takes a quick step toward me. Something in her expression make
s me hold off on the insults and the accusations.

  “Natalie,” she whispers, “I wouldn’t cross Troy or any of the Saunders, if you can help it. Lucas, you need to tell her. And I really wouldn’t discuss what you were discussing here.”

  “Why are you saying this?” I ask. “And why are you talking to me?”

  “They’re the wrong family to cross,” she replies. Without answering the question, Cora opens the door and slowly slips out of the room. I sit there in silence, not sure of how to react. Cora gave me a warning and not a threat.


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