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Mothership (Invasion Survivor Book 4)

Page 17

by Hayley Lawson

  One of the boys pointed to a closed door on the other side of the room.

  Paige nodded and moved quickly toward it. Unsure of what else to do, she broke the handle as silently as possible, hoping to keep any Blue Coats from coming in. There was a distinct clang noise that couldn’t be helped, but she hoped it wasn’t loud enough to be noticed.

  It wasn’t a difficult thing for Paige to do, and she wanted to pat herself on the back.

  This Black Mass stuff certainly had its good parts, she thought to herself as the Green children watched her in wonder as if she was some kind of a superhero or something.

  At that moment, she felt like one.

  Dave looked at her questioningly, and she shrugged. “The handle broke for some reason,” she lied, tossing the thing to the side. “We’re good to go.”

  She wasn't completely certain he bought it, but since they were in a bind, he didn't push it further. She was glad. Paige didn't like lying to him, but she still wasn't ready to tell him the truth.

  Some children were too small to come down on their own, so AJ helped.

  “All set?” Paige asked, returning to their little group.

  “Yeah,” AJ replied.

  “Wonderful,” Paige told the children, grinning. “Now, I need you to come with me quietly. Please don’t go anywhere else, okay?”

  The little children nodded, but the same boy from before frowned at her. “Who are you?” He eyed her suspiciously. “Why should we follow you? Where are our parents?”

  Paige looked at Dave for help. To be honest, she didn’t know what to tell the child.

  “You need to listen to them. We’re here to help you,” Peter said, but it didn't have the expected results.

  “I don't know you,” that same boy replied to him, a bit snotty. His meaning was clear. He wasn't moving.

  Luckily, AJ knelt, so they could be at the same level before speaking to him. “Look, dude, what’s your name?” AJ asked, still wearing his trademark smile.


  “Okay, Steven, there is a little problem so your parents can’t come to get you just yet. So, they asked us if we could come instead, all right?” AJ paused for a moment before continuing. “If you try to go anywhere else while we’re taking you to your parents, you may get lost on this very large ship, and we wouldn’t be able to bring you to them. Do you understand?”

  Paige was impressed by how AJ knew just the right thing to say. She would have messed something up and ended up scaring the boy.

  The boy looked at AJ as if trying to work out if he was trustworthy or not, and AJ waited patiently while he was judged.

  “If you stay here, you won’t get back to your parents,” Paige blurted out. She was getting anxious, knowing they didn’t have much time.

  Dave patted her shoulder to calm her as if he knew the struggle inside her. It didn't quite work. There were cameras everywhere, and it would be only a few short minutes before the guards got here.

  We need to get the hell out of here! But then what?

  “I want my mommy and daddy,” a little girl said, her sweet voice wavering.

  “Then come with us, and don’t make noises, okay?” Paige replied, getting down to her knees as well.

  “We’re going to play a game. You all have to see if you can stay quiet until we bring you to your parents. Whoever stays quiet the longest is the champion,” Dave added, faking cheerfulness while thinking quickly on the spot.

  That's smart, she realized.

  Maybe if they made a game out of it, the kids would do as they asked with as little fuss as possible. Willow was like that as a kid.

  Luckily, they all nodded, and Paige sighed with relief. AJ looked at them approvingly before going back over to the door. Paige took a deep, steadying breath before leading the children out of the room.

  “Don't be afraid,” Peter tried to calm his peers. “My brother will protect you,” he said proudly.

  “That's right,” Dave agreed, and Paige was grateful for their help.

  Paige led the older children while they held hands. AJ and Dave carried the two smallest ones. They made their way out and approached the classroom they had the altercation with the teacher in, hoping she would be too afraid to go near them again. AJ stopped her from opening the door.

  “Paige, listen, I think we should use one of the other classrooms. Maybe one that’s closer to the elevator. In that case, we wouldn’t have to go that far to get to it, right?”

  “You’re right,” Paige replied, taking her hand off the doorknob.

  “I know just the right one,” Dave provided, and they both nodded.

  Instead of taking the same route back they’d used earlier, Paige, Dave, and AJ ushered the children ahead and entered another classroom.

  Luckily, it was still empty as it had been before.

  Thank God!

  “Okay, guys, we need to hurry,” Paige told the children in a hushed voice. Some appeared to be in a slight panic, so they must have picked up on what the adults felt.

  Children could be intuitive like that, so Paige did her best to make herself as calm as possible.

  “AJ,” she called out to him, making sure none of the children could hear her. The one in AJ’s arms was fast asleep, so that was a miracle on its own. “Let’s hurry. I don’t want to be caught,” Paige confessed, having a bad feeling about this whole thing suddenly.

  They picked up their pace as much as possible with a bunch of children in the mix.

  Paige could feel her heart racing, and it felt as if it was stuck inside her throat as she ran from the classroom into the common room. The children and the guys followed her quickly and silently.

  There is the elevator. Paige had hoped to feel relief upon seeing it, but that was quickly extinguished when she saw the large group of people surrounding the elevator.

  What are we going to do now? They couldn't hide in the common room indefinitely.

  As always, the vast common area was full of people. Some of them wore Green, some Orange, and a few were Blue.

  Instantly, Paige recognized some of them as parents who fought the Blue Coats not long ago. While trying to decide what to do next, some of those loitering around saw their group.

  Oh, crap.

  Those wearing the Green Coats stared in panicked admiration, the Orange Coats in awe, while the Blue Coats looked angry. Reds were nowhere in sight. They were probably too busy partying and trying to rule the world. The universe, Paige corrected herself.

  Well, tough shit, Paige thought, more than ready to fight them this time around.

  While on the move, Paige scanned the area quickly and was pleased with her calculation. The Blue Coats were a substantial distance away from them. As long as everyone kept up, Paige’s group would be the first to arrive at the elevator.

  Surely, the parents will help.

  “Get them!” Paige heard the Blue Coats shout as they ran towards them.

  Paige’s stomach lurched, and she had a sinking feeling in the pit of it that her plan, or lack of, would fail. Still, they couldn’t quit.

  Seeing the children out in the open made a lot of people spring to action, and Paige was pleased to see that almost everyone was on their side, trying to slow down the Blue Coats by any means.

  “Watch over Peter,” Dave barked. “I'm going in.” With that, he sprinted toward the crowd.

  A red coat fighting on our side will give them a pause.

  “That’s my dad!” One of the older kids pointed to a man wearing a green coat.

  The kid waved to him wildly with a few tears in his eyes. “Daddy! Daddy!”

  The man in question looked at his son transfixed, unable to move or talk. He seemed fearful the Blue Coats would catch them all before he got his child back. Dad stood by the message board, halfway between the elevator and the Blue Coats.

  To her horror, the kid broke away from their group and ran toward his dad.

  “Oh, crap.” Paige panicked.

ure what to do, Paige took off after the kid. Unfortunately, once she caught up with him, it was too late to move back, so she did the only thing possible right then. She took the kid’s hand and tried to hurry him along.

  “Peter?” she called out behind her.

  “I'm right here,” he replied, still at her side.

  “Good boy,” she replied, relieved.

  The dad ran, too. They were only a few yards apart, and the boy was so determined to go to his dad. Looking over, Paige saw the Blue Coats getting closer as well.

  Paige could bet her life more would come.

  She couldn’t hear everything going on around her with all the noise the Green Coats were making, but she could definitely pick out the phrase ‘catch them!’ through the commotion.

  Paige allowed herself a quick glance over her shoulder, worrying that Blue Coats would spring at her any moment.

  She could see Dave trading punches with a Blue Coat, holding nothing back. She was impressed to see some new moves from him.

  Where did he pick that up? she wondered.

  That quickly vanished from her mind as more worry settled in.

  “AJ!” she screamed. She couldn’t see him.

  He wasn’t where she’d left him just moments ago, and the children were gone as well.

  Had they all been captured?

  We are doomed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Had they already gotten to him? Did they take him away without her realizing it? Where is he? Paige spiraled out of control.

  She couldn’t lose him.

  No, stop this! Paige snapped at herself.

  “AJ!” Paige screamed again, and then she saw him. All the children were safe and sound next to him.

  He already stood right by the elevator, pushing the button rapidly.

  As far as she could tell, the elevator was on the fifth level.

  The kid she accompanied reunited with his dad, and the man embraced his son so tightly Paige’s heart swelled a little, reminding her why they were doing this in the first place.

  “We have to hurry,” she told the man, gesturing toward the elevator. They nodded to one another and ran toward it.

  Suddenly, she paused and turned again. “Dave!” she called out to him.

  He was in the middle of the melee, trading punches and looking like he was having the time of his life.

  “Dave!” Peter joined in.

  Finally, he turned, and Paige gestured for him to join them. After throwing one last punch to a random Blue Coat, he ran toward them. He had a busted lower lip but still smiled like crazy.

  That fool, Paige thought in exasperation. She was a bit envious. She’d wanted to be there, but the kids needed protection.

  Once they gathered in front of the lift, Paige made sure the children were all close together.

  Paige, Dave, AJ, and some of the other parents guarded them, but the danger was imminent.

  “Come on. Come on!” AJ grumbled, alternating between looking at the Blue Coats and the elevator.

  Paige really hoped the damn thing would come soon because the Blue Coats were almost within reach of them.

  “Whatever happens, my dear, stay right there,” a mother advised her daughter.

  Paige lifted her gaze from the now frightened children to see that the Green and Orange Coats had created a blockade in front of them, and they had no plans of letting the Blue Coats through to the children.

  Dave and Paige jumped in to help as well, leaving AJ to protect the children.

  He was more than competent to do that given the Black Mass that empowered him. The alien inside them was the reason Paige was in the front line.

  Seeing all of those people united gave Paige a sliver of hope that everything would eventually be okay.

  The kind gesture of the Orange Coats made her smile.

  None of the children were theirs, but the Orange Coats stood in unity with their fellow humans. The same could be said for Paige, AJ, and Dave.

  Because what is right, is right. Plain and simple, she thought to herself.

  Some things were common human decency, but Paige was glad compassion hadn’t completely disappeared with their planet as well.

  “This is against direct orders! You all need to return to your levels!” one of the Blue Coats ordered.

  “No way!”

  “Make us!” were just a few more civil replies flying around.

  Paige knew they couldn’t keep the barrier for long. The Blue Coats were still armed. Fortunately, Paige was their secret weapon. If it came down to that, she would gladly fight them all off. Even if it meant exposing her secret.

  Some of the children saw their parents in the front line and tried to fight AJ off so they could join them. They didn’t realize the mistake they were making, and Paige could see that AJ had to use a bit of his Black Mass to keep them all safely by his side.

  He glanced up at Paige, and she nodded in return, silently gesturing her approval.

  They couldn’t lose this one opportunity to escape because the children were being... well, children.

  At long last, the elevator stopped, and the glass doors parted. Finally!

  Paige wanted to sing with joy, but she held her ground.

  This is the breaking point.

  She knew if the Blue Coats planned to do something, it would be now, and she was right. They took their weapons out and advanced.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let them break through,” Paige advised, readying herself for a fight.

  Without additional thought, Paige swung the first punch. She hit the Blue Coat closest to her, and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

  “Nice one,” Dave complimented.

  After that, there was a moment of hesitation from the rest of the Blues.

  “Anyone else?” Paige taunted.

  The next Blue raised a cattle pod, but she was ready for it. Even though it was obvious the Blue Coat advancing on her had military training, he was no match for her.

  Paige pivoted around and kicked his hand, causing him to throw the weapon to the floor. Green Coats, watching her fight the Blue Coats on her own clearly drew confidence from it and engaged as well.

  Paige easily subdued her next opponent, taking him to the ground in no time. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she was pleased to see AJ ushering all the children into the lift.

  “Paige, just a quick question?” Dave asked during this small reprieve. He appeared a bit winded but still strong.

  “Shoot,” she replied.

  “What are we going to do when we reach the Green Level? It's not like they can't follow us.”

  That was a good point, and something she’d thought of herself. “Honestly, I don't know,” she replied in a rush. “One thing at a time, I suppose. We just needed to get them back first.”

  “And then?” Dave interjected.

  She shrugged.

  “Right,” Dave said, scratching the back of his head. “I think I have an idea.”

  “Do it,” Paige replied instantly.

  He smiled. “Don't you want to hear what it is?”

  She shook her head, watching the fight for any potential attackers. “I trust you.”

  He nodded. “Okay then. I'll be right back. Stall and keep the children safe for as long as you can,” he instructed.

  He jogged away, and Paige returned to what she did best, fighting to live another day.

  “Paige!” AJ called out for her suddenly. She turned to see that they were all inside the elevator, and he gestured for her to join them.

  She hesitated. She wanted to go with AJ and help with the children. The fight was far from over, but at the same time, she couldn’t simply leave her compatriots.

  “It’s okay! Go!” The father of an older boy told her.

  “You sure?” she asked.

  “We will keep them off. Go with the children,” an Orange Coat jumped in.

  Nodding, Paige practically leaped into the elevator with the children, and AJ pu
shed the green button on the control panel. She prayed the doors closed fast so the Blue Coats couldn’t reach them.

  “Everything will be all right.” AJ tried to soothe the children.

  Paige closed her eyes with relief as the elevator doors quietly slid shut. It went down then sideways towards the Green Level.

  “Where are we going?” the children asked, and it broke Paige’s heart to see tears in their eyes.

  “We’re going to a safe place,” Paige answered calmly, knowing that was what they needed to hear.

  Paige had to work hard to force a calm tone to her voice because she felt beyond anxious and worried.

  There is no need for the children to know that.

  She caught a glimpse of AJ and noticed he was smiling at her, and that puzzled her.

  “I’m proud of you,” he mouthed, and Paige blushed.

  It was fascinating that even after all they’d been through, she could still act like that sometimes in front of him.

  She wanted to tell him they were far away from the finish line, that there was still the problem of hiding the kids, but now wasn’t the time to say such things, especially in front of the children. Instead, Paige smiled back before looking away.

  Feeling the elevator stop, Paige prepared for what would come next. She hoped Dave's plan, whatever it was, would be a successful one.

  Before the glass doors opened, she could see the children’s parents gathered in the corridor in front of the elevator. As the doors opened, the children ran out and into their mother’s and father’s waiting arms. Everyone cried, but those were the tears of joy and relief. Even Paige shed some while witnessing such a scene.

  We did awesome. Paige let them have a few moments before alerting them that this was far from over.

  “Listen to me everybody, please!” Paige tried to get everyone’s attention, but that was easier said than done. “Now is not the time for us to relax!” Paige had to shout as the noise in the Green common room was deafening.

  “AJ, please help me! The guards will be down here any minute, and if they find them…”

  AJ didn’t need to be told twice. He moved between the overjoyed parents, speaking with them urgently, reminding them they weren’t out of the woods yet.


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